Display maps without Google Key API - api

I'm using this jQuery plugin: http://gmap.nurtext.de/examples.html to display maps with Latitude and Longitude
I ask If there is another solution without using a Key from Google Maps API: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html

Google Maps API v3 does not require an API key, so if all else fails, start with a Google search for a jQuery plugin that is compatible with Maps API v3.
(It probably won't work, but you can also try changing http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=API_KEY to http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=3 while following the installation instructions for the plugin you have selected.)
It should be noted that the API keys are free and that it is a fast and easy process to get them. So you can also consider just getting one.


react-native-maps which api use and how is its costs?

I'm creating an app based on maps.
From 11 June 2018 Google changes his price plan of the Google Maps Api.
I read here (Google maps price matrix) that for mobile application it's unilimited free.
But... which api use Google Maps in this library?
I try to use the library and for emulator not use Google API KEY. In this way i'm not sure that i use only free plan.
How i understand how calculate my costs? If there are.
I found all information about it.
react-native-maps use Maps SDK for iOS and Android.
This page Google Maps Costs examplain that for SDK there aren't costs.
I tried to enable only SDK Api and check report monitor on Google Cloud console
In this way you can use dynamic maps, use marker in your react application without costs.
It is different if you use search api or geocode api. This api follow the common cost of api reported in previous link.
In this case you can use mix of Google Maps SDK and Open Street maps API

Google maps API usage limits

I have used google map API but unfortunately I have discovered that they have an usage limits so I want to know that are there anyway o get an google map API without any usage limits, and if it is not how can I get any license?
Google maps api usage and limits
Do I need an API key?
Answer: in the early days of google maps you did not require an API key (it is still possible to not have one due to backwards compatibility) however, today, it is recommended that you generate an API key for google maps V3. Also, have in mind that some features are not available without the API key.
If you want to inform your self more about the API key, here is the official page that will tell you how to get started with it and how to include it to your project,
url: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial
What are the usage limits?
Answer: If your site gets 25 000 map loads or more every single day, for more than 90 days in a row, the google team will get in touch with you (they are well aware of your google maps usage). If however you don't think your google maps will generate such an amount of traffic then do the following:
Modify your application so that your usage is less than 25 000 map loads per day.
Enroll for automated billing of excess map loads in the Google Developers Console.
Purchase a Google Maps API for Work license.
Here is the official page for the limits,
url: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/usage#quota
To sum it all up:
If you can predict huge traffic on your website (and using the google maps API within your website), then once again, read carefully the docs and see what further steps need to be taken, otherwise you can experiment with google maps as much as you want.

google map key for gmap v3

i have a question regarding googlemap api version3,
basically we are already using google map api driving distance and geo code functionality within our internal web application, for that we are paying for google on our google map key,
so my question is on old google map v2 we did have to encrypt our map key and post back to google in order to get work geocode or driving distance, and at the same way do we still have to encrypt the google map key with map api V3 ? or we dont need the map key for google map V3 ?
Taken from: Google Maps API
The Google Maps JavaScript API v3 does not require an API key to
function correctly. However, we strongly encourage you to load the
Maps API using an APIs Console key which allows you to monitor your
application's Maps API usage

API key invalid or not approved by Google

I'm currently upgrading one of my websites from the old system to HTML5 and I have some problems with the Google Maps JavaScript API v3. To fetch data from their API, you must have an key - of course - but it's here I have the problem.
The problem is that even if I have an correct key that I have added on their Google APIs Console I'm getting "Permission Denied" all the time, followed by an alert window that say that I don't have an real API key or it's not approved to Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
I have turned on "Google Maps API v3" in "Services" on Google APIs Console and payed the "bill" but that didn't help at all as proved. I'm using this URL to their API: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key={MY_KEY}&sensor=false and I have readed their documentions very carefully and I'm currently out of ideas.
Do you know what's wrong here? Have I missed something or what?
In the absence of a link to check...
You can have more than one Project (dropdown, top left in the Console), and each key is tied to a project. Maps v3 must be enabled for the right project.
The seqence should be:
Choose project from the dropdown (or create one)
Choose the services required by that project
Choose collaborators if any
Set up the access keys for that project. You can have more than one key per project and specify the domains the keys can be used on.
Set up billing if you need it.
The menu on the left is set out in a logical order.

Replacement for Google AJAX search for Local

Since Google has deprecated their old web search API as of recently, what are people using to do customized local search? (i.e. search for "donut shop" near this latitude and longitude) Sticking with the deprecated API? Using another Google API? Another provider entirely?
Their suggestion to use their new Custom Search API doesn't seem useful for local. Maybe i'm missing something under my nose?
Google Places API is in developer preview.
I personally used Yahoo! Local Search
The Yelp API is pretty slick as well -- it'll give you local search capabilities and you can also get ratings information.
I've found this Quora link quite useful: