VB.NET - How to see if Current User's Group Name matches a specified Group Name using Active Directory Roles and SID's - vb.net

I'm trying to match up a specific group name and see if it exists for the currently logged in user using Active Directory roles. If the Group Name exists for the Current User, I want that group name to be displayed in a drop down list.
Example: If current user is in BIG Group, display BIG in drop down list.
Problem: All I am getting is SIDs and I'm not able to get anything to match up to the group name and nothing will show up in the drop down list.
I also get the following Error:
Error: Object variable or WIth block variable not set.
How do I fix this??
here is the code I am using:
Private Sub GetMarketingCompanies()
' code to populate marketing company drop down list based on the current logged in users active directory group that
' corresponds to which marketing company they are in
Dim irc As IdentityReferenceCollection
Dim ir As IdentityReference
irc = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Groups
Dim strGroupName As String
For Each ir In irc
' Dim mktGroup As IdentityReference = ir.Translate(GetType(NTAccount))
strGroupName = mktGroup.Value.ToString
For Each UserGroup In WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Groups
If mktGroup.Value = "BIG" Then
Dim Company = ac1.Cast(Of MarketingCompany).Where(Function(ac) ac.MarketingCompanyShort = "BIG").FirstOrDefault
If Company IsNot Nothing Then
marketingCo.Items.Add(String.Format("{0} | {1}", Company.MarketingCompanyShort, Company.MarketingCompanyName))
End If
End If
Thanks for looking!
Any helpful answers will be up-voted!

I'm not sure what you are referring to by roles but the following will list the current users groups (both local and domain):
For Each ir As IdentityReference In WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent.Groups
Debug.WriteLine(CType(ir.Translate(GetType(NTAccount)), NTAccount).Value)

In response to your answer - Strikes me that if this is what you want to do the following is probably more efficient and easier to read:
Dim p As WindowsPrincipal = New WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent())
'load all groups
ElseIf p.IsInRole("ALG\ACOMP_USER_BIG") Then
'load BIG groups
ElseIf p.IsInRole("ALG\ACOMP_USER_AMG") Then
'load AMG groups
End If

