Adding an HTTP RPC Service using webHttpBinding for an Existing SOAP Service implemented with WCF? - wcf

I've been told that adding an HTTP RPC web service given an existing SOAP web service implemented with WCF is as simple as adding a webHttpBinding and a couple of attributes.
I'd be grateful if someone could show how to implement such an HTTP RPC web service using webHttpBinding given an existing SOAP web service that is based on WCF. It would be super helpful if the answer could show all the code for both services and even more helpful if the example is self-contained so that someone could install for testing without having to know anything about either. FYI, while I have programmed on the .NET stack it's been ~5 years and today all my work is on LAMP so I'm just not familiar enough with the latest generation .NET stack or it's current runtime environments.
My specific use-case is a set of two (2) services where one responds with an AuthToken and then a second service where I pass the AuthToken and Username, Password and another bit of information and the response back is a user object with attributes like 'first_name', 'last_name', etc. Ideally I'd be able to access those same services via two different URLs and the responses I would get back would be in JSON format.
Note I'm looking for an example to be installed by someone else who programs on the .NET stack but isn't highly motivated to do won't much extra work. I'm trying to get an HTTP-based web service I can use without having to add a SOAP client to the existing PHP framework I am using and I think if I could get a concise example of how to add such an HTTP RPC web service the .NET programmer might be happily willing to add the HTTP RPC web service for my needs. FYI, the web service in question was developed specifically for this use case and is not part of a standard set of SOAP services documented for and in use by lots of other developers.


Creating a restful service in C# hosted by IIS

I want to create a restful web service that can accept json and returns json responses on a Windows server written in C#.
This particular service will actually have a long running background thread, so a WCF service hosted in IIS won't work (as far as I can tell, IIS will stop and restart the service on/after each request).
In general, I do not really even like WCF since I don't like dealing with generating proxy classes and updating service references down the road.
How can I accomplish this?
Well, with respect to WCF, is a technology already proven to help you build robust services, during your software design process you can design the service to keep state, hosting singleton instance, etc, so your impression of WCF services are somehow incomplete.
Now, regarding the restful approach, the technology used nowadays is called Web API, you can see some examples in the following website : , this will help you to avoid the tipical WSDL and generating proxies that you are talking about, and you can have bare-metal RESTful queries like "(http://myapp/orders/?id=1) that could return a json object with the orderid=1
Here you can have info for the instantiating mode in WCF services:
hope it helps,

VS2010 Share Response Cookie Among Multiple WCF Clients to SOAP 1.1 Service

I have a third-party Java web service listening at three SOAP 1.1 WSDL endpoints. One of the endpoints is used to initiate the session and perform some high-level tasks, and the other endpoints are for subject-specific tasks reusing that initial authentication.
I'm building a C# WCF application to talk to the service, and I'd like to share the session cookie among the three client objects.
What's the VS2010 'best practices' way of sharing this cookie?
If this article is still the best answer, I can go with it, but I would appreciate some additional feedback, especially if .NET 4 introduced a simplification that I'm not finding on-line.
I can pretty easily create the first client and retain the session (new BasicHttpBinding myBinding; myBinding.AllowCookies = true), but I couldn't find an elegant way of saving off the cookie from the Connect response and reusing for the two auxiliary clients.
Any insights are appreciated.
I should note that I'm aware of CookieContainer and using Add Web Reference instead of Add Service Reference. That method is labeled as 'legacy' in most posts I've read, and I'd prefer to stay current...or as current as possible when working with SOAP 1.1.
The mentioned article is still valid. You have to use OperationContextScope and access message properties to get protocol specific data. This complexity is based on the fact that WCF architecture is protocol independent whereas ASMX architecture was HTTP protocol dependent.
It is true that ASMX (WebReference) is legacy technology but it is still present in .NET framework so if you know that you will never need nothing more the basic SOAP messaging without any advanced WS-* standard you can still use it and make your life little bit simple. Once you need anything more you can still refactor your code and use WCF with mentioned code to work with cookies.

RESTful Workflow Service Endpoints in WF4 / WCF

I'm building a pretty standard workflow that I want exposed via a WCF endpoint - I'm using the "WCF Service Application" project template and I've got a .xamlx service. This is a very simple document interchange workflow service - I want consumers to POST me a blob of XML as the body of an HTTP post (with HTTP headers containing authentication tokens). In response, these consumers will get a blob of XML containing the reply. 2 goals for me using REST/POX here are the document/message-based nature of the interaction AND I want to make client development easy for non-.NET environments (especially limited environments like Silverlight and iPhone).
I don't really see how to make this possible using out of the box features (unless I'm missing something). Does anybody know how to create a RESTful (or even REST-ish, I'm not picky) endpoint for a WF4 service-hosted workflow? Any info leading in the right direction here would be great.
There is an unreleased item on CodePlex to cover this, which includes source code. Also see this SO answer which contains another idea for achieving this.
If you'd like to see the CodePlex activity released, please up-vote the UserVoice request.
Using a REST Pass-Through Service
As #Maurice mentions, you can also treat the WF service as a back-end service and expose a REST service that simply calls through to the WF service.
This method is a bit clumsy, but has the advantage that it doesn't use anything unreleased or really complicated.
If the back-end service runs on the same machine as the REST service (which is probably what you'd do), you should expose the WF service using the named pipes binding. This binding is fast, but only works when the caller and callee are on the same box.
A further thought: your REST pass-through service is blocked while the back-end service is being called. If your WF service is not very fast, you'd benefit from making your REST service asynchronous so it doesn't block a thread pool thread while the WF service is being called.
There are no out of the box activities that will allow you to use REST with WF, the Receice is pure SOAP.
You can either build a custom REST Receive activity and use that with your workflow. Depending on your needs this is going to be quite a handful to a lot of work. The easy option is use use a standard REST WCF endpoint and convert the REST data to SOAP, pass rhe request on to the workflow, and do the reverse on the result message.

