I have an app that uses UIWebView to load a page. I have a SMS button on that site. How can I have Xcode read that button and open the iPhone SMS client once you click on that button?
SMS application URL scheme:
Launch SMS Application
New SMS Message
Can that be possible? I have a web app and a mobile app as well. The user goes to website and there is a button "Download App for Mobile". When the user clicks on the button, if the app is already installed, the app should be opened otherwise the user must be redirected to the respective store with the link to download the app from store. Any help in the form of Articles, Videos or suggestions would be highly appreciated.
To do this you would have to use sockets and make a background service on your mobile app that listens to an event. When you click on the button an event should be fired from the browser which when listened by the background service, brings the app to foreground. And it will require your web app and react-native to have a socket connection. If no connection is established then you can redirect the respective store. To create socket connection you would need to use a server for communication between mobile app and web app.
read about
see here for more information
I am using webView to open the authorisation url https://www.paypal.com/webapps/adaptivepayment/flow/pay?&expType=mini&payKey= with payKey page is open when i click on cancel i have not received a cancelUrl in my callback
Is there any way to do this i receive the url of cancel/complete
because i have received url redirect in desktop view. Is there i have miss to integrate Adoptive payment of paypal.
If I want to open Telegram I use
Launch App
Launch Telegram
Is there a method to open Apple Wallet application?
Sure, the undocumented URI scheme is shoebox://. So this will work:
Launch Apple Wallet
I am developing social sharing plugin where I want to share my web application url in a browser using whatsapp for mobile device. I am using below code:
Using above code, when I try to share without whatsapp installed in the device, it opens up a blank page.
If the user is sharing it via whatsapp and the device doesn't have whatsapp then how can we notify the user that whatsapp is not installed or redirect user to appstore or playstore to install whatsapp?
Is it possible to open the SMS message app (MFMessageComposeViewController) in iPad? I already have an app that implements this functionality; tested it in simulator it works good but in iPad, it displays the default error message that it does not support the SMS function. Is there any way to open an SMS app in iPad?
Answer is simple, without Jailbreak there is no way to send SMS from iPad.