Get selected remote file via Remote System Explorer (RSE)'s API? - eclipse-plugin

I'm developing a custom Eclipse plugin that makes use of Remote System Explorer (of the Eclipse TM project) under the hoods.
My question is, how can I grab the currently selected remote file from my own plugin? I suppose there is some convenience method somewhere, but I can't find it (or I found a number of close matches, but couldn't get anything to work).

Sounds like you need to make use of the selection service.
There is an article here that will help.


HCL domino add entries to view externaly

I have a hcl application to whose View I want to add entries from my local pc. I have very little knowledge about HCL in genral and have been looking for a soultion for days now without any success. Maybe Im looking at the wrong places but there was little to find. All I know right now is that I will probably end up sending my local data for the entries via postman and I do have to make an agent?/method that is accessable via browser that can receive these information and make entries with them.
I was just pushed into this thing. I wouldnt mind some usefull links to build my foundation as well.
There are many ways to add documents to a Notes/Domino database.
You are not very specific, it is not even clear if you want to do it programmatically. As Torsten said in his comment to your original post, there are many ways to do that.
Here are a couple:
Using the Notes rich client.
Through a web browser, accessing a web-enabled Domino database. This assumes the creator of the database has exposed the functionality to create documents on the web.
Use COM (or Java) to create the documents from an external scriptable application or using a programming language/platform supporting COM:
Call a REST service on the Domino server that will create new documents. You can write a REST service using Lotusscript, Java or XPages: (you can skip to slide 19)
Use Domino Access Services (DAS), a framework for adding REST services to Domino. A DAS service is implemented in Java and deployed as an OSGi plug-in:
Use node.js and the Domino AppDev Pack:
There are probably a few more ways that I am forgetting...
Before you do anything else, you need to learn more about the Domino platform, the structure of a database, and the proper terminology used in Domino. If you don't understand the basics, you will not be able to write any kind of integration with Domino.

af:inputfile drag and drop not supported in IE11

For one of our clients we are building a web application with oracle adf.
One of the requested features of this application is having a drag-and-drop file upload.
Fortunately the af:inputfile component supports this feature out of the box.
Unfortunately that feature is not supported in Internet Explorer 11, which we absolutely have to support.
Now I have been trying to get it to work using the dropzone.js library and the drag and drop functionality seems to be working. but I haven't been able to get the POST request to the ADF side of things quite right.
Even if I did it would be a lot of custom code that would have to be maintained, if it's the only way to make it work that is fine but if there is a more elegant solution to this I would like to know.
What you can do is to use ADF JavaScript APIs, more specifically AdfFileUploadManager(
You need to instantiate it by giving it the ADF Component reference, which that can be an af:inputFile with display="none"
Then you can utilise your DropZone or any other functionality and use addFileToQueue to send this information to server side and convert it to UploadedFile.

How do I find a certain application on the user's PC and transfer data to it? (VB)

I'm developing an app on the Windows desktop so Win7 users have the app, but for Win8 users I'm also developing a Metro app.
My problems are,
if a user opens a file (e.g. ""), I want an app to come up that asks which environment to open it in, but first it has to find all the apps that can open the file and display them.
Then I need to pass the data as a parameter to the app Chosen.
In the .NET framework 4.5.1, I can't find the System.GetEnvironmentVariable command so I can create a common location for both environments to access. These are my options:
Comment for clarification.
Regarding your 3rd question, the function is there, just now showing on MSDN page:
After having an inspiration, I found some code that can get pretty close to what I want.
Dim filepicker As New Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker
CommonFolder = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary
I should just be able to tack this on the end after that:
and it should give me "C:\Users\someuser" and then I can add "\MyAppStorage"
Thanks for all the help though! This code isn't very clean, so feel free to edit and make it better!

Using URL Link To Send Params To VB.NET App

What I am looking for is using a URL link such as "MyApp://param=value" or "MyApp://" to open my application and read the params using GET. I do not want to use the click once method to do this, because I want the application to load up without the starting up bar at the topleft. I know it could be done but I could not find anywhere to do it at. You can see an example used over at where they use a link like "curse://" to launch their app and download the item. Another example is with Ventrilo where you can use "ventrillo://etc" links to start vent and connect to a server. The reason I want this is because I plan to use it to give my customers a way to give their clients a way to connect to their servers with my software using a simple URL.
Since the question is about VB.NET, I’m assuming you are targeting Windows.
In that case, this can be done by registering a custom URL handler via the Windows registry.
Other operating systems have different ways of achieving this.

Dojo DnD acceptance of outside objects

Is it possible to code a Dojo DnD target to accept external objects, such as files or folders from a file explorer? Windows Explorer, for example.
I doubt it, because it will be the browser that will receive the DnD event...
At best you can count on a plugin or extension to handle it, like the excellent DragDropUpload extension does for file upload fields in Firefox.
What kind of file explorer are you talking about? From what I can recall you'd be lucky to get dnd working properly even for table rows, the api is a pain in the #$$.