How do I set ORDER BY in SQL query to a value depending by the SQL query itself? - sql

Imagine an auction (ebay auction, for example). You create an auction, set the start bidding value, let's say, 5 dollars. This gets stored as a minimal bid value to the auctions table.At this point, the current bid value of this auction is 5 dollars.
Now, if someone bids to your auction, let's say, 10 dollars, this gets stored to the bids table.At this point, the current bid value of this auction is 10 dollars.
Now let's imagine you want to retrieve 5 cheapest auctions. You will write a query like this:
MAX(bids.bid_price) as `bid_price`
LEFT JOIN `bids` ON `auctions`.`auction_id`=`bids`.`bid_belongs_to_auction`
GROUP BY `auction_id`
Pretty simple, and it works! But now you need to add an ORDER BY clause to the query. The problem is, however, that we want to ORDER BY either by auctions.auction_startPrice or by bid_price, depending on whichever of this is higher, as explained in the first paragraphs.
Can this be understood? I know how to do this using 2 queries, but I am hoping it can be done with 1 query.
EDIT: Just a further explanation to help you imagine the problem. If I set ORDER BY auction_startPrice ASC, then I will get 5 auctions with their lowest initial bid price, but what if there are already bids placed on those auctions? Then their current lowest price is equal to those bids, NOT to the start price, therefore my query is wrong.

MAX(bids.bid_price) as `bid_price`,
`auction_startPrice`) higherPrice
LEFT JOIN `bids` ON `auctions`.`auction_id`=`bids`.`bid_belongs_to_auction`
GROUP BY `auction_id`
) X
order by higherPrice desc
In the inner query, an extra column is created, named 'higherPrice'
The IF function compares the MAX(bid_price) column against the startprice, and only if the Max-bid is not null (implicitly required in comparison) and greater than start price, then the Max-bid becomes the value in the higherPrice column. Otherwise, it will contain the start price.
The outer query merely makes use of the columns from the inner query, ordering by the higherPrice

I'm not sure which database you're using but look at this example:
MAX(bids.bid_price) as `bid_price`
LEFT JOIN `bids` ON `auctions`.`auction_id`=`bids`.`bid_belongs_to_auction`
GROUP BY `auction_id`
ORDER BY CASE WHEN `auction_startPrice` > isnull(MAX(bids.bid_price),0) then `auction_startPrice` else MAX(bids.bid_price) end


looping through a numeric range for secondary record ID

So, I figure I could probably come up with some wacky solution, but i figure i might as well ask up front.
each user can have many orders.
each desk can have many orders.
each order has maximum 3 items in it.
trying to set things up so a user can create an order and the order auto generates a reference number and each item has a reference letter. reference number is 0-99 and loops back around to 0 once it hits 99, so orders throughout the day are easy to reference for the desks.
So, user places an order for desk #2 of 3 items:
78A: red stapler
78B: pencils
78C: a kangaroo foot
not sure if this would be done in the program logic or done at the SQL level somehow.
was thinking something like neworder = order.last + 1 and somehow tying that into a range on order create. pretty fuzzy on specifics.
Without knowing the answer to my comment above, I will assume you want to have the full audit stored, rather than wiping historic records; as such the 78A 78B 78C type orders are just a display format.
If you have a single Order table (containing your OrderId, UserId, DeskId, times and any other top-level stuff) and an OrderItem table (containing your OrderItemId, OrderId, LineItemId -- showing 1,2 or 3 for your first and optional second and third line items in the order, and ProductId) and a Product table (ProductId, Name, Description)
then this is quite simple (thankfully) using the modulo operator, which gives the remainder of a division, allowing you in this case to count in groups of 3 and 100 (or any other number you wish).
Just do something like the following:
(you will want to join the items into a single column, I have just kept them distinct so that you can see how they work)
Obviously join/query/filter on user, desk and product tables as appropriate
o.OrderId%100 + 1 as OrderNumber,
case when LineItem%3 = 1 then 'A'
when LineItem%3 = 2 then 'B'
when LineItem%3 = 0 then 'C'
end as ItemLetter,
from tb_Order o inner join tb_OrderItem oi on o.OrderId=oi.OrderId
Alternatively, you can add the itemLetter (A,B,C) and/or the OrderNumber (1-100) as computed (and persisted) columns on the tables themselves, so that they are calculated once when inserted, rather than recalculating/formatting when they are selected.
This sort-of breaks some best practice that you store the raw data in the DB and you format on retrieval; but if you are not going to update the data and you are going to select the data for more than you are going to write the data; then I would break this rule and calculate your formatting at insert time

