What's causing this? - objective-c

I don't understand "why" SQLiteDB may not respond to "-checkIfDatabaseExists". What's causing this and how do I fix it? (I'm real close to getting this to work, but because I'm a newbie, I am still having problems).
I appreciate any assistance I can get on this. Here is the code:
#import "SQLiteDB.h"
static SQLiteDB *sharedSQLiteDB = nil; // makes this a singleton class
#implementation SQLiteDB
#synthesize db, dbPath, databaseKey;
//-------------- check for database or create it ----------------|
#pragma mark Singleton Methods
+ (SQLiteDB *) sharedSQLiteDB {
if(!sharedSQLiteDB) {
sharedSQLiteDB = [[SQLiteDB alloc] init];
[sharedSQLiteDB checkIfDatabaseExists];
return sharedSQLiteDB;
+(id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
if(!sharedSQLiteDB) {
sharedSQLiteDB = [super allocWithZone:zone];
return sharedSQLiteDB;
else {
return nil;
-(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return self;
-(void) release {
// no-op
- (void) checkIfDatabaseExists {
// Get the path to the database file
NSArray *searchPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentPath = [searchPaths objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *databasePath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"ppcipher.s3db"];
// Open the database file
const char *cDatabasePath = [databasePath cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if(sqlite3_open(cDatabasePath, &db) == SQLITE_OK) // does it exist?
else { // create database file here

I'm not 100% sure about what you've implemented here, but from what I can tell, your header has defined +checkIfDatabaseExists as a class method (although you haven't implemented it yet, hence the "incomplete implementation" and "method definition not found" warnings). However, in your sharedSQLiteDB method, you are calling -checkIfDatabaseExists on an instance of SQLiteDB which refers to a instance method that you have not defined.
Edit: Okay, after seeing the full code, my above answer is obviously not the case. But what does your header look like? Do you have a + instead of a - in front of the checkIfDatabaseExists signature?

When you have:
- (void) foo
[self bar];
- (void) bar
{ ... }
The compiler hasn't seen the definition of -bar when compiling -foo and, thus, will warn that self may not respond to -bar when compiling -foo.
If that method is intended to be entirely private to the class, then do this at the top of the .m file:
#interface Foo()
- (void) bar;
If it is intended to be called by other classes, add the method declaration to the #interface.


How to swizzle initialization method?

I have one class MyOldController with init method
-(instancetype) initWithMyController: (MyController *) myController {
if((self = [self init])) {
_myController = myController;
return self;
I want swizzle this initialization method to another and this my swizzle code
#implementation MyOldController(Swizzle)
+ (void)load {
[MyOldController swizzleMethods];
+ (void)swizzleMethods {
method_exchangeImplementations(class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(initWithMyController)), class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(swizzle_ initWithMyController)));
I try write this
-(instancetype) swizzle_initWithMyController: (MyController *) myController {
if((self = [self init])) {
_myController = myController;
return self;
But it drops error
Then I renamed init method to this and updated (void)swizzleMethods
-(instancetype) initWithMyController_swizzle: (MyController *) myController {
if((self = [self init])) {
_myController = myController;
return self;
Error message disappeared but swizzle doesn't works. It just calls old initialization method, not my new.
Which point i missed? Is swizzling of initialization method have some special way to do it?
(Starting with the required caveat: this is incredibly dangerous and should never be used in production code. Swizzling initializers is particularly dangerous given designated initializer chaining, and should definitely never be done for anything but exploration and debugging without first confirming the implementation of the swizzled initializer. OK, got that out of the way.)
I can't reproduce your issue. And initializer should always start with with init, so your second approach is correct. I suspect you've just made a small mistake, perhaps in your #selector (which has a typo in your question, which suggests maybe there's a mistake in your actual code). Here is code that does what you're describing.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#interface MyOldController: NSObject
- (instancetype)initWithInt:(NSInteger)x
#implementation MyOldController
- (instancetype)initWithInt:(NSInteger)x
self = [super init];
if (self) {
return self;
#implementation MyOldController(Swizzle)
+ (void)load {
[MyOldController swizzleMethods];
+ (void)swizzleMethods {
method_exchangeImplementations(class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(initWithInt:)), class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(initWithInt_swizzle:)));
- (instancetype)initWithInt_swizzle:(NSInteger)x
self = [super init];
if (self) {
return self;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
MyOldController *controller = [[MyOldController alloc] initWithInt:1];
NSLog(#"%#", controller);
return 0;
This prints, as expected:
2018-06-21 12:23:14.431936-0400 test[30981:401466] init_swizzle
2018-06-21 12:23:14.432172-0400 test[30981:401466] <MyOldController: 0x10051ee10>

