How to create SplitView Controller similar to setting in ipad? - objective-c

I want to create spiltview controller similar to setting on the ipad.That means even in portrait mode the lefthand side panel should be visible as it appears in landscape mode.Hope I am able to explain what I want.Please can anyone know how I can achieve this?
Thanks in advance!

Ray Wenderlich has a nice tutorial on this subject that walks you through the steps:
iPad for iPhone developers 101: UISplitView Tutorial


Display UITababrController on leftside in tvOS

I am working on tvOS app and the requirement is to display tab bar controls on left side like in Disney+ tvos app. So can display tabbar controls on the left side or do I have to create a custom view to achieve this?
Attached is the Disney+ tvos tabbar images
As far as I know, there is no way to rotate a UITabBarController on its side. However, you could take a UITabView ( and rotate it on its side using Core Animation. To add functionality, set something as the UITabBar's delegate to learn about changes.
As far as an actual code snippet, I typically write in Swift, but I found another Stack Overflow answer with what you're looking for.
How to programmatically rotate image by 90 Degrees in iPhone?
Hope that helps, have a nice day!

How to create UIView like Notification Center as iOS 7

Hello Follks,I'm developing one Restaurant App.I want to create a view which float from top to bottom on touch and pan gesture with bouncing,push behaviour,gravity,collision(UIKit Dynamics).Any help will be really appreciated thanks..
I'd like to create a View Like Notification Center in iOS 7
Sorry for my english
It appears to be a segmented controlled table. This or this may be of some use to you.
There is a PullableView example on GitHub. For iOS7 like animations, check out UIDynamicAnimator.
You may be able to create a custom transition to a ViewController using this. Or check out this document from Apple about pulling scroll views.
have a look on this tutorial, hope it may help :)

Custom size iPad Split view

Im fairly new to objective C. I am currently trying to implement a split view on the iPad. I would like to have a left side view that can be resized so that it looks more like the side view on the spotify app for the ipad.
I understand UI Split controllers won't work because their width's are fixed.
I understand the other option is to use a View controller with sub views that can resized as required. However, I am not too sure how I should implement each subview with its own navigation controller. Any suggestions how else I can implement the said feature.
The image of the side panel implementation can be found in this link.
You can use Matt Gemmell's MGSplitViewController to accomplish this. It provides a custom split view controller implementation that might let you do what you want.
I would like to recommend, PSStackedView which i have used to create a similar layout as the Spotify iPad app. Took some time to understand it

IOS API to use to create app intro in a Flash way

I need to create an intro for IOS app, I want to create transition between images like Macos X screensaver themes (beach, forest...) with music, and text appearing and fading. I don't know exactly which IOS API/framework is the most suitable to use to achieve this. I will appreciate suggestions or links to tutorials.
Many thanks
These links might give you some inspiration on at least how to get started:
iphone fading of images
How about UIImageView and UILabel, with block animation?

iPad orientation

I have question regarding changing orientation on iPad.
I use MonoTouch, but if Obj-C programmers can help, it will be just as great.
First of all, I figured out if I provide different splash screen images for different orientations, app will show the right one. This can be done for any orientation, such as "Default-LandscapeLeft.png", or generic one "Default-Landscape.png".
All of my images are of correct dimensions and yet, when I start it in portrait mode, it shows it enlarged. All of other modes work perfectly well.
Second problem is I want my app to continue to be in that orientation after my first controller appear. At the moment, it shows portrait in any case. I started generating orientation notifications before first controller appeared (UINavigationController), but I think it responds only on orientation changes. After I moved device, it rotates and from that moment, everything works fine. BUT, I want to "inherit" orientation info from my splash screen.
Any idea will be appreciated.
Thanks guys and girls.
Images for different orientations:
Default.png and Default-Landscape.png should be provided + setting the app settings to provide the required orientations.
Second problem:
After creating the first controller call
myController.WillRotate(UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation, 0);