wcf and web service compatiblity

I have a web service that is used by many different clients using many different languages.
I want to switch it to wcf to take advantage of the many different endpoints.
However what has been stopping me is that I am afraid that the clients will have to use a special sdk to connect (if they are using java or php or some other language) that is different then the sdk they use to connect to the existing web service.
Is this true? Or is connecting to WCF the exact same as it is for web services in other languages.
The project I am currently working on has multiple WCF configurations, some are using the default SOAP implementation, and some are using a POX (plain-old-xml) style message.
So the short answer is 'yes' you can configure WCF in such a way to work with just about anything.
However, be warned that as soon as you step outside the default little box that WCF has set up for you, it gets pretty complicated. You end up with a lot of custom message parsing and security handling if you go to a POX message format. Its easier if you stick with SOAP though.
As for needing a 'special SDK' you won't. You can communicate with WCF with simple HTTP POST messages if needed.
I have clients that are using VB.NET apps (using SOAP) and Java apps (using POX) to hit my WCF services.
A basicHttpBinding endpoint in WCF is exactly a standard SOAP endpoint, and your Java or PHP clients will not have to change in any way.

Which to use...REST, ASMX, WSE or WCF?

I have a Windows Service which performs a certain function, and then needs to send that information off to a webservice for processing. The webservice is hosted by a remote web application. I am trying to ascertain the best way to call the webservice(s) as each web application might be only 2.0, or 3.5 etc. In my windows service, I am defining each "client" in the app.config, e.g.
<Client WebServiceUrl="" Username="" Password="">
The web application must implement two web services that are required for my windows service to run, however not sure the best way to implement the "rules" for the web application.
I'll try and rephrase..
The Windows Service runs every 30 seconds and obtains a list of information. The service supports multiple "clients" as shown above. When each client process is run, the data is collected and is then needed to be sent to the supporting web application.
The windows service does not know what to do with the data, it is just sending it. Each web application for a client would be in different locations, and could possibly be built in 2.0, 3.5, PHP, etc. All the windows service cares about, is that when it performs its processing for a client, it is able to send the data to the webservice location defined in the app.config of the windows service.
What I'm trying to determine is how to connect to the webservice (which I'm leaning towards WCF, however Basic or WS not sure), and what rules need to be defined for the web application in how to build the response.
If the Windows service is to support php applications etc, WSHttpBinding would not be an option, which would mean BasicHttpBinding would then work. The other thing to decide is whether or not to utilise a RESTful service or SOAP service.
Hope this makes more sense.
I'm not really clear on what you are doing.
It seems like you have 3 things: A Windows Service, and then a web service, hosted in a web app.
I think your question is, what to use, REST, ASMX, WSE or WCF, when interconnecting the Windows Service app with the remote web service.
ASMX, WSE and WCF are alternative programming models for the web service. REST is not a programming model. It is not like the other three.
ASMX and WSE will require that you use Web services and SOAP.
WCF can allow you to use Web services and SOAP, REST (XML or JSON) over HTTP, or a binary format over TCP, among other options.
Because it is flexible and current technology, I'd recommend WCF. ASMX is now termed "legacy technology" by Microsoft. Doesn't mean it won't work, but it will not get updates. (Much like WinForms versus WPF). WSE is no longer in mainstream support, as far as I know. For these reasons, I wouldn't recommend starting a new project on WSE, nor on ASMX.
WCF is more general than ASMX and can seem more complicated, for that reason. But once you make some choices and zero in on what you want (for example choose HTTP and REST, or choose binary and TCP), it's more powerful. WCF can be used as the programming model on both the client or sender (in your case, the Windows Service, I guess) and/or on the server (the web service hosted in the web app).
Using WCF on the client side does not imply you must use it on the server side, and vice versa. On the other hand, if you control the source code on both ends, I would recommend using WCF on both sides.
As for "how to implement the rules for the web app" - I don't understand what you are asking there. Maybe if you are more specific on the question there, someone will be able to help out.
Update: Based on your additional explanation, I'm going to suggest you look at the REST stuff in WCF for .NET 3.5. In PHP it's very easy to implement a REST-style service, and with WCF, the same is true for .NET. Now in your case the Windows service is the client and it is sending out a request, an update request, to various servers that reside on your customers' networks. According to REST principles, I'd make those outbound requests PUTs or POSTs, depending on the semantics of the call.
Then you could ship some example service code to your (uppercase) Clients, to get them started on building what they need to receive your outbound PUT/POST messages.
Security is a concern though. You didn't mention it at all, which is surprising. Security is not one of those things best deferred, so that you "add it on later". You should think about it early - it may affect the protocol choices you make. For example, if you need to mutually authenticate the clients and servers (the latter at your "uppercase" Clients' networks), then you may want to go with SOAP, which gives you good options on the protocol side for security. Secure Web services extensions (WS-Sec, etc) are well supported in WCF, but not sure about the status of this capability in PHP.