how to create charts in -

How to create Charts in Is it possible to have a chart like this without any additional components ? If yes then how ?
Using this VS component for real time manipulation

Sorry I can't see the picture (stupid internet blocker) but you should look into the Microsoft Charting Controls which work with both Windows Forms and ASP.Net.
The chart controls are shipped with the .Net framework 4.0 and above, or you can download
the chart controls for the .Net framework version 3.5.
Update: Oooh, now I can see the pretty picture - the Microsoft Charting Controls can definitely do this.


How to give semantic zoom in windows 8 app

I am developing an app in which I want to add semantic zoom for languages. I used blank app...
I used simple mode not used grid or split template. In blank template, how may I use semantic zoom. Don't give me MSDN link.??
Language & C#
using Visual Studio 2012
Here's a sample by MS.
Hope it will help.

Designing Win 8 Wire frames in Blend for VS 2012

I am trying to create wireframes for Win 8 and i am using Blend so as to make wireframes as close to actual app as possible.
IS there any short quickstart guide which i can read to start designing the UI in Blend?
I did google online but most of them very vague in description on how to design UI.
Normally you would use something as sketchflow to create your wireframes, but that's not available for Windows Store.
Only for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone (phone req. download from codeplex).
To create wireframes you would need to use something else like Microsoft Powerpoint. Please note though, to do this you one of the following versions of Visual Studio to create wireframes in Powerpoint:
Visual Studio Ultimate
Visual Studio Premium
Visual Studio Test Professional.
If you want to use PowerPoint for wireframing; check this Microsoft guide out
Hint: if using Powerpoint: If you search the Visual Studio Gallery for “storyboard”, you’ll find that the lots of shapes there. The link to the gallery and search is here.
You can still use Blend to create some mock ups. You just need to drag the controls onto the screen and start laying out your app. However this isn't wireframing, this is actually building a prototype of the app rather than doing your wireframes, which is a different thing.
You can still create your content in only using Blend and the Properties Panel on the right side of the screen.
There's a ton to material available here on the general design portal for Windows Store apps:
If you want wireframes looking as close as possible to the real deal, without actually building it, I recommend doing the wireframes in either Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop.
There a lot of assets available for designing screens here

What can i use as a ComboBox alternative for Windows Phone development? (vb)

I've been thoroughly looking for a combobox alternative to use for Windows Phone development for a full 24 hours now. The best i've found so far was this
,which is perfectly fine, but i'm really looking for something to work with in
PS: I'm using Visual studio 2010 as my code editor
Anticipated thanks :)
The List Picker is the best alternative to a ComboBox.
You can get the List Picker by installing the Toolkit update:
It doesn't matter whether you use VB or C#. The Listpicker is basically a control in XAML, in the design view.
The only difference would be the Databinding syntax in your code view.

Sharepoint Foundation 2010 Gantt Charts

I know that Sharepoint has some support for Gantt Charts (Gantt view for tasks). What I'm looking for is way to provide advanced task relations (FF: finish to finish, FS: finish to start, etc.) Is there any way to provide it or is there a free component for that?
In the past, I have used Microsoft Charting controls which is free. The nearest chart I could find similar to a Gantt Chart was a Range Bar Chart:
If you plan on using Microsoft Chart controls, here is a basic tutorial on how to implement it within SharePoint:
If you are looking for a free component, you can take a JavaScript or Flash charting tool, then link it to a SharePoint list (for example using Web Services or REST). Maybe try JSGantt or FusionCharts.

bar graph in

i need to take user input and make a very simple bar graph from it in anyone have suggestions on an easy way to accomplish this?
You didn't specify a framework but I'm guessing that you're using winforms?
What you're looking for is a chart / bar control. By default WinForms doesn't have great bar / chart controls. This site has a breakdown of the various add ons Microsoft released for WinForms and ASP.Net in the area of chart controls
Agreed - you didn't specifiy framewrok version - web or windows app. But here
is a good free one for 3.5 framework web or windows apps.
I have been very please with ZedGraph for .net 2.0. I use it for both webforms and winForms.