Add an item in a listview by index number -

Hey all i am trying to find a way to add something to one of the columns in my listview. The way my code is setup is like this:
While dr.Read()
If dr.IsDBNull(12) Then
objItem = lstMaster.Items.Add("nothing")
objItem = lstMaster.Items.Add(dr(12))
End If
With objItem
If dr.IsDBNull(11) Then
End If
How can i just tell it to put it in the 3rd column (i have 5 total (0-4)) instad of just going down the roll and it falls in order?
Any help would be great! :o)

Add as many sub-items as you have columns. Then just index the sub-item you want to change. For example:
Dim item = ListView1.Items.Add("Test")
For cnt As Integer = 1 To ListView1.Columns.Count
item.SubItems(3).Text = "Blah"


How can I display data in a datagridview in

I am new here and in the world of programming. What I need to do is fill a datagridview from a query that I make through a method called "DoQuery", which is inside the "SAPbobsCOM" package. I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this. I know that using sql is as simple as putting a "Fill", but they don't work the same way because I don't use a datatable or dataadapter.
Sub llenarGrillaPrueba()
Dim Count As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim RecSet As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
RecSet = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
'RecSet.DoQuery("select ""ItemCode"" from OITM where ""ItemCode""='429'") 'If I only retrieve one record, the grid is loaded.
RecSet.DoQuery("select * from OITM where ""InvntItem"" = 'Y' ORDER BY ""ItemCode"" ASC") 'The problem arises when I want to show all the records.
Count = RecSet.RecordCount
While RecSet.EoF = False
For i = 0 To Count - 1
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells("codigo").Value = RecSet.Fields.Item("ItemCode").Value
Next i
End While
End Sub
Please if anyone can help me I will be very grateful.

VBA Runtime Error 35600 when removing items from ListView

I would like to ask for help regarding a Runtime Error 35600 "Index out of bounds".
I am trying to delete all Items from a Multicolumn-ListView that do not match a Combobox-Value.
However, it seems that during the deletion-process, my code reaches a Point where the listitems-index is smaller than the index of the selected item.
Does anyone know how I can solve that? Here is my take on it:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSearch As String
strSearch = Me.ComboBox1
For i = 1 To ListView1.listItems.Count
If Me.ListView1.listItems(i).SubItems(3) = strSearch Then
Me.ListView1.listItems(i).Checked = True
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To ListView1.listItems.Count
If ListView1.listItems(i).Checked = False Then
Me.ListView1.listItems.Remove (ListView1.selectedItem.Index)
End If
Next i
End Sub
You could try remove them in reverse order (so only for the second loop); I think in basic it would look like:
For i = ListView1.listItems.Count To 0 Step -1
Probably the counter is not re-evaluated after every loop and thus will be higher than the number of elements causing a too high number (more than the number of list items present resulting in an index out of bounds exception).
'Removing part
With ListView1
For i = .ListItems.Count To 1 Step -1
If Not .ListItems(i).Checked Then
.ListItems.Remove i
End If
End With

ListView subitems and columns

I have a problem where when I add a subitem to the listview all the subitems go out to each of the columns, what I am trying to do is have 4 columns with the results going vertically down each column, I am going to post the code I am using for 1 of the columns so as not to have too much crap on the page here.
Dim source As String = (New Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
Dim formula2 As String = "<td><div class='deaths'>([^<]*)</td></div>"
Dim item2 As New ListViewItem("item2", 1)
For Each item As Match In (New Regex(formula2)).Matches(source)
ListView1.Items.AddRange(New ListViewItem() {item2})
if you want more code just tell me but this is working and its just the same for the other 3, the other 3 are just player names, score and time in the same listview.
If i undrstand your question right, you want to add next row after passing the value to all four column? if this is right then have a look example code below.
While (Condition)
Dim objItem As ListViewItem
objItem = lv_Details.Items.Add("")
With objItem
End With
End While
Hope this will help. :)

How to Implement Rowspan in a GridView (for .NET 3.5)

I created a custom GridView (actually a RadGrid) which does roughly the following.
Initialize GridView formatting
Setup Columns (depending on type of data to be displayed)
Populate the rows
When Instantiating this GridView, and adding it to my page, I want the first column to contain a "rowspan" attribute on the first row of repeated, but similar data. The "rowspan" value should be equal to the number of similar rows following it. In this way I hope to make the final view cleaner.
The logic for this, I figure, should take place while populating the rows. Initially I add rows to a DataTable and then bind it to the GridView as the final step.
Here's the general logic I was attempting, but it didn't work for me. What am I doing wrong?
Dim dt As New DataTable() 'Has three default columns
For Each d In Documents 'MAIN ITEM (First Column Data)
Dim rowspan As Integer
rowspan = 0
For Each f In Files
If rowspan = 0 Then
Me.dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {d.Title, f.Language, f.FileSize})
Me.dt.Columns(0).ExtendedProperties.Item("rowspan") = rowspan.ToString()
Me.dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {Nothing, f.Language, f.FileSize})
End If
rowspan += 1
Also keep in mind that the this is dumped into a DataView which is sorted by the first column, so I would imagine it must actually be sorted first, then somehow count the rows for each "like" first column, then set the "rowspan" value for the first row of that column equal to the number of rows belonging to it.
Does this make sense? Here is an ideal example of what I would like to accomplish in the layout:
Try this.
Protected Sub DemoGrid_PreRender(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles DemoGrid.PreRender
End Sub
Public Sub MergeRowsWithSameContent(gvw As GridView)
For rowIndex As Integer = gvw.Rows.Count - 2 To 0 Step -1
Dim row As GridViewRow = gvw.Rows(rowIndex)
Dim previousRow As GridViewRow = gvw.Rows(rowIndex + 1)
For i As Integer = 0 To row.Cells.Count - 1
If row.Cells(i).Text = previousRow.Cells(i).Text Then
row.Cells(i).RowSpan = If(previousRow.Cells(i).RowSpan < 2, 2, previousRow.Cells(i).RowSpan + 1)
previousRow.Cells(i).Visible = False
End If
End Sub
P.S: Shameless port of this wonderful code I have been using for years.

