OFX Connectivity options - banking

We currently use a product from NSoftware that allows us to connect to banks directly using the OFX protocol to download transactions and balances.
OFX is functional on a lot of banks, but I was hoping to get insight from others who have used other methods of banking connectivity. Screen scraping and OFX are the only two we know of.
Does anyone out there have any advice on API's or other options we may have missed?
Thanks in advance.

Yodlee, or wasabe open source as they just went belly up and published their code.


XERO API: Is there documentation that lists which tables are available to developers?

Looking for a list of tables that are accessible to developers to make sure we can accomplish what we're hoping to before going through all of the effort to get the data into Azure. Anything someone can share?
Xero's documentation is frustrating, as some of it is out of date and references long-dead information.
Use the Xero API Explorer to verify at
You're wise to verify this before starting coding as there are a lot of oddities (and omissions) in the API.

Does Google Data Studio have API functionality, and if not, will it in the near future?

I'm trying to automate a workflow using Google Data Studio. Requirements are simple - I need to be able to programatically copy a templated report (from a Python/Java application) and import/set a data source (Google Sheets doc) for that report. Nothing more fancy (no visualisation creation, formatting, or anything graphical, etc.).
Sources here, here and here (last two require Google Cloud Console account) suggest an API does exist (and detail a setup process to access it). However, after going through this setup process, I can find no details or documentation of any functionality, and consequently have been unable to progress.
Can anyone authoritatively state whether:
1. There does exist any API functionality for GDS? and
2. If not, are there plans to develop such? (since the Google links above suggest there is, I'm wondering if this means it's in the pipeline for near future).
The only directly related SO posts I can find are here and here. The first suggests there isn't, but doesn't account for the Google links I've provided above which suggest there is; the second doesn't really cover the same use case, so doesn't provide answers applicable here.
FYI - I've posted a Google Community forum post here asking essentially the same question.
If anyone is able to help out, that would be greatly appreciated :) Many thanks in advance for your time and help! :)
Fresh as of 2022-05-23
There does exist any API functionality for GDS?
Not in the way you are expecting. The three links you posted all refer to the current Data Studio API. The only things you can do with that API is view your Data Studio assets and update permissions. That's it. This API won't let you create/copy/modify reports or data sources.
If not, are there plans to develop such?
Not in the near future. You can make/vote for this feature request in the official tracker. More popular feature requests are usually prioritized in roadmaps.
That being said, a lot of the API use cases can be resolved using combinations of Community Connectors, config parameters, direct linking, viewer's credentials, Linking/Integration API etc.

Request a Blockchain API V2 to receive Payments

I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but I have a problem with the Blockchain API V2, I tried too many times to request it, but never getting an answer nor my API!? I don't know why.
I searched the web looking for people whom having the same problem as I am, but find nothing. Also I didn't find a way to contact them asking about the delay in giving a simple API code!.
So if anyone has a better idea please let me know.
As an addition I am going to use it in a thirdparty software, where I am not able to add other Bitcoin payments instead of Blockchain one.
I don't know why exactly, but they have become extremely strict as to who they give API keys now. Previously it was very easy, and now they heavily investigate the intended usage. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason has to do with gambling sites and scams that were using their API.
As for recommendations you can run your own node on a VPS or use another 3rd party API. The only one that is as easy to use as blockchain.info, but actually gives out API keys is block.io. The catch is the free version is severely limited. There's also blocktrail, and blockcypher.

How can I download information from bank accounts?

There are a number of free finance tracking sites out there like mint.com, wesabe.com etc.. .
I've tried all of them and all seem to miss the mark in one way or another. I'm interested in creating my own website, or possibly just a stand alone windows program for tracking my finances in ASP.NET or C#.NET.
I'm assuming the answer is no, but is there any way that a personal developer can download transactions from financial websites like these? I know once you login to most financial sites you can download a CSV or Quicken file. Yet I really like how I can log-in to my Mint.com account and update all my accounts with one click.
Popular applications (like Quicken) and most major US banks support Open Financial Exchange (OFX). If a bank can connect to Quicken, it probably supports OFX (though not guaranteed).
I doubt very many banks have public APIs for this. More likely than not, you will need to send HTTPS requests to the various banking websites, and you will probably have to have custom code for each bank that you wish to support, tailored to the structure of their websites and their form elements.

Selling software online

I am developing software which I want to sell online. The typical pay the vender, get a digital key that unlocks the application scenario.
I've never set this up before, does anyone have any info on good service providers, and things I need to know when setting this up?
Microsoft uses digital river, maybe check them out?
You can checkout a typical license acquisition flow using FastSpring
FastSpring / NetLicensing flow
This combines FastSpring e-Commerce and NetLicensing license management.
You did not say what language you are planning on using, but this is a great solution for a .net compiled language:
It provides two key features. First the ability to automatically generate your licenses based on many different ecommerce solutions so you don't have to keep paying a 3rd party a % for it. Second, it offers code protection to prevent people from using Reflection on your software to crack it / steal your intellectual rights. (note i said prevent, not completely stop)
I'm using FastSpring, you give them binary file and keys, and you setup your account to send an email that contains these two informations. you can tell them what you want and they will do it for you