Flotr Y Axis Title - flotr

Hi In Flotr Playground (http://flotr.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/flotr/playground/index.html) site also the Y Axis Title is appearing in a Horizontal Way
See the Image here http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=c57a22f
Please tell me how to resolve this ??
I want to have the Text in Vertical Style for Y axis Under my Charts .

You need to disable the option HtmlText by setting it to false.

options = {"HtmlText": false, "yaxis": {"title": "abc", "titleAngle": 90}};
As Fabien Ménager mentioned, You need to turn off the HtmlText option. Then the title and the title angle can be adjusted.

Check out the quick start guide
Looks like you need to investigate a little more, and work out the solution by playing with the Flotr.draw() options


How can I customize Vant.js?

I made it using vant.js.
I wnat to change button background. But it's not changed.
I dont' want to use !important.
How can I solve this problem?
In the Vant 3 documentation you use the color attribute, for example...
<van-button color="#7232dd">Pure</van-button>
<van-button color="#7232dd" plain>Pure</van-button>
<van-button color="linear-gradient(to right, #ff6034, #ee0a24)">

Highcharts - Add Point to chart with different color based on some condition dynamically

everyone ! I;m working on a Highchart where it appends values to the chart for every 5 seconds time. I'm adding points like this,
series.addPoint([(new Date()).getTime(), xnum(n.PointValue)], true, true);
When adding a point I want to add the point with a different color (RED) based on some other property. Can anyone help me to add the point with a different color ? Thanks
You could pass the color directly while adding a new point. Instead of array try using an object with a property 'color'.
y:(new Date()).getTime(),
color:some_condition?'red': 'blue'},
true, true);
An example pen

Keen IO Chart Labels

I'm trying to figure out how to adjust the labels on an Area Chart visualization of my Keen IO data. I've looked through the available configuration options, but I'm not seeing what option would do this. Currently my chart just lists "null" on the legend on the right side of the chart, and on the hover tooltips when you hover over a particular peak. Just looking to switch it to list "Hits" instead of "null."
Does anyone know how/where I would configure those labels?
You can use labelMappingfor that. Something like:
client.draw(funnel, document.getElementById("chart"), {
library: "google",
chartType: "columnchart",
labelMapping: {
null: "Hits"

SSRS print stickers with horizontal layout .NET

I have 2 or 3 days I frustratingly tried to print a list of items in the form of stickers filling all the space that becomes available.
This is the result I get:
And this is the result I want, I need to use the horizontal space.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or examples of how to do that.
Thank you!
I solved my problem following this tutorial:

mySQL field with a dashed line under it.?

can anyone please explane what does that dashed line stands for
i am using phpmyadmin
field are
name type NULL default
longtitude float No 0.001
latitude float No 0.001
thank you.
from http://psych.ucsc.edu/AScils/phpmyadmin/Documentation.html
$cfg['ShowBrowseComments'] boolean
$cfg['ShowPropertyComments'] boolean
By setting the corresponding variable to TRUE you can enable the display of column comments in Browse or Property display. In browse mode, the comments are show inside the header. In property mode, comments are displayed using a CSS-formatted dashed-line below the name of the field. The comment is shown as a tool-tip for that field.
So... It looks like the field has a comment attached to it
edit: you can read the comment using:
SHOW FULL COLUMS FROM tbl_name LIKE 'col_name';
(source: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/show-columns.html)
I think it means you defined a comment for that field and it is
PhpMyAdmin's polite way to show you can "hover" your mouse over it and
read it.