How to parse a web page source to get the values for an array - cocoa-touch

I am trying to implement a lotto game on the ipod and i need to parse the actual lotto page to get the winning numbers and to put them in an array to compare them with the numbers that the user had entered and find out if he is a winner or not. Can anyone help me with it because
really am stuck with it?
Thanks in advance! :)

What you need is a DOM parser, such as Apple's NSXMLParser.
Specifically you'd want to use XPath parsing to read the value of a specific DOM node on your lotto page's DOM tree.
As iOS does not come with NSXMLDocument (which supports XPath), you'd probably need to do as described here:
Using libxml2 for XML parsing and XPath queries in Cocoa
Other solutions for parsing XML/HTML:
How To Choose The Best XML Parser for Your iPhone Project


Access virtual DOM contents

I wanted to implement a walkthrough tutorial but to do that I realised I needed to be able to select HTML elements from a property value (eg. name or id), ie get the value of a property from an HTML node. I think there currentlyis no way of getting an element's name in elm: could anybody please confirm? Does that mean I need to add something to virtual-dom package?
No, there is no way to really read a tree of Virtual DOM in Elm. If you look at the source for VirtualDom.elm, you'll see that nearly every function is implemented in native JavaScript, in the Native/VirtualDom.js file.
Sure, you could write some kind of native API to cheat the system and inspect the html like you're talking about, but the Virtual DOM was never meant to be used or queried in that way. The model with which you build your view should be the source of truth. Perhaps if you tweaked your design a bit, you would find that you don't really need this requirement after all.

Access closure property names in the content block at runtime

I want to evaluate my content blocks before running my test suite but the closures' property names is in bytecode already. I'm ooking for the cleanest solution (compared with parsing source manually).
Already tried solution outlined in this post (and I'd still wind up doing some RegEx/parsing) but could only get it to work via script execution engine. It failed in IDE and GroovyConsole. Rather than embedding a Groovy script in project's code, I thought I'd try using Geb's native classes.
Is building on the suggestion about extending Geb Navigators here viable for Geb's PageContentSupport class whose contentTemplates contain a LinkedHashMap of exactly what I need? If yes, would someone provide guidance? If no, any suggestions?
It is currently not possible to get hold of all content elements for a given page/module. Feel free to create an issue for this in Geb's bug tracker, but remember that all that Geb can provide is either a list of content element names or a map from these names to closures that create these elements.
Having that information isn't a generic solution to your problem because it's possible for content elements to take parameters and there are situations where your content elements will be available on the page only after some other actions are performed (for example you have to click on button to reveal a section of a page that uses ajax to retrieve it's content). So I'm afraid that simply going over all elements and checking if they don't throw any errors will not cut it.
I'm still struggling to see what would "evaluating" all content elements prior to running the suite buy you. Are you after verifying that your content elements still work to get a faster feedback than running the whole suite? I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to fully automate detection of content definitions that don't work anymore. In my view it will be more effort than it's worth.

equivalent of nevow.tags.raw for twisted.web.template

I'm trying to port pydoctor to twisted.web.template and have hit a pretty basic problem: pydoctor uses epydoc to render docstrings into HTML but I can't see a way to include this HTML in the generated page without escaping. What can I do?
There is, somewhat intentionally, no way to insert HTML into the page without parsing; twisted.web.template is a bit more of a stickler about producing correct output than nevow was.
There are a couple of ways around this.
Ultimately, your HTML is going to some kind of output stream. You could simply insert a renderer that returns a pair of Deferred objects, and does a .write to the underlying stream after the first one fires but before the second. Kind of gross, but it effectively expresses your intent :).
You can simply re-parse the output of epydoc into HTML using XMLString or similar, so that twisted.web.template can write it out correctly. This will "waste" a little bit of CPU, but in my opinion it will be worth it for (A) the stress-test it will give t.w.t and (B) the guarantee - presuming that t.w.t is correct - that it will give you that you're emitting valid HTML.
As I was writing this answer, however, I realized that point 2 isn't generally possible with arbitrary HTML with the current public API of twisted.web.template. Ideally, you could use html5lib to parse this stuff, and then just dump the parsed input into your document tree.
If you don't mind mucking around with private API, you could probably hook up html5lib's SAX support to the internal SAX parser that we use to load templates.
Of course, the real solution is to fix the ticket you already filed, so you don't have to use private API outside of Twisted itself...

Random sort for SimplePie

I'm looking specifically to randomly sort all SimplePie articles from a default installation. (no WordPress attachments or anything)
I'm not looking for any custom sorting options, just a completely random sort of the items and nothing else.
Looking to set this up for a simple page. The only examples i've found so far are the ones that display the php coding near the top, but do not show how to call out those features in html.
Example : Do separate classes need to be created ?
Did you try the standard PHP shuffle function?
Provided you store all the items fetched by SimplePie in an array, I think this is the shortest way to get them randomly sorted.

Convert Wikipedia Page Section to NSString Objective-C

I'm working on some code that retrieves a section of a Wikipedia page as an NSString. I've found a constructed link online that returns the raw data of a section. For instance, to get the first section of the Wikipedia page on 'Boston', you would go to:
And what I'm trying to achieve, is to convert that raw data into what can be seen on the normal Wikipedia page:
Now, at first, I thought I'd use regular expressions to parse out blocks that start with {{ and end with }}. However, this proved to be problematic, and it deleted necessary text.
Then, I thought I could somehow find a wiki markup to html converter (present everywhere online) for Objective-C, but I had no luck there.
There are several similar questions on SO, but none of them seem to be clearly resolved: Getting Wikipedia Article Summary using NSScanner Problem.
So, to resume, does anyone know how to parse a wiki page into an NSString?
Thank you in advance.
Use a PEG WikiText parser such as kiwi:
You can find kiwi's parsing output rules here:
You will need to download peg/leg to compile the leg file: