What is the use of the line [super loadView] - objective-c

I just wanted to know whether i am write or not
I have been working with iPhone technology for about 4 months and the only piece of code that i write in the loadView method is to add some views like the buttons,labels etc to the current instance of the viewController class so that when i use its view property all those views are added to the window.
But the piece of line that really bugs me is
[super loadView];
what is the use of this method all i came to know from diff sites is that "if i don't use this method my app will crash" that's not a reason i am looking for, so i made a virtual concept that this line might give us a black instance of UIView and then we add all the views [self.view addSubView:btn]; to the view provided to us by this line.
So all i wanted to know is that am i right or wrong, i think the [super loadView]; line does more than that can anyone give me a detailed explanation or provide me a link from where i can refer this concept.

-loadView is called by your view controller when the view is actually needed. Implement it if you are creating your view manually and not in IB. You are responsible for making sure the view property has a view assigned to it by the time this method is finished. Do not call [super loadView] or [self loadView] by yourself!
Official docs: "Your custom implementation of this method should not call super."

The super keyword calls the superclass' implementation of this method. So you probably are right on the money (I don't do objective-c) and this call initializes all the stuff you need to display your app.


ios 8 change the size of presented/modal view controller

In ios 7 and before, I was updating the bounds of presentedViewController.view.superview to custom the size of presented view controller, but it seems this would not be the case in ios 8 any more. Since there is no superview can be set on the view controller(return nil when you try to call it in debugger).
Any suggestions how to update the presented view controller's size? This would be used for the custom presentation transition.
I guess the following is easier and it works in iOS 8:
self.myViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet;
self.myViewController.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve;
//This will be the size you want
self.myViewController.preferredContentSize = CGSizeMake(822, 549);
[self presentViewController:self.myViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
In case anyone runs into this later, here is how I solve it.
Subclass the UIPresentationController and return the frame in frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView. Feed this into the transitioningDelegate that you create for the presentedViewController.
Or, you may set the final frame for the presentedView in the animateTransition:, which belongs to the animator object you created for transitioningDelegate. However, this is the old iOS 7 way of doing it. Since Apple introduce UIPresentationController, any size/frame changes should be done there instead, which is the previous method I mentioned.
Here are some extra information that may not be directly related to solving the problem.
For those of you who never got your hands on the apple view controller transition api, just like me before, here are the steps.
Create YourTransitioningDelegate, which conforms UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate. In here, generally three things need to be set, PresentationController, PresentedAnimationController, DismissedAnimationController.
Create YourTransitionAnimator, which conforms UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning. Here, two functions need to be override, transitionDuration and animateTransition(This is where all the animation happens, adding/removing and animating the presentedView. Make you call completeTransition on transitionContext to end the animation).
Subclass UIPresentationController. Depends on each individual needs, you may do a ton of things here. I just added a dimmingView and changed the frame of presentedViewController.
Finally, hook things up before presenting the view controller, which is changing the modalPresentationStyle to be custom and setting the transitioning delegate.
Things I found really helpful, two 2014 WWDC videos("View controllers advancements" and "A look inside presentation controllers") and the sample project from Apple(LookInside-photoEditingApp).
Instead of subclassing you can use the preferredContentSize property
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.preferredContentSize = CGSizeMake((self.view.frame.size.width / 100) * 65, (self.view.frame.size.height / 100) * 65);

