removing • character in string -

i tried to read html contents by striping html tags in a string.
when i try to print that string i got • character. can anyone tell me how to remove this character

Use Replace() function of String
str = "Hello• World"
str = str.Replace("•", "") 'Hello World

Something like:
stringVal = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stringVal)); //Swaps out non-ascii to '?'s.


remove from String in VB

I have inserted a option in Dorpdown as follows
<option>إختر </option>
When I select this text from server side on any event I get this value
"إختر       ‎"
Now I want to replace this white space in the string. I have tried replace method of String class. But its not working.
str = str.replace(" ","")
Plz suggest
What you should do first is decode the HTML, such that text like but also & are converted to their textual counterparts (" " and "&"). You can do this with: WebUtility.HtmlDecode. Next you can use String.Trim to remove leading and tailing spaces.
string s = "إختر ";
string r = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(s).Trim();
Or the VB.NET equivalent:
Dim s As String = "إختر "
Dim r As String = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(s).Trim()
Evidently you can try to convert to spaces yourself. But there are examples where it is not that evident and your transcoder can get confused or decode strings the wrong way. Furthermore if in the future the people at W3C change their minds about how to encode text in HTML/XML, then your program will still work.
String.Trim will remove all kinds of white-space including spaces, new lines, tabs, carriage returns, etc. If you only want to remove spaces, you can use: .Trim(' '). Then you specify only to remove the given list of characters (here only ' ').
If you want to remove leading or trailing white-spaces from a string you just need to use String.Trim, but you have to re-assign the return value to the variable since strings are immutable:
string text = "إختر       ‎";
text = text.Trim();
Note that you can also use TrimEnd in this case.
If you want to remove only space characters(not also tabs or new-line characters which are also white-spaces) use:
text = text.Trim(' ');
If you instead want to remove all spaces from a string you could do:
text = text.Replace(" ", "");
I think maybe your code is something like this
Dim str As String = "إختر "
str.Replace(" ", "")
But actually you should
Dim str As String = "إختر "
str = str.Replace(" ", "")
I have just had a similar problem.
It turns out, that this nbsp character is Chr(160) from the ASCII table. Thus, something like this is quite meaningful, for all the cases. It works, on a selected area:
Public Sub remove_space_in_string()
Dim r_range As Range
For Each r_range In Selection
r_range = Trim(r_range)
r_range = Replace(r_range, vbTab, "")
r_range = Replace(r_range, " ", "")
r_range = Replace(r_range, Chr(160), "")
Next r_range
End Sub

Split string on parentheses and braces

Let me say, I hate working with strings! I'm trying to find a way to split a string on brackets. For example, the string is:
Hello (this is) me!
And, from this string, get an array with Hello and me. I would like to do this with parentheses and braces (not with brackets). Please note that the string is variable, so something like SubString wouldn't work.
Thanks in advance,
You can use regular expressions (Regex), below code should exclude text inside all parenthesis and braces, also removes an exclamation mark - feel free to expand CleanUp method to filter out other punctuation symbols:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim re As New Regex("\(.*\)|{.*}") 'anything inside parenthesis OR braces
Dim input As String = "Hello (this is) me and {that is} him!"
Dim inputParsed As String = re.Replace(input, String.Empty)
Dim reSplit As New Regex("\b") 'split by word boundary
Dim output() As String = CleanUp(reSplit.Split(inputParsed))
'output = {"Hello", "me", "and", "him"}
End Sub
Private Function CleanUp(output As String()) As String()
Dim outputFiltered As New List(Of String)
For Each v As String In output
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v) Then Continue For 'remove spaces
If v = "!" Then Continue For 'remove punctuation, feel free to expand
Return outputFiltered.ToArray
End Function
End Module
To explain the regular expression I used (\(.*\)|{.*}):
\( is just a (, parenthesis is a special symbol in Regex, needs to be escaped with a \.
.* means anything, i.e. literally any combination of characters.
| is a logical OR, so the expression will match either left or ride side of it.
{ does not need escaping, so it just goes as is.
Overall, you can read this as Find anything inside parenthesis or braces, then the code says replace the findings with an empty string, i.e. remove all occurrences. One of the interesting concepts here is understanding greedy vs lazy matching. In this particular case greedy (default) works well, but it's good to know other options.
Useful resources for working with Regex: - Regex test/practice/sandbox. - Theory and examples. - How word boundaries work.
Try this code:
Dim var As String = "Hello ( me!"
Dim arr() As String = var.Split("(")
MsgBox(arr(0)) 'Display Hello
MsgBox(arr(1)) 'Display me!
Something like this should work for you:
Dim x As String = "Hello (this is) me"
Dim firstString As String = x.Substring(0, x.IndexOf("("))
Dim secondString As String = x.Substring(x.IndexOf(")") + 1)
Dim finalString = firstString & secondString
x = "Hello (this is) me"
firstString = "Hello "
secondString = " me"
finalString = "Hello me"

