Web-page redirection - apache

I am trying to achieve the following:
when a user types "print" (or "http://print") in the address-bar of the browser :
I want the user to be re-directed to a page : www.abc.com/print/
How can one achieve this ? I tried to lookup some squid configurations but was unable to find the same.
Edit : I do not understand the deal with down votes, this is a perfectly valid question.

If you want to enable a user on your LAN to type "print" in the address bar and be redirected to a given hostname, you'll have to supply a DNS record to that effect. This is not accomplished on a web server, nor is it web development in any respect.
There are several methods to resolving a given hostname to a given IP or to another hostname. One way is to edit the client hosts file, as described in another answer. One could also, if you have a DNS server running within your LAN environment, add A records to this effect.
You must understand how hostname lookups work from a browser. When you type something in the address bar, your browser uses your operating system to resolve the hostname to an IP address. Your operating system uses its hosts file, internet connection, and other mechanisms to accomplish this. This process itself has several tiers and steps that are outside the scope of the browser and which cannot be influenced by the browser. Nor will arbitrary web servers be consulted in this process. Your aim is to inject something in this process that resolves the hostname "print" to the webserver of your choosing - THEN web development might come in to play.
See: http://www.quackit.com/how-websites-work/how-dns-works.cfm


What would cause apache to redirect from a local IP to a remote IP address

Here's a scenario that I can't figure out; I simply can't understand why an slightly oldish webserver (totally inactive/powered-off for 2y) is behaving this way. I MUST be overlooking something quite simple.
Specifically, when i try to access an Apache instance on Centos 7 residing on my local network (192.168.2.XXX), the apache page responds just fine (Testing 1,2,3; Yay). Watching the access logs on this simple request shows up fine. On this same machine, I have four additional paths set up. One for example is a locked down phpMyAdmin that is accessible only from an internal IP. This route works fine, and the databases can be browsed, etc. Yet, for the other route, such as a wordpress installation or a route to a Magento instance, the the request comes up on the access log (no error log entry), and then just sits there. When the request finally times out, the URL in the browser changes to a new ip address (ABC.XXX.YYY.ZZZ), and then terminates any efforts.
Admittedly, the machine WAS originally configured to be outward facing, and my suspicion is that the IP to which the pages revert may have been the public IP last time the machine was alive. the IP is no longer associated with the site, and the domain which was likely setup with that IP address, is also no longer active.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I may look at? I have combed the httpd configurations and there is nothing resembling any such redirection address. Could there be some DNS data that needs to be flushed? A network configuration in sysconfig/ that I am overlooking?
It was nothing to do with my apache configuration. Everything was related to the site urls that were embedded inside the wordpress and magento installations. Upon finding and replacing all instances of the site IP address in some configuration tables, I was able to get both applications to respond properly.

Get FQDN from domain

this is my first question here, so I will try my best.
I am trying to get the protocol and the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) from a bunch of domains, i.e. get https://es.aliexpress.com from aliexpress.com.
I have tried Selenium webdriver, but it takes too long to compute all the domains (even with short timeouts and blocking images).
I am asking if someone knows a way to do this without loading the content, something like wget but only for the URL.
Thank you for reading.
Not really...
First of all, http and https have nothing to do with domain names. Those are transfer protocols.
Ignoring that part, what you are calling FQDN are often generated at the time you access them.
For instance, many websites redirect the browser from a desktop site to a mobile version (the typical m.something.com) based on your User Agent string. Which mean www.something.com and m.something.com are both valid answers
In the example you gave, aliexpress.com, prepended es. which means there is most likely some code on the server that reads in either your location (based on IP address) or a locale setting in your browser to direct you to the es version of the website as opposed to the en or dk version.
These changes can be done via an .htaccess file in the root folder of the website, or via back end code.
Google Chrome itself automatically tries to add www. if it looks like you typed a URL into the everything bar.
It's also possible that the URL is one giant redirect. Some websites buy up extra domain names that all redirect to their core site. So even if you input xyz.com you'll end up at abcd.com.
There is no algorithmic way to go from a base URL to what you're calling the FQDN.
P.S. Here is an article about what FQDN means.

