Multi Model Form in Rails 3 - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm still a bit of a n00b when it comes to rails, however, I do have a question as to how to go about a multi-model form.
Basically, I have an event, and the user needs to be able to register for the event and provide a credit card for charging the event to. The credit card (I won't be holding the actual data for the CC, will, but I need to keep a token representing the card) will live with the user so they can sign up for other events in the future. So, I want the user to be able to edit this in the future, and the card isn't specific to a single event. This doesn't seem like something I'd use nested routes with, does it?
I have a feeling this is fairly simple, but I guess I'm just not entirely sure how to do it. Can I used nested models (not routes) and still update each portion independently?

If I understand your question, then yes you can. I think you mean something like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :credit_card
If that's correct, then the first step is to add this to the User class:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :credit_card
accepts_nested_attributes_for :credit_card
At this point you could just set up a "users" resource in the routes file and you could edit the credit card through a fields_for method in your edit view:
form_for #user do |f|
f.fields_for :credit_card do |ff|
ff.label :number
ff.text_field :number
Does that help?

Since Formatting is not allowed in comments, I am making a answer for it.
Thanks #twmills for your answer,
I am also new to rails. I have a question, will it work in case where I have following relationship:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :credit_cards, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :credit_card
class CreditCards < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
In above case, you can't create a CreditCard object unless you have parent user. Will f.fields_for :credit_card do |ff| also create an object of CraeditCard #user to f?
As per my understanding, this is not possible as how will be tell the view, which credit card to edit.
Secondly, On edit, this is fine but can I do something similar at the time of user creation. i.e. getting his credit card information at the time of user creation.


Returning associations for specific model when there is a polymorphic association in Rails 3.2

I have a polymorphic association in a Rails 3 app where a User may favorite objects of various classes.
class Favorite < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :favoriteable, :polymorphic => true
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :favorites
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :favorites, :as => :favoriteable
class Video < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :favorites, :as => :favoriteable
I would like to be able return a list of just a User's favorite_images for example.
user.favorite_images #returns a list of the images associated with the user via :favoritable
I'm guessing there is a straightforward way of doing this but I haven't been able to figure it out. Let me know if you need anymore info.
I know that I could retrieve what I am looking for via
favorite_images = user.favorites.collect{|f| if f.favoriteable_type=='Image'; f.favoriteable; end}
I could define an instance method for the User class and put that inside. I was wondering if there is a way to do it as some sort of has_many association. Really just because going forward it would be easier to have all that in one place.
When you created the table for Favorite you created a couple of columns favoriteable_id and favoriteable_type and you can use this information to restrict your query.
If you do user.favorites you will get all of the favorites and to restrict them to say just the images then you can do user.favorites.where(favoriteable_type: 'image') but that just gives you the favorite records and it sounds like you want the actual images. To get those you can do it by then mapping and pulling the favoriteable out. You'll likely want to include it in the query though so you don't hit the database so much. I would also make this a method on User.
def favorite_images
favorites.includes(:favoriteable).where(favoriteable_type: 'Image').map(&:favoriteable)

How to implement has_many :through relationship in rails with this example

i've been searching through similar questions but i still don't get how implement this relationship. I have of course three models :
class Recetum < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :desc, :duration, :prep, :photo, :topic_id
has_many :manifests
has_many :ingredients, :through => :manifests
class Ingredient < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :kcal, :name, :use, :unity
has_many :manifests
has_many :recetum, :through => :manifests
class Manifest < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :ingredient_id, :quantity, :receta_id
belongs_to :recetum
accepts_nested_attributes_for :ingredient
belongs_to :ingredient
Recetum would be a recipe (typo when scaffolding), this recipe may have one or more ingredients (already on the db). So when i create a new Recetum, i need the new recetum to be created and one record inserted in manifest for each ingredient entered by the user.
I would need some help now with views and controllers, how do i create the form for recetum with fields for the ingredients and more important what do i have to modify recetum controller.
Any suggestions or help would be very much appreciated as this part is crucial for my project, thanks in advance.
You have a couple options, and mainly they depend on what you want to do in your view. Do you want to display a set number of max_ingredients or do you want it to be completely dynamic? The dynamic case looks better for the user for sure, but it does make for some more complicated code.
Here is a good RailsCast which explains how to do it dynamically via JavaScript:
Unfortunately, not everyone runs with JavaScript enabled so you may want to consider doing it the static way.
Firstly, I don't think you need accepts_nested_attributes_for in your Manifest model. However, I do think you need it in your Recetum model. If you're going the static route, you'll probably want to set a reject_if option too.
accepts_nested_attributes_for :manifests, reject_if: :all_blank
Once you do this, you'll need to add manifests_attributes to your attr_accessible.
With the static route, you'll need to prebuild some of the manifests. In your new controller you'll want something like this:
max_ingredients.times do
In your edit and the error paths of your create and update, you may want:
(max_ingredients - #recetum.manifests.count).times do
Finally, your view will need some way to set the ingredient. I'll assume a select box for now.
f.fields_for :manifests do |mf|
mf.label :ingredient_id, "Ingredient"
mf.collection_select :ingredient_id, Ingredient.all, :id, :name
You'll want to add some sort of formatting through a list or table probably.
Hopefully, that's enough to get you started.

