Daily summary reports on tickets in Trac - trac

There is any method to update trac ticket dialy status in trac site, and how can we see the dialy ticket status from trac project site, please help me...

Can you be more specific in your question? What exactly do you mean by "see the daily ticket status" and "update trac ticket daily status"?
If all you want is a summary of the tickets that were opened and closed each day, you can use the Timeline view to do just that (just configure it to only show ticket changes and not wiki changes, new changesets, etc). You can use the RSS feed button at the bottom of the Timeline view to monitor ticket changes outside of Trac.


Customer Access feature - Inline Editing - Custom Record

I created a custom record with 3 fields (Sales Order , Custom List & Date ) to display on the customer view .
I also created a search to be able to edit this record from the search result view.
When I am on the Netsuite (Employee Access), I see the Edit switch button And I am able to edit from the Saved search Result view.
But when I'm logged in from the client access, I am not able change the search result. Indeed the switch button Edit Line on the search result view does't appear.
The behavior I want seems to work only on the employee access.
Inline Editing feature is enabled (Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features)
Inline Editing feature is enabled on Custom Record
Maybe it's something related to permission on the custom record or the Custom Role I created for customer access
Custom Record
Role Permissions
Netsuite Customer Service answered me :
I have reviewed your concern and I've found out that we have an
existing Enhancement for this behavior.
I have tried to replicate your concern in my test drive and I was able
to verify that Inline Editing for Custom Records in Searches is
currently not available - even if the role has Full permission to it.
This is unavailable as the customer center is still not completely
customizable and the permissions of a customer is very limited. The
said feature that you are looking for is still unavailable.
I will attach you case to the Enhancement, please see further details

Is there problems with upgrading Prestashop?

I received this error after upgrading Prestashop when I try to update the stock in Back Office for specific product.
There is Ajax Request which goes to fail when submit save button.
I found an answer to my question
The problems with updating stock appear on products with no principal category.
Even if you you choose more categories, you need one principal checked.

TFS 2015 - Public View of Backlog Board

Is there any way to set up a public view (View Only) of the Product Backlog Board for the customer see what we are working on and so?
It would be awesome too, if the customer could vote for backlog item that we haven't start working on it.
Trying to get the same concept of https://trello.com/ in TFS
The first thing (View Only) of the Product Backlog Board for the customer is easy to achieve. You just need to set related permissions for your customer or customer group.
Such as assign the user stakeholder access which have permission to view backlogs.
Assign Stakeholder access to those users who need to enter bugs, view
backlogs, boards, charts, and dashboards, but who don't have a TFS
CAL. Stakeholder access is free. Stakeholders can also view releases
and manage release approvals. See Stakeholder access for details of
features available to stakeholders.
Source Link: Change access levels
Then you need to deny some permissions which you don't want custom to have.
As for the second thing, there is no this kind of feature in TFS for now. Even though you have ability to prioritise Backlog items by dragging and dropping the item. If you need this feature, you can sumbit a feature requst in uservoice stie, TFS Admin and PM will kindly reveiw your suggestion.

Trac plugin to send email number of new and closed tickets and their details based on define schedule

I am looking for a way or a plugin so that trac sends me email about the number of new or closed tickets (and some information about these tickets also ) for a specific duration lets say for the last three days.
Basically I need to know how many tickets have been created in last week and how many of them have been closed at the end of week.
Of course the email only should be sent to the admin and not to all the users.
For additional Trac funcionality we have Trac plugins, yes. And the first place to look for them is trac-hacks.org .
The excellent TagsPlugin in use overthere already delivers some hints on resources tagged with notification or notifications. The most comprehensive and mature solution is certainly TracAnnouncer with a just reworked configuration interface providing a highly sophisticated opt-in and opt-out subscription system. Unfortunately digest notification are not integrated today.
Still there are other plugins, that fill in the gap, i.e. check the XMailPlugin. It claims to do configurable instant, daily and weekly notifications, so this may be for you. Since this is a relativly new plugin, you should expect some pending issues, but the author might be very open to your suggestion. If you're becoming a heavy user giving valuable test feedback and a bit lucky too, asking kindly could be enought to make things happen.
There's a slightly different way to solve this problem that doesn't require any plugins. First, create a custom "timeline" view that displays the information that you want. In your example, this would be all "opened and closed tickets" starting from "today" and going back three days. When viewing this custom view, you should see a link at the bottom of the page that says "RSS Feed" (on my system, the resulting URL looks something like this: http://myserver/timeline?ticket=on&max=50&authors=&daysback=3&format=rss). Click on this link to subscribe to the feed using your web browser, email client, or other program capable of reading feeds. Now, you can view the results live at any time. What you can do at this point is only limited by the capabilities of your feed reader app, but most can at least be configured to notify you when the feed is updated.

TRAC: Help needed to start with trac

i'm new with "Trac" and i need to start managing a project with it, but i don't how and where to begin.
What i need is to understand the way to approach "Trac", any suggestions?
milestones----> assign ticket to users----> users process tickets----> milestone----> project done!
Is this passages correct?
Thanks a lot ;)
I based my Trac system off of the system that the open-source project Haiku OS uses. See http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/TicketLife for a well-written description of the ticket process.
As for my system, I have a milestone named "unscheduled" that all tickets default to. When they get reviewed by a triager, they get re-assigned to a particular milestone or to a pseudo-milestone ("wishlist", "decision pending", etc). When all of the tickets for a milestone are closed, we declare that milestone complete and start putting together a release.
The best way to manage a Trac system is to first be a Trac user. Find a public Trac system (like Trac's homepage, trac-hacks.org, etc), make yourself an account, and start using it. Discover what works and what doesn't and adapt your own methods accordingly.