Website not accessible externally following PHP upgrade

Bit of a strange one - Over the weekend I updated the version of PHP on one of our servers and all seemed to be working fine, however yesterday, we started to receive complaints that the site was down.
After looking in to it, the site works fine when connecting from the internal network, but it times out when trying to connect from an external IP address.
Server admin isn't really my strong suit, so not really sure where to begin. I've checked the httpd.conf files and all looks fine, the apache config test reutrns 'OK' so at a loss as to where to go next.
Server is running Centos, PHP 7.2 and apache 2.4.6.
How can I get the server to respond to external requests?
You can use this tools (metod) to check where is propably the problem:
I. on serwer, check :
whether is serwer conections to internet - ping, tracerout
whether page is loading (on local) - lynks, links (text web broweser)
whether your dns is working (or dns ISP prowider) - depending on the service used, e.g. BIND (check usage this tool in internet)
whether your firewall is ok configured and good work - depending on the service used e.g. iptables
whether domen settings is ok,
II. on computer, check: (in internet, not in local network with your serwer)
whether the website loads in the browser eg firefox after using ip address (your server where the page is located) in www bar
whether host in internet have a contact with your serwer - ping, tracerout
whether the website loads in the browser eg firefox after using ip address (your server where the page is located) in www bar
The problem is wery complicadet becouse I dont now what exactly you have an infrastructure and it is settings (network, ISP, etc.) which you on host the page you are writing about. For this reason, it is difficult for you to precisely help.

How to create a friendly url in Tomcat?

I want to modify my application URL from //localhost:8080/monitor/index.html to just monitor , so that on putting monitor on browser, my application should open. Is there a way to achieve this, can someone suggest the configuration changes which will be required for this.
Can I map my short URL to the existing one may be somewhere in web.xml. I am not sure about the approach any suggestions will be great.
Thanks and regards
You're mixing up several different protocol layers in your question.
If you just enter nothing but "monitor" in the browser URL bar the browser is going to first lookup "monitor" in DNS and finding nothing it will then probably send a query to Google or your configured search engine. In the past browsers have taken other steps, such as appending ".com" and prepending "www." but I don't think modern browsers do that any more.
So far, your server is not even remotely involved.
If you're a large ISP user (TimeWarner, Comcast) and use their DNS it's also possible the ISP will intercept your failed DNS lookup and route the request to a "helpful" search page (i.e. SPAM) of their own.
At this point the request is still nowhere near your server.
I suppose you could mess with the /etc/hosts file on your local system to resolve "monitor" to the proper hostname, but that's an extremely brittle solution that has to be hard coded on each machine you want to have this "shortcut" link (and which breaks when the hostname changes).
You're much better off just setting up a web shortcut in your browser that points to the right place.

How to prevent hackers from exploiting Apache ->Sites-available -> Default file

We noticed that a hacker created a domain and configured DNS to point it to our server's IP address.
We are using apache2.x on Ubuntu.
There is a "default" file in apache's /etc/apache2/sites-available directory and it looks like the the hacker's domain is using "default" apache configuration file to display our web content in their domain.
How can we prevent this?
Can some one post a "default" apache configuration file as an example?
Unknown domains that come into apache over the specified ip and port will be directed to the first virtual host, thus the 000-default file. Your best bet is to make the 000-default host return a 400 or 500 error (or some explicit message saying the domain doesn't belong) and use explicit virtualhosts for each of your sites.
+1 Jeremy's answer: make the default (first) virtual host for each IP address you're listening on return something useless like a 404 or page saying nothing but “this is a virtual server”.
Allowing your web server to serve a real web site on a non-matching ‘Host’-name (including a raw IP address) opens you up to two particular attacks:
DNS rebinding attacks, leading to cross-site scripting into your real web site.
This affects sites with a user access element (eg. logging in, cookies, supposedly-private intranet apps).
‘Search-hijacking’. This affects all sites (even completely static ones). This may be what is happening to you. By pointing their own domain name at your server, they can make search engines see both the real domain name and their fake one as duplicates for the same site. By using SEO techniques they can then try to make their fake address seem like the more popular, at which point the search engines see that as the canonical address for the site, and will start linking to it exclusively instead of yours.
Most web servers are configured by default to serve a web site to all-comers, regardless of what hostname or IP address they're accessing it through. This is a dangerous mistake. For all real live sites, configure it to require that the ‘Host’ header matches your real canonical hostname.