Unable to open right click menu when dojo tree node is not selected - dojo

I am using dojo 1.5. When I right click on dojo tree my right click pop up menu does not get created as first I need to select the treenode.
Is there any way of selecting a treenode when you right click on the dojo tree node?

There is no out of the box way to do this, but you can achieve this by adding an event handler for mouse down
dojo.connect(this.tree, 'onMouseDown', lang.hitch(this,this.onTreeRightClick));
onTreeRightClick : function(event)
var node = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(event.target);
var nodes=this.tree.selectedNodes;
return;//if the node is already selected do not alter selected nodes.


Context menu using dojo dgrid

How to create context menu using dojo dgrid?
Actually looking for context menu on dgrid, which should appear after "Right Click"of the mouse over row of the grid.
There is no ready plug-in that can do that, you can see that on the documentation here there is a comparison table. but there is a a listener that can help you create your own plug in.
grid.on(".dgrid-row:contextmenu", function(evt){
evt.preventDefault(); // prevent default browser context menu
var item = grid.row(evt).data;
// item is the store item
you can also read the documentation here

How to open dialog or popup when clicking on a cell in Dojo Dgrid

I want to open a dialog box when clicking on a cell.I am using dgrid/editor.
editor({field: "column1",label: "col1",editor: "text",editOn: "click"})
I am getting text box when using the above code.I want a dialog box.Please tell me how to get a dialog box.I am using OndemandGrid with JSONReststore to display the grid.
You don't need use editor to trigger a dialog, use click event on a cell is ok:
var grid = new declare([OnDemandGrid,Keyboard, Selection])({
store: Observable(new Memory({data: []}))
}, yourGridConatiner);
grid.on(".dgrid-content .dgrid-cell:click", function (evt) {
var cell = grid.cell(evt);
var data = cell.row.data;
/* your dialog creation at here, for example like below */
var dlg = new Dialog({
title: "Dialog",
content: dlgDiv //you need create this div using dojo.create or put-selector
If you want show a pointer while mouse over that cell, you can style it at renderCell method with "cursor:pointer"
From the wiki:
editor - The type of component to use for editors in this column; either a string specifying a type of standard HTML input to create, or a Dijit widget constructor to instantiate.
You could provide (to editor) a button that pops up a dialog when clicked, but that would probably mean two clicks to edit a cell: one to focus or enter edit mode or otherwise get the button to appear and one to actually click the button.
You could also not bother with the editor plugin and attach a click event handler to the cell and pop up a dialog from there. You would have to manually save the changes back to your store if you went that route.
If I understand you right - you could try something like this:
function cellFormatter1(value) {
//output html-code to open your popup - ie. using value (of cell)
{field: "column1",label: "col1", formatter: cellFormatter1 }

Dynamic menu button items in TinyMCE

I have a custom menubutton in my tinyMCE editor that uses specific HTML elements elsewhere on the page as the menu items. I use a jQuery selector to get the list of elements and then add one each as a menu item:
c.onRenderMenu.add(function(c,m) {
m.add({ title: 'Pick One:', 'class': 'mceMenuItemTitle' }).setDisabled(1);
$('span[data-menuitem]').each(function() {
var val = $(this).html();
title: $(this).attr("data-menuitem"),
onclick: function () { tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, val) }
My problem is that this only happens once when the button is first clicked and the menu is first rendered. The HTML elements on the current page will change occasionally based on user clicks and some AJAX, so I need this selector code to run each time the menu is rendered to make sure the menu is fully up-to-date. Is that possible?
Failing that, is it possible to dynamically update the control from the end of my AJAX call elsewhere in the page? I'm not sure how to access the menu item and to update it. Something using tinyMCE.activeEditor.controlManager...?
I found a solution to this problem, though I'm not sure it's the best path.
It doesn't look like I can make tinyMCE re-render the menu, so instead I've added some code at the end of my AJAX call: after it has updated the DOM then it manually updates the tinymce drop menu.
The menu object is accessible using:
where mybutton is the name of my custom control. My quick-and-dirty solution is to call removeAll() on this menu object (to remove all the current menu items) and then to re-execute my selector code to find the matching elements in the (new) DOM and to add the menu items back based on the new state.
It seems to work just fine, though tweaks & ideas are always welcome!

How do I set the zIndex on a dijit.TooltipDialog?

I've created a dijit.TooltipDialog and everything works as it should. However, if another dialog is produced from within the tooltip dialog it shows up behind the tooltip dialog instead of on top of it. I checked the zIndex on the 2 dialogs and the tooltip dialog is 1000 and the other dialog is 950.
I've tried setting the zIndex on the respective container node and the tooltip dialog's "domNode" both with no luck. So does anyone know how to set the zIndex on the tooltip dialog?
as you will find if you inspect the dom after creating a programmatic tooltip - the tooltip is placed in an overlay container beneath <body>.
As mentioned, seek alternative methods for this.. But the answer is as follows; For you to successfully set a z-index you must find the correct node - which is not the domNode since the dialog has a 'layer' of its own via the dijit.popup design.
Here's the fiddle for it: http://jsfiddle.net/rQHSP/
In short, this is what you could do.
myDialog.onShow = function() {
node = this.domNode
// loop upwards untill we hit a wall or nodes class mathes popup
while (node
&& (!node.className || !node.className.match("dijitTooltipDialogPopup")))
node = node.parentNode
console.log(dojo.style(node, "zIndex")
Following mschr's answer I couldn't find the underlayAttrs property of dijit.TooltipDialog. But that did lead me to finding _popupWrapper which is the wrapper node of the entire popup. This node had a zIndex of 1000. The below code corrected the issue:
var dij = dijit.byId(dojo.query("[id*='_TooltipDialog_']")[0].id);
dij.onShow = function() {

Dojo Popup Menus - Connect a menu item event to multiple 'triggering' elements

What i have is a single dijit.Menu that contains the dijit.MenuItem objects with labels 1 - 9. It is connected to a sudoku like grid of 81 'nodes' (because there are so many, i dont bother with individual id's, i simply collect them with dojo.query('their-css-class-name')). This is the code i'm using inside of a widget to instantiate the context menu and its menu items.
var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({targetNodeIds:dojo.query(".sudokuNode"), leftClickToOpen:true});
for(var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
onClick: function(evt) {
What i'm trying to do is have the node that is clicked, and subsequently opens a popup/context menu, be filled with the value (1-9) selected from the context menu's MenuItems.
My problem is that i dont know how to "know" which of the 81 nodes was the one to fire the oncontextmenu event, and i dont know how to reference that node inside the 'onClick' method declared in the menu item.
Any help demonstrating how to reference the calling node in that context would be appreciated! If this isn't enough information, let me know what else i can do to explain my problem!
evt.target should get you the node that was actually clicked. Depending on the structure, you may need to do some other navigation from there, or use dijit.getEnclosingWidget().
If the MenuItems allow the events to bubble (I'm not sure; haven't used it myself), you could connect to the onClick() method of the Menu, so you've only got the single event listener in play.