bar graph in -

i need to take user input and make a very simple bar graph from it in anyone have suggestions on an easy way to accomplish this?

You didn't specify a framework but I'm guessing that you're using winforms?
What you're looking for is a chart / bar control. By default WinForms doesn't have great bar / chart controls. This site has a breakdown of the various add ons Microsoft released for WinForms and ASP.Net in the area of chart controls

Agreed - you didn't specifiy framewrok version - web or windows app. But here
is a good free one for 3.5 framework web or windows apps.

I have been very please with ZedGraph for .net 2.0. I use it for both webforms and winForms.


Panorama Control in Universal Windows App

I´m wondering if there´s a way to implement the Panorama Control from Windows phone 8 into Microsofts new universal Windows platform. The look and feel of the Panorama Control is great and I really can´t figure out why Microsoft didn´t implement this Control into UWP.
Actually I´m new to UWP (Coded WinForms Projects, only) and I´m looking for some layouting Standards which can help me to create applications for multiple devices.
In UWP you can use Hub or Pivot controls
Take a look at Navigation design basics for UWP apps

How to implement Camera function in windows forms?

I'm working in a proyect in VB.NET who will run in .net frameworks 4.5 (windows 8.1).
I need to implement a function to add the posibility to take pictures INSIDE my application.
Can anyone help me saying what's the right way to implement?
(What class,functions,interfacts to use..etc

how to create charts in

How to create Charts in Is it possible to have a chart like this without any additional components ? If yes then how ?
Using this VS component for real time manipulation
Sorry I can't see the picture (stupid internet blocker) but you should look into the Microsoft Charting Controls which work with both Windows Forms and ASP.Net.
The chart controls are shipped with the .Net framework 4.0 and above, or you can download
the chart controls for the .Net framework version 3.5.
Update: Oooh, now I can see the pretty picture - the Microsoft Charting Controls can definitely do this.

XBAP childWindow control available similar to Silverlight 3 ChildWindow?

The Silverlight 3 toolkit has a ChildWindow control for model popup like functionality. This is great. Anyone aware of a similar control that can be utilized via XBAP?
The assumption is maybe someone ported the functionality back to WCF/XBAP?
Trying to find a solution without going to 3rd party purchased controls (against current company policy).
Don't know that you'll get this to work without FullTrust (FullTrust XBAPs are a PITA until .NET 4). Here's a psuedo-workaround though- not as nice as SL ChildWindow, but it gets you basic popup functionality.
In theory couldn't you rebuild the ChildWindow source and massage it a little to work on WPF? Most of the controls are WPF compatible, so it would make sense to build ChildWindow for XBAPs.

setting form to look like this image?

is it advisable to play with the controls to make my form look like this or should i just use this graphic and place it in the background. if the former, then please suggest which controls on the form i can tweak to make the form look like this?
alt text
To create something like this, I would suggest moving from winforms to Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) if you have the option. There is much better support for creating these type of rich interfaces in WPF, although it does mean introducing a .NET 3.0+ requirement to your application.
To get you started, here are some tutorials: