Normalise/join SQL Server tables - sql

I have inherited a SQL server database which isn't normalised and is giving me headaches. I am not very experienced in SQL and maybe asking stupid questions but would appreciate any advice on how to go forward with the below scenarios.
I have three tables as follows:-
A table of results:
**ResId CompId Name Result**
1 1 Band A 2
2 1 Band B 1
3 1 Band C 3
4 2 Band A* 2
5 2 Band B 1
6 2 Band C 3
A table of Bands current names:
**BandId BandName**
1 Band A
2 Band B
3 Band C
A table of names the bands were previously known as (linked on BandId):
**oldBandId BandId oldBandName**
1 1 Band A*
2 1 Band a
2 2 Band b
I am looking to consolidate the list of band names in the results table, replacing the band name with a bandId however the result table contains band names from both tables. First question should I create some sort of join table and use this as the bandId in the results table? If so What do I need in this join table, is it just a psuedo-Id of bandId/oldBandId and the table name concatenated then this placed in the results table?
I am then looking to use a query to select all results where the user selects the band by any name variant (new or old) and returns the results including all names linked with the band i.e. choosing Band A would return the results for both Band A and Band A*.
Thanks in advance

I like the idea of using the band id in the results table. I would suggest eliminating the "old band name" table and replace it with a table of band aliases, since that sounds more like what you want. The band alias table would just have the band id and an one alias per row.

I think your current db structure is fine enough - I can't think of any way to improve on it, without complicating it further (especially if you want to retain the old band names).
You can just write a query as so for your need -
select * from results
where Name = #bandName or
Name in (select oldBandName
from oldBands
where BandId in (select BandId
from Bands
where BandName = #bandName))


Replacing the IN operator in Power BI RLS

I want to ask if its possible to use something like IN operator in Power BI RLS DAX.
The approach I am using now seems very convoluted to me, and I want to ask if it could be done better and simpler.
I have two types of identifiers in my Fact table: Code and GroupCode. Code is NOT NULL identifier and can have multiple unique GroupCodes and GroupCode can be NULL and can be assigned to multiple Code.
Example Fact table:
I want to create report where User enters by Code, but see all rows with it GroupCode.
In SQL it would be:
WHERE GroupCode IN (SELECT GroupCode FROM TABLE WHERE Code = '2') or Code = '2'
For now I created Dictionary table from my Fact table with Code and CodeDict, where CodeDict = ISNULL(GroupCode, Code). Also added CodeDict column to Fact table to create relation based on it, between Dict and Fact tables. Should be (1:*), but it shows (*:*).
Example Dict table:
As for RLS rule it is set on Dict table as [Code] = #USERPRINCIPALNAME().
So for example if User open report using Code = 2. RLS will filter Dict table so CodeDict will be (a, 2) and by them, it will filter Fact table to shows rows with Code=(1, 2)
It's very convoluted approach and I don't like it, but I have no idea I could make it other way. I worry about (*:*) relation and that I have to create Bridge Dict table.
What do you think about this approach to this problem?
Is there a way to implement IN operator in RLS rule?

Access Append Query compare with table

I am currently rebuilding a messy Access Database and I entcountered the following problem:
I've got a Table of facilities which contain a row called district. Those Rows contain a number linked to another table which just contains the numbers and names of districts. I added a lookup Column with the Name of the district displayed.
I now want to change the new column for every row depending on the data in the old row.
A |..| 1
B |..| 2
C |..| 1
I would like something like the following:
A |..| 1|EAST
B |..| 2|WEST
C |..| 1|EAST
The District Field (lookup) gets its Data like follows SELECT [DISTRICTS].ID, [DISTRICTS].NAME FROM DISTRICTS ORDER BY [NAME];
(Thanks to Gordon Linoff) I could get the query but I do now struggle with the insert. I can get the Data I want:
If I try to INSERT INTO Facilities(DISTRICT) It says Typerror.
How can I modify the data to be compatible with a lookup column?
I guess I need to select the ID as well which isnt't a problem but then the error says to many columns.
I hope I haven't mistaken any names, my Access isn't running the english language.
Can you help me?
Lookup columns are number (long integer)
with a relational database, you only need the single column containing the ID (as you always lookup the with a query) so:
where 4 is the ID of the record in the lookup table that you want, or better still:
where District.Name = "Name you want the ID for"

Fuzzy Matching Names and Joining Multiple Data Sources

I have three different tables that I need to join onto each other. The only unique identifier is the names of employees, but the names are not normalized. I've installed a fuzzy function to use, but I'm not sure how I can use the fuzzy match to join on the multiple tables.
table 1 name - Matt Le-Hall
table 2 name - Matt Hal
table 3 name - Matt Hall
If I do a:
select * from table 1, table 2, table 3
where table name 1 = table name 2
and table name 2 = table name 3
The results won't populate due to names being in different normalization, BUT I can use a fuzzy function to get me a certain percentage of similarity between each name column in each table.
My question is: how can I use a fuzzy function in order to join these tables together by non-normalized names?