How to use SQL to find second-highest auction bids

I'm working on a small online auction site and I need some sql to determine what each item sold for. The bids table contains the following fields: bidID, itemID, bidderID, bidAmount, bidDate.
The site works basically like eBay, where if the item is currently at $10 and "bidder A" bids $50, the items price will remain $10 until a second bidder places a higher bid. Let's say "bidder B" places a $40 bid, then the item would be at ($40 + increment). The increment is, depending on the auction, either a fixed amount (say $5) or a percentage of the current price.
That's the overview. As for the sql, I think I need to find the highest and second-highest bids for each item and use those to determine the final price.
What's the best way to find each item's second-highest bid?
Also, just as a note, I'm stuck using SQL Server 2000, so the solution can't include ROW_NUMBER() or other more recent built-in functions.
Basically, you could do a TOP 2 and then wrap that in a SELECT statement and get only the one you want (the lower $ amount). Something like this:
FROM table
WHERE <criteria match>
) AS newTable
I don't know if this is the most efficient solution but it may work:
SELECT TOP 2 * FROM bids WHERE itemID = ... ORDER BY bidAmount DESC

SQL Output Question

I am running into an error and I know what is happening but I can't see what is causing it. Below is the sql code I am using. Basically I am getting the general results I want, however I am not accurately giving the query the correct 'where' clause.
If this is of any assistance. The count is coming out as this:
Total Tier
1 High
2 Low
There are 4 records in the Enrollment table. 3 are active, and 1 is not. Only 2 of the records should be displayed. 1 for High, and 1 for low. The second Low record that is in the total was flagged as 'inactive' on 12/30/2010 and reflagged again on 1/12/2011 so it should not be in the results. I changed the initial '<=' to '=' and the results stayed the same.
I need to exclude any record from Enrollments_Status_Change that where the "active_status" was changed to 0 before the date.
SELECT COUNT(dbo.Enrollments.Customer_ID) AS Total,
FROM dbo.Phone_Tier as p
JOIN dbo.Enrollments as eON p.Phone_Model = e.Phone_Model
WHERE (e.Customer_ID NOT IN
(Select Customer_ID
From dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change as Status
Where (Change_Date >'12/31/2010')))
GROUP BY dbo.Phone_Tier.Tier
Thanks for any assistance and I apologize for any confusion. This is my first time here and i'm trying to correct my etiquette on the fly.
If you don't want any of the fields from that table dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change, and you don't seem to use it in any way — why even include it in the JOINs? Just leave it out.
Plus: start using table aliases. This is very hard to read if you use the full table name in each JOIN condition and WHERE clause.
Your code should be:
COUNT(e.Customer_ID) AS Total, p.Tier
dbo.Phone_Tier p
dbo.Enrollments e ON p.Phone_Model = e.Phone_Model
e.Active_Status = 1
FROM dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change AS Status
WHERE (Change_Date <= '12/31/2010'))
Also: most likely, your EXISTS check is wrong — since you didn't post your table structures, I can only guess — but my guess would be:
AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change
WHERE Change_Date <= '12/31/2010' AND CustomerID = e.CustomerID)
Check for existence of any entries in dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change for the customer defined by e.CustomerID, with a Change_Date before that cut-off date. Right?
Assuming you want to:
exclude all customers whose latest enrollment_status_change record was since the start of 2011
include all customers whose latest enrollment_status_change record was earlier than the end of 2010 (why else would you have put that EXISTS clause in?)
Then this should do it:
SELECT COUNT(e.Customer_ID) AS Total,
FROM dbo.Phone_Tier p
JOIN dbo.Enrollments e ON p.Phone_Model = e.Phone_Model
WHERE dbo.Enrollments.Active_Status = 1
AND e.Customer_ID NOT IN (
SELECT Customer_ID
FROM dbo.Enrollment_Status_Change status
WHERE (Change_Date >= '2011-01-01')
Basically, the problem with your code is that joining a one-to-many table will always increase the row count. If you wanted to exclude all the records that had a matching row in the other table this would be fine -- you could just use a LEFT JOIN and then set a WHERE clause like Customer_ID IS NULL.
But because you want to exclude a subset of the enrollment_status_change table, you must use a subquery.
Your intention is not clear from the example given, but if you wanted to exclude anyone who's enrollment_status_change as before 2011, but include those who's status change was since 2011, you'd just swap the date comparator for <.
Is this any help?

SQL conundrum, how to select latest date for part, but only 1 row per part (unique)

