Oracle unique constraint error when inserting - sql

INSERT INTO SS_ALERT_EVENTS ( ALERT_ID, EVENT_ID, TIME_DURATION, ALERT_EVENT_EFFECT, DATASET_ASSIGN_RULE, KEY_FIELDS_ASSIGN_RULE, SIDE, ALERT_VALIDATION_RULE, UNIQUE_ID ) VALUES ( 'test1', 7 , 0, 1 , NULL, '5b414c4552545f494e535452554d454e542e496e737472756d656e742049445d203a3d205b54524144455f5245504f52542e496e737472756d656e742049445d3b', -1, '5b414c4552542e416374696f6e5d203a3d20313b', 1)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (ESV31SURV.PK_SS_ALERT_EVENTS) violated
The EVENT_ID field is the problem. But I want to insert it anyway. However, when I try to drop the constraint of that name, it says there is no such constraint. Further, no such constraint is shown in USER_CONSTRAINTS table. What should I do?

The unique constraint might be in fact be a primary key constraint - at least that's what the name suggests.
Dropping the primary key of a table will potentially have very bad side effect it might break applications that rely on this primary key (and you will also have to drop all foreign keys that reference that table before you can drop the primary key)
That primary key was created with a purposes, so before blindly dropping it you should consult whoever created that schema and make sure that primary key is not needed (or should be redefined).
Having said all this: try to drop the PK using
But please double check if this is really a wise decision!


ALTER TABLE query for foreign key constraint does not work

I'm a beginner and creating my own simple blockchain app for fun. The blockchain itself is fully functional. Now I'm trying to implement a database to store the data of the blockchain (right now I'm writing it to a .txt file). So I want to create the following database schema in sqlite:
CREATE TABLE `Blockchain`
`previous_hash` string NOT NULL ,
`timestamp` float NOT NULL ,
`signature_of_transactions` string NOT NULL ,
`index` bigint NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`previous_hash`)
`public_key` string NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`public_key`)
CREATE TABLE `Transactions`
`signature` string NOT NULL ,
`sender` string NOT NULL ,
`recipient` string NOT NULL ,
`amount` float NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`signature`)
CREATE TABLE `Peer_nodes`
`id` string NOT NULL ,
`public_key` string NOT NULL ,
ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_Wallet_public_key`
FOREIGN KEY(`public_key`) REFERENCES `Peer_nodes` (`public_key`);
ALTER TABLE `Transactions`
ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_Transactions_signature`
FOREIGN KEY(`signature`) REFERENCES `Blockchain` (`signature_of_transactions`);
ALTER TABLE `Transactions`
ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_Transactions_sender`
FOREIGN KEY(`sender`) REFERENCES `Wallet` (`public_key`);
ALTER TABLE `Transactions`
ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_Transactions_recipient`
FOREIGN KEY(`recipient`) REFERENCES `Wallet` (`public_key`);
Creating the tables with the columns etc. works fine with the script above. The ALTER TABLE queries do not work somehow. This is the following error message I receive:
ALTER TABLE Wallet ADD CONSTRAINT fk_Wallet_public_key FOREIGN KEY(public_key) REFERENCES Peer_nodes (public_key)
As you can see, it has no real error message. I haven't found a possible error in the queries themselves after searching a lot on the internet. What am I doing wrong? I try to do this via phpLitedmin, so maybe the problem is there?
SQLite's ALTER TABLE does not support adding constraints.
You have to include the constraints into the CREATE TABLE statements.
And as already noted by Gordon, foreign key constraints require the target to be a primary or candidate key.
Your foreign key reference is to the wrong column. It should be to the primary key, although it can be to a unique key.
As explained in the documentation:
Usually, the parent key of a foreign key constraint is the primary key
of the parent table. If they are not the primary key, then the parent
key columns must be collectively subject to a UNIQUE constraint or
have a UNIQUE index. If the parent key columns have a UNIQUE index,
then that index must use the collation sequences that are specified in
the CREATE TABLE statement for the parent table.
You should fix the table definition and add the foreign key to use the primary key.

Difference between using or not using CONSTRAINT keyword on SQL Server

What is the difference between using or not using the CONSTRAINT keyword when working with Foreign Keys on SQL Server?
I noticed that apparently both worked the same in this specific case, without CONSTRAINT:
CREATE TABLE ClientsPhones
ClientPhone varchar(10) NOT NULL,
ClientID smallint NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (ClientPhone),
CREATE TABLE ClientsPhones
ClientPhone varchar(10) NOT NULL,
ClientID smallint NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (ClientPhone),
Both didn't let me add records to the table unless the ClientID already existed on the Clients table, and the same ClientID and ClientPhone weren't already on the ClientsPhones table.
Is there any real difference between the two besides the fact that I'm able to name the constraint?
If you don't create will automatically create own constraint name
the foreign key index name is generated using the name of the referencing foreign key column Automatically.
So there is no way to see difference of using and not using Constraint keyword. by default constraint name will be defined.
I did some research and don't believe Hell Boy's answer was as clear as it could be and had some misinformation.
Every constraint you add to a database has a name set by default. This includes PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, DEFAULT, NOT NULL. It isn't necessarily the name of the column(s) used.
You can imagine that when you don't use the CONSTRAINT keyword SQL Server puts it there as well as generates a name for you.
If you want to remove or change a constrain you would either have to delete the entire table and recreate it with the correct constraints or you can reference the constraint by name and then alter it somewhat like a column using the ALTER keyword. This can be useful for when you need to delete a table with a foreign key. If you name the foreign key constraint you can delete it and then the table instead of having to delete the table the foreign key points to.

