What is the range of a double in Objective-C? - objective-c

I have a program where I am calculating large distances. I then convert the distance (a double) using stringfromnumber to get the commas inserted (i.e. 1,234,567). This works fine as long as the distance is below 2,000,000,000. Any time I exceed 2 billion I get a negative number that is also not the correct distance. From checking the help, I seem to be well within the range of a double.

You can check you're own float.h for DBL_MAX to find out. I got a value of 1.797693e+308 from:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
int main ( void ) {
printf("Max double %e \n", DBL_MAX);
return 0;

A double can hold anything from infinity to negative infinity. However It can only hold 15 digits accurately. Also, keep in mind that if you cast it to an int and the double stores something larger than 2,147,483,648, the int will overflow to a negative number.


Objective C, division between floats not giving an exact answer

Right now I have a line of code like this:
float x = (([self.machine micSensitivity] - 0.0075f) / 0.00025f);
Where [self.machine micSensitivity] is a float containing the value 0.010000
0.01 - 0.0075 = 0.0025
0.0025 / 0.00025 = 10.0
But in this case, it keeps returning 9.999999
I'm assuming there's some kind of rounding error but I can't seem to find a clean way of fixing it. micSensitivity is incremented/decremented by 0.00025 and that formula is meant to return a clean integer value for the user to reference so I'd rather get the programming right than just adding 0.000000000001.
that formula is meant to return a clean integer value for the user to reference
If that is really important to you, then why do you not multiply all the numbers in this story by 10000, coerce to int, and do integer arithmetic?
Or, if you know that the answer is arbitrarily close to an integer, round to that integer and present it.
Floating-point arithmetic is binary, not decimal. It will almost always give rounding errors. You need to take that into account. "float" has about six digit precision. "double" has about 15 digits precision. You throw away nine digits precision for no reason.
Now think: What do you want to display? What do you want to display if the result of your calculation is 9.999999999? What would you want to display if the result is 9.538105712?
None of the numbers in your question, except 10.0, can be exactly represented in a float or a double on iOS. If you want to do float math with those numbers, you will have rounding errors.
You can round your result to the nearest integer easily enough:
float x = rintf((self.machine.micSensitivity - 0.0075f) / 0.00025f);
Or you can just multiply all your numbers, including the allowed values of micSensitivity, by 4000 (which is 1/0.00025), and thus work entirely with integers.
Or you can change the allowed values of micSensitivity so that its increment is a fraction whose denominator is a power of 2. For example, if you use an increment of 0.000244140625 (which is 2-12), and change 0.0075 to 0.00732421875 (which is 30 * 2-12), you should get exact results, as long as your micSensitivity is within the range ±4096 (since 4096 is 212 and a float has 24 bits of significand).
The code you have posted is correct and functioning properly. This is a known side effect of using floating point arithmetic. See the wiki on floating point accuracy problems for a dull explanation as to why.
There are several ways to work around the problem depending on what you need to use the number for.
If you need to compare two floats, then most everything works OK: less than and greater than do what you would expect. The only trouble is testing if two floats are equal.
// If x and y are within a very small number from each other then they are equal.
if (fabs(x - y) < verySmallNumber) { // verySmallNumber is usually called epsilon.
// x and y are equal (or at least close enough)
If you want to print a float, then you can specify a precision to round to.
// Get a string of the x rounded to five digits of precision.
NSString *xAsAString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.5f", x];
9.999999 is equal 10. there is prove:
9.999999 = x then 10x = 99.999999 then 10x-x = 9x = 90 then x = 10

Why do we do unsigned right shift or signed right shift? [duplicate]

