What is the difference between mobile application testing and web application testing [closed] - testing

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Closed 8 years ago.
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please friends help me out
1) what is the difference between mobile application testing and web application testing?
2) what is adhoc testing?
3) differences between sanity and smoke testing

for mobile application testing we will have to handle some specificities like playing around with touch interface, the different sensors of the phone , connectivity quality etc. This is a very broad topic. I would recommend to follow this blog
wikipedia is your friend
You can find some definitions there but I think it does not really matter so much. Most of the people don't make the difference between the two terms. Just think of it as "quick tests to get an idea on the overall quality of my SUT" or "is it broken or can I go on and do more in-depth testing".


What is method API Testing? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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My question maybe silly, but anyone can help me ? I have a question, i read in the internet: "API testing won't concentrate on the look and feel of an application.". It is the black box testing methods, so i need to use the white box testing methods or associate 2 method ?
That phrase means that when you test API you only deal with the data that is returned from the server (unlike UI testing when it also matters how the output is rendered). When you test API you can apply black-box testing techniques sine you know what the input should be and what output you expect.
White-box testing is the technique which is to be rather applied by developers who develope the API functionality.

how to apply deep-learning for UI test automation? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Deep-learning is applied to play game in some projects, so it should make sense to apply it for UI test automation. Any comments on this idea?
In large software, it is really hard and time taking to test out all possible scenarios via traditional approach. So, building a machine learning model to do this is a neat idea. The end goal for such a system would be to crash to make the software unresponsive.
There is research being done on this idea. You should take a look at this research paper which explores Reinforcement Learning as an approach to automated GUI robustness testing. Reinforcement Learning is also one of the approaches used in teaching computers to play games.

How to start making a game engine in C# [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How would i go about making a game engine from scratch, i know that this is a very hard task and the final engine will not be able to compete with an engine like Unreal or Unity.
I only plan to use this to get better at programming and if it helps i'm using C#.
Check: http://www.gamefromscratch.com/post/2013/06/14/A-tutorial-series-on-building-a-game-engine-from-scratch-almost-literally.aspx
You may also want to check more interactive tutorials such as those on
Udemy, which cost some money but offer a much more interactive environment. I'm sure you will be able to find a C# game engine guide on there.

looking for good clicker application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for a good application that have capability for automating the Windows GUI .
somthing that for exemple record my mouse action and repeat in after that .
AutoHotKey includes a macro recorder.
There are several automated UI testing systems will let you do this. SIKULI is one of the best freely available examples.
If you are using Visual Studio, it's worth checking the Code UI tests that ship with it.There are various resources out there to get you stared on that.
Two heavyweight suites that focus on what you are after are IBM's Rational Robot & HP QTP. Both come at a high prize, but are very professional and stable - at least that's my experience on them.

VSTS Loadrunner or something better? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking to get a comparison between stress testing tools that are available today. The options put forward to us are either VSTS or Loadrunner.
As of now, the inclination is towards Loadrunner, but we are looking to see if there is any better option today.
Depends on what you're testing. Static HTTP or simple JSP pages, use something free like jmeter. If you're testing ASP.net, silverlight or other MS technology stack apps, then VSTS is your best bet. For almost anything else LR works well, including newer Rich Internet Web 2.0 type pages including AJAX and Flex.
Loadrunner licenses are prohibitively expensive, if you're looking at a one off test, it isn't worth acquiring a license.
For .NET Apps you can rely on VSTS. They help you simulate
Web Services Performance Testing
Coded UI for functional testing
Xpath Testing
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