Version difference between variouis Apache tomcat server versions causes any problem? - apache

I am not able to find "Application Server Apache Tomcat 6.0.18" i need this for ubuntu. Can any one help me with knowing the difference between this version and available version i.e "Application Server Apache Tomcat 6.0.32" ..
Is it safe to use the advance version when in project documentation it is mentioned that earlier version is required ?

In 6.0.32, 6 is the major release number, 0 is the minor release number, 32 is the patch number.
And since this is a patch version and there are no new features/major changes, it is safe to use it in production.


Is Apache http server 2.5/2.6 available now?

I want to keep the my Apache HTTP server to its latest version. So I check and it says 2.4.48 is the latest version. I also check and it says the latest version is 2.4.48 (June 1, 2021; 2 months ago[2])
However, I also see this and it seems there is 2.5/2.6 version available. I click "New features with Apache 2.5/2.6" link in the page, but get "page not found" error. So, what is the problem?
Apache httpd uses the classic three numbers versioning scheme
and uses the Minor version number to distinguish between development versions (odd Minor number) and stable, released versions (even Minor number).
So 2.4.52 is the most recent released version as of the time of this writing.
The 2.5.x versions also exist, being in-progress unstable and unreleased development versions targetted at developers only. Once the 2.5 series matures and is considered to be ready for a release, it will become the 2.6 stable series, successor of the 2.4 stable series. (Just as the 2.4 series is the successor of the 2.2 series, with all 2.3.x versions being unstable development versions leading up to 2.4.0.)
There is not version 2.6.x yet, as development hasn't finished so far.
Unfortunately, I could not find any official informatin on the Apache httpd website detailing this.

Typo3 6.2 Upgrade Version Matrix Issue

I am trying to upgrade from Typo3 6.2 to a later version (to be determined). When I run the Core Update in the install tool the 'Fetched list of released versions' works, however, it is then followed by a 'General error'. In the log, this is the error:
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1380898792: No version matrix found in registry, call updateVersionMatrix() first. | TYPO3\CMS\Install\Service\Exception\CoreVersionServiceException thrown in file /home/usr/public_html/typo3/sysext/install/Classes/Service/CoreVersionService.php in line 271. Requested URL:[action]=importantActions&install[context]=backend&install[controller]=tool&install%5Bcontroller%5D=ajax&install%5Baction%5D=coreUpdateIsUpdateAvailable&_=1608549770287
I have looked around for ages and can't find a fix that works. I will be very grateful for any help, please.
I don't think that you can update such an old Version by the install-tool update mechanism any more. since that version a lot has changed.
newer versions of 6.2 are only available as paid service (ELTS) from the TYPO3 GmbH.
And I think the server structure also changed meanwhile so that old ULRs might fail.
your way of update should be a manual update to (any outdated version of) 7 LTS, then the same for 8 LTS until you come to 9 LTS and 10 LTS
on each version do the upgrade wizards and fresh up the extensions if possible (including the upgrade wizards of the extensions).
individual extensions need their own updates.
use the deprecation log on each version to identify possible failures for the next TYPO3 version.
somewhere between you might change the installation to composer installation, which will result in a cleaner update way (if you are familiar with composer). for the future it will be very helpful to understand composer.

Apache version 2.2 and security vulnerabilities

A penetration test has recently identified that one of our RHEL(6.7) servers running Apache 2.2.15 is vulnerable on a number of points and needs to be updated to the latest version 2.4. I have run yum update and it says that there are no packages marked for update. I understand that I will need to download the updates manually. There are a few questions I have around the requirement to upgrade Apache.
I am up to date on the 2.2 version tree. Does this mean that any security patches made to version 2.4 will be back patched to version 2.2.X as well?
I am running PHP (version 5.3.3) and MySQL (version 5.1.73) - will these be affected by upgrading the Apache version (Google tells me that there is no problem on both fronts - but I thought I'd ask before I started down this route).
If you experts tell me that I have no other choice but to upgrade, then I'm planning on using the instruction set here:
Thank you in advance for your advice.
You could download the 2.4 source code from the Apache site and compile it. There's a setting which will configure for RedHat:
This setting will configure the paths for executables, configuration files, libraries etc in one go.
The following should be a reasonable starting point for a configuration line:
sh ./configure --enable-layout=RedHat --enable-mods-shared=all
then perform a make and make install
Do the same with a newer version of PHP (5.3.29 is available in the "old downloads" section, but try a newer version. Check the changes first though) and your problems should be lessened. Finally, MySQL or MariaDB is available for download and compilation too
Obviously, try all of this on a test machine first and back everything up. Your test machine should be as close as possible to your production machine. If you use something like VirtualBox to try it, you can take a snapshot at each point of the process and rollback if something goes wrong

"Main Not Found" starting Apache Geronimo

I am attempting to start Apache Geronimo using the command:
./bin/geronimo run
When I do this, it spins for a minute, issues the message "Main not found" and exits.
This article suggests that it is a system resource issue:
I have tried it on both an Amazon EC2 box (running Linux), and an Azure A1 box (running Windows Server), and I have tried the "Full Profile Release" and "Web Profile Release" of Geronimo, all with no change.
I'm at a complete loss as to what I could try. I am led to believe that the EC2 box, at the very least, should have the muscle to run Geronimo.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Version 3 of Apache Geronimo is designed to run on JRE 1.7 instead of JRE 1.8. As stated in the other answers, the issue was caused by Geronimo being run on JRE 1.7 instead of 1.8.
You are not limited to JRE 1.7 and earlier in order to run Geronimo though. Therefore, all you have to do is to rename or copy the property jre-1.7 in the file etc/ in your installation to jre-1.8. Afterwards, you should be able to run Geronimo without an error.
This has a huge benefit, since now you will be able to run programs on Geronimo that use Java 8 features.
It turns out that the issue is that I had the wrong version of the JDK installed. I had installed the most recent version (8), but Geronimo apparently won't work with that. When I instead installed version 6, everything worked fine.
I was getting the same error with Java 8. I tried the latest version of Java SE 7 and that resolved the problem. So I wouldn't use Java 6, since it is and has been out of support for awhile now (read: security issue).

What's the exact purpose of Yii Appliance?

It's introduction is here:
But what's that virtual server image for ?
A simple way to have a preconfigured server environment with the software in question already installed, configured, and ready to run.
I agree with Dav, also, it is not updated very often (If I'm not bad, the included Yii version is 1.0.2 and current is 1.1.2, about 1 year old). Y recommend you to download the last stable version and try with it with your own web server it can be a local server). If you have Windows OS I recommend WAMP (one of the easiest to install) or ZWAMP (I think this is the most updated one,, if you are using Linux or *BSD you have more and easy-to-install alternatives.