Recommended reading to learn Gherkin [closed] - testing

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wish to learn Gherkin so I can use it with specflow; I am looking for a document I can read on the train e.g. print out on paper.
All I can find on the web is short disconnected descriptions that don’t tell a story and require lots of clicking between web pages to read.
(I don't mind buying a good if it has lots of good Gherkin content in it)

The RSpec book is a great book to introduce some of the concepts of BDD, Rspec(as a .net dev you should check out MSpec) and Cucumber which is a based on Gherkin.
The best free printable resource is the awesome cuke4ninja which has a PRINTABLE pdf (follow instructions in on github to create).
There is a BNF definition if you are that way inclined.
There's a Cucumber book out now too
EDIT: It looks isn't what it was anymore (it's now some dating site) but the site is still kept on github. The link above has been changed.

I've used Writing Features - Gherkin Language as the recommended introduction for newcomers at work, and it has worked out really good

I would start with the official Gherkin Language Page and work your way from there. It is a broad enough overview to get the major components and show people that it's really just a human-readable, business language for getting requirements down.
From there I would expand to the The Official Cucumber Tutorials or checkout this blog post for more insight.
If you're looking for something to hold, you should pick up The RSpec Book which covers Gherkin and Cucumber; the language is so terse that it can be quickly covered and learned, so you're unlikely to find a book dedicated to just Gherkin.

This is a guide I've put together from a few years of working with Cucumber and Gherkin

If you're looking for something that is offline I cannot recommend The RSpec Book ( enough. It's a great book and introduces not only BDD, but also Cucumber and Gherkin.
On how to write great Gherkin I have found this article very useful:
Good luck


What is the most appropriate GUI Testing Tool for MS Dynamix CRM hybrid application? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been recently assigned as a tester on a web app that integrates with Microsoft Dynamix CRM.
There are a lot of repetitive testing tasks that could be automated to accelarate the testing effort.
I proposed this to my boss and said that I can start hacking together some watir scripts. However, he wants me to do more research (he is happy to invest the cash if there is something out there that can save us time - he is heavily attached to the idea of there being some kind of record and playback tool out there that cranks out robust scripts but I am not convinced).
This is my tool experience so far:
webdriver (Python)
watir-webdriver (just a dabble for an interview)
TestComplete (small suite of tests for a webapp in 2011)
QTP (in 2009)
Can someone please recommend some tools for me? I don't really know where to start.
It sounds like
Selenium / Webdriver is widely used, widely supported and a good price (free :) )
"Telerik TestStudio" is quite popular but seems like overkill for what I want to do
"QTP" is unreliable and overpriced.
"TestComplete" has some scattered support.
Since I'm already handy with Ruby, I am leaning towards running with the Watir option. Does this seem like a reasonable course?
I would suggest to go with the Open Source solutions: either Watir or Selenium. Both should work, then it depends on your liking. Personally I use Robot Framework with its selenium Library and it works very well and has quite a dynamic community.
Note that you should also consider if you can do part of your testing bellow the UI. You could probably do some tests on the API offered by Dynamix and used by your web app. That would be quicker and more robust.
I would recommend selenium-webdriver. As you said it's widely used, widely supported and good price (free). As you aleady know Ruby you can write tests on ruby using selenium-webdriver.

Code documentation in QTP / UFT [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking into ways of documenting my code in a JavaDocs kinda way.
Any ideas?
I use UFT 11.52
So far I have seen NaturalDocs + Perl.
Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.
At least one solution looks
is delivered in source code form (consists of one huge (but very professionally written) VBS script that generates the documentation fragments),
and is absolutely free:
VBSdoc, "A VBScript API Documentation Generator"
The author appears to be very competent, given his high SO rep (see, and the general quality of his website's content.
Of course, this one is built for standalone VBS scripts, not QTP/UFT scripts. But this should be no obstacle, given the source code is available.
I'd love to hear from you about experiences with this one. Feel free to edit them into this answer, be it accepted or not.
I had success using Natural Docs several years ago. It's one of the few things I blogged about: automated code documentation for QTP
There is a product called Test Design Studio, an IDE alternative for QuickTest and UFT. One of the key features it provides is the ability to generate detailed documentation. It uses XML-style comments to mark up your code, and those comments drive documentation. The same comments also drive detailed IntelliSense for editing your code.
It does exactly what you're talking about.
Test Design Studio