Multi Select List Box

I have a list box on a form and it works fine for what I want to do.
I am wanting to edit items on the form, this means populating the listbox and then selecting the relevant items.
My listbox contains a list of item sizes, i want to select the sizes which belong to the item being edited.
PLease can someone give me some pointers.
I tried me.lstItemSizes.SetSelected(i,true) but this only works for a single item.
Any help wil be much appreciated.
My Code:
Private Sub SelectItemSizes(ByVal itemID As Integer)
Dim itemSizes As IList(Of ItemSize) = _sizeLogic.GetItemSizes(itemID)
Me.lstItemSizes.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiExtended
If (itemSizes.Count > 0) Then
For i As Integer = 0 To Me.lstItemSizes.Items.Count - 1
For x As Integer = 0 To itemSizes.Count - 1
If (CType(Me.lstItemSizes.Items(i), PosSize).SizeID = itemSizes(x).SizeID) Then
Me.lstItemSizes.SetSelected(i, True)
Me.lstItemSizes.SetSelected(i, False)
End If
End If
End Sub
Did you set the selectionmode to multi?
You need to specify that in order to allow multiple selections.
Then you can do:
Dim i as Integer=0
For i=0 To Me.listBox.SelectedItems.Count -1
'display the listbox value
next i
Here is a screen shot:
After you set the property on the listbox then call setselected based on the values you want selected.
Here you can add 20 numbers and only select the even.
Dim i As Integer
'load the list with 20 numbers
For i = 0 To 20
'now use setselected
'assume only even are selected
For i = 0 To 20
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
Me.ListBox1.SetSelected(i, True)
End If
3rd edit
Look at the way you are looping, lets assume I create a list of integers, my is rusty I mainly develop in C#. But assume you did this:
Dim l As New List(Of Integer)
You only have three items in your list, so first loop based on the items on your list, then within the items in your listbox, you have it vice versa. Look at this:
Dim i As Integer
Dim l As New List(Of Integer)
'load the list with 20 numbers
For i = 0 To 20
Dim lCount As Integer = 0
For lCount = 0 To l.Count - 1
For i = 0 To 20
If i = l.Item(lCount) Then
Me.ListBox1.SetSelected(i, True)
Exit For
End If
In the code my l is a list of just 3 items: 2, 6, and 20.
I add these items to l which is just a list object.
So now I have to loop using these 3 numbers and compare with my listbox. You have it the opposite you are looping on your listbox and then taking into account the list object.
Notice in my for loop that once the item in my list is found I no longer need to loop so I exit for. This ensures I dont overdue the amount of looping required. Once the item is found get out and go back to the count of your list object count.
After running my code here is the result
You have to change the ListBox.SelectionMode property in order to enable multiple-selection.
The possible values are given by the SelectionMode enum, as follows:
None: No items can be selected
One: Only one item can be selected
MultiSimple: Multiple items can be selected
MultiExtended: Multiple items can be selected, and the user can use the Shift, Ctrl, and arrow keys to make selections
So, you simply need to add the following line to the code you already have:
' Change the selection mode (you could also use MultiExtended here)
lstItemSizes.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiSimple;
' Select any items of your choice
lstItemSizes.SetSelected(1, True)
lstItemSizes.SetSelected(3, True)
lstItemSizes.SetSelected(8, True)
Alternatively, you can set the SelectionMode property at design time, instead of doing it with code.
According to MSDN, SetSelected() can be used to select multiple items. Simply repeat the call for each item that needs to be selected. This is the example they use:
' Select three items from the ListBox.
listBox1.SetSelected(1, True)
listBox1.SetSelected(3, True)
listBox1.SetSelected(5, True)
For reference, this is the MSDN article.
Because my code had the following loops:
For i As Integer = 0 To Me.lstItemSizes.Items.Count - 1
For x As Integer = 0 To itemSizes.Count - 1
If (CType(Me.lstItemSizes.Items(i), PosSize).SizeID = itemSizes(x).SizeID) Then
Me.lstItemSizes.SetSelected(i, True)
Me.lstItemSizes.SetSelected(i, False)
End If
The first loop loops through the available sizes and the second loop is used to compare the item sizes.
Having the following code:
Me.lstItemSizes.SetSelected(i, False)
End If
Meant that even if item i became selected, it could also be deselected.
Remove Me.lstItemSizes.SetSelected(i, False) OR Include Exit For