Nonnull violation detection in Objective-C

I have some code like this where I declare an object with nonnull properties
#interface HelloObject : NSObject
#property (nonatomic,strong,nonnull) NSString *foo;
#property (nonatomic,strong,nonnull) NSString *bar;
-(instancetype _Nullable)initWithJson:(nonnull NSDictionary*)json;
and then to initialize the object from the JSON I make use this code:
-(instancetype _Nullable)initWithJson:(nonnull NSDictionary*)json
if( (self = [super init]) ) {
_bar = json[#"bar"];
_foo = json[#"foo"];
return self;
The server may have sent me malformed JSON. For example, the "foo" field might be missing. It would be easy enough to check for nil and return nil, but I have a lot of this code and it would be inelegant and error prone.
Is there a easy and elegant way to check to see if an object violates its nonnull declarations at runtime? For example, I don't want to write code like this:
barX = json[#"bar"];
if (barX) {
_bar = barX;
} else {
return nil;
That's ugly and boilerplate (and therefore prone to error). I'd much rather have something like:
if (![self ValidForNonNulls]) {
return nil;
but I can't think of a way to write ValidForNonNulls for a general object.
I don't think that trying to work around the need to test for nil is practical in Objective-C.
If I were having to verify many such incoming terms, and I needed to check them for validity or return nil, then I would rewrite my initWithJson method to check, with a category to keep the code clean and readable.
- (instancetype _Nullable)initWithJSON:(nonnull NSDictionary *)json
if ( (self = [super init]) ) {
if ( ![json hasValuesForKeys:#[#"foo", #"bar"]] ) {
//Consider logging this as an error
return nil;
_bar = json[#"bar"];
_foo = json[#"foo"];
return self;
#interface NSDictionary (hasValuesForKeys)
- (BOOL)hasValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)keys;
- (BOOL)hasValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)keys
for (NSString *key in keys) {
if ( !self[key] || [self[key] isEqual:[NSNull null]] ) {
return NO;
return YES;
You could make more specific tests for each value if you need to validate whether they are NSNumber for example.

Obj-C Variable Stack Type

As a foray into new programming languages, I build well known data structures to familiarize myself with the syntax and the basic ins & outs of the language. In this case, I examine the stack in Objective-C. From Apple's Working with Objects we read about the keyword 'id'
...This is a special keyword used in Objective-C to mean “some kind of object.” It is a pointer to an object, like (NSObject *), but is special in that it doesn’t use an asterisk.
By using the keyword 'id', it seems possible to create a stack data structure that holds differing types of Obj-C objects; however, I am not sure if this as intended. Is it better to create the various class methods for each potential data type rather than attempting a generic method and make sure each stack adheres to a single Object type?. Here is what I have so far
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface XYZNode : NSObject
#property id value;
#property XYZNode *next;
-(instancetype)initWithValue:(id)aValue next:(XYZNode *)aNext;
// Class factory methods should always start with the name of
// the class (without the prefix) that they create, with the
// exception of subclasses of classes with existing factory methods.
+(XYZNode *)nodeWithValue:(id)aValue nextNode:(XYZNode *)aNext;
#import "XYZNode.h"
#implementation XYZNode
-(instancetype)initWithValue:(id)aValue next:(XYZNode *)aNext {
if (self = [super init]) {
_value = aValue;
_next = aNext;
} return self;
-(instancetype)init {
return [self initWithValue:nil next:nil];
+(XYZNode *)nodeWithValue:(id)aValue nextNode:(XYZNode *)aNext {
return [[self alloc] initWithValue:aValue next:aNext];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface XYZStack : NSObject
+(XYZStack *)stackWithValue:(id)aValue;
#import "XYZStack.h"
#import "XYZNode.h"
// The extension hides how the values are stored
#interface XYZStack ()
#property XYZNode *lastNodeAdded;
#implementation XYZStack
// Default initializer
-(instancetype)initWithValue:(id)aValue {
if (self = [super init]) {
_lastNodeAdded = nil;
if (aValue) {
[self pushValue:aValue];
return self;
// Call default initializer
return [self initWithValue:nil];
return ([self lastNodeAdded] == nil);
-(void)pushValue:(id)aValue {
[self setLastNodeAdded:[XYZNode nodeWithValue:aValue nextNode:[self lastNodeAdded]]];
-(id)popValue {
id temp = [[self lastNodeAdded] value];
[self setLastNodeAdded:[[self lastNodeAdded] next]];
return temp;
+(XYZStack *)stackWithValue:(id)aValue {
return [[self alloc] initWithValue:aValue];
Any comments would be appreciated.