sample project documentations [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am a fresher as developer in java. I was assigned a full real project(bug trackin project). Now I have to prepare the UML diagrams for my project. I know abt UML diagrams, but I wish to see as many samples and examples before Drawing the UML for my project. So that I can prepare a very perfect documentation.
Is there any site links were I can see many real time projects scenario with their documentation. So that I can get some idea of how experts are thinking, and get some ideas and style.
what ever the links you refer, you never get clear Idea. Because always you get just the theory part. My suggestion is to talk to your seniors or HOD's and get the previous documnets. First refer them then refer the sites.
You can google the latest IEEE format for software document. Even I was a fresher just last year and its my experience than, what ever the latest document you prepare, your faulties will always match it will old one. So first get Idea from old docs then refer new one. follow the guidelines of your project guide.
All the best.
Microsoft Visio, Umbrella, Rational rose etc are good software for UML designing.
here is a link to a uml-project-documentation
some other uml guides

Platform Independent Tool for Creating API Documentation / Proposal [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What tools exist for developing platform indepedent API Documentation?
I'm in the process of designing a proposed API, and want to write documentation in a structured and easily editable way. A lot of the answers I've seen have basically been "Use built in language specific documentation tools", but since I'm designing the API from a 'top-level', rather than implementing it, this isn't so useful. I'm looking for a CMS for API Documentation
I've seen a few suggestions to use PBWiki or Confluence, but I'm not convinced that a plain wiki is the best option, though the version control aspects are nice.
In theory, a Drupal build with CCK for API calls and Views for reading the API, but that's a bit of heavy lifting for what I'm looking for.
Is there a API Documentation Management System out there? What are the best options for writing and managing platform-independent documentation for APIs?
I've seen the related questions for this, but there has yet to be a satisfactory answer.
Any structured text language will do. I'd use latex, and troff is old school.
But you may have missed the point of the suggestion to use doxygen or whatever. If you do that, then writing the documentation is also laying down the scaffold for the eventual implementation. Better still, the example documentation will be in the same format as the eventual real documentation and, you will--of course---use source control on it, won't you? So you'll have a potted history of changes to the spec.

Specification Documentation that you can really reference [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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At the moment I am using Visual Source Safe (yeah yeah!) to store my Technical Specification documentation.
The actual docs are written in MS word.
If find that having the spec written in word format to be a big burden, for specs to be truly used there shouldn't be any barrier to usage and more importantly access.
If I can't quickly scan a document, hyperlink to other dependant documents or sections, what use is all this anyway?
So with that as a background:
what software exists to create truly accessable documentation? i.e. hyperlinks to other pages/sections etc? Or even queryable so I can view all documents that are dependant on module 4.5.3
Is it basically just a Wiki? Anything else?
Wikis are great for creating and maintaining specs. However, it is difficult to generate a big ol' paper document that makes a satisfying "thud" when you drop it on peoples' desks.
I've gotten by with Word. Just learn to take advantage of all the automation it has for cross-referencing, indexes, tables, pagination, etc.
I think of specs as having two audiences: decision-makers and developers. The Word documents are for the decision makers. The developers will come up with something useful later when it is time to implement the specs.
I believe Word supports the idea of sub-documents (links to other documents), however I'm not sure how well it works without VSS, much less with VSS. But it's something to look into.
A wiki is, however, pretty much what you are looking for.
Java has API docs generated by javadoc, Python has API docs generated by tools like epydoc.
What language are you working in? Have you looked for tools like javadoc or epydoc for your language?
We just started using Confluence for technical docs and notes:
It's a full-featured browser-based wiki that just works out-of-the-box, though you can tweak it to your heart's content. It features everything you'd expect from a professional wiki, including security, rich text, hyperlinks, and attachemts; and it's intuitive enough that even our non-technical people (with 3-letter titles starting with 'C') use it.
If you visit Atlassian's web site (see link above), you can play with their online demo ... and they eat their own dogfood to provide community support.