I ended up doing the following to fix the code:
deleting the the For loop that calls UserGroup In WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Groups
putting all the code under the For Each Loop that calls IdentityReference In IdentityReferenceCollection
adding mcisloaded boolean variable to make the admin, not admin if statements work
disabling MsgBox(mktGroup.Value) as this was just for trial and error to see what values were getting returned
Here's the code:
Private Sub GetMarketingCompanies()
Dim ac1 As Array
ac1 = proxy.GetMarketingCompanyNames("test", "test")
' code to populate marketing company drop down list based on the current logged in users active directory group that
' corresponds to which marketing company they are in
Dim irc As IdentityReferenceCollection
Dim ir As IdentityReference
irc = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Groups
Dim strGroupName As String
Dim mcisloaded As Boolean
' Translate the current user's active directory groups
For Each ir In irc
Dim mktGroup As IdentityReference = ir.Translate(GetType(NTAccount))
' MsgBox(mktGroup.Value)
strGroupName = mktGroup.Value.ToString
' If the user is in the admin group, load all marketing companies
If mktGroup.Value = "ALG\ACOMP_USER_ADMIN" Then
mcisloaded = True
For Each item In ac1
marketingCo.Items.Add(String.Format("{0} | {1}", item.MarketingCompanyShort, item.MarketingCompanyName))
End If
'If the user is not in the admin group, load marketing companies individually
If Not mktGroup.Value = "ALG\ACOMP_USER_ADMIN" Then
mcisloaded = False
If mcisloaded = False Then
If mktGroup.Value = "ALG\ACOMP_USER_BIG" Then
Dim Company = ac1.Cast(Of MarketingCompany).Where(Function(ac) ac.MarketingCompanyShort = "BIG").FirstOrDefault
If Company IsNot Nothing Then
marketingCo.Items.Add(String.Format("{0} | {1}", Company.MarketingCompanyShort, Company.MarketingCompanyName))
End If
End If
If mktGroup.Value = "ALG\ACOMP_USER_AMG" Then
Dim Company = ac1.Cast(Of MarketingCompany).Where(Function(ac) ac.MarketingCompanyShort = "AMG").FirstOrDefault
If Company IsNot Nothing Then
marketingCo.Items.Add(String.Format("{0} | {1}", Company.MarketingCompanyShort, Company.MarketingCompanyName))
End If
End If
' ... Code for loading the rest of the marketing groups
End If
End If
Update 6-7-11: Here's a cleaner version of cycling through all the active directory group names by using a string splitter to get the last 3 letters that identifies the marketing company, instead of a series of if statements for each marketing company:
Private Sub GetMarketingCompanies()
Dim marketingCompanyNamesArray As Array
marketingCompanyNamesArray = proxy.GetMarketingCompanyNames("test", "test")
' code to populate marketing company drop down list based on the current logged in users active directory group that
' corresponds to which marketing company they are in
Dim identityReferenceCollection As IdentityReferenceCollection
Dim identityReference As IdentityReference
identityReferenceCollection = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Groups
Dim strGroupName As String
Dim mcisloaded As Boolean
' Translate the current user's active directory groups
For Each identityReference In identityReferenceCollection
Dim mktGroup As IdentityReference = identityReference.Translate(GetType(NTAccount))
' MsgBox(mktGroup.Value)
' Debug.WriteLine(mktGroup.Value)
strGroupName = mktGroup.Value.ToString
' Locally User group is ALG\ACOMP_USER_ADMIN , deployed ALGWEB\ACOMP_USER_ADMIN
' If the user is in the admin group, load all marketing companies
If mktGroup.Value = "ALG\ACOMP_USER_ADMIN" Then
mcisloaded = True
For Each item In marketingCompanyNamesArray
marketingCo.Items.Add(String.Format("{0} | {1}", item.MarketingCompanyShort, item.MarketingCompanyName))
'If not admin user (mcisloaded = False) load each group individually if it appears in AD
' For Each UserGroup In WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Groups that begins with ALG\ACOMP_USER, load marketing companies
Dim MarketingCompanyShortName As String = ""
Dim mktGroupName As String = mktGroup.Value
If mktGroupName.StartsWith("ALG\ACOMP_USER") Then
Dim marketingGroupNameParts() As String = Split(mktGroupName, "_")
'Load MarketingCompanyShortName from the end of marketingGroupNameParts - example: ACOMP_USER_BIG
MarketingCompanyShortName = marketingGroupNameParts(2)
'If MarketingCompanyShortName exists, load it into the dropdownlist
Dim Company = marketingCompanyNamesArray.Cast(Of MarketingCompany).Where(Function(ac) ac.MarketingCompanyShort = MarketingCompanyShortName).FirstOrDefault
If Company IsNot Nothing Then
marketingCo.Items.Add(String.Format("{0} | {1}", Company.MarketingCompanyShort, Company.MarketingCompanyName))
End If
End If
End If


GetByKey() not working in some users in SAP B1

So I have this problem where I want to get DocEntry in OPCH table so I use the GetByKey(). The problem is that it works in all users except this particular user where GetByKey() returns false when I logged in to this specific user.
here is my code:
Sub SaveTransmit(ByVal tForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form)
Dim tMatrix As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix = Nothing
tMatrix = tForm.Items.Item("3").Specific
Dim MyDoc As SAPbobsCOM.Documents = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseInvoices)
Dim mtRow As Integer = tMatrix.RowCount
For xxxt As Integer = 1 To mtRow
tCheckE = tMatrix.Columns.Item("Col0").Cells.Item(xxxt).Specific
tCheckB = tMatrix.Columns.Item("Col1").Cells.Item(xxxt).Specific 'Checkbox
Dim koji As Boolean = tCheckB.Checked
If koji = True Then
If MyDoc.GetByKey(tCheckE.Value) Then
'some codes
End if
End if
End Sub
I don't know if this is a bug in SAP B1 or I need to configure this specific user.
This sounds like some kind of permission issue. Validate license ( prof vs limited ), data owner or general authorization.

