How can I find percent complete in ActiveRecord? - ruby-on-rails-3

I can't seem to find an elegant way of doing this.
But let's say my model Projects has many Tasks.
Each task has a boolean field for complete.
So if I have 10 tasks and 4 are "complete" and 6 are not, then I am only 40% complete.
Is there a slick way of doing this in a scope so that the SQL is lean?
I already have two scopes like:
scope :complete, lambda {
where("tasks.complete = true")
scope :not_complete, lambda {
where("tasks.complete = false")
Thanks for any tips.

I would think that since you're looking to get a final value out of this a model method would be the best approach. (scopes should return a Relation in order to support chaining) You could use these scopes to return the percent complete, something along the lines of:
def percent_complete
not_complete.size.to_f / complete.size.to_f
Or if you require big_decimal and big_decimail/util in your model you could use to_d to get decimal division. Then in your view all you have to do is #project.percent_complete


Slick plain sql query with pagination

I have something like this, using Akka, Alpakka + Slick
sql"""select #${onlyTheseColumns.mkString(",")} from #${dbSource.table}"""
.as[Map[String, String]]
.withStatementParameters(rsType = ResultSetType.ForwardOnly, rsConcurrency = ResultSetConcurrency.ReadOnly, fetchSize = batchSize)
).map( doSomething )...
I want to update this plain sql query with skipping the first N-th element.
But that is very DB specific.
Is is possible to get the pagination bit generated by Slick? [like for type-safe queries one just do a drop, filter, take?]
ps: I don't have the Schema, so I cannot go the type-safe way, just want all tables as Map, filter, drop etc on them.
ps2: at akka level, the flow.drop works, but it's not optimal/slow, coz it still consumes the rows.
Since you are using the plain SQL, you have to provide a workable SQL in code snippet. Plain SQL may not type-safe, but agile.
BTW, the most optimal way is to skip N-th element by Database, such as limit in mysql.
depending on your database engine, you could use something like
val page = 1
val pageSize = 10
val query = sql"""
select #${onlyTheseColumns.mkString(",")}
from #${dbSource.table}
limit #${pageSize + 1}
offset #${pageSize * (page - 1)}
the pageSize+1 part tells you whether the next page exists
I want to update this plain sql query with skipping the first N-th element. But that is very DB specific.
As you're concerned about changing the SQL for different databases, I suggest you abstract away that part of the SQL and decide what to do based on the Slick profile being used.
If you are working with multiple database product, you've probably already abstracted away from any specific profile, perhaps using JdbcProfile. In that case you could place your "skip N elements" helper in a class and use the active slickProfile to decide on the SQL to use. (As an alternative you could of course check via some other means, such as an environment value you set).
In practice that could be something like this:
case class Paginate(profile: slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile) {
// Return the correct LIMIT/OFFSET SQL for the current Slick profile
def page(size: Int, firstRow: Int): String =
if (profile.isInstanceOf[slick.jdbc.H2Profile]) {
s"LIMIT $size OFFSET $firstRow"
} else if (profile.isInstanceOf[slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile]) {
s"LIMIT $firstRow, $size"
} else {
// And so on... or a default
// Danger: I've no idea if the above SQL is correct - it's just placeholder
Which you could use as:
// Import your profile
import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._
val paginate = Paginate(slickProfile)
val action: DBIO[Seq[Int]] =
sql""" SELECT cols FROM table #${, 10)}""".as[Int]
In this way, you get to isolate (and control) RDBMS-specific SQL in one place.
To make the helper more usable, and as slickProfile is implicit, you could instead write:
def page(size: Int, firstRow: Int)(implicit profile: slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile) =
// Logic for deciding on SQL goes here
I feel obliged to comment that using a splice (#$) in plain SQL opens you to SQL injection attacks if any of the values are provided by a user.

How to send a table names as parameters to a function which performs a join on them?

Currently I used the following code for joining tables.
Booking.joins(:table1, :table2, :table3, :table4).other_queries
However, the number of tables to be joined with depends on certain conditions. The other_queries also form a very large chain. So, I am duplicating a lot of code just because I need to perform joins differently.
So, I want to implement something like this
def method(params)
How can this be done?
Maybe just Booking.joins(*params).other_queries is what you need?
Operator * transforms array into list of params, for example:
arr = [1,2,3]
any_method(*arr) # is equal to any_method(1,2,3)
However, if params is smth came from user I recommend you not to trust it, it probably could be security issue. But if you trust it or filter it - why not.
SAFE_JOINS = [:table1, :table2, :table3]
def method(params)
booking = Booking.scoped # or Booking.all if you are rails 5
(params[:joins] & do |j|
booking = booking.joins(j.intern)

Is is possible to use Postgresql's Explain to analyse queries generated by Grails GORM

I found and have used a closure that temporarily turns hibernate.SQL logging to Trace to allow me to see the exact queries that are generated. However I would like to be able to have PostgresQL's explain run automatically instead of having to pull out queries individually for analysis.
logging closure:
(found here:
public static def execute(Closure closure) {
Logger sqlLogger = Logger.getLogger("org.hibernate.SQL");
Logger transactionLogger = Logger.getLogger("org.hibernate.transaction");
Level currentLevel = sqlLogger.level
Level transLevel = transactionLogger.level
def result =
def result
I would like something that can be used in a similar way.
Is this something I could do with a sub-class of Criteria or Hibernate.Restrictions ?
Or is there something I'm missing in the docs on how to modify the SQL statement that is sent to the DB from GORM?
Thanks for any info.
Assuming you don't want all queries, but only the longer-running ones you might find the "auto explain" add-on for PostgreSQL useful.

Rails3 - Is there a way to do NOTLIKE?

I previously asked a question regarding pulling specific items out of a database if they contained a specific word in their string, someone kindly offered the following which did just the job:
def SomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :contains_city,
lambda { |city| where("some_models.address LIKE ?","%"+city+"%" ) }
However, I have some instances where I would like to do the opposite, i.e. pull out all the items which do not have the specified word in their string. Is there a way to do a NOT LIKE function? I have prevously seen people use '!=' for a NOT EQUALS, but have had no success along these lines for the LIKE function. Is there an equivalent or is it best to iterate through the database putting items in 2 separate databases based on whether they satisfy the LIKE condition?
You could try NOT LIKE in your query; MySQL supports this.

Ruby On Rails: How to run safe updates

I'm using RoR and I want to do concurrency safe update queries. For example when I have
var user = User.find(user_id)
user.visits += 1
I get the following SQL code:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE ID=1 -- find user's visits (1)
UPDATE Users SET Visits=2 WHERE ID=1 -- 1+1=2
But if there are several queries taking place at the same time, there will be locking problems.
According to RoR API I can use :lock => true attribute, but that's not what I want.
I found an awesome function update_counters:
User.update_counters(, :visits => 1)
This gives the following SQL code
UPDATE Users SET Visits=Visits+1 WHERE ID=#something
Works great!
Now my question is how can I override the += function to do the update_counters thing instead?
user.visits += 1 # better
User.update_counters(, :visits => 1) # than this
I just created the following function
class ActiveRecord::Base
def inc(column, value)
User.update_counters(, column => value)
Are there any other better ideas?
Don't know about better ideas, but I would define that method to the User class, not the ActiveRecord. And maybe increment_counter (that uses update_counters) would make it a bit more readable?
def inc(column, value)
self.increment_counter(column, value)
Haven't tested that and not saying this is definitely better idea, but that's probably how I'd do it.
And AFAIK you can't override the "+=", because "a += b" just a shortcut for "a = a + b" and you probably don't want to override "=" to use the update_counters :)