Giving each subclass its own copy of a class variable

I have the following class in my iOS application (it is like an abstract class from the Java world).
#implementation WSObject
static NSDictionary* _dictionary = nil;
+(NSDictionary*) dictionary {
if (_dictionary == nil) {
_dictionary = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:[self localStorePath]];
return _dictionary;
I then have multiple classes which implement this above WSObject with the class method dictionary. The problem is, that each of these classes should have their own _dictionary, but they are all sharing the same object from the super class. I could, of course, copy to all the subclasses, but that would break the reusability. Besides this getter, there are other class methods in WSObject which mutate the dictionary. Because of this, there would be a several class methods which should be in every subclass.
How can I solve this in a smart way? Please tell me if my description is insufficient.
Associative references seem like they'll do the trick. You can essentially tack some storage on to the class object itself. (I'm using NSStrings here, in place of the dictionaries you want to use, just for demonstration.)
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#interface Stuper : NSObject
// Accessor method for the "class variable"
+ (NSString *) str;
// Analog to your +localStorePath
+ (NSString *) quote;
#import "Stuper.h"
// The doc suggests simply using the address of a static variable as the key.
// This works fine, even though every class is (as in your problem) using
// the same key, because we are associating to a different class each time.
static char key;
#implementation Stuper
+ (NSString *) str {
NSString * s = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &key);
if( !s ){
s = [self quote];
// You'll probably want to use OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN for your dictionary.
// self inside a class method is the class object; use that as
// the associator. The string is now tied to the associator, i.e.,
// has the same lifetime.
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &key, s, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY);
return s;
+ (NSString *) quote {
return #"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.";
#import "Stuper.h"
#interface Stub : Stuper #end
#import "Stub.h"
#implementation Stub
+ (NSString *) quote {
return #"Call me Ishmael.";
Trying this out:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Stuper.h"
#import "Stub.h"
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(#"%#", [Stuper str]);
NSLog(#"%#", [Stub str]);
[pool drain];
return 0;
Each class object now has its own string, associated with it.
2011-12-05 23:11:09.031 SubClassVariables[36254:903] It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
2011-12-05 23:11:09.034 SubClassVariables[36254:903] Call me Ishmael.
The only downside here is that you'll have to call the accessor method every time you want the object; you don't have a pointer you can use directly. You can call objc_getAssociatedObject in the superclass as an accessor, too, of course, since it has access to key.
In order to give each subclass its own dictionary, store a second dictionary object in your primary dictionary using the class name as the key. For example:
static NSMutableDictionary *_dictionary = nil;
+ (NSDictionary*)dictionary
if (_dictionary == nil)
_dictionary = [[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:[self localStorePath]] mutableCopy];
NSString *key = NSStringFromClass( [self class] );
if ( [_dictionary objectForKey:key] == nil )
[_dictionary setObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] forKey:key];
return [_dictionary objectForKey:key];
Perhaps you can return a copy of the dictionary
#implementation WSObject
static NSDictionary* _dictionary = nil;
+(NSDictionary*) dictionary {
if (_dictionary == nil) {
_dictionary = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:[self localStorePath]];
return [_dictionary copy];
Keep in mind that if you modify _dictionary you will get a copy of that modified dictionary which may differ from what is on disk.
How often is this being called? is it really necessary to cache the file contents in this static _dictionary object?
Why not just fetch it every time form disk, assuming it isn't too often that performance comes into question.
#implementation WSObject
+(NSDictionary*) dictionary {
return [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:[self localStorePath]];