Rails 3: create_association fails validation and deletes previous associated record

Let's assume I have two models.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :blog
class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
validates_presence_of :user
validates_uniqueness_of :user_id
Let's assume I have one user with a blog. For some reason, let's pretend I call create_blog for the same user (I know it should not be an option since the user already has a blog). If this blog doesn't pass the validations, and it won't, not only isn't saved, but it deletes the previous blog the user has.
Why is this happening? Why the initial blog gets deleted? Is this behavior expected or is there something I missing?
By calling create_blog you're telling Rails to discard the previous blog. There isn't a way around this (that I am aware of) that doesn't involve doing something like this:
blog =[:blog])
if blog.valid? = blog

Rails 3 - associations

I print in my view a number that tell me, how many people read my article. It looks something like a:
As is possible to see, I created a simple association.
Now I am trying to get the information, if the user who is log in on my page, so if he is already had read this article. In my table that contains hits is column user_id.
But I can't still find the way, how to get...
I tried something like:
<% if session[:login_user_id].hits.user_id == session[:login_user_id]%>
Have you read it already.
<% end %>
But the example above doesn't work me... Could anyone help me please, how to do?
EDIT: The models:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :hits
class Hits < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :article, :class_name => "DataHit", :foreign_key => "article_id"
has_many :users
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :hit
Thanks in advance
Let's first talk about the model you like to receive. For me, it sounds like:
Every article can be visited / read by many users.
Every user can read / visit many articles.
This is a classical n:m-association which is normally implemented by a has-many-through association.
If this is the intention, it should be implemented like:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :hits
has_many :users, :through => :hits
class Hits < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :article, :class_name => "DataHit", :foreign_key => "article_id"
belongs_to :user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :hits
has_many :articles, :through => :hits
Of course, you have to add migrations that ensure that the final DB model is like that:
Hit has article_id and user_id to ensure that users may find the articles they have read
If you have that model implemented, it should be more easy. Then you have operations available like: #article.users.contains(User.find(user_id)). Have a look at the tutorial at Ruby on Rails Guides which explain what the has-many-through relation is and which advantages they have.
It would be helpful if you try the things first in the console of Rails. To do that, start with:
Start the rails console in the root directory of your application: rails c
Enter there e.g.: art = Article.find(1) to get the article with the id.
Try which methods are available: art.methods.sort to see all methods that could be used. If there is no method users, you have did something wrong with the assocication.
Try the call: us = art.users and look at the result. It should be a rails specific object, an object that behaves like a collection and understands how to add and remove users to that collection (with the whole life cycle of rails). The error your currently have could mean different things:
Your database model does not match your associations defined in Rails (I suspect that).
Some minor tweak (misspelling somewhere) which hinders Rails.
I hope this gives you some clues what to do next, I don't think that we can fix the problem here once and for all times.

Modeling inheritance with Ruby/Rails ORMs

I'm trying to model this inheritance for a simple blog system
Blog has many Entries, but they may be different in their nature. I don't want to model the Blog table, my concern is about the entries:
simplest entry is an Article that has title and text
Quote, however, does not have a title and has short text
Media has a url and a comment...
What is a proper way to model this with Ruby on Rails? That is
Should I use ActiverRecord for this or switch to DataMapper?
I would like to avoid the "one big table" approach with lots of empty cells
When I split the data into Entry + PostData, QuoteData etc can I have belongs_to :entry in these Datas without having has_one ??? in the Entry class? That would be standard way to do it in sql and entry.post_data may be resolved by the entry_id in the postdata table.
EDIT: I don't want to model the Blog table, I can do that, my concern is about the entries and how would the inheritance be mapped to the table(s).
I've come across this data problem several times and have tried a few different strategies. I think the one I'm a biggest fan of, is the STI approach as mentioned by cicloon. Make sure you have a type column on your entry table.
class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
# this is your generic association that would return all types of entries
has_many :entries
# you can also add other associations specific to each type.
# through STI, rails is aware that a media_entry is in fact an Entry
# and will do most of the work for you. These will automatically do what cicloon.
# did manually via his methods.
has_many :articles
has_many :quotes
has_many :media
class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
class Article < Entry
has_one :article_data
class Quote < Entry
has_one :quote_data
class Media < Entry
has_one :media_data
class ArticleData < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :article # smart enough to know this is actually an entry
class QuoteData < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :quote
class MediaData < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :media
The thing I like about this approach, is you can keep the generic Entry data in the entry model. Abstract out any of the sub-entry type data into their own data tables, and have a has_one association to them, resulting in no extra columns on your entries table. It also works very well for when you're doing your views:
app/views/media/_media.html.erb # may be medium here....
and from your views you can do either:
<%= render #blog.entries %> <!-- this will automatically render the appropriate view partial -->
or have more control:
<%= render #blog.quotes %>
<%= render #blog.articles %>
You can find a pretty generic way of generating forms as well, I usually render the generic entry fields in an entries/_form.html.erb partial. Inside that partial, I also have a
<%= form_for #entry do |f| %>
<%= render :partial => "#{}/#{}_form", :object => f %>
<% end %>
type render for the sub form data. The sub forms in turn can use accepts_nested_attributes_for + fields_for to get the data passed through properly.
The only pain I have with this approach, is how to handle the controllers and route helpers. Since each entry is of its own type, you'll either have to create custom controllers / routes for each type (you may want this...) or make a generic one. If you take the generic approach, two things to remember.
1) You can't set a :type field through update attributes, your controller will have to instantiate the appropriate to save it (you may use a factory here).
2) You'll have to use the becomes() method (#article.becomes(Entry)) to work with the entry as an Entry and not a subclass.
Hope this helps.
Warning, I've actually used Media as a model name in the past. In my case it resulted in a table called medias in rails 2.3.x however in rails 3, it wanted my model to be named Medium and my table media. You may have to add a custom Inflection on this naming, though I'm not sure.
You can handle this easily using ActiveRecord STI. It requires you to have a type field in your Entries table. This way you can define your models like this:
def Blog > ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :entries
def articles
entries.where('Type =', 'Article')
def quotes
entries.where('Type =', 'Quote')
def medias
entries.where('Type =', 'Media')
def Entry > ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :blog
def Article > Entry
def Quote > Entry
def Media > Entry