Seek to file position in Objective-C - objective-c

What it's the equivalent in Objective-C of this C code:
FILE* file = fopen( [filePath UTF8String], "r, ccs=UTF-8");
if (file != 0)
char buffer[1024];
//seek to file position....
fseek(file,11093, SEEK_CUR);
int cnt = 0;
while(fgets(buffer, 1024, file) != NULL)
if (cnt>0) {
if(buffer[0] == 'a') {
//Objective c syntax....
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString: buffer];

That is the equivalent. Objective-C is built on top of C, so every C function is usable in Objective-C.
There is a class hierarchy rooted at NSStream which, at first glance, may appear to be the Objective-C version of file streams--and for many uses, it is. But if you need to seek through an arbitrary stream, you'll want to keep using fopen(), fseek(), etc.
An instance of NSInputStream created from a path to a file on disk will be seekable by getting/setting its NSStreamFileCurrentOffsetKey property. However, it's often awkward to adapt existing FILE *-based code.
I guess what I'm saying is that if fopen() works for you, there's no need to stop using it. :)


Swift's "if let" equivalent in Objective C

What would be "if let" equivalent in Objective C? The example snippet I want to convert to Objective C is below;
if let pfobjects = images as? [PFObject] {
if pfobjects.count > 0 {
var imageView: PFImageView = PFImageView()
imageView.file = pfobjects[0] as! PFFile
There's no direct equivalent to if let in Objective-C, because if let does Swift-specific things (unwrapping optionals and rebinding identifiers) that don't have direct equivalents in Objective-C.
Here's a nearly equivalent of your Swift code:
if (images != nil) {
NSArray<PFObject *> *pfobjects = (id)images;
if (pfobjects.count > 0) {
PFImageView *imageView = [[PFImageView alloc] init];
assert([pfobjects[0] isKindOfClass:[PFFile class]]);
imageView.file = (PFFile *)pfobjects[0];
[imageView loadInBackground];
But this Objective-C code won't verify that images only contains instances of PFObject, and should successfully create an image view as long as pfobjects[0] is a PFFile. Your Swift code will do nothing (create no image view) if images contains any non-PFObject elements.
You can use NSPredicate to verify the array contains only instances of PFObject:
NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"self isKindOfClass: %#", [PFObject class]];
NSInteger numberThatArePFObjects = [images filteredArrayUsingPredicate:p].count;
if(numberThatArePFObjects && numberThatArePFObjects == images.count){
// certain that images only contains instances of PFObject.
If however you weren't working with an array but a single object then it is simpler:
if([image isKindOfClass:[PFObject class]]){
// certain that image is a valid PFObject.
Or if you wanted a new variable:
PFObject* obj = nil;
if([image isKindOfClass:[PFObject class]] && (obj = image)){
// certain that obj is a valid PFObject.
You can use something like this:
NSArray<PFObject *> *pfobjects;
if ([images isKindOfClass: [NSArray<PFObject> class]] && (pfobjects = images)) {
// your code here
You want three things simultaneously. Let's split them:
variable as? OtherType is possible, but erases type, because it returns id. Implementation is as easy as a category on NSObject class, so it becomes NSArray *array = [jsonDict[#"objects"] ifKindOfClass:NSArray.class].
#interface NSObject (OptionalDowncast)
- (id)ifKindOfClass:(__unsafe_unretained Class)clazz;
#implementation NSObject (OptionalDowncast)
- (id)ifKindOfClass:(__unsafe_unretained Class)clazz {
return [self isKindOfClass:clazz] ? self : nil;
if let is also possible in Objective-C if type is known, so it cannot be combined with previous thing. Easiest way is: for(NSArray *array = [self getItems]; array != nil; array = nil) { ... }, but if you want to use else branch, it gets a bit more complex. I have made SwiftyObjC pod for that, please take a look
Check generic template is not possible during type cast in Objective-C, thus you can cast to NSArray, but you can't cast to NSArray<PFObject>
I don't see iterations over your array: With all that being said, I think best example is (assuming images is an array already):
for(PFFile *file = [images.firstObject ifKindOfClass:PFFile.class]; file != nil; file = nil) {
imageView.file = file;
[imageView loadInBackground];
If you need to also iterate over it:
for(id object in images) {
for(PFFile *file = [object ifKindOfClass:PFFile.class]; file != nil; file = nil) {
//operate on file
You can use Objective-C++ in place of Objective-C. In this you can use the next define:
#define let const auto
Note: it is not the same exactly (Swift has wrapped values, ...) but it makes the work easier.
And through of this define you can use it of this way:
if (let pfobjects = images) {
if (pfobjects.count > 0 {
let imageView = [[PFImageView alloc] init];
imageView.file = pfobjects[0];
imageView loadInBackground();
To convert your Objective-C class in Objective-C++ class you only must change the extension of implementation file of .m to .mm

