Rails 3 - How to send data on link_to :remote=>true? - ruby-on-rails-3

I am trying to figure out the new link_to in Rails 3 but i still don't get it
In Rails 2 I do:
<%= link_to_remote "My Link",:url=>{:action=>:myaction},:with=>"'data='+$('#someField').attr('value')" %>
but with the new syntax in Rails 3 how should it be?
I'm trying something like
<%=link_to "My Link",{:action=>"myaction"},:with=>"'data='+$('#someField').attr('value');",:remote=>true%>
but I'm not getting the quantity params in the controller's action

Something like this will send a "data" parameter with the value = 10.
link_to "My Link", { :controller => 'myctrler', :action=>"myact", :data=> 10 }, :remote=>true
I've never seen/used the :with option before. I'm sorry I can't help on that one.

They say its no longer supported in this answer on How to send Javascript Variable to a controller's action with the link_to helper?

you just need to add the variable with the value in the path url, for example:
<%= link_to "SEND DATA", "server_function?myData=10", remote: true %>
and if you need to send more than one parameter you must to use & for example ?myData=10&myOtherData=12, where the params are myData with the value of 10 and myOtherData with 12.


User Authentication in rails 3.0

When trying to use user authentication I get the following error: "NoMethodError in Viewer#show". And it addresses the error to <%= #page.body.html_safe%> in app/views/viewer/show.html.erb:1:in '_app_views_viewer_show_html_erb__685858346_34780128', which is only one line code by now.
But, when I call login page on browser address bar like: :3000/session/new, it comes Up. Which is not happening with :3000/session/destroy.
It seems that something related to the route is not working properly because, on the other hand, when I call a page on views/layouts/application.htm.erb like <li><%= link_to 'Home', {:controller => 'viewer', :action => 'show', :name => 'home'} %></li> it works, and if I switch to <li><%= link_to 'Home', view_page_path('home') %></li> it gives a similar error.
How can I solve that?
Your use of view_page_path('home') assumes that there is a named path view_page. Changing
get "/:name" => 'viewer#show'
get '/:name' => 'viewer#show', :as => :view_page
should fix that.
Secondly when using route helpers with named parameters you need to specify the name so Rails knows what parameters should be used. Change view_page_path('home') to view_page_path(:name => 'home').
And finally a NoMethodError for <%= #page.body.html_safe%> suggests to me that either #page or #page.body is nil.

simple_form error messages do not go away

I'm using simple_form with twitter bootstrap on Rails.
Everything works great, except when showing live validations in a form-inline class. My code for the form is:
<%= simple_form_for #message,
url: mailing_list_path,
html: { class: "form-inline" },
method: :post,
validate: true do |f| %>
<%= f.input_field :email_address, label: false %>
<%= f.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>
This shows the error message properly (e.g. "is invalid"), but if I click off the input and then back on again, it adds another message (e.g. it would say "is invalid is invalid"). For example, two sequential invalid entries and then a blank entry would give:
Is there any way to have simple_form remove the existing error message before adding a new one?
I solved this using some ghetto js, but would still like to know if the functionality I mentioned above is built in. The divs are still there, they're just hidden instead of all showing together. Would be great to have them actually removed by the form validation...
$('input.email-address-input').on 'keyup', () ->

Rails Flash was working, now it's not

Suddenly flash and params aren't working for me. Even my normal flash error/success messages don't work.
This is just one sample - I have the following in a view:
<%= link_to 'New Comment', new_comment_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary', :onclick => flash[:worequest_id] = #worequest.id %>
And in the new comment form:
<% if flash[:worequest_id] != nil %>
<%= f.hidden_field :worequest_id, :value => flash[:worequest_id] %>
I have been using flash to pass data between a view and a form in quite a few places in my Rails app. Now, none of them are working!!
Could I have set some configuration that would turn off flash and params?
I appreciate your help!!
I read on another post, where someone was having "session problems" with FLASH. Where would I look for session problems?
I added the following to the view that receives the data from the flash:
<% if flash[:worequest_id].blank? %>
<h3>flash blank</h3>
<% end %>
And "flash blank" showed up.
Really - This has been in many places of my app for months. And now it's not working!!!!!!!
I also tried this:
<% flash.keep[:worequest_id] = #worequest.id %>
Is there a rails config file that deals with session? Maybe I messed up a parameter or something.
This is the only line in my initializers/session_store.rb file:
Ndeavor::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_ndeavor_session'
Params don't work either !!!!!
I just created a new app from scratch using Rails 3.2.11 and flash and params are working fine. So, it's not the version of Rails.
Im a bit confused about what/how you're trying to achieve.
Have you looked at the output produced by this?
<%= link_to 'New Comment', new_comment_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary', :onclick => flash[:worequest_id] = #worequest.id %>
I removed the jbuilder gem and now flash and params are working. It has to be something I did, because I just tried jbuilder in another app, and it didn't break flash. I'm going to try and figure out why my use of the gem caused the problem.

pass parameters as POST through path

I currently have the following link:
<%= link_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id => #university.id) %>
and the url I get is:
How can I pass the parameter as POST?
I tried adding method => :post, but no luck there. I appreciate any help. Thanks.
The method parameter of link_to should work - what exactly was wrong with it?
<%= link_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id => #university.id), method: :post %>
Alternatively, you can try button_to
<%= button_to 'New campus', new_campus_path(:university_id => #university.id), method: :post %>
Edit: in both of these cases, the paremeter will still be added to the query string, but as long as the HTTP verb is correct, this shouldn't make a difference for rails, because access to both is done through the params hash.
If it's really important to not include the parameter, you can create the form yourself and add a hidden field:
<%= form_tag new_campus_path, method: :post %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :university_id, #university.id %>
<%= submit_tag 'New campus' %>
<% end %>
I don't think there's a shortcut for this in rails
Edit 2: As an aside, if I'm guessing correctly, this link is supposed to open a form for creating a new campus with a default university selected. If that's the case, you should really be using GET, because it's just a read action that doesn't cause any side effects.
You can use JQuery. Like this :
$("#my_link").click(function() {
type: 'POST',
url: '/campus/new?university_id=1'
You can see the doc here : http://api.jquery.com/click/ and here : http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.post/.

Rails properly pass in id through form

I just need some clarity of thought on this one. I've got a Photos show page where a user can click "Like" to create a new like record for a particular photo.
On my photos show.html page I have the following form:
<%= form_for :like, :url => likes_path do |f| %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(:photo_id, #photo.id) %>
<%= f.submit "Like" %>
<% end %>
When I click the form I get a message that it "Couldn't find a Photo without an ID":
Started POST "/likes" for at Sat Feb 25 16:43:21 -0500 2012
Processing by LikesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Like", "authenticity_token"=>"cQnuAHb/f6Sgo3aB5xPKErx3joQTV+DHGs0w9vi13vM=", "utf8"=>"\342\234\223", "photo_id"=>"47"}
Completed 404 Not Found in 68ms
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Photo without an ID):
app/controllers/likes_controller.rb:8:in `create'
Not sure why when it seems to be passing in the photo_id correctly, no?
Here's a look at my likes_controller:
def create
#photo = Photo.find(params[:id])
#like = Like.new(:photo_id => :photo_id, :user_id => current_user.id)
Anyone see what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks.
It should work with Photo.find(params[:photo_id]).
The error message says that you called Photo.findwith a nil parameter, e.g. there is no parameter id in the request.