I understand what the unsigned right shift operator ">>>" in Java does, but why do we need it, and why do we not need a corresponding unsigned left shift operator?
The >>> operator lets you treat int and long as 32- and 64-bit unsigned integral types, which are missing from the Java language.
This is useful when you shift something that does not represent a numeric value. For example, you could represent a black and white bit map image using 32-bit ints, where each int encodes 32 pixels on the screen. If you need to scroll the image to the right, you would prefer the bits on the left of an int to become zeros, so that you could easily put the bits from the adjacent ints:
int shiftBy = 3;
int[] imageRow = ...
int shiftCarry = 0;
// The last shiftBy bits are set to 1, the remaining ones are zero
int mask = (1 << shiftBy)-1;
for (int i = 0 ; i != imageRow.length ; i++) {
// Cut out the shiftBits bits on the right
int nextCarry = imageRow & mask;
// Do the shift, and move in the carry into the freed upper bits
imageRow[i] = (imageRow[i] >>> shiftBy) | (carry << (32-shiftBy));
// Prepare the carry for the next iteration of the loop
carry = nextCarry;
The code above does not pay attention to the content of the upper three bits, because >>> operator makes them
There is no corresponding << operator because left-shift operations on signed and unsigned data types are identical.
>>> is also the safe and efficient way of finding the rounded mean of two (large) integers:
int mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
If integers high and low are close to the the largest machine integer, the above will be correct but
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
can get a wrong result because of overflow.
Here's an example use, fixing a bug in a naive binary search.
Basically this has to do with sign (numberic shifts) or unsigned shifts (normally pixel related stuff).
Since the left shift, doesn't deal with the sign bit anyhow, it's the same thing (<<< and <<)...
Either way I have yet to meet anyone that needed to use the >>>, but I'm sure they are out there doing amazing things.
As you have just seen, the >> operator automatically fills the
high-order bit with its previous contents each time a shift occurs.
This preserves the sign of the value. However, sometimes this is
undesirable. For example, if you are shifting something that does not
represent a numeric value, you may not want sign extension to take
place. This situation is common when you are working with pixel-based
values and graphics. In these cases you will generally want to shift a
zero into the high-order bit no matter what its initial value was.
This is known as an unsigned shift. To accomplish this, you will use
java’s unsigned, shift-right operator,>>>, which always shifts zeros
into the high-order bit.
Further reading:
The signed right-shift operator is useful if one has an int that represents a number and one wishes to divide it by a power of two, rounding toward negative infinity. This can be nice when doing things like scaling coordinates for display; not only is it faster than division, but coordinates which differ by the scale factor before scaling will differ by one pixel afterward. If instead of using shifting one uses division, that won't work. When scaling by a factor of two, for example, -1 and +1 differ by two, and should thus differ by one afterward, but -1/2=0 and 1/2=0. If instead one uses signed right-shift, things work out nicely: -1>>1=-1 and 1>>1=0, properly yielding values one pixel apart.
The unsigned operator is useful either in cases where either the input is expected to have exactly one bit set and one will want the result to do so as well, or in cases where one will be using a loop to output all the bits in a word and wants it to terminate cleanly. For example:
void processBitsLsbFirst(int n, BitProcessor whatever)
while(n != 0)
whatever.processBit(n & 1);
n >>>= 1;
If the code were to use a signed right-shift operation and were passed a negative value, it would output 1's indefinitely. With the unsigned-right-shift operator, however, the most significant bit ends up being interpreted just like any other.
The unsigned right-shift operator may also be useful when a computation would, arithmetically, yield a positive number between 0 and 4,294,967,295 and one wishes to divide that number by a power of two. For example, when computing the sum of two int values which are known to be positive, one may use (n1+n2)>>>1 without having to promote the operands to long. Also, if one wishes to divide a positive int value by something like pi without using floating-point math, one may compute ((value*5468522205L) >>> 34) [(1L<<34)/pi is 5468522204.61, which rounded up yields 5468522205]. For dividends over 1686629712, the computation of value*5468522205L would yield a "negative" value, but since the arithmetically-correct value is known to be positive, using the unsigned right-shift would allow the correct positive number to be used.
A normal right shift >> of a negative number will keep it negative. I.e. the sign bit will be retained.
An unsigned right shift >>> will shift the sign bit too, replacing it with a zero bit.
There is no need to have the equivalent left shift because there is only one sign bit and it is the leftmost bit so it only interferes when shifting right.
Essentially, the difference is that one preserves the sign bit, the other shifts in zeros to replace the sign bit.
For positive numbers they act identically.
For an example of using both >> and >>> see BigInteger shiftRight.
In the Java domain most typical applications the way to avoid overflows is to use casting or Big Integer, such as int to long in the previous examples.
int hiint = 2147483647;
System.out.println("mean hiint+hiint/2 = " + ( (((long)hiint+(long)hiint)))/2);
System.out.println("mean hiint*2/2 = " + ( (((long)hiint*(long)2)))/2);
BigInteger bhiint = BigInteger.valueOf(2147483647);
System.out.println("mean bhiint+bhiint/2 = " + (bhiint.add(bhiint).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2))));