Communication between UIViewControllers

I am new with Objective-C so apologies for a dumb question.
I am opening an "options" view controller from my main view controller. Both are built in the storyboard. Before and after presenting the options controller I need to stop and start a timer on my main view controller. After the options controller is closed (a button calls dismiss) I need to send some info back to my main controller or at least let my main controller know that it needs to refresh some values.
What's the best way of presenting a view controller and executing some presenter's methods before and after opening?
I found a few ways to do it, but they are all cumbersome and I assume that there must be some plausible way of doing it.
Ideally I'd like to use the segue I set up in the storyboard between the two controllers.
I managed to call the options controller programmatically by accessing the storyboard and calling instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier. It worked but looks a bit complex.
I was not able to find a delegate method on the UIViewController to handle the dismiss event
When I was trying to access the main controller in the options controller via presentingViewController and downcasting it, I got a linkage error by including my .h file twice (not sure what are the Obj-C standards of using #define).
Appreciate your help...
For communication between ViewControllers that are weakly linked, you could use the NSNotificationCenter:
Here you can send a message to all ViewControllers listening, which need to process some changes (for example an option to change the font size).
It's really easy to implement and it keeps certain ViewControllers less dependent on each other.
All of this can be done quite easily with storyboard and NSNotificationCenter, and NSCoding. In the viewDidLoad method of your main controller, put this code:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Then create this method in the same controller:
When you want to make the main controller update from the options controller:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"Update" object:self];
Also, I would suggest using NSArchiving for Basic Data Persistence. Just found this tutorial, looks pretty good.
Basically, create an object that can store information, code it using nscoding, and then uncode it whenever you need it. It has worked great for me.
Hope that helps!
MAIN QUESTION What's the best way of presenting a view controller and executing some presenter's methods before and after opening?
Just in case the answers above are a bit more involved than you'd like, I'll suggest that the easiest way to execute a presenter's methods before opening is to do so in the presenter's prepareForSegue method. If you need to send data to the destination view controller, you can access its properties this way:
ViewController *destinationVC = [segue destinationViewController];
An easy way to execute the presenter's methods after opening would be:
ViewControllerSubclass *previousVC = [self presentingViewController];
And then use the class or instance to execute your class or instance methods. You could do this in the destination's viewWillAppear.
Sorry if you already knew all this; it's often difficult to surmise what level of complexity is needed.
I have run into this with almost every app I have on the market. Difference is I have never decided to go down the storyboard path.
The way I have always been able to accomplish this is to provide accessor functions between the controllers. You get past the linker issue by defining the cross defined controller as simply a UIViewController type within your options view header, then including the main view controller' header only in the .m file. Now when you call a main view controller routine from your options view, you will have to cast it to the type of your main view controller!
You will also have to provide a routine in your options view that will allow you to set the variable that will hold a pointer to your main view controller to self.
Example for your optionsView
#interface optionsViewController : UIViewController{
UIViewController * myReactiveMainViewController;
-(void)setMyReactiveMainViewController:(UIViewController *)controller;
No in the .m file for the optionsView
#import "myMainViewController.h"
-(void)setMyReactiveMainViewController:(UIViewController *)controller{
myReactiveMainViewController = controller;
In any other call back to the main view controller you will have to do this:
[(myMainViewController *)myReactiveMainViewController someCall:variable];
This example would of course assume that your myMainViewController implements a method called "someCall" that take on input parameter.
Thanks for replies.
I ended up with
Calling prepareForSegue to execute pre-transition code
Calling performSelector on presentingViewController when releasing presented view controller.
I am sure other suggestions would work too.

Duplicate NSLog entries

I don't know if it's possible for me to include code here that's relevant as my project is so large but are there any typical reasons why NSLog would repeat some warnings and calls to it at occasions where only one call/error is occuring?
As an example, I have a subclass of NSBox that inits an instance of another class on awakeFromNib:
- (void) awakeFromNib {
burbControllerInstance = [[BurbController alloc] init];
if (burbControllerInstance) {
NSLog(#"init ok");
I get NSLog printing "init ok" twice. I don't see why this subclass would be 'awoken' twice anywhere in my project. This is part of a larger problem where I can't get variables to return anything but nil from the class I'm creating an instance of. I'm wondering if perhaps the double values are something to do with it.
This post could be helpful, i. e. one comment:
Also important: awakeFromNib can be
called multiple times on the
controller if you use the same
controller for several nibs – say,
you’re using the app delegate as the
owner of both the app’s About Box and
preferences dialog. So you’ll need an
extra guard test if you use
awakeFromNib for anything but
initializing the nib objects
Update: Much more interesting could also be this, where the author mentions that awakeFromNib gets called twice. Unfortunately there is no real answer for this particular problem but maybe some basic ideas.
Update #2: Another potential solution from stackoverflow.com: View Controller calls awakeFromNib twice.

Traversing the ViewController hierarchy properly?