Singleton not initializing correctly

I have the following code that I am calling using this statement: SQLiteDB *db = [[[SQLiteDB alloc] init] autorelease];
The problem is "sharedSQLiteDB" is not being called, but rather "allocWithZone" is, and therefore "checkIfDatabaseExists" is not being called, which is where the database is created.
I don't understand why... (i.e. what am I doing wrong?)
#import "SQLiteDB.h"
static SQLiteDB *sharedSQLiteDB = nil; // makes this a singleton class
#implementation SQLiteDB
#synthesize searchPaths, documentPath, databasePath, cDatabasePath;
#pragma mark Singleton Methods
+ (SQLiteDB *) sharedSQLiteDB {
if(!sharedSQLiteDB) {
sharedSQLiteDB = [[SQLiteDB alloc] init];
[sharedSQLiteDB checkIfDatabaseExists]; // check to see if d/b exists
return sharedSQLiteDB;
+(id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { // makes sure another instance is not allocated
if(!sharedSQLiteDB) {
sharedSQLiteDB = [super allocWithZone:zone];
return sharedSQLiteDB;
else {
return nil;
-(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return self;
-(void) release {
// no-op
In the singleton pattern your use pattern should be:
SQLiteDB* db = [SQLiteDB sharedSQLiteDB];
They way you are calling it doesn't fit the singelton pattern. All access should be through your sharedSQLiteDB message.
In other words you shouldn't be initializing via typical Cocoa patterns (SQLiteDB *db = [[[SQLiteDB alloc] init] autorelease]; is incorrect and full of problems) outside the scope of the class.
In a singleton using the default initialization pattern for the language (alloc/init for ObjC or the default constructor for C++) should generate a compile time error message since the constructor/init method should be protected.
See the Wikipedia entry. consult the Design Pattern C++ bible. There is even a version for Cocoa
Good luck.
It isn't executing your + (SQLiteDB *) sharedSQLiteDB method because you're not actually calling that method anywhere.
As you've seen, when you call [[SQLiteDB alloc] init], the allocWithZone method is called.
Change your call to be SQLiteDB *db = [SQLiteDB sharedSQLiteDB], which will call your checkIfDatabaseExists method in this case. However, if [[SQLiteDB alloc] init] is called somewhere else, then the checkIfDatabaseExists method call will still be skipped.
Maybe consider moving the checkIfDatabaseExists method into an init method so that it will be called for both your singleton method and your allocWithZone.
Honestly I don't see any error...
However I post the code I used to create a Singleton. It's from a source that now I don't remember the link... it's not my code.
static DataManager *_instance;
#implementation DataManager
+ (DataManager*)sharedInstance
#synchronized(self) {
if (_instance == nil) {
_instance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
// Allocate/initialize any member variables of the singleton class her
// example
//_instance.member = #"";
return _instance;
#pragma mark Singleton Methods
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return [[self sharedInstance]retain];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return self;
- (id)retain
return self;
- (unsigned)retainCount
return NSUIntegerMax; //denotes an object that cannot be released
- (void)release
//do nothing
- (id)autorelease
return self;
I hope it helps
I highly recommend using the SyntesizeSingleton header file first created by Matt Gallagher.
Find the latest version (that I know about) here:
It makes creating a singleton dead simple.
Here's an example header:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Example : NSObject {}
And the corresponding .m:
#import "FMUser.h"
#import "SynthesizeSingleton.h"
#implementation Example
[Example sharedExample] is created for you. It's pretty sweet.