SQL XML Xquery data query using a variable in the node selection? - sql

I am obviously missing something right in front of me, however I have this SQL 2008 XML query as follows:
select distinct cast(customFields_xml.query('data(/root/cf_item_type)') as varchar) as c1
from designs
.. what I am actually trying to achieve is to make the "cf_item_type" a variable, because I want to pass in the node as a param to a proc..
So in reality, I am trying to end up with something like:
(#cf would be passed as a param, but declaring for example use)
declare #cf varchar
set #cf='cf_item_type'
select distinct cast(customFields_xml.query('data(/root/#cf)') as varchar) as cloth from designs
.. So you can see I am trying to use the #cf variable within the xquery statement..
Any pointers/help would be great!!

This might do what you want.
declare #cf varchar(20)
set #cf='cf_item_type'
select distinct
'data(/root/*[local-name(.) = sql:variable("#cf")])') as varchar(20)) as cloth
from designs


How to declare variable in vectorWise like SQL Server?

I am new to VectorWise database.
I need to declare variable and pass value in it same like we do in a SQL Server database. Please help me how to do this in VectoreWise database. I am using Squirrel as SQL client.
I need to do it like we do in SQL Server:
Declare #name varchar (100)
set #name ='ABC'
select #name
Output: ABC
I am not particularly familiar with Actian Vector, so I'm not sure if it has a scripting language. I don't see declare as a supported statement.
If you only need a parameter in a single select, you can use a CTE. For your example:
with params as (
select 'ABC' as name
select params.name
from params;
I'm not sure if this helps you, but it might.

Stored procedure parameter with XML query in MSSQL gives "argument must be string literal"

I'm trying to query a table with a column which is xml data with the query and value functions. When using regular string literals it's all okay, but if I put that in a stored procedure and try to use variables it doesn't work.
I suppose I'm not using the correct datatype, but after some searching I can't figure out what datatype the query function wants.
table contains
| Id | xmldata |
| 1 | <data><node>value</node></data> |
now, using the select query
select id
from table
where xmldata.query('/data/node').value('.', 'VARCHAR(50)') = 'value'
gets me the data I want. But, if I use this in a stored procedure and use a parameter #xpath varchar(100) and pass that to the query method as xmldata.query(#xpath)
i get the error
The argument 1 of the xml data type method "query" must be a string literal.
I guess varchar(100) is not correct, but what datatype can I use that would make MSSQL happy?
Okay, so. Apparently you can't pass a parameter to the query method "just like that", but one can use the sql:variable in conjunction with local-name to work a part of it out. So, for instance, this will work
declare #xpath VarChar(100)
set #xpath='node'
select objectData.query('/data/*[local-name() = sql:variable("#xpath")]')
.value('.', 'varchar(100)') as xmldata
from table
and value is selected in the column xmldata. But(!) it requires that the root node is the first value in the query function. The following will not work
declare #xpath VarChar(100)
set #xpath='/data/node'
select objectData.query('*[local-name() = sql:variable("#xpath")]')
.value('.', 'varchar(100)') as xmldata
from table
notice how the query path is "moved up" to the variable. I will continue my investigations..
A literal is the opposite of a variable. The message means that you cannot pass a variable as the first argument to query.
One way around that is dynamic SQL:
declare #sql varchar(max)
set #sql = 'select id from table where xmldata.query(''' + #path +
''').value(''.'', ''VARCHAR(50)'') = ''value'''
exec #sql
As you can see, dynamic SQL does not result in very readable code. I would certainly investigate alternatives.
EDIT: Your suggestion of local-name() works for node names.
declare #nodename varchar(max)
set #nodename = 'node'
where xmldata.query('//*[local-name()=sql:variable("#nodename")]')
.value('.', 'varchar(50)') = 'value'
There doesn't seem to be an equivalent for paths.