I'm having trouble referencing one view controller from another. The code works but I get warnings which makes me think I'm going about it wrong. I'm trying to reload the data in a tableView whose controller is in a NavigationController.
What's wrong with a message like this:
From the AppDelegate:
[self.tabBarController.selectedViewController.topViewController.tableView reloadData];
Although this works, I get the warning request for member 'topViewController' in something not a structure or union because Xcode doesn't know that the selectedViewController will return a navigationController. So I could do the following:
UINavigationController *myNavigationController = self.tabBarController.selectedViewController;
[myNavigationController.topViewController.tableView reloadData];
But then I get this warning: incompatible Objective-C types initializing 'struct UIViewController *', expected 'struct UINavigationController *'
How far do I have to go with this? The first line works. To get to the "right way" is it gonna take 8 lines of code?
A major code smell here, IMO. You're trying to do action at a (great) distance. It's not exactly clear what you're trying to accomplish, nor why you need to do this action from the app delegate. I have seen some developers treat the app delegate like a giant catch-all global lump of mud, and I think this is an anti-pattern that should be eliminated from iOS development.
Back to your question: you're trying to force a table view controller, inside a tab view controller, to reload its data. I'm assuming this is in response to something happening. Why not have the view controller in charge of that table watching for that event instead of the app delegate? That way, the thing that owns the table view is directly controlling it -- which is the entire point of the MVC pattern. This is a much better approach than having the app delegate drill down through a hierarchy to find a table view... in terms of complexity, readability, and brittleness.
If, for some reason, you can't or won't have that view controller observing for the event directly (hard to fathom why offhand), you could always have the app delegate post an NSNotification and let the view controller in charge of the table register as an observer for it. Not as good as direct observation, but definitely better than your current approach.
You can't use dot-notation unless the compiler knows what type of object you are using it on, and that that object type can receive a message with that name.
You can use dot-notation with a bunch of type-casts (which in this case, is hideously ugly):
[((UITableViewController *) ((UINavigationController *) self.tabBarController.selectedViewController).topViewController).tableView reloadData];
Or you can break it up into discrete steps:
UINavigationController *navController = (UINavigationController *) self.tabBarController.selectedViewController;
UITableViewController *tableViewController = (UITableViewController *) navController.topViewController;
[tableViewController.tableView reloadData];
Note that I'm assuming that your top VC is a sub-class of UITableViewController.
You really shouldn't be accessing the .tableView property externally - you should encapsulate that behaviour with a reloadData method on the View Controller itself. Even if all it does is call reloadData on its .tableView, you should encapsulate it. This will make your code more modular (which makes it easier to understand for you and others), and make it easier to expand on and add complexity to your View Controller down the track.
Without knowing exactly how this app is structured, I would guess that you're probably better off using notifications or observers to get your VC to reload its data. If you have some global event that requires a UI refresh, an NSNotification is a good way to make the UI layer get the message while keeping your code nice and modular.

Cocoa Touch UIViewController Properties and class design

I'm creating a custom ViewController. This VC needs to load some data that is known in the event that creates it and pushes it to the top of the NavigationController that it is going to be part of.
My question is, how should I pass data from the view that handles the custom ViewController's creation into that custom ViewController.
I've thought of four possible options, and I was hoping to get feedback on why each one is good or not for this functionality.
1) Expose public properties in the custom ViewController and set the UI elements in the view based on those properties in - (void) ViewDidLoad.
2) Expose the actual UI elements themselves and set their .text/.image/.whatever attributes as the ViewController is being created.
3) Create a custom constructor for the custom view and pass in the values I need to set up the UI elements
4) Create a custom model that both views have access to, set the data before the CustomView is created/pushed, and access that data in the ViewDidLoad event.
I'm still new to all of this, and I want to make sure that I understand the proper handling of these handoffs of data. It seems like something like this is probably a simple answer, but I'm still a little confused and its probably really important to do this right to avoid memory loss/leaks.
Also, in case anyone cares, I'm using Stanford's CS193p class on iTunes U and Mark/Lamarche's "Beginning iPhone Development" to teach myself cocoa for the iPhone. I'm working on an application with a NavigationController and a couple ViewControllers (Presence 1 if you're familiar with 193p).
Well, I believe there are advantages & disadvantages to each of those methods depending on your requirements...often it will require some combination of approaches. I believe the most common, for me anyway, is to do something like this where you give it enough to get started.
MyViewController *vc = [[MyViewController alloc] init]; // (or initWithNibName:bundle:)
// transfer vc values here
vc.value1 = aValue;
vc.value2 = anotherValue;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
[vc release];
After your view controller is instantiated you have an opportunity to pass objects to it. Say MyViewController is a detail view then you'd give it the object it will be displaying the details for. Or, if it's a table view you can give it the NSArray it will need for display. Then in viewDidLoad or awakeFromNib or awakeFromCoder, or... you can fill out the view...so to speak.
#1 is fine, with or without #3 (these two are not mutually exclusive)
#4 is my preferred solution. For instance, if I had a UserViewController, I would probably also like to have a User object and create it this way:
User *user = [self.users objectAtIndex:someIndex];
UserViewController *uvc = [[[UserViewController alloc] initWithUser:user] autorelease];
#2 is not a good idea. Objects should not access the UI elements of other objects. Much trouble comes from this when you decide to change your UI around (and you will).