CRUD Web App Automated Testing best practices - testing

I'm working with a fairly DB heavy web app and looking at setting up automated testing for it using Selenium. However, as an automated testing newbie, I don't know where to start.
How do you categorize your tests to make sure they're logically sound as well as complete?
How do you deal with the DB when testing? Build a fresh DB before every test and drop the tables after each test? Start with a test-db?
Just looking for some pointers to what best practices are in this regard.

In general...
If your main goal is to test database CRUD operations I would go at least 'one level down' and write some kind of integration tests that do not use the GUI for testing. The tests become a lot more focused on the actual CRUD operations if you take the GUI out.
How to deal with the database...
No matter whether you go with Selenium or integration tests it is a good idea that the tests do not depend on each other. This means setting up the database before each test and/or tearing them down to a clean/known state after the test. Maintaining tests that are written this way is a lot easier. For example, you can run a single test by itself.
For both of our integration and acceptance tests we use dbunit to achieve this. Easily setting up and tearing down DBs is not a new thing, there should be something available for your technology stack as well. (You did not mention the technologies you are using)
How to categorize the tests...
For CRUD operations I would make sure I test one thing and one thing only. For example, I have an Employee table. You can have a test suite that tests everything that has to do with an Employee, but a single tests should only test one thing. 'Save Employee successfully' should be a different test case from 'Attempt to save an Employee that already exists' or 'Delete Employee'.
EDIT: (Answer to the comment)
We basically kill the database and build it from scratch at the beginning of the testing. (Not sure how crucial this part is, but this makes sure that our db is consistent with what the code expects. We are using hibernate...)
Then for each test we have a different datasets to insert. So let's say again that we are testing Employee. If I want to test deleting an Employee I would insert a dataset that contained the smallest amount of information in the database to make this happen. Smaller datasets are easier to maintain. If you use the same dataset for all of your tests it will become very hard to change the code and change or add new tests.
We do use the same dataset for things that seem to require the same information. For example, you want to test 'Attempt to save Employee to database' and 'Delete Employee'. You might reuse one dataset for this.
I was wondering if building and
tearing down the DB for each test
would be expensive time and computing
I would not worry too much about this. Yes, it might add, let's say, 3-4 seconds to every test, but in the big picture, is this really important? It is more important that you have tests that aim for maintenance because your time as a developer is a lot more valuable then these tests taking 5 minutes to run instead of 3 minutes.

I don't know anything about Selenium, but I found a JavaRanch article that was really well-done. In the section titled "Unit Testing Mock Basics" the author shows a good method of creating mock objects to avoid any database calls. Obviously, you'll need some integration tests that involve DB calls, but for plain old unit tests, the outlined method works well.
Remember, running unit tests should be super fast.


