Orkut API for iPhone - objective-c

Does Orkut have any API to post messages from iPhone?
I am developing an app for iPhone and want the ability to post also to Orkut.
I have found APIs from Facebook and Twitter but not for Orkut.

There is not a iOS version of the orkut client. Google provided just the Java client, and the community built the PHP, QT and .NET clients by reverse engeneering.


One Drive / Office365 similar scripting language as the Google Apps Script

I searched for the One Drive scripting language, but found only this (Live SDK API): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh826521.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
This shares similarities more like a Google Drive API. Does Microsoft OneDrive have web based scripting possibility similar to Google Apps Script?
About how to call the Live SDK APIs: the JavaScript API (Windows Store apps and web), the Managed API (Windows Runtime apps), the iOS API, and the Android API . You may want the JavaScript API , please click here for how to use the Live SDK JavaScript API in your web app.

Quickblox, video chat sample in a web client

My question is about the web client api of quickblox. There are several examples of video chat in all platforms except for a web client. Does the web api supports video chat out of the box?
I will appreciate a sample code.
Video Chat for web is unavailable by now. QuickBlox expects to release it in the nearest future, hopefully in a week. Feel free to follow our blog to learn about all updates.


Please read my question first before voting it off-topic considering questions asking us to recommend or find a tool/library.
I am creating a WinRT app for only Facebook chat. I checked the developer site, I am recommended to use Facebook Chat via the Jabber/XMPP service. I tried to find that feature in Facebook C# SDK but it's not available in it.
I searched for XMPP library and found this. It's ASP.NET project though, I decided to port it for WinRT, but I read the latest comment in that blog post. It's telling this is also no longer working.
So anyone there know how to use chat API using WinRT supported XMPP library ? If library is not availble then can any one guide for any tutorial, I can't find relevant tutorial.
Those who think, chat/messenger is not available programmatically, please see IM+ app in Windows Store.
From the Facebook .NET SDK FAQ - http://facebooksdk.net/docs/faq/
Does Facebook SDK for .NET support Facebook Chat?
Facebook SDK for .NET doesn't support the Facebook chat (nor do we
have any plans to support it in the future). Facebook chat is based on
the xmpp protocol thus any existing XMPP
.NET libraries would work
with Facebook Chat.
Yeah, finally I found WinRT supported XMPP library as well as full fledged chat app. Kudos to developers.
Is there any free XMPP library which Supports WinRT?

is there a data api for the windows 7 phone marketplace?

Is there an api that exposes the apps in the windows 7 marketplace as odata, rest, soap or something else programmatically accessible?
Per the comment from #talbottcrowell, Crawling the Windows Phone Marketplace http://brandonwatson.sys-con.com/node/1767886
It's not an official api, but certainly seems to be a blessed way to do it.
there's also great docs as part of the codeplex project zunedata

In browser video chat using existing services

I'm trying to set up in browser video chat for a web application. Unfortunately I don't think my servers would be able to handle it. Is there any way I can 'outsource' this to existing services such as the Hangouts feature in Google+, the new video chat in Facebook or the Skype API. If yes, which would you recommend and why?
TokBox makes it easy to add video chat to your site using either the
OpenTok API or OpenTok Widgets.
Looks promising, haven't used it myself (need a self-hosted solution).