Complex query filter using Like() in T-SQL

I'm writing a SQL script that we want our accounting team to be able to edit, without dealing with engineering.
The general idea is to have a .sql script, which defines some variables at the top of the query, and then has several complex queries below it that use those variables.
The problem we have is that we want the accounting team to be able to specify the filter to use. For example:
DECLARE #filter VARCHAR(30);
SET #year = 2010
SET #month = 7
SET #filter = '%test%'
Here the team can change the month and the year that the subsequent queries return. They can also define ONE filter element, in this example, excluding any records where the username has the string 'test' in it.
My question is whether or not there is a way to specify OR's to a LIKE(). Eg, ideally we'd have the #filter variable as something like '%test%, or %other%. Now I know that's not real syntax, but I'm wondering if there is syntax that lets me achieve that. I've scowered MSDN on the LIKE() syntax with no joy. Should I use some different query expression?
Probably the simplest thing to do would be to just have multiple parameters, though it's not pretty:
SET #filter_1 = '%test%'
SET #filter_2 = '%foo%'
SET #filter_3 = '%'
SET #filter_4 = '%'
WHERE var LIKE #filter_1
OR var LIKE #filter_2
OR var LIKE #filter_3
OR var LIKE #filter_4
OR var LIKE #filter_5
By defaulting them to %, they will always match by default.
You could also use dynamic SQL and a local table variable. Basically, create a local table with one column, allow them to change the INSERT statements into that table, then define a loop that iterates over the contents of that table to dynamically generate the LIKE clauses. It would work, but it would be a bit more code. The example above is quick and dirty, but I'd guess it's probably sufficient for what you need to do.
I'd use a join with a LIKE predicate. You can execute the following code sample in a query window to see how this works:
(sFilter nvarchar(MAX) NOT NULL);
INSERT #tblFilter
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('%one%'), ('%two%'), ('%three%')) v(s);
sData nvarchar(MAX));
INSERT #tblData(sData)
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('one'), ('two three'), ('four')) v(s);
FROM #tblData d
JOIN #tblFilter f ON d.sData LIKE f.sFilter;
I assume that the different query strings are in the #tblFilter table, which could be a TVP, coming from XML values, from comma-separated values, from a temp table or whatever.

Accessing text fields in a stored procedure and insert to another table

I am trying to access a “text” type and inserting that value into another table viw a stored procedure. I’ve tried to cast it, convert it, but nothing works.
My code looks somethings like this:
Declare #Critique varchar(max), #Feedback varchar(max)
SELECT #Critique = CAST(comments as varchar(max)), #Feedback = CAST(public_critique as varchar(max)) FROM ASCO_vEXTERNAL_REVIEW_APPLICATIONS_LIST WHERE wf_task_assignment_id = #WfTaskAssignmentIDP1
– comments and public_critique are defined as text in view (also tried with table) ASCO_vEXTERNAL_REVIEW_APPLICATIONS_LIST
insert into WF_TASK_ASSIGNMENT_REVIEW (wf_task_assignment_review_id, wf_task_assignment_id, grantee_project_id, comments, public_critique) values (#NewID1, #WfTaskAssignmentIDP2, #GranteeProjectID, #Critique, #Feedback)
Can you please help me with this as soon as possible. I would really appreciate this.
I'm assuming that the WF_TASK_ASSIGNMENT_REVIEW is the one containing the text column you're trying to write into.
The text type is now deprecated in SQL 2005 and 2008. If at all possible try and upgrade the WF_TASK_ASSIGNMENT_REVIEW table to use the nvarchar(max) type instead.
If not, the only way is to use the WRITETEXT statement to write into the target column, in a loop (since WRITETEXT has an upper limit). See the WRITETEXT statement example in the SQL Server docs.
Your question is not sound good to understand .
Dont use text ,it wont support in many cases like where ,group by etc , so try use varchar
This is just an example
Declare #Critique varchar(max)
set #Critique = (select public_critique from ASCO_vEXTERNAL_REVIEW_APPLICATIONS_LIST
where convert(varchar(50), wf_task_assignment_id ) =#WfTaskAssignmentIDP1)

how to write the store procedure for searching (CSV)?

how can i write the store procedure for searching particular string in a column of table, for given set of strings (CSV string).
like : select * from xxx where tags like ('oscar','rahman','slumdog')
how can i write the procedure for that combination of tags.
To create a comma seperated string...
You could then apply this list to Oded example to create the LIKE parts of the WHERE cluase on the fly.
DECLARE #pos int, #curruntLocation char(20), #input varchar(2048)
SELECT #pos=0
SELECT #input = 'oscar,rahman,slumdog'
SELECT #input = #input + ','
CREATE TABLE #tempTable (temp varchar(100) )
WHILE CHARINDEX(',',#input) > 0
SELECT #pos=CHARINDEX(',',#input)
SELECT #curruntLocation = RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(#input,1,#pos-1)))
INSERT INTO #tempTable (temp) VALUES (#curruntLocation)
SELECT #input=SUBSTRING(#input,#pos+1,2048)
SELECT * FROM #tempTable
DR0P TABLE #tempTable
First off, the use of like for exact matches is sub-optimal. Might as well use =, and if doing so, you can use the IN syntax:
select * from xxx
where tags IN ('oscar', 'rahman', 'slumdog')
I am guessing you are not looking for an exact match, but for any record where the tags field contains all of the tags.
This would be something like this:
select * from xxx
where tags like '%oscar%'
and tags like '%rahman%'
and tags like '%slumdog%'
This would be not be very fast or performant though.
Think about moving this kind of logic into your application, where it is faster and easier to do.
Following the comments - there are lots of examples on how to parse delimited strings out there. You can put these in a table and use dynamic sql to generate your query.
But, this will have bad performance and SQL Server will not be able to cache query plans for this kind of thing. As I said above - think about moving this kind of logic to application level.