what is sql server management studio - sql

What is SQL Server Management Studio? Is it the whole SQL SERVER software OR just an interface to operate SQL SERVER software.

SQL Server management studio is just the IDE for making access to SQL Server easier.

It is an interface to help you talk to SQL Server. SQL Server Books Online is an excellent resource to get you started, if you want to find out more: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=be6a2c5d-00df-4220-b133-29c1e0b6585f&DisplayLang=en


Open WebMatrix SQL Server database in Microsoft SQL Server Management studio

I have a question. I did migrate my SQL CE database to SQL Server database and now i would like to open this SQL Server database in Microsoft SQL Server Management studio. Do you knoq how can I do it?
I need more information to help you, are you having trouble determining the server or the login or what? You need to login as a user with rights on that database. Do you know the server name that it was migrated to?
If you are looking for an easy to use tool to convert between mssqlce and sqlserver try this one: http://sqlcetoolbox.codeplex.com/releases/view/69910

Connect SQL Server 2008 through Management Studio Express 2005

I am trying to connect SQL Server 2008 through Management Studio Express 2005. I have some limitations of Dot Net Framework upgrade on the client machine thats why trying to access it through 2005. I already implemented this solution:
FIX: You may experience problems when you use SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2005 to connect to an instance of SQL Server 2008
But its not working. I have installed a Management studio express 2005 SP4. But its doing trouble. It connects the 2008 Database server but when i tries to view the table through design view it throws an error message "Unspecified error". Where as i am able to view table records by making a query request.
I am really stuck. Please help me out.
F. Ahmed
The backward compatibility for client tools in SQL server 2008 is not as good as we wanted to be... Sorry.

SQL Server Management Studio with SQL Server 2000

How to use SQL Server Management Studio with SQL Server 2000
Download it, install & run it. Works fine with every SQL Server edition.
SSMS 2008 will work with SQL Server 2000. You won't have access to intellisense or SQL 2008 Commands ( hierarchy, geometry, CTEs, etc) but you can run T-SQL, browse the server without issue. Just make sure you're using the correct login method.
By the way, if you need intellisense working in SSMS with SQL Server 2000, you'll need some third-party tools, like our dbForge SQL Complete. The tool has both free and shareware editions.

Download SQL SERVER AGENT - Microsoft SQL Server

I have downloaded SQL SERVER MANAGEMENT STUDIO but SQL SERVER AGENT is not found.
Should I install it separately?
Can anybody tell me the link where SQL SERVER AGENT is available as a Freeware to download it?
The agent is not visible if you use SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect to an SQL Server. You need to install the client tools that come with the server setup to get SQL Server Management Studio.
If you are using SQL Server Express, it has no agent.
SQL Server Agent is a service of SQL Server, not SQL Server Management Studio (which is, in and of itself, an administration tool).
Since SQL Server Agent is part of SQL Server, it's not free. You can learn about creating a job in SQL Server Agent here.
What, pray tell, are you actually trying to do?
You (or your company) will need to purchase the full version of SQL server in order to use this functionality.
The other option is to find the command-line instruction that will achieve what you want and then use Windows Task Scheduler to run the command on the schedule you want.

Can SQL Server Management Studio 2005 work with SQL Server Express 2008?

I'm getting crazy trying to install SQL Server Express Management Studio 2008
Pb for installing SQL Server Express Management Studio 2008
I have tried 10 times, now I give up. But maybe I can try to work with SQL Server Management Studio 2005? Do you know if it will work?
No, you can use the full SQL Server 2008 Management Studio (included in SQL Server 2008 editions other than Express), and it can connect to SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 Express, and any of the 2005 (and even 2000) versions, but it doesn't work the other way around, sorry.
No, as far as I know it doesn't. You will get a message that says it will work with only SQL Server 2005 or later.
No, you cannot use the 2005 SSMS UI against 2008. Maybe in your other thread you can show the log details that explains WHY Management Studio won't install. Many, many people are able to use this tool without issue, so maybe if you want help in figuring out why you can't, you can provide more details...