VB ListBox list ftp directories and remove multiple lines based on number in folder name

I do get a lot of help from this website searching for a solution but at this point I'm completely stuck. I'm not a programmer, still was able to get that far.
The idea of my little project is to download newest version of a program (folder) from FTP server. Unzip files and update current program folder with new files. But before that backup the exiting program folder to a different FTP address.
What I'm struggling with is a way they post program versions (folders) on FTP:
folder structure on FTP
I can't really predict what would be the next folder to download because e.g. for program version:
it might be:
what ever is being released.
There is an ini file on C drive that holds the current program version. I was able to retrieve that information by reading the line, removing the unnecessary characters and splitting the string:
Dim wersja1 As String = File.ReadAllLines("C:\Windows\file.ini").FirstOrDefault(Function(x) x.Contains("WERSJA="))
Dim characterToRemove1 As String = "WERSJA="
Dim wersja2 As String = Replace(wersja1, characterToRemove1, "")
Dim characterToRemove2 As String = "T"
Dim wersja3 As String = Replace(wersja2, characterToRemove2, "")
Dim wersja4 As String() = wersja3.Split(New Char() {"."c})
Dim w1 As String = wersja4(0)
Dim w2 As String = wersja4(1)
Dim w3 As String = wersja4(2)
e.g. from a line:
I get:
w1 = 7
w2 = 6
w3 = 5
Then I change the last one (w3) to a two digits number (because of the way folders are named on FTP):
If w3 < 10 Then
w3 = "0" & w3
w3 = w3
End If
So if:
w3 = 5 >> I get 05
w3 = 16 >> I get 16
So far, so good.
In the next step I would like to see a filtered list of program versions (folders) in a ListBox or 2 ListBoxes. I would like to filter the list to see only folder with a bigger number than the current program version, so I can choose the correct one to download.
Why this way? Because if current version is e.g.
and there are 3 new ones e.g.:
I need to download all of them one by one, update program files and start the program to update sql database in order they were released. I can't skip any version on update.
Dim FTPurl As String = "ftp://xx.xx.xxx.xxx/wersje/"
Dim FTPwersja As String = "WERSJA_NOWY_TEMPLATE_*"
Dim FTPlog As String = "xxx"
Dim FTPpass As String = "yyy"
Dim clsRequest As FtpWebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(FTPurl & FTPwersja)
clsRequest.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(FTPlog, FTPpass)
clsRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory
Dim listResponse As FtpWebResponse = clsRequest.GetResponse
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(listResponse.GetResponseStream())
'folder list
While reader.Peek >= 0
End While
'remove empty lines
For i As Integer = ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If ListBox1.GetItemText(ListBox1.Items(i)) = String.Empty Then
End If
Next i
The above code gives me this result.
I found this code that enables filtering of ListBox but I have no clue on how to convert it to an loop so I would see only folders with bigger numbers than the current version of program:
'filter result in list box
Dim items = From it In ListBox1.Items.Cast(Of Object)()
Where it.ToString().IndexOf("7.5", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0
Dim matchingItemList As List(Of Object) = items.ToList()
'ListBox1.Items.Clear() 'add to list
For Each item In matchingItemList
ListBox1.Items.Remove(item) 'remove from list
'ListBox1.Items.Add(item) 'add to list
I also have this code to catch choice and prevent crash when clicked on empty line :
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim LB1choice = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()
Label5.Text = LB1choice
Catch ex As Exception
ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 0
End Try
End Sub
The ideal would be 2 ComboBoxes where 1st would display e.g.
and based on the choice 2nd ComboBox would list newer subfolders in it e.g.
for the 1st one, and:
for the 2nd one.
I much appreciate if anyone could help me this because it's beyond my skills.

Quickbooks QBFC PurchaseOrderAdd

I have been working on a quickbooks project and have been successful on many aspects until I hit a wall at attempting to add a Purchase Order.
as the title states I am using the QBFC -has anyone successfully accomplished this and could point me in the right direction ?
I am currently using mostly example code from the OnScreen reference from quickbooks ( before customizing it) a process which I have used for the other aspects of what I already have working...
It runs fine, but currenrtly doesn't actally add anything to the Quickbooks vendor?
thanks in advance
` Public Sub writePO_ToQB()
Dim sessManager As QBSessionManager
Dim msgSetRs As IMsgSetResponse
sessManager = New QBSessionManagerClass()
Dim msgSetRq As IMsgSetRequest = sessManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 13, 0)
msgSetRq.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeContinue
MessageBox.Show("calling write command")
'step3: begin QB session and send the request
sessManager.OpenConnection("App", "DataBridge JBOOKS")
sessManager.BeginSession("", ENOpenMode.omDontCare)
msgSetRs = sessManager.DoRequests(msgSetRq)
End Sub
Public Sub writeActualQBMSG(requestMsgSet As IMsgSetRequest)
' Dim requestMsgSet As IMsgSetRequest
Dim PurchaseOrderAddRq As IPurchaseOrderAdd
PurchaseOrderAddRq = requestMsgSet.AppendPurchaseOrderAddRq()
'add all the elements of a PO to the request - need to determine what is required!!
' PurchaseOrderAddRq.VendorRef.FullName.SetValue("Test Vendor")
'------------------- CODE FROM QBS --------
Dim ORInventorySiteORShipToEntityElementType162 As String
ORInventorySiteORShipToEntityElementType162 = "InventorySiteRef"
If (ORInventorySiteORShipToEntityElementType162 = "InventorySiteRef") Then
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
End If
If (ORInventorySiteORShipToEntityElementType162 = "ShipToEntityRef") Then
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
End If
' ----------------- END OF CODE FROM QBS --------------------------------------------
'------------ MOR QBS CODE ------------
Dim ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElement324 As IORPurchaseOrderLineAdd
ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElement324 = PurchaseOrderAddRq.ORPurchaseOrderLineAddList.Append()
Dim ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElementType325 As String
ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElementType325 = "PurchaseOrderLineAdd"
If (ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElementType325 = "PurchaseOrderLineAdd") Then
'Set field value for ListID
' ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElement324.PurchaseOrderLineAdd.ItemRef.ListID.SetValue("200000-1011023419")
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ManufacturerPartNumber
'Set field value for Desc
' ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElement324.PurchaseOrderLineAdd.Desc.SetValue("ab")
'Set field value for Quantity
Dim DataExt326 As IDataExt
DataExt326 = ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElement324.PurchaseOrderLineAdd.DataExtList.Append()
'Set field value for OwnerID
' DataExt326.OwnerID.SetValue(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
'Set field value for DataExtName
'Set field value for DataExtValue
End If
If (ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElementType325 = "PurchaseOrderLineGroupAdd") Then
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for Quantity
'Set field value for UnitOfMeasure
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
Dim DataExt327 As IDataExt
DataExt327 = ORPurchaseOrderLineAddListElement324.PurchaseOrderLineGroupAdd.DataExtList.Append()
'Set field value for OwnerID
'Set field value for DataExtName
'Set field value for DataExtValue
End If
' ----- END OF MORE QBS CODE ----------
End Sub`
The issue here is you have not included the error and response handling code. You need to have something equivalent to the WalkPurchaseOrderAddRs(responseMsgSet). Specifically within that function this checks for error conditions. I have a modified version of their sample.
For j=0 To responseList.Count - 1
Dim response As IResponse
response = responseList.GetAt(i)
'check the status code of the response
If response.StatusCode = 0 Then
' response is ok, handle results as usual...
ElseIf response.StatusCode = 1 Then
' Used when search results return nothing...
Else ' > 1 Is an error
' Is an error or warning condition...
' Capture code and message from QuickBooks
Dim code As String = response.StatusCode
Dim severity As String = response.StatusSeverity ' ERROR or WARNING
Dim message As String = response.StatusMessage
End If
Next j
As a side note, the OSR sample code really is just for illustration purposes. This and similar code is pointless.
Dim ORInventorySiteORShipToEntityElementType162 As String
ORInventorySiteORShipToEntityElementType162 = "InventorySiteRef"
If (ORInventorySiteORShipToEntityElementType162 = "InventorySiteRef") Then
One more hint. When you are setting values from lists like Vendor or ItemRef, you can choose the ListID or the FullName. If you use both as the sample shows then the ListID is used by QuickBooks. I recommend you use the FullName and scrap the ListID. The reason is QuickBooks will parrot whatever you use back to you in an error message. So if your vendor doesn't exist you will either see something like "missing element 80000094-1512152428" or "missing element TheFullName" which is cryptic but readable.
Ok, one more... The sample code that appears to set the custom field data DataExt... will not work. You need to use the DataExtAdd request instead.