I am trying to wrap my head around this one this morning.
I am trying to show inventory status for parts (for our products) and this query only becomes complex if I try to return all parts.
Let me lay it out:
single table inventoryReport
I have a distinct list of X parts I wish to display, the result of which must be X # of rows (1 row per part showing latest inventory entry).
table is made up of dated entries of inventory changes (so I only need the LATEST date entry per part).
all data contained in this single table, so no joins necessary.
Currently for 1 single part, it is fairly simple and I can accomplish this by doing the following sql (to give you some idea):
SELECT TOP (1) ldDate, ptProdLine, inPart, inSite, inAbc, ptUm, inQtyOh + inQtyNonet AS in_qty_oh, inQtyAvail, inQtyNonet, ldCustConsignQty, inSuppConsignQty
FROM inventoryReport
WHERE (ldPart = 'ABC123')
that gets me my TOP 1 row, so simple per part, however I need to show all X (lets say 30 parts). So I need 30 rows, with that result. Of course the simple solution would be to loop X# of sql calls in my code (but it would be costly) and that would suffice, but for this purpose I would love to work this SQL some more to reduce the x# calls back to the db (if not needed) down to just 1 query.
From what I can see here I need to keep track of the latest date per item somehow while looking for my result set.
I would ultimately do a
WHERE ldPart in ('ABC123', 'BFD21', 'AA123', etc)
to limit the parts I need. Hopefully I made my question clear enough. Let me know if you have an idea. I cannot do a DISTINCT as the rows are not the same, the date needs to be the latest, and I need a maximum of X rows.
Thoughts? I'm stuck...
FROM inventoryReport i
WHERE ldPart in ('ABC123', 'BFD21', 'AA123', etc)
WHERE r = 1
EDIT: Be sure to test the performance of each solution. As pointed out in this question, the CTE method may outperform using ROW_NUMBER.
;with cteMaxDate as (
select ldPart, max(ldDate) as MaxDate
from inventoryReport
group by ldPart
SELECT md.MaxDate, ir.ptProdLine, ir.inPart, ir.inSite, ir.inAbc, ir.ptUm, ir.inQtyOh + ir.inQtyNonet AS in_qty_oh, ir.inQtyAvail, ir.inQtyNonet, ir.ldCustConsignQty, ir.inSuppConsignQty
FROM cteMaxDate md
INNER JOIN inventoryReport ir
on md.ldPart = ir.ldPart
and md.MaxDate = ir.ldDate
You need to join into a Sub-query:
SELECT i.ldPart, x.LastDate, i.inAbc
FROM inventoryReport i
INNER JOIN (Select ldPart, Max(ldDate) As LastDate FROM inventoryReport GROUP BY ldPart) x
on i.ldPart = x.ldPart and i.ldDate = x.LastDate

Finding drop off rate from membership table in SQL Server 2005

We have a view that stores the history of membership plans held by our members and we have been running a half price direct debit offer for some time. We've been asked to report on whether people are allowing the direct debit to renew (at full price) but I'm no SQL expert!
The view in effect is
memberRef, historyRef, validFrom, validTo,MembershipType,PaymentType,totalAmount
memberRef identifies the person (int)
historyRef identifies this row (int)
validFrom and validTo are the start and end of the plan (datetime)
MembershipType is the type of plan (int)
PaymentType is direct debit or credit card (a string - DD or EFT)
totalAmount is the price of the plan (decimal)
I'm wondering if there is a query as opposed to a cursor I can use to count the number of policies which are at half price and have another direct debit policy that follows on from it.
If we can also capture if that person first joined at half price or if there was a gap where membership had lapsed before they took the half price incentive that would be great.
Thanks in advance for any help!
For example
select count(MemberRef), max(vhOuter.validFrom) "most recent plan start",
(select top(1) vh2.validFrom
from v_Membershiphistory vh2
where (vh2.totalamount = 14.97 or vh2.totalamount = 25.50)
and vh2.memberref = vhOuter.memberref
order by createdat desc
) "half price plan start"
from v_membershiphistory vhOuter
where vhOuter.memberref in (select vh1.memberref from v_membershiphistory vh1 where vh1.totalamount = 14.97 or vh1.totalamount = 25.50)--have taken up offer
group by memberref
having max(vhOuter.validFrom) > (select top(1) vh2.validFrom
from v_Membershiphistory vh2
where (vh2.totalamount = 14.97 or vh2.totalamount = 25.50)
and vh2.memberref = vhOuter.memberref
order by createdat desc
This will display the members who have a half price plan and have a valid from date that is greater than the valid from date of that plan.
Not quite right as we should be testing that it is the same plan but...
if I change the select here to just count(memberRef) I get the count of memberRef for the member I'm grouping for each member I'm grouping i.e. for 5220 results I'd get 5220 rows returned each with in effect the number of plans I've selected
But I need to count the number of people taking the offer and proportion that renew. Also that renewal rate in the population that aren't taking the offer (which I'm guessing is a trivial change once I've got one set sorted)
I suppose I'm looking at how one operates on the set but compares multiple rows for each distinct person without using a cursor. But I might be wrong :)
try something like:
a.*, b.*
FROM YourTable a
INNER JOIN YourTable b On a.memberRef=b.memberRef and a.validToDate<b.validFromDate
WHERE b.PaymentType='?direct debit?' and a.Cost='?half price?'
to get just counts use something like:
COUNT(a.memberRef) AS TotalCount
FROM YourTable a
INNER JOIN YourTable b On a.memberRef=b.memberRef and a.validToDate<b.validFromDate
WHERE b.PaymentType='?direct debit?' and a.Cost='?half price?'