Storing arbitrary metadata with a plain-text file

I am writing a text-editor and I would need to store a few pieces of information (generally just a few strings; the storage needn't be particularly durable) with each file the app saves (without that being part of the text-file as other apps might read it and the info is only specific to my app).
How would I go about this?
More info: I have a NSDocument set up and I would like to simply store a NSString instance variable as a per file meta-datum. Based on the answers below I've come up with this, which is currently buggy and causes the program to crash on startup:
#import <sys/xattr.h>
#interface MyDocument : NSDocument {
NSString *metadatum;
#implementation MyDocument
- (BOOL)writeToURL:(NSURL *)url ofType:(NSString *)type error:(NSError **)err
BOOL output = [super writeToURL:url ofType:type error:err];
if(!setxattr([[url path] cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
[metadatum cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
sizeof(char) * [styleName length], 0, 0))
NSLog(#"Write failure");
return output;
- (BOOL)readFromURL:(NSURL *)url ofType:(NSString *)type error:(NSError **)err {
char *output;
ssize_t bytes = getxattr([[url path] cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
"", &output, 1024, 0, 0);
if (bytes > 0) {
metadatum = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:output length:bytes
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // <- crashes here with "EXC_BAD_ACCESS"
return [super readFromURL:url ofType:type error: err];
// ...
// fairly standard -dataOfType:error: and
// -readFromData:ofType:error: implementations
PS: If your answer is really good (with sample code, etc.), I will award a 100rep bounty.
Use extended attributes. See setxattr().
Here's a sample call to write a string:
NSData* encodedString = [theString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
int rc = setxattr("/path/to/your/file", "com.yourcompany.yourapp.yourattributename", [encodedString bytes], [encodedString length], 0, 0);
if (rc)
/* handle error */;
To read a string:
ssize_t len = getxattr("/path/to/your/file", "com.yourcompany.yourapp.yourattributename", NULL, 0, 0, 0);
if (len < 0)
/* handle error */;
NSMutableData* data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:len];
len = getxattr("/path/to/your/file", "com.yourcompany.yourapp.yourattributename", [data mutableBytes], len, 0, 0);
NSString* string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
PS: Don't you have to set the bounty on the question before it's answered?
There are several places to store this kind of information on Mac. The most simple, of course, is to store it in your own separate metadata database. Of course there are challenges if the file moves. Since 10.6, however, you can use Bookmarks to address this problem. A Bookmark (see NSURL) allows you to keep a reference to a file even if it is moved (even across application restarts). Prior to 10.6 there was the Alias Manager, but it couldn't create new aliases; just read ones that Finder created.
The next common solution is to create metadata files. So if I have foo.txt, then you create a sibling .foo.txt.metadata to hold the extra info. Several trade-offs there if the files can be moved around.
Next is Spotlight, which can be used to attach arbitrary information to files. The actual tool here is xattr (see the man pages for setxattr and its relatives). These basically absorb several things that used to be done with Resource Forks (except xattr is supposed to just be metadata).

Objective C: Why am I getting "EXC_BAD_ACCESS"?

I'm really new to Objective C and am trying to write a program to go through the collatz conjecture. When I run the program, it stops after the first scanf and comes up with "EXC_BAD_ACCESS". Here's my code:
int original,i;
NSString *PrintFull;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSLog(#"Collatz Conjecture:");
NSLog(#"Print full results?");
NSLog(#"What number should we go up to?");
scanf("%d", &original);
while (original <= 100) {
NSLog(#"\n\n%d", original);
i = original;
while (i != 1) {
if (i % 2) {
i = (i*3)+1;
} else {
i = (i/2);
if ([PrintFull isEqualToString:#"yes"]) {
What am I doing wrong here?
scanf does not work with with object types such as NSString. Please see SO post - Using scanf with NSStrings.
scanf's arguments after the format string should point to already allocated objects. In this case you've just declared a pointer and passed it in without setting it. scanf will try to write to this location, but since the pointer contains a garbage value, the application crashes.
scanf is from the C library 'stdio.h', meaning it doesn't know about NSStrings, which are from the Objective-C 'Foundation' framework.
The following should solve these problems
int original,i;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSLog(#"Collatz Conjecture:");
NSLog(#"Print full results?");
char inputBuffer[80];
scanf("%s", inputBuffer);
NSString *printFull = [NSString stringWithCString:inputBuffer encoding:NSUTF8Encoding];
First, you have to initialize and alloc the NSString. Second, scanf can't handle NSString.
Also notice, that class names begin with a capital letter and class instances with a small one.

the best way to implement readable switch case with strings in objective-c?