What is a good method of doing TDD with legacy Delphi code having embedded SQL

I have to take some legacy Delphi code pointing to a database and make it support a new, better, database having a completly different schema. The updated database has the same data. It has a combination of stored procedures and embedded SQL.
Is there a good Test driven development technique that will help make sure I don't break anything? This code has amost no unit tests and I need to make changes to a lot of hard coded SQL.
Just running after every change sounds error prone and time consuming. I love the idea of doing TDD or BDD, just not sure how to do it.
It's good that you want to get into unit testing, but I'd like to caution you against taking it on over-zealously.
Adding unit tests to legacy code is a major undertaking, and it's almost always totally unfeasible to halt other work just to add test cases. Also, unless you already have experience in TDD, that learning curve itself can prove a troublesome hurdle to overcome.
However, if you persevere, and take things one step at a time, your efforts will be rewarded in the end.
The problems you're likely to encounter:
Legacy applications are usually very difficult to 'retro-fit' with test cases. This is because the code wasn't written with testability in mind.
Many routines are doing too many things, so tests have to consider large numbers of side-effects.
Code is not properly self-contained, so setting up pre-conditions for a test is a lot of work.
Entry points for testing/checking behaviour are often missing because they weren't needed for production code; and therefore weren't added in the first place.
Code often relies on global state somewhere. Either directly, or via Singleton's. This global state (regardless of where it lies) plays havoc on your test cases.
Unit testing of databases is inherently more difficult than other kinds of unit testing. The reason for this is that test cases don't like global state - and databases are effectively massive containers of global state. Problems manifest themselves in many ways:
If you're using IDENTITY columns, Auto Inc or number generators of any form: These either result in a specific difference between each test run, or you need a way to reset those numbers between tests.
Databases are slow. Once you've built up a large number of test cases it will be impractical to run all tests between every change. (One of my Db Test suites takes almost 10 minutes to run.)
If your database generates date/time values, these can also complicate testing. Especially if the database runs on a different machine.
Database testing is complicated by the fact that there are two aspects to the database: Its schema, and its data. So if you wish to test a new/changed stored procedure (part of the schema), it needs appropriate changes to the data and possibly to other aspects of the schema (such as tables/views).
Even without the above extra complications, there are the 'normal problems' you'll have to deal with.
Global state often crops up unexpectedly in some awkward places. Consider Now() which returns a TDateTime. It uses global state: the current date-time. If you have time/date based rules in your system, those rules may return different results depending on when your tests are run. Unless you find an effective way to deal with this challenge, you'll have a number of "erratic" test cases.
Writing test cases is a fundamentally different programming paradigm to what most developers are used to. It can be extremely difficult to break old habits. The style of test case code is almost declarative: Given this, When I do This, I expect this to have happened. Test cases need to be simple and clear about what they're trying to achieve.
The learning curve can be tricky. Initially you may find yourself taking 3 times as long to write code if unfamiliar with test cases. And even though it will eventually improve (possibly even to the point where you're faster than you used to be with unstructured and haphazard testing) - other people around you will likely express frustration. (Not cool if it's your boss.)
Hopefully I haven't discouraged you, I do have some practical advice:
As the saying goes "Don't bite off more than you can chew."
Be prepared to start out slow. For the time being, carry on with most of your work in a way that's familiar to you. But force yourself to write 1 or 2 test cases every day. As you get more comfortable, you can increase this number.
Try stick to the "tried and tested principles"
The TDD work flow is : first write the test and ensure the test fails. I know it is difficult to stick to the habit, but the principle serves a very important purpose. It's a level of confirmation that your test case proves the bug / missing feature. Far too often I've seen test case code that would pass with/without the production change - making the test somewhat useless.
For your database tests you'll need to establish a framework that works for you.
First, you'll need a mechanism of getting your database to a 'base-state'. One from which all your tests should be able to pass - no matter what order or how many times they are run. Typically this will involve some sort of Reset between tests (but it needs to be quite quick). Second, you'll need an easy way to update the schema of your database to what is expected by production code.
Initially you'll only want to test new features, or bug fixes.
Avoid the temptation to test everything. Over time, your test case coverage will increase. Once your framework and patterns have been established, then you might get a chance to start adding tests just to increase coverage.
Refactoring existing code.
As you become familiar with testing, you'll learn about the coding habits that make testing more difficult. You'll probably find many such problems in legacy code. Such code will not be testable as is. You may need to refactor your code before you can even test it. Obviously this is not ideal, because you'd rather have tests that always pass to prove that your changes haven't broken anything. A good book on refactoring will give you some techniques you can use that will change the structure of your code without changing its behaviour.
Testing existing code.
When writing a test for an existing routine, look at the code and determine each of the inputs that can effect different behaviour. E.g. When there's an if statement, something will cause the condition to evaluate to True, and something else to False. At a minimum, you'll want a test for each permutation.
In your place I would use DUnit to create a unit test project. For each of the entities I would write testing methods that would run the old and new sentences and then write methods to compare the results.
I would write a TTestCase class named, let´s say TMyTestCase, and add some helper methods to it, then would create my new test classes as subclasses from TMyTestCase.
The idea of the ancestor class is to provide common functionality that makes it easier to write the tests (the comparison methods, for intance) in order the enhance productivity and comfort.
You can start building a database simulator. Connect it instead of the old one and see what it needs to do. Lot of work though

Need of Integration testing

We have Eclipse UI in the frontend and have a non Java based backend.
We generally write Unit tests separately for both frontend and backend.
Also we write PDE tests which runs Eclipse UI against a dummy backend.
My question is do we need to have integration tests which test end to end.
One reason i might see these integration tests are useful are when i upgrade my frontend /backend i can run end to end tests and i find defects.
I know these kind of questions are dependent on particular scenario.
But would like to what is the general and best practice followed by all here.
As you say, the best approach is dependant on the application. However, in general it is a good idea to have a suite of integration tests that can test your application end-to-end, to pick up any issues that may occur when you upgrade only one layer of the application without taking those changes into account in another layer. This sounds like it would be definitely worthwhile in your case, given that you have system components written in different languages, which naturally creates more chance of issues arising due added complexity around the component interfaces.
One thing to be aware of when writing end-to-end integration tests (which some would call system tests) is that they tend to be quite fragile when compared to unit tests, which is a combination of a number of factors, including:
They require multiple components to be available for the tests, and for the communication between these components to be configured correctly.
They exercise more code than a unit test, and therefore there are more things that can go wrong that can cause them to fail.
They often involve asynchronous communication, which is more difficult to write tests for than synchronous communication.
They often require complex backend data setup before you can drive tests through the entire application.
Because of this fragility, I would advise trying to write as few tests as possible that go through the whole stack - the focus should be on covering as much functionality as possible in the fewest tests possible, with a bias towards your most important functional use-cases. A good strategy to get started would be:
Pick one key use-case (which ideally touches as many components in the application as possible), and work on getting an end-to-end test for this (even just having this single test will bring a lot of value). Focus on making this test as realistic as possible (i.e. use a production-like deployment), as reliable as possible, and as automated as possible (ideally it should run as part of continuous integration). Even just having this single test brings a lot of value.
Build out tests for other use-cases one test at a time, again focusing on your most important use-cases at first.
This approach will help to ensure that your end-to-end tests are of high quality, which is vital for their long-term health and usefulness. Too many times I have seen people try to introduce a comprehensive suite of such tests to an application, but ultimately fail because the tests are fragile & unreliable, people lose faith in them, don't run or maintain them, and eventually they forget they even had the tests in the first place.
Good luck and have fun!

Handling test data when going from running Selenium tests in series to parallel

I'd like to start running my existing Selenium tests in parallel, but I'm having trouble deciding on the best approach due to the way my current tests are written.
The first step in of most of my tests is to get the DB into a clean state and then populate it with the data needed for the rest of the test. While this is great to isolate tests from each other, if I start running these same Selenium tests in parallel on the same SUT, they'll end up erasing other tests' data.
After much digging, I haven't been able to find any guidance or best-practices on how to deal with this situation. I've thought of a few ideas, but none have struck me as particularly awesome:
Rewrite the tests to not overwrite other tests' data, i.e. only add test data, never erase -- I could see this potentially leading to unexpected failures due to the variability of the database when each test is run. Anything from a different ordering of tests to an ill-placed failure could throw off the other tests. This just feels wrong.
Don't pre-populate the database -- Instead, create all needed data via Selenium itself. This would most replicate real-world usage, but would also take significantly longer than loading data directly into the database. This would probably negate any benefits from parallelization depending on how much test data each test case needs.
Have each Selenium node test a different copy of the SUT -- This way, each test would be free to do as it pleases with the database, since we are assume that no other test is touching it at the same time. The downside is that I'd need to have multiple databases setup and, at the start of each test case, figure out how to coordinate which database to initialize and how to signal to the node and SUT that this particular test case should be using this particular database. Not awful, but not what I would love to do if there's a better way.
Have each Selenium node test a different copy of the SUT, but break up the tests into distinct suites, one suite per node, before run-time -- Also viable, but not as flexible since over time you'd want to keep going back and even the length of each suite as much as possible.
All in all, none of these seem like clear winners. Option 3 seems the most reasonable, but I also have doubts about whether that is even a feasible approach. After researching a bit, it looks like I'll need to write a custom test runner to facilitate running the tests in parallel anyways, but the parts regarding the initial test data still have me looking for a better way.
Anyone have any better ways of handling database initialization when running Selenium tests in parallel?
FWIW, the app and tests suite is in PHP/PHPUnit.
Since it sounds like the answer I'm looking for is very project-dependent, I'm at least going to attempt to come up with my own solution and report back with my findings.
There's no easy answer and it looks like you've thought out most of it. Also worth considering is to rewrite the tests to use separately partitioned data - this may or may not work depending on your domain (e.g. a separate bank account per node, if it's a banking app). Your pre-population of the DB could be restricted to static reference data, or you could pre-populate the data for each separate 'account'. Again, depends on how easy this is to do for your data.
I'm inclined to vote for 3, though, because database setup is relatively easy to script these days and the hardware requirements probably aren't too high for a small test data suite.