How do I make a query for if value exists in row add a value to another field?

I have a database on access and I want to add a value to a column at the end of each row based on which hospital they are in. This is a separate value. For example - the hospital called "St. James Hospital" has the id of "3" in a separate field. How do I do this using a query rather than manually going through a whole database?
example here
Not the best solution, but you can do something like this:
create table new_table as
select id, case when hospital="St. James Hospital" then 3 else null
from old_table
Or, the better option would be to create a table with the columns hospital_name and hospital_id. You can then create a foreign key relationship that will create the mapping for you, and enforce data integrity. A join across the two tables will produce what you want.
Read about this here:
The answer to your question is a JOIN+UPDATE. I am fairly sure if you looked up you would find the below link.
Access DB update one table with value from another
You could do this:
update yourTable
set yourFinalColumnWhateverItsNameIs = {your desired value}
where someColumn = 3
Every row in the table that has a 3 in the someColumn column will then have that final column set to your desired value.
If this isn't what you want, please make your question clearer. Are you trying to put the name of the hospital into this table? If so, that is not a good idea and there are better ways to accomplish that.
Furthermore, if every row with a certain value (3) gets this value, you could simply add it to the other (i.e. Hospitals) table. No need to repeat it everywhere in the table that points back to the Hospitals table.
P.S. Here's an example of what I meant:
Let's say you have two tables
You could get a baby's city of birth without having to include the City column in the Births table, simply by joining the tables on = births.hospitalid.
After examining your ACCDB file, I suggest you consider setting up the tables differently.
Table Health_Professionals:
ID First Name Second Name Position hospital_id
1 John Doe PI 2
2 Joe Smith Co-PI 1
3 Sarah Johnson Nurse 3
Table Hospitals:
hospital_id Hospital
1 Beaumont
2 St James
3 Letterkenny Hosptial
A key point is to avoid storing both the hospital ID and name in the Health_Professionals table. Store only the ID. When you need to see the name, use the hospital ID to join with the Hospitals table and get the name from there.
A useful side effect of this design is that if anyone ever misspells a hospital name, eg "Hosptial", you need correct that error in only one place. Same holds true whenever a hospital is intentionally renamed.
Based on those tables, the query below returns this result set.
ID Second Name First Name Position hospital_id Hospital
1 Doe John PI 2 St James
3 Johnson Sarah Nurse 3 Letterkenny Hosptial
2 Smith Joe Co-PI 1 Beaumont
hp.[Second Name],
hp.[First Name],
Health_Professionals AS hp
INNER JOIN Hospitals AS h
ON hp.hospital_id = h.hospital_id
hp.[Second Name],
hp.[First Name];

Creating a SQL view that contains columns which have different data types

I am trying to create a SQL view which contains columns from different tables; the columns are different data types.
For example;
I have table a with a column that contains usernames. The data type of this column is nvarchar.
I then have table b, which has a column that contains whether a document was printed in colour or not – the data is either yes or no. The data type of this column is bit.
I want the view to show both the above columns side by side, so I can then pull the information into Excel for reporting purposes.
I am pretty new to SQL so I am learning as I go along.
Like PM77-1 said, you'll have to have some way to tie the two tables together. For example, if your table b also has the userID of the person who printed the document out, your tables would look like this:
Table A Table B
---------------------------- -----------------------------------
userID userName docID docName inColor userID
---------------------------- -----------------------------------
1 userName1 1 docName1 1 1
2 userName2 2 docName2 0 2
3 userName3 1 docName1 1 2
3 docName3 0 1
3 docName3 1 2
2 docName2 1 3
and your query could look like this:
SELECT a.userName, b.docName, b.inColor FROM a INNER JOIN b ON a.userID = b.userID ORDER BY a.userName, b.inColor;