In other dynamic languages like ruby, javascript etc. you can do simply this:
switch(someString) {
case "foo":
//do something;
case "bar":
// do something else;
// do something by default;
In objective-c, because it's derived very colsely from c language, you can't do that. My best practice for this is:
#import "CaseDemo.h"
#define foo 1
#define bar 2
static NSMutableDictionary * cases;
#implementation CaseDemo
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
if (cases == nil) {
// this dict can be defined as a class variable
cases = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
[cases setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:foo] forKey:#"foo"];
[cases setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:bar] forKey:#"bar"];
return self;
- (void) switchFooBar:(NSString *) param {
switch([[cases objectForKey:param] intValue]) {
case foo:
NSLog(#"its foo");
case bar:
NSLog(#"its bar");
NSLog(#"its default");
It's seems to be ok, but #define makes foo and bar like a reserved word, and I can't use in my code. If I replace define constants with class constants, this problem is fixed, because in other classes I must use MyClassName before the constant name. But how can I minimize the object allocation for this simple task? Someone have a "better practice" for this?
The code below is what I wanted to do, but it's a little bit unconfortable to get the values of the enum or #define. Because I created an application what have just an input where I can write the string to get that hash and go back to xcode and set the values for the enums. So my problem is I can't do that in runtime time, because of the main behavour of switch case statement... Or if I do that with that NSDictionary way -> its have a lot of overhead compared with this solution.
#import "CaseDemo.h"
typedef enum {
foo = 1033772579,
bar = -907719821
} FooBar;
unsigned int APHash(NSString* s)
const char* str = [s UTF8String];
unsigned int len = [s length];
unsigned int hash = 0xAAAAAAAA;
unsigned int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < len; str++, i++)
hash ^= ((i & 1) == 0) ? ( (hash << 7) ^ (*str) * (hash >> 3)) :
(~((hash << 11) + ((*str) ^ (hash >> 5))));
return hash;
#implementation CaseDemo
- (void) switchFooBar:(NSString *) param {
switch(APHash(param)) {
case foo:
NSLog(#"its foo");
case bar:
NSLog(#"its bar");
NSLog(#"its default");
NOTE: the hash function can defined elsewhere in common namespace to use it anywhere, typically I create a Utils.h or Common.h for this kind of stuff.
NOTE2: In "real word" we need to use some cryptographic hashing function, but now I used the algorithm by Arash Partow to keep the example simple.
So, my final question: Is there a way to evaluate these values with the preprocessor somehow? I think no, but maybe? :-)
Something like:
// !!!!!! I know this code is not working, I don't want comments about "this is wrong" !!!!
// I want a solution to invoke method with preprocessor, or something like that.
typedef enum {
foo = APHash(#"foo"),
bar = APHash(#"bar")
} FooBar;
UPDATE: I found a "maybe solution" but it seems to be work with g++ 4.6> only. generalized constant expressions may be do it for me. But I'm still testing...
typedef enum {
} FooBar;
- (void) switchFooBar:(NSString *) param {
switch([[cases objectForKey:param] intValue]) {
case foo:
NSLog(#"its foo");
case bar:
NSLog(#"its bar");
NSLog(#"its default");
NSString * extension = [fileName pathExtension];
NSString * directory = nil;
NSUInteger index = [#[#"txt",#"png",#"caf",#"mp4"] indexOfObjectPassingTest:^
BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
return [obj isEqualToString:extension];
switch (index)
case 0:
directory = #"texts/";
case 1:
directory = #"images/";
case 2:
directory = #"sounds/";
case 3:
directory = #"videos/";
#throw [NSException exceptionWithName:#"unkonwnFileFormat"
reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"zip file contain nknown file format: %#",fileName]
The technique is extracted from production code and modified to use colors for this example. The premise is that a string comes in with the text name of a color from some external feed. This inbound color name is matched against known Crayola color names in the system. If the new color name matches any known Crayola color name strings, the numeric value for HTML hex code equivalent of that Crayola color name is returned.
First use and put all of your known Crayola color names through it to get numerical equivalents. These will be used in the case statements. Then put those values into an enumerated for cleanliness (e.g. LivingColors below). These numbers become equivalent to the actual color name string.
Then at run time the variable text is put through the same function, but internal to your code, to generate the same kind of numeric constant. If the numeric constant from the code matches the statically generated constant, then the text strings that they represent are exactly equal.
The internal code function is crc32() found in zlib.h. This generates a unique number based upon the text put through it just like the web page converter above. The unique number from crc32() can then be used in a common C switch() statement to match against the known colors which were pre-processed into numbers into the enumerated.
To use the native system function crc32() to generate CRC32B values, include the /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib in your project for linking. Be sure to include or #import <zlib.h> in your source that references crc32()
Implement an Objective C category on NSString to make the native NSString class understand the crc32: and htmlColor: messages.
Finally, read/get the name of the color into an NSString object, then send the string the htmlColor: message, it switches to match the 'strings' and returns the HTML hex equivalent value for a Crayola color name.
#import <zlib.h>
#define typedefEnum( enumName ) typedef enum enumName enumName; enum enumName
#see Crayola Web Colors
#see CRC32B value generator for static case strings or
#define typedefEnum( enumName ) typedef enum enumName enumName; enum enumName
typedefEnum( LivingColors ) {
kRedColor = 0xc22c196f, // "Red" is 0xED0A3F in HTML
kBlueberryColor = 0xfbefa670, // "Blueberry" is 0x4F86F7 in HTML
kLightChromeGreenColor = 0x44b77242, // "Light Chrome Green" is 0xBEE64B in HTML
kPermanentGeraniumLakeColor = 0xecc4f3e4, // "Permanent Geranium Lake" is 0xE12C2C in HTML
kIlluminatingEmeraldColor = 0x4828d5f2, // "Illuminating Emerald" is 0x319177 in HTML
kWildWatermelonColor = 0x1a17c629, // "Wild Watermelon" is 0xFD5B78 in HTML
kWashTheDogColor = 0xea9fcbe6, // "Wash the Dog" is 0xFED85D in HTML
kNilColor = 0xDEADBEEF // could use '0' but what fun is that?
// generates the CRC32B, same used to check each ethernet packet on the network you receive so it’s fast
- (NSUInteger) crc32 {
NSUInteger theResult;
theResult = (NSUInteger)crc32( 0L,
(const unsigned char *) [self UTF8String],
return theResult;
/// #return the HTML hex value for a recognized color name string.
- (NSUInteger) htmlColor {
NSUInteger theResult = 0x0;
LivingColors theColorInLivingColor = kNilColor;
theColorInLivingColor = (LivingColors) [self crc32];
// return the HTML value for a known color by effectively switching on a string.
switch ( theColorInLivingColor ) {
case kRedColor : {
theResult = 0xED0A3F;
case kBlueberryColor : {
theResult = 0x4F86F7;
case kLightChromeGreenColor : {
theResult = 0xBEE64B;
case kPermanentGeraniumLakeColor : {
theResult = 0xE12C2C;
case kIlluminatingEmeraldColor : {
theResult = 0x319177;
case kWildWatermelonColor : {
theResult = 0xFD5B78;
case kWashTheDogColor : {
theResult = 0xFED85D;
case kNilColor :
default : {
theResult = 0x0;
return theResult;
For the example an Objective C Category was made to add the two methods the existing Cocoa class NSString, rather than subclass it.
The end result is that an NSString object appears to have the ability to natively get a CRC32B value of itself (very handy beyond this example) and can essentially switch() on the color’s name string that possibly came in from the user, a text file, etc. to identify a match much faster than any text string comparison can occur.
Fast, efficient, and reliable, this approach can easily be adapted to any kind of variable text matching to static known value text. Bear in mind that CRC32B checksums are generated by bitwise operations and the C switch statement use bitwise operations optimized at compile time. Remember this is speedy because CRC32B is the highly optimized function used to check each ethernet packet your Mac/iPhone/iPad receives... even when you download multi-gigabyte files like macOS Sierra.

Simple Memory Management Question In Objective-C

There's a memory leak in my program and because I'm not well versed in C (created a function in my Objective-C class to load strings from a SQLite database). Can anyone spot my blunder? Thank you:
static int MyCallback(void *context, int lCount, char **values, char **columns){
NSMutableArray *sqlRawStrings = (NSMutableArray *)context;
for (int i = 0; i < lCount; i++) {
const char *nameCString = values[i];
if (nameCString != NULL) {
[sqlRawStrings addObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:nameCString]];
return SQLITE_OK;
All this is called earlier here:
int numberA = [loadBundleNumber intValue];
char str1[130] = "select ";
for(int i = 7; i <7 + numberA; i++){
str1[i] = 'a';
char str2[20] = " from puzzles";
NSString *file = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"finalPuzzles" ofType:#"db"];
sqlite3 *database = NULL;
if (sqlite3_open([file UTF8String],&database) == SQLITE_OK) {
sqlite3_exec(database, str1, MyCallback, sqlRawStrings, NULL);
More comments than answers as I don't see how you're leaking memory just yet (not enough points to comment yet). How are you observing that there is a memory leak? Can you see what's inside the object that is being leaked and work back through its allocation stack trace to see what it is?
Also can you supply the declaration for sqlRawStrings?
As an aside, I think that the way you're building your strings could be improved. Consider using sprintf. You might also want to consider using a .mm file instead of .m and then you'll get C++ capability; the std::string class could help you.
Finally, do not close something unless you've successfully opened it i.e. the "sqlite3_close" should be within the same block as sqlite3_exec.
'hope that this is helpful.
Best guess is that sqlRawStrings is never released and so neither is anything added to it.