Dependencies in Acceptance Testing

Me and a co-worker are having a debate. We are on a craptastic legacy project and are slowly adding acceptance tests. He believes that we should be doing the work in the gui/watin then using a low level library to query the database directly for to get an 'end to end' test as he puts it.
We are using NHibernate and I advocate using gui/watin then those nhibernate objects to do the assertions in the acceptance testing. He dislikes the dependency of NHibernate in the test. My assertion was that we have/should have integration tests against the NHibernate objects to make sure they are working with DB the way we intend at which point there is no downside in using them in the acceptance test to assert proper operation. I also think his low level sql dependence will make the tests fragile and duplicate business logic in alot of cases.
Integration testing in our shop basically means its a single component with a dependency e.g. fileRepository/FileSystem Domain-NhibernateObject/Database. Acceptance testing means coming in through the GUI. Unit means all dependencies have/can be mocked/stubbed out and you've got a pure test in memory with only the method under test actually doing any real work. Let me know if my defs are off.
Anyway any articles/docs/parchment with opinions on this subject you can point me at would be appreciated.
The only reason you'd ever automate tests is to make things easier to change. If you weren't changing them, you could get away with manual testing. Tying the tests to the database will make the database much harder to change.
Tying them to the NHibernate objects won't help very much either, I'm afraid!
The users of your system won't be using the database or NHibernate. How do they get the benefit (or provide the benefit to other stakeholders)? How will they be able to tell that it's working well? If you can capture that in the Acceptance Tests, you'll be able to change the underlying code and data while still maintaining the value of your application. If someone generates reports from the data, why not generate the same reports and check that their contents are what you expect? If the data is read by another system, can you get a copy of that system and see what it outputs to its users?
Anyway, that's my opinion - keep acceptance tests as close to the business value as possible - and here's a blog post I wrote which might help. You could also try the Behavior Driven Development group on Yahoo, who have a fair bit of experience amongst them.
Oh, and doing integration tests to check that your (N)Hibernate bindings are good is an excellent idea. Saved us on a couple of projects.