Remove the character alone from the string

My code retrieves the data from various resources .
And output will be like below
But I want the output like this
Is there any way to do this ?
You need to use a regular expression that finds all uppercase and lowercase characters and replaces them with a blank, like this:
Dim rgx As New Regex("[a-zA-Z]")
str = rgx.Replace(str, String.Empty)
An alternate solution is to look for the first numeric digit, then discard all text before that.
Function GetDate(data As String) As Date
Dim indexFirstNum As Integer = data.IndexOfAny("0123456789".ToCharArray())
Dim datePortion As String = data.Substring(indexFirstNum)
Return Date.Parse(datePortion)
End Function

Avoid escaping all double-quotes in strings?

In a string that has multiple double-quotes, is there an easier solution than escaping each and everyone of them?
For instance, here's an HTML string:
Dim test As Regex = New Regex("^<div class="blah">\r\n<div class="blah"></div>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class="blah">\r\n(.+?)\r\n<div> class="blah">\r\n", RegexOptions.Singleline)
Alternatively, to hold the string, can VB.Net be told to use another character than the double-quote, eg.
New Regex(#my string="" my other string=""#)
Thank you.
If you are certain that the # symbol does not appear in your string...
Dim s As String = Replace("^<div class=#blah#>\r\n<div class=#blah#></div>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=#blah#>\r\n(.+?)\r\n<div> class=#blah#>\r\n", "#", """")
Dim test As Regex = New Regex(s, RegexOptions.Singleline)

replace " in

How can I replace the double quote in VB.NET?
This code doesn't work:
name.Replace("""," ")
You need to use a double quote within those quotes (and get the return value - String.Replace does not operate on the string itself, it returns a new string):
name = name.Replace(""""," ")
Instead of a "data link escaped" method of...
name = name.Replace("""", "")
You could be explicit and somewhat more readable...
name = name.Replace(ControlChars.DblQuote, "")
And BTW, instead of thinking of this as returning a NEW STRING; it's better to think of the REPLACE as a part of the STRING Class associated with the 'name' instance. If it's losing the old value of name that you do not want then simply...
Dim aNewString$ = name.Replace(ControlChars.DblQuote, "")
And the 'name' will remain unchanged.
name = name.Replace(Chr(34), "")
you should return the resultant string back to a string and also escape that double quotes with a double quote or "\"
name = name.Remove("""", String.Empty)
I had a nasty one where try as I might, I could not get Replace() to work. In the end, it turned out the strings I was trying to clean somehow had got a completely different characters which just LOOKED like double quotes. A genius had edited a script file using Word, so "hello" became “hello”. Subtle, or what?
Looking at the file with a hex editor, the opening quote was the three character value 0xe2 0x80 0x9c, and the closer was 0xe2 0x80 0x9d. No wonder the replace failed!
'This part is to remove the " mark in the string
Dim GetDate31 As String = Date31(16).Replace(Chr(34), "")