Is there an sql reindenter? - sql

I'm looking to pretty print SQL code. Preferably free and/or online based.

My favorite:

If you have SQLNAV you May have the formatter tools as well.
They can do the job

take a look at this lightweight javascript plugin
simply grab the code and use it.
With this plugin you can beautify not only SQL, but also XML, JSON and CSS.
Pretty useful.


pylint equivalent for SQL?

python having pylint
scala having Scalastyle
I searched around but didn't find a style checker for SQL. Does it exist?
Thank you.
You don't require any error checker for Sql, as Sql is not a programming language. They IDE you use will help you to understand the issue in the query and can be formatted accordingly. Please choose appropriate IDE (Sql developer/ db weaver)
I also found this sql style guide
so it's more of a team wide consensus on which SQL style to go with, but not a linter to spot it out.

Where to contribute Apache Pig UDF?

I have built some UDFs in Apache PIG. I want to make them available as open source. So can someone help me to find out where and how I can publish them.
piggybank is for exactly this.
Apache DataFu also has a good collection of Pig UDFs. If you have a UDF that you think will be generally useful you should open a JIRA and attach a patch ;)

How to script automatic actions on web?

Its a very general question:) For example I want to be able to automatically check if a page was updated, or to make some daily action online... Where would I start with that? Which languages/programs could be used?
I would go with this awesome Groovy library - Geb.
I use this tools too. I like Geb! But you can try Java + Selenium.
You choice depends on the task you need to do and understand the approach the tool for you or not.

Is there a non-Adobe equivalent of Axiis?

I want something like Axiis, but without using Flex or other Adobe products.
Have a look at the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit. Also, maybe the gRaphaël charting library (built on top of Raphaël) can suit your needs.
Google Chart API
Style Chart
JS Charts
DojoX Data Chart
See whether one of these suits your needs best.
The closest I can think off the top off my head is Google Visualization API
Of course, AFAIK, this will only work for on-line applications. And is Google any less evil than Adobe is a question for you to decide :)
This is a pretty open question, as you havent specified any preference for any particular technology or language.
I do a lot of WPF/C# stuff so I immediately start looking on that stack. Assuming that this would be a suitable platform, then Visifire might be worth looking at... I originally found them here on codeplex.
There seem to be a ton of third party paid for components that can do similar things. Telerik has some visualization tools that may also be worth having a look at.
Is thre any specific scenario that you are looking at, or any specific language? I think we may be able to suggest better alternatives if that was provided.
You could try protovis (JavaScript), looks quite similar.
You can use jqChart - HTML5 jQuery Chart Plugin

Syntax coloring for Cocoa app

I'm planning to do a Cocoa app that requires code syntax to be colored (in all common languages). Instead of writing my own code highlighter/parser, are there any pre-made solutions available?
You might be able to use something like Geshi, but there're also the resources listed here:
More links:
Syntax Highlighting in Cocoa TextView? Experiences? Suggestions? Ideas?
An excellent solution is Uli Kusterer's UKSyntaxColoredTextDocument. It is fast and has several built-in syntax parsers. It's easy to add new languages.
It's free for non-commercial use and very cheap if you want it for a commercial app.
You can also use the JavaScript library SyntaxHighlighter and embed it into a WebView into your app.
After quite a bit of research trying to solve a similar problem, the simplest approach I found by far is to use a JavaScript library for syntax highlighting combined with a WebView. Spending time writing a syntax highlighter, a fairly complex task, is probably not what you'd want to spend time on.
I settled on using the popular CodeMirror and wrote an open source wrapper for Cocoa: You can use similar approaches to wrap other JavaScript based code editors in Cocoa apps.
You can use highlight that is used in QLColorCode :) (however, it's not a Framework that you include in your code, but a command-line utility)
EDIT: Ah yeah, use Geshi, it's probably better :D