AmazonS3: custom error pages - amazon-s3

I am planning to share URLs (time limited) for private objects. Is there a way to set custom error pages for 404/403 http responses ?

Yes, it's possible, see this announcement.
In the Developer guide there is a paragraph about "Custom Error Document Support" where I read the following sentence.
You can optionally provide a custom
error document with a user-friendly
error message and with additional
help. You provide this custom error
document as part of adding website
configuration to your bucket. Amazon
S3 returns your custom error document
for only the HTTP 4XX class of error
How to set 4xx custom error page:
With CloudBerry, you can right click on a bucket, select Properties, click the tab Website and set the index document and the 4xx error document.
Use AWS Java SDK, here is an example code (not tested)
AmazonS3 client = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(
"accessKey", "secretKey");
BucketWebsiteConfiguration conf = new BucketWebsiteConfiguration(
"index.html", "404.html");
client.setBucketWebsiteConfiguration("", conf);
UPDATE I also found this blog post: Host Your Static Website on Amazon S3.


vscode TreeItem icon with http URI

In my own vscode extension, I have implemented my own TreeDataProvider and my own TreeItem.
I want to set Icons on my TreeItems.
A possible type of iconPath of TreeItems is Uri.
When I try to set an Uri to my TreeItems, I've got an execution error with the following message : "Content Security Policy of your site blocks some resources, Resource is blocked for directive img-src"
How to set a Content Security Policy for Uri in a vscode extension (I'm not in a Webview, I'm in a Tree) ?
Is it possible to set http... icon paths for TreeItems ?
Best regards,
You cannot set your own CSP outside of a webview. The tree can only show icons from trusted websites or from local file system.
Unfortunately I cannot find the place in the documentation where this is mentioned. I only remember that Github is one of the trusted sources.

DownLoad VichBundle file Api Platform

I'm using API platform with VichBundle to store file on the back side and React Native on the Front side.
I've followed the documentation of API platform and the upload part is working well, but I don't know how to download the document.
When I make a GET request I have the entity with the url of the file but I can't do a GET request with this url because there is no route to this file.
Can somebody give me an exemple of how to download file with api platform and Vichbundle.
If you are following Api Platfom's documentation your files should be uploaded to your project's ./app/public/media/ folder and available making an HTTP GET request to http(s)://<yourdomain>/public/media/<filename>.<extension>. Just open the URL in your browser.
To get the exact url query yout API for me mediaObject information (for example, /api/media_objects/{id}) and check the contentUrl property.

WSO2 Identity Server - Cannot Configure Custom Catch-all Exception Page

WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0
For things such as a 500 errors and anything unforeseen, I'd like to configure my Identity Server instance to have our own branded error page to hide the server technology for security reasons and also just allow the error a little confusion.
At any rate, this no help:
I tried editing /repository/conf/tomcat/carbon/WEB-INF/web.xml and added the standard way to define an error page for exceptions:
and then placed NiceError.jsp in /repository/conf/tomcat/carbon/
So when I make a 500 error reoccurr, things change, but I'm sent to the carbon management console login page. If I decide to login, I get served up with an 405 error like so:
HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
type Status report
message HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL
description The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.55
The URL looks like: https://hostname:9443/NiceError.jsp?sessionDataKey=eabd6c25-7c79-40a9-af87-3cd80a68367e&loginStatus=true
That doesn't help.
How can this kind of thing be setup to work? It can't be hard with the right information. Right? :)
The referred documentation page is to customize error messages for identity related errors as its name sounds. It is not to create custom error pages.
By the way if you need to create custom error page, which is applicable to all web applications in your server instance, you may need to add your error page to web.xml in /repository/conf/tomcat/ directory. It defines default values for all web applications loaded into your instance of Tomcat. As each application get deployed, above file is processed, followed by the /WEB-INF/web.xml deployment descriptor from your own applications.

Getting a pre-authenticated URL to an S3 bucket

I am attempting to use an S3 bucket as a deployment location for an internal, auto-updating application's files. It would be the location where the new version's files are dumped for the application to puck up on an update. Since this is an internal application, I was hoping to have the URL be private, but to be able to access it using only a URL. I was hoping to look into using third party auto updating software, which means I can't use the Amazon API to access it.
Does anyone know a way to get a URL to a private bucket on S3?
You probably want to use one of the available AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs), which all implement the respective methods to generate these URLs by means of the GetPreSignedURL() method (e.g. Java: generatePresignedUrl(), C#: GetPreSignedURL()):
The GetPreSignedURL operations creates a signed http request. Query
string authentication is useful for giving HTTP or browser access to
resources that would normally require authentication. When using query
string authentication, you create a query, specify an expiration time
for the query, sign it with your signature, place the data in an HTTP
request, and distribute the request to a user or embed the request in
a web page. A PreSigned URL can be generated for GET, PUT and HEAD
operations on your bucket, keys, and versions.
There are a couple of related questions already and e.g. Why is my S3 pre-signed request invalid when I set a response header override that contains a “+”? contains a working sample in C# (aside from the content type issue Ragesh is experiencing of course).
Good luck!

Create my own error page for Amazon S3

I was wondering if it's possible to create my own error pages for my S3 buckets. I've got CloudFront enabled and I am using my own CNAME to assign the S3 to a subdomain for my website. This helps me create tidy links that reference my domain name.
When someone tries to access a file that has perhaps been deleted or the link isn't quite correct, they get the XML S3 error page which is ugly and not very helpful to the user.
Is there a way to override these error pages so I can display a helpful HTML page instead?
If you configure your bucket as a 'website', you can create custom error pages.
For more details see the Amazon announcement of this feature and the AWS developer guide.
There are however some caveats with this approach, a major one being that your objects need to be publicly available.
It also works with Cloudfront, but the same public access limitations apply. See
If you want, you can try these out
right away by configuring your Amazon
S3 bucket as a website and making the
new Amazon S3 website endpoint a
custom origin for your CloudFront
distribution. A few notes when you do
this. First, you must set your custom
origin protocol policy to “http-only.”
Second, you’ll need to use a tool that
supports CloudFront’s custom origin
feature – the AWS Management Console
does not at this point offer this
feature. Finally, note that when you
use Amazon S3’s static website
feature, all the content in your S3
bucket must be publicly accessible, so
you cannot use CloudFront’s private
content feature with that bucket. If
you would like to use private content
with S3, you need to use the S3 REST
endpoint (e.g.,