Difference between Objective-C primitive numbers

What is the difference between objective-c C primitive numbers? I know what they are and how to use them (somewhat), but I'm not sure what the capabilities and uses of each one is. Could anyone clear up which ones are best for some scenarios and not others?
What can I store with each one? I know that some can store more precise numbers and some can only store whole numbers. Say for example I wanted to store a latitude (possibly retrieved from a CLLocation object), which one should I use to avoid loosing any data?
I also noticed that there are unsigned variants of each one. What does that mean and how is it different from a primitive number that is not unsigned?
Apple has some interesting documentation on this, however it doesn't fully satisfy my question.
Well, first off types like int, float, double, long, and short are C primitives, not Objective-C. As you may be aware, Objective-C is sort of a superset of C. The Objective-C NSNumber is a wrapper class for all of these types.
So I'll answer your question with respect to these C primitives, and how Objective-C interprets them. Basically, each numeric type can be placed in one of two categories: Integer Types and Floating-Point Types.
Integer Types
long long
These can only store, well, integers (whole numbers), and are characterized by two traits: size and signedness.
Size means how much physical memory in the computer a type requires for storage, that is, how many bytes. Technically, the exact memory allocated for each type is implementation-dependendant, but there are a few guarantees: (1) char will always be 1 byte (2) sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) <= sizeof(long long).
Signedness means, simply whether or not the type can represent negative values. So a signed integer, or int, can represent a certain range of negative or positive numbers (traditionally –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647), and an unsigned integer, or unsigned int can represent the same range of numbers, but all positive (0 to 4,294,967,295).
Floating-Point Types
long double
These are used to store decimal values (aka fractions) and are also categorized by size. Again the only real guarantee you have is that sizeof(float) <= sizeof(double) <= sizeof (long double). Floating-point types are stored using a rather peculiar memory model that can be difficult to understand, and that I won't go into, but there is an excellent guide here.
There's a fantastic blog post about C primitives in an Objective-C context over at RyPress. Lots of intro CPS textbooks also have good resources.
Firstly I would like to specify the difference between au unsigned int and an int. Say that you have a very high number, and that you write a loop iterating with an unsigned int:
for(unsigned int i=0; i< N; i++)
{ ... }
If N is a number defined with #define, it may be higher that the maximum value storable with an int instead of an unsigned int. If you overflow i will start again from zero and you'll go in an infinite loop, that's why I prefer to use an int for loops.
The same happens if for mistake you iterate with an int, comparing it to a long. If N is a long you should iterate with a long, but if N is an int you can still safely iterate with a long.
Another pitfail that may occur is when using the shift operator with an integer constant, then assigning it to an int or long. Maybe you also log sizeof(long) and you notice that it returns 8 and you don't care about portability, so you think that you wouldn't lose precision here:
long i= 1 << 34;
Bit instead 1 isn't a long, so it will overflow and when you cast it to a long you have already lost precision. Instead you should type:
long i= 1l << 34;
Newer compilers will warn you about this.
Taken from this question: Converting Long 64-bit Decimal to Binary.
About float and double there is a thing to considerate: they use a mantissa and an exponent to represent the number. It's something like:
value= 2^exponent * mantissa
So the more the exponent is high, the more the floating point number doesn't have an exact representation. It may also happen that a number is too high, so that it will have a so inaccurate representation, that surprisingly if you print it you get a different number:
float f= 9876543219124567;
NSLog("%.0f",f); // On my machine it prints 9876543585124352
If I use a double it prints 9876543219124568, and if I use a long double with the .0Lf format it prints the correct value. Always be careful when using floating points numbers, unexpected things may happen.
For example it may also happen that two floating point numbers have almost the same value, that you expect they have the same value but there is a subtle difference, so that the equality comparison fails. But this has been treated hundreds of times on Stack Overflow, so I will just post this link: What is the most effective way for float and double comparison?.

Objective C: Using '%' Operator With Doubles

I had an interesting problem today. As part of practice with my fluency with objective-c, as I sit in math class, I write programs for each problem done on the board in hopes to increase my math and programming capabilities.
However, today I encountered a problem. One of the questions was something like "Find the greatest prime number that 10564245 (<-- example number) is divisible by"
So, I went in and made the program. I got as far as doing the loop for values to check, and then began to code the part where it checks the reminder, and if it's 0, it logs it, and if it isn't, it skips it.
However, since the number is too big to be an int, it had to be a double. When I tried to plug the number in, the program gave me errors when I wanted to use the % operator with the double. Is there any way to find remainders if you have a very large number?
ERROR: Invalid operands to binary expression
I took a little from each answer. We have the fmod capability, but I ended up using long instead of int, I don't know why I didn't think of the origionally
Use fmod().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double a = 77879878978942312315687897;
double b = 10;
printf("%.f",fmod(a, b));
Double values aren't precise for integer values and so probably shouldn't be used for this sort of thing. Instead, you can use a long into or even a long long int to do your calculations

Objective-C - Get number of decimals of a double variable

Is there a nice way to get the number of decimals of a double variable in Objective-C?
I am struggling for a while to find a way but with no success.
For example 231.44232000 should return 5.
Thanks in advance.
You could, in a loop, multiply by 10 until the fractional part (returned by modf()) is really close to zero. The number of iterations'll be the answer you're after. Something like:
int countDigits(double num) {
int rv = 0;
const double insignificantDigit = 8;
double intpart, fracpart;
fracpart = modf(num, &intpart);
while ((fabs(fracpart) > 0.000000001f) && (rv < insignificantDigit)) {
num *= 10;
fracpart = modf(num, &intpart);
return rv;
Is there a nice way to get the number of decimals of a double variable in Objective-C?
No. For starters, a double stores a number in binary, so there may not even be an exact binary representation that corresponds to your decimal number. There's also no consideration for the number of significant decimal digits -- if that's important, you'll need to track it separately.
You might want to look into using NSDecimalNumber if you need to store an exact representation of a decimal number. You could create your own subclass and add the ability to store and track significant digits.