How to list AD group alphabetically using VB.net?

I have created a vb.net app that within it lists the active directory groups a users computer is a member of.
What I cannot do or find how to do online is how to show that list of AD groups alphabetically.
Does anyone know how to show them in alphabetical order?
Here is the code I have thus far.
Public Shared Function WorkstationADGroups(ByVal PCName As String) As String
' Returns list of AD Groups the comptuer is a member of
Dim x As Integer = 1
Dim result As String = Nothing
Using ctx As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain)
Using p = Principal.FindByIdentity(ctx, PCName)
If Not p Is Nothing Then
Dim groups = p.GetGroups()
Using groups
For Each group In groups
result = result & "</BR>" & x & ". -- " & group.SamAccountName
x = x + 1
End Using
End If
End Using
End Using
Return result
Catch ex As Exception
Return ex.Message
End Try
End Function
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
I usually go to linq for this.
Dim orderedGroups = (From g In Groups Order By g.SamAccountName)
Then you can loop through orderedGroups instead of Groups to get what you need.

Scan all the documents in a View

So, this my code. It gets only the first document. But what I want to do is read a specific document. The view is a collection of usernames and passwords. So, for example : The username is in the 5th document, then the program will scan the view until it finds the right document. Sorry for my poor explanation. I hope you understand my problem.
On Error Goto e
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim results As Variant
Dim cmd As String
Dim d As NotesDocument, flag As Integer, upw As String, uname As String
Set db = source.Database
uname = Inputbox("Enter Username")
Set view = db.GetView("Registration View")
Set d = view.GetFirstDocument()
'cmd = {#DbLookup("";"48257E00:00089AF5";"RegView";1)}
'results = Evaluate(cmd)
Dim pw As String, un As String
'Forall Username In results
' Msgbox username(1)
'End Forall
If Not d Is Nothing Then
un = d.userfield(0)
pw = d.passfield(0)
If un <> uname Then
Msgbox "Username invalid!"
End If
If un = uname Then
upw = Inputbox("Enter Password")
If pw <> upw Then
Msgbox "Password invalid!"
End If
If pw = upw Then
Msgbox "Log In succesful!"
flag = 1
End If
End If
End If
If flag <> 1 Then Call source.Close()
Exit Sub
Print Error, Erl
Instead of using view.getFirstDocument you should use view.getDocumentByKey(uname,true) which return the document with the key uname in the first column in the view
Make sure the first column In the view is set to sorted
If no document is found using the key then getDocumentByKey returns nothing
You can create a view with the first column userfield and the second column passfield. The first column has to be sorted.
In your code build an array of uname and upw
Dim strSearch (0 to 1) as String
Dim viewSearch as NotesView
Dim doc as NotesDocument
viewSearch = db.getView("YourSearchView")
strSearch(0) = uname
strSearch(1) = upw
Set doc = db.getDocumentByKey(strSearch, true)
If(Not doc is nothing)Then
Print "Login successfull"
Print "Wrong username or password"
End if
If you want to use a two step check of username and then password you can create two search views and use the first for check if the username exists and the second for checking the given username and password.
Of course you could cycle through the complete view and compare each single entry, but that will be quite slow. In your code the complete "cycling" is missing. You would need to use a do - while loop to run through all entries in the view:
Set d = view.GetFirstDocument()
un = d.userfield(0)
pw = d.passfield(0)
'- here comes the rest of your code, if password is right - exit
If flag = 1 then exitLoop = True
Set d = view.GetNextDocument( d )
if d is Nothing then exitLoop = True
Loop until exitLoop
But this is quite inefficient. If your view is sortey by username (if not, create one that is), then use getDocumentbyKey as suggested by Thomas.
Set d = view.GetDocumentByKey( uname )
If not d is Nothing then
un = d.userfield
The question is WHY would one do something like this: Notes / Domino has a great security concept and saving all usernames and passwords in a view, where everybody can simple read the passwords by checking the document properties is -sorry to say- stupid and does not give you even one more bit of security...