Automatic testing for web based projects

Recently I've came up with the question is it worth at all to spent development time to generate automatic unit test for web based projects? I mean it seems useless at some point because at some point those projects are oriented on interactions with users/clients, so you cannot anticipate the whole possible set of user action so you be able to check the correctness of content showed. Even regression test can hardly be done. So I'm very eager to know to know the opinion of other experienced developers.
Selenium have a good web testing framework
Telerik are also in the process of developing one for web app testing.
You cannot anticipate the whole
possible set of user action so you be
able to check the correctness of
content showed.
You can't anticipate all the possible data your code is going to be handed, or all the possible race conditions if it's threaded, and yet you still bother unit testing. Why? Because you can narrow it down a hell of a lot. You can anticipate the sorts of pathological things that will happen. You just have to think about it a bit and get some experience.
User interaction is no different. There are certain things users are going to try and do, pathological or not, and you can anticipate them. Users are just inputting particularly imaginative data. You'll find programmers tend to miss the same sorts of conditions over and over again. I keep a checklist. For example: pump Unicode into everything; put the start date after the end date; enter gibberish data; put tags in everything; leave off the trailing newline; try to enter the same data twice; submit a form, go back and submit it again; take a text file, call it foo.jpg and try to upload it as a picture. You can even write a program to flip switches and push buttons at random, a bad monkey, that'll find all sorts of fun bugs.
Its often as simple as sitting someone down who's unfamiliar with the software and watching them use it. Fight the urge to correct them, just watch them flounder. Its very educational. Steve Krug refers to this as "Advanced Common Sense" and has an excellent book called "Don't Make Me Think" which covers cheap, simple user interaction testing. I highly recommend it. It's a very short and eye opening read.
Finally, the client themselves, if their expectations are properly prepared, can be a fantastic test suite. Be sure they understand its a work in progress, that it will have bugs, that they're helping to make their product better, and that it absolutely should not be used for production data, and let them tinker with the pre-release versions of your product. They'll do all sorts of things you never thought of! They'll be the best and most realistic testing you ever had, FOR FREE! Give them a very simple way to report bugs, preferably just a one button box right on the application which automatically submits their environment and history; the feedback box on Hiveminder is an excellent example. Respond to their bugs quickly and politely (even if its just "thanks for the info") and you'll find they'll be delighted you're so responsive to their needs!
Yes, it is. I just ran into an issue this week with a web site I am working on. I just recently switched-out the data access layer and set up unit tests for my controllers and repositories, but not the UI interactions.
I got bit by a pretty obvious bug that would have been easily caught if I had integration tests. Only through integration tests and UI functionality tests do you find issues with the way different tiers of the application interact with one another.
It really depends on the structure and architecture of your web application. If it contains an application logic layer, then that layer should be easy to unit test with automating tools such as Visual Studio. Also, using a framework that has been designed to enable unit testing, such as ASP.NET MVC, helps alot.
If you're writing a lot of Javascript, there have been a lot of JS testing frameworks that have come around the block recently for unit testing your Javascript.
Other than that, testing the web tier using something like Canoo, HtmlUnit, Selenium, etc. is more a functional or integration test than a unit test. These can be hard to maintain if you have the UI change a lot, but they can really come in handy. Recording Selenium tests is easy and something you could probably get other people (testers) to help you create and maintain. Just know that there is a cost associated with maintaining tests, and it needs to be balanced out.
There are other types of testing that are great for the web tier - fuzz testing especially, but a lot of the good options are commercial tools. One that is open source and plugs into Rails is called Tarantula. Having something like that at the web tier is a nice to have run in a continuous integration process and doesn't require much in the form of maintenance.
Unit tests make sense in TDD process. They do not have much value if you don't do test-first development. However the acceptance test are a big thing for quality of the software. I'd say that acceptance test is a holy grail of the development. Acceptance tests show whether the application satisfies the requirements. How do I know when to stop developing the feature --- only when all my acceptance test pass. Automation of acceptance testing a big thing because I do not have to do it all manualy each time I make changes to the application. After months of development there can be hundreds of test and it becomes unfeasible (sometime impossible) to run all the test manually. Then how do I know if my application still works?
Automation of acceptance tests can be implemented with use of xUnit test frameworks, which makes a confusion here. If I create an acceptance test using phpUnit or httpUnit is it a unit test? My answer is no. It does not matter what tool I use to create and run test. Acceptance test is the one that show whether the features is working IAW requirements. Unit test show whether a class (or function) satisfies the developer's implementation idea. Unit test has no value for the client (user). Acceptance test has a lot of value to the client (and thus to developer, remember Customer Affinity)
So I strongly recommend creating automated acceptance tests for the web application.
The good frameworks for the acceptance test are:
Sahi (
Simpletest (I't a unit-test framework for php, but includes the browser object that can be used for acceptance testing).
You have mentioned that web-site is all about user interaction and thus test automation will not solve the whole problem of usability. For example: testing framework shows that all tests pass, however the user cannot see the form or link or other page element due to accidental style="display:none" in the div. The automated tests pass because the div is present in the document and test framework can "see" it. But the user cannot. And the manual test would fail.
Thus, all web-applications needs manual testing. The automated test can reduce the test workload drastically (80%), but manual test are as well significant for the quality of the resulting software.
As for the Unit testing and TDD -- it make the code quality. It is beneficial to the developers and for the future of the project (i.e. for projects longer that a couple of month). However TDD requires skill. If you have the skill -- use it. If you don't consider gaining the skill, but mind the time it will take to gain. It usually takes about 3 - 6 month to start creating a good Unit tests and code. If you project will last more that a year, I recommend studding TDD and investing time in proper development environment.
I've created a web test solution (docker + cucumber); it's very basic and simple, so easy to understand and modify / improve. It lies in the web directory;
my solution: