VSTS Loadrunner or something better? [closed] - testing

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking to get a comparison between stress testing tools that are available today. The options put forward to us are either VSTS or Loadrunner.
As of now, the inclination is towards Loadrunner, but we are looking to see if there is any better option today.

Depends on what you're testing. Static HTTP or simple JSP pages, use something free like jmeter. If you're testing ASP.net, silverlight or other MS technology stack apps, then VSTS is your best bet. For almost anything else LR works well, including newer Rich Internet Web 2.0 type pages including AJAX and Flex.
Loadrunner licenses are prohibitively expensive, if you're looking at a one off test, it isn't worth acquiring a license.

For .NET Apps you can rely on VSTS. They help you simulate
Web Services Performance Testing
Coded UI for functional testing
Xpath Testing
patterns & practices: Performance Testing Guidance


Cypress.io with Testcafe [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Are there any added advantages to using Cypress instead of TestCafe? while comparing usages with developer friendliness, are there any added advantages using Cypress.io
This is difficult to answer, especially when you don't provide us with any insight into your context. These are not identical products, they might be suitable for slightly different use cases.
I can tell you my personal opinion of the two, but that might not apply to your situatio(s), so I just recommend reading documentation:
and trying the products on some real projects.
Some areas to consider:
what you want to automate
who needs to maintain the tests - how well people know JavaScript, Cypress, in my opinion, requires more knowledge in this area which seems to bring a lot of trouble to many people
reading carefully trade-offs and best practices in Cypress - if you don't already follow many of these practices, you might find it really hard to completely switch to Cypress
documentation support - this is exceptional in Cypress, really good docs online, with tons of examples, you rarely see this with other technologies
both products have some additional paid features, have a look on what you need to use
integrations with other services - CI, browserstack and the like

What is the difference between Proctractor and Selenium? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am in the stage to find out what is Selenium. Its website looks very old. Here is a nodejs version of it.
I also found a good in browser testing solution protractor.
Are they designed to do the same thing? Which one should I use? Why Selenium website is so old, out of favor?
All tools you mention above like protractor, nightwatch are all based on selenium. If you are looking for a nodejs based solutions you can either directly use WebDriverJS (popularly known as selenium) or use many other frameworks which are developed on top of it. Every framework below offers unique features, you need to pick what works best for you. The basic advantage of using framworks is that they do most of the heavy lifting for you, that way your code is small and maintainable. UI testing is hard, the smaller the code you have the easier it is to maintain
protractor (good support if your app is angular)

Testing Symfony3 best practices [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know which is the best technology for testing Symfony apps. My idea is to test all the Application layers, starting with the Database (repository and queries), the services , Controllers and Views.
I check about this but i'm not sure which direction to follow. I found out some tool like Phpspec and Behat but i'm not sure they fit my need and which one is the best... What do you guys suggest?
This is what we've been doing at work last 4 years.
Use Behat for testing the behaviour of the app. We mainly cover how GUI related features (twig, templates, browser, file upload, client side validation, API request&response etc) behave however if you wish you can also cover how the app functionality behaves like such as (DB CRUD operations, testing emailing features, commands, queuing systems such as RabbitMQ, Beanstalk etc.) so you're not limited at all.
Use PhpSpec for testing the functionality of the app or a part of a feature or whole. We cover services, util classes, listeners so on.
Do not test controllers because we keep them as "thin" as possible as we follow "thin controller, fat services" approach.
So in general, Behat is pretty powerful to cover most of the cases so we have more behat tests than PhpSpec. You can use any appropriate testing tool such as PhpUnit so you're free to test others.
Plenty of Behat examples
Plenty of Symfony examples
A few PhpSpec examples

What is the difference between mobile application testing and web application testing [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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please friends help me out
1) what is the difference between mobile application testing and web application testing?
2) what is adhoc testing?
3) differences between sanity and smoke testing
for mobile application testing we will have to handle some specificities like playing around with touch interface, the different sensors of the phone , connectivity quality etc. This is a very broad topic. I would recommend to follow this blog
wikipedia is your friend
You can find some definitions there but I think it does not really matter so much. Most of the people don't make the difference between the two terms. Just think of it as "quick tests to get an idea on the overall quality of my SUT" or "is it broken or can I go on and do more in-depth testing".

How to know that, the system you are building is a better as Desktop Application than an Web Application? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How to know that, the system you are building is a better as Desktop Application than an Web Application?
My top 3:
I need to use/control the hardware directly (printer, graphic card...).
I don't care if my project is platform dependant.
Need complex user interface (OK Web 2.0 is better than ever, but it's still hell to make advanced specialized stuff to work in all Web browsers).
Interesting question. in practice the answer hinges primarily on the deployment requirements:
If you want very broad and "instant" deployment - then use HTML and HTTP.
if you or your organization have administrative control over the computers on which the app will be deployed, making it a "desktop app" is acceptable.
Most apps lie between those extremes.
It depends on your target audience, desired features, and what delivery method makes the most sense.
It might help to answer these questions:
1) Who will use this?
2) What will they do with it? (think about thinks like media operations, data storage,..)
3) How will they best be able to get this app?
4) What operating system(s) will it support?