Trouble understanding SQL (Oracle) create table code

I am aware of Oracle's create table syntax
id int primary key,
This will create a table called MyTable with an int primary key. So, nothing new here.
but I am having difficulties understanding the following query:
CREATE TABLE departament (
dept_name CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
admission DATE NOT NULL,
localization CHAR(20))
When I look up on Oracle's SQL Developer software on departement's table, I can see 4 columns: cod_dept, dept_name, admission and localization. On the constraints tab, I can also see dept_key, but I am confused as to what this might mean. What is dept_key purpose here?
Ok, seems it is a way to define the name of the constraint you're adding to the table. My next question is why don't you just call it the same name as the primary key column? From what I've seen it seems Oracle by default just creates a random name for the constraint!
When you write id int primary key, Oracle will create a primary key constraint to ensure uniqueness of primary key values. All constraints have names, so in this case Oracle assigns an autogenerated name to this constraint. But you can set a name of this constraint explicitly using the CONSTRAINT syntax:
This name may be used later to refer to the constraint, for example, to delete or modify it:
ALTER TABLE department DROP CONSTRAINT dept_key;
Constraint names are unique across the schema, so Oracle can't just use the name of primary key column as a constraint name.
Primary keys can be explicitly be named. dept_key is just a name.
dept_key is the name of the primary key constraint. That means cod_dept is the unique identifier for your table, the mechanism for identifying a row, and so it can only have one occurrence of any given value.
That is the constraint you created representing the primary key.
A table is made up of:
Columns (where the data lives)
Indexes (indexed copies of the data used for faster searching)
Constraints (rules about what data can be in the table, including PK, FK, and check constraints).
dept_key is the name of the constraint. You specified the name here : "INTEGER CONSTRAINT dept_key PRIMARY KEY," so it will create a constraint with the name dept_key.
Another syntax for the same would be to write the following after your CREATE TABLE instruction.
ALTER TABLE department
ADD CONSTRAINT dept_key PRIMARY KEY (cod_dept)
dept_key is then the name of the constraint you created to be the primary key for this table. In order for a database engine to know the primary key, and to index it for fastest results and so forth, it needs to create a known constraint that is indexed. Here, it is you who has given the name which is dept_key.
For you kind information, it is often seen to write PK_[table name] for primary keys constraints and FK_[current_table_name]_[foreign_table_name] for foreign keys constraints.
Hope this helps! =)
I think whenever we create a Primary Key value then by default Oracle will crate constraint for it with the same name but it looks like that u are creating constraint with some other name.
Thank You

How to add composite primary key to table

create table d(id numeric(1), code varchar(2))
After I create the above table how can I add a composite primary key on both fields and also a foreign key?
In Oracle, you could do this:
create table D (
ID numeric(1),
CODE varchar(2),
constraint PK_D primary key (ID, CODE)
alter table d add constraint pkc_Name primary key (id, code)
should do it. There's lots of options to a basic primary key/index depending on what DB your working with.
The ALTER TABLE statement presented by Chris should work, but first you need to declare the columns NOT NULL. All parts of a primary key need to be NOT NULL.
You don't need to create the table first and then add the keys in subsequent steps. You can add both primary key and foreign key while creating the table:
This example assumes the existence of a table (Codes) that we would want to reference with our foreign key.
id [numeric](1),
code [varchar](2),
PRIMARY KEY (id, code),
CONSTRAINT fk_d_codes FOREIGN KEY (code) REFERENCES Codes (code)
If you don't have a table that we can reference, add one like this so that the example will work:
Code [varchar](2) PRIMARY KEY
NOTE: you must have a table to reference before creating the foreign key.
If using Sql Server Management Studio Designer just select both rows (Shift+Click) and Set Primary Key.

Suggestions for insert with Foreign key constraint in mysql

I have a table containing 2 entries.
Something like
CREATE TABLE `db`.`main` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
The id for these 2 entries are automatically generated primary keys.
I have another table with a rule linking
CREATE TABLE `db`.`day` (
`main_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`day` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
now I can successfully get a result using
SELECT * FROM main where id='9';
but when I try to run
INSERT INTO day (main_id, day) VALUES (9, 0);
I get
"Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (, CONSTRAINT fk_db_main FOREIGN KEY (main_id) REFERENCES main (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION) (1452)"
Any suggestions on what I am missing with the insert?
**I hadn't listed the actual cause of the issue while asking the question. The actual cause was that the main db table was in MyISAM, and the InnoDB tables couldn't create a foreign key connecting to it. In short, MyISAM doesn't support foreign keys, even when they are coming from other tables.
The insert works for me if I remove the db. parts in the CREATE TABLE statements (and insert into main a row with an id of 9). Maybe the problem is that you're using that db. prefix inconsistently, i.e. after TABLE but not in the CONSTRAINT clause...?
The FOREIGN KEY constraint says "there shall be an entry in the 'main` table with an ID value that matches the newly inserted 'main_id' value in the 'day' table".
When you INSERT the value 9 into 'day', is there already a row in 'main' with ID = 9?
The DBMS doesn't think so - that's why it complained.
I hadn't listed the actual cause of the issue while asking the question. The actual cause was that the main db table was in MyISAM, and the InnoDB tables couldn't create a foreign key connecting to it. In short, MyISAM doesn't support foreign keys, even when they are coming from other tables.