Programmatically explore feature definitions - sharepoint-2010

Is there any API to explore the definition of a feature (like the reflexion for code)?
My goal is for example to be able to do:
var myFeature = GetMyFeature("my feature guid")
var contentTypes = myFeature.Definition.ContentTypes
I know I can parse the xml files of the feature, but I'd like to avoid it.

Yes, you want to look at the SPFeature and SPFeatureDefinition types in the server object model.


How to pass the scopes I need in the microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate() method

After creating a teams-tab-app using the vscode teams toolkit, I see that in the default auth-start.html file the script tries to extract the scopes from the URL (that was constructed by the microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate() method), however I don't see any reference in the documentation on how to pass these scopes in this method.
Does anyone know how to pass these scopes?
I've wondered about this myself when looking at a toolkit, but I haven't used it for any production systems so never bothered to look too deep. I do see that in useTeamsFx.tsx is where it's doing the redirect to startLoginPageUrl, so presumably you need to set REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL to be the path to the auth-start.html, so you could set it to include a querystring as well. It needs the app Id so you'd need to set that as well, but the useTeamsFx also wants REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID which you'd set as well. As a result, it might make sense to store the scopes you want in your code or in an environment variable as well, and then compose the value you send to initiateLoginEndpoint. Basically, instead of
var startLoginPageUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL;
initiateLoginEndpoint: startLoginPageUrl
you might instead make it
var startLoginPageUrl = process.env.REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL;
var scopes = process.env.REACT_APP_SCOPES; // <-- this is added
initiateLoginEndpoint: `${startLoginPageUrl}?clientId=${clientId}&scope=${scopes}`
but this is untested, so no guarantees.
On a separate but related note, in my sample project, in auth-start, it refers to a very old version of MicrosoftTeams.min.js (v 1.6, and current is 1.11). I might just have a very old Teams Toolkit, but maybe not...

Writing text data from PCollection to GCS with custom file name

In a dataflow job written in Kotlin
using a PubSub subscription as input i receive a Proto object (Event) and map this object to Strings.
My pipeline has type:
PCollection<KV<Event, String>>
These strings are the lines of a file that must be written in GCS.
The Event Object has a "Id" that must be used to set the filename, and a "name" to set the folder.
Is it possible using FileIO ?
FileIO.writeDynamic<String, String>()
// withNaming?
My goal is to write the right lines in the right files, based on the information in the Event object
File-names can be customized by providing a FileNaming implementation to the withNaming() API.
However this currently does not support mapping input elements directly to final file names. Input elements can be mapped to groups using the dynamic destinations API and for each group you can provide a file-naming strategy.
To fully customize naming using input element values you might need to implement a new sink transform.

Bind Key Vault settings to class

In ASP.NET Core, if reading configuration from a JSON app.settings file I can bind a section to an object like this:
Is there a straightforward way to do this with a group of settings that are read from Azure Key Vault? I am following the guide as described in the MSDN documentation here
I can manually map them like this:
services.Configure<MyPocoConfig>(myPoco =>
myPoco.Option1 = Configuration["Option1"];
myPoco.Option2 = Configuration["Option2"];
I just wondered if there was a way to automap them as it works for config stored in app.settings JSON. I'm sure it could be done with reflection but I was hoping there'd be a built in way.
I tried putting the settings into a category using the category--setting syntax described in the article and reading them with services.Configure<MyPocoConfig>(Configuration.GetSection("category")), but this doesn't work.
It is now possible as of 2020 to put settings into a category using the category--setting syntax and read them like services.Configure<MyPocoConfig>(Configuration.GetSection("category"))
You can achieve the same by naming your Secret in the following pattern.
And you can use the following to get the values by section and .NetCore automatically maps it.
Refer link

Can I fill a websharper template's hole without knowing its name at compile time

I am new using WebSharper and I am stuck in the current situation with WebSharper 4:
I have the following html template (some-template.html) :
<div class="container">
<div ws-replace="Content">
It defines a content hole with the name Content. Usually, one could fill it using the following in code (F#):
type SomeTemplate = WebSharper.UI.Templating.Template<"some-template.html">
let doc = SomeTemplate().Content(someElements)
In my scenario, I do not know the name of the template and the hole at compile time. Suppose I have a function:
let buildDom(tempalte : string, holeName : string, content : Doc list) : Doc =
let template = WebSharper.UI.Template<tempalte> // (1)
// template.FillHole(holeName, content) (2)
I do not know how to best deal with (1) -- creating the template, and (2) - locating and filling the hole. Reflection comes to mind, but I would like to know if there is a more elegant and performant approach.
A more general question -- is there a good way to have dynamic composition of html-templated sitelets? This is what I am trying to achieve, but if it is alredy done there could be no need to reinvent the wheel. I'd appreciate if you point me to such resources if available as well.
You can pass a dynamic template by passing a string to the constructor:
type SomeTemplate = WebSharper.UI.Templating.Template<"some-template.html">
let doc = SomeTemplate("<div>...</div>").SomeHole("some content").Doc()
but the holes are still typed statically based on the type provider. There is currently no API to implement dynamic holes.
This could be a nice and useful addition though; you should post a suggestion on github.

Reading Images, Pdf from SQL Database via LINQPad

I have a table in a database that contains all kind of attachments, images, pdf, excel, and other formats. creating an application is not an option, so I googled other options and I found this related question that mentioned LINQPad I downloaded it but I still do not know how exactly it works. Anyone please explain that to me? I can query the attachments using sql query but not sure how to dump them and preview them via the mentioned tools.
Following on from Dan's answer, once you have the data context set up you can dump the images from the database. I use this snippet for checking an image I've written to the database, you should be able to edit as required to match your scenario:-
var ii = ItemImages.Where (v => v.Id == 10).FirstOrDefault();
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(ii.Image.ToArray()))
Use the Util.Image built in utility for images.
var personPictures = PictureTable.Take(1);
Util.Image takes a byte array.
Depending on your database of your choice, most likely you'll need a data context driver
Once you establish a connection you can start writing queries against the data