Call log in symbian - symbian

I am a beginner to Symbian. I have to work on the application in which I can get the data on the incoming, outgoing, answered, unanswered and missed calls.
The data like number, name (if the number exists in phonebook of the mobile), time, duration.
Which api I have to use to make this possible?

Google is your friend. Its always worth a search.
Nokia Symbian call log example:


The steam API 2020

I'm looking to make a hobbie website using the steam API, mostly focusing on the actual products and not really any user info. According to an article by the man behind Steamspy, Valve decided to change their API sometime in 2018, removing a lot of relevant data related to the store.
I went through the steamworks documentation and the closest thing to any specific information about the applications/games were in: -
I figured their API must offer more than just a list of all the apps and their ID's, but thus far I have only found some other API:s.
Seems to be popular in a lot of threads
Some kind of collection of APIs?
Not sure if this is still usable?
Question: If I want the name, ID, genre/tags and picture of a game (and potentially price), is really the only way to use these non-valve related API:s? Or have I missed something in Valves own API documentation?
I'm super new to API:s so please forgive my insolence, I did search a ton of threads but seeing as the API changed I'm not sure which answers still are up to date in 2020.
The storefront API is still up-to-date and should give you what you need, mostly.
There is no API for game tags. You have to get the directly from the store pages or from any of the third party API providers if they have them.
Question: If I want the name, ID, genre/tags and picture of a game (and potentially price), is really the only way to use these non-valve related API:s? Or have I missed something in Valves own API documentation?
No, you have not missed anything. Yes you need to use unoffical APIs. Compared to other gaming stores you still get more data on Steam than anywhere else.
I am afraid the last answer is not fully true.
You can get tags as categories or genres through api eg.

Google Voice number doesn't work with Google Fabric?

I have been trying to create an account on digits with a Google Voice number. Whenever I enter my Google Voice phone number, the digits login screen simply shows an infinite loading icon. When checking the console, I see that a 403 message was generated for "digits (dot) com / sdk / login" and the following error message was returned:
"We cannot send a text message to this phone number because its operator is not supported".
The voice account was created about 12 hours ago.
I am not sure if Google Voice is supported, but now that Digits has been acquired by Google, I think its only logical that it should be supported.
It is important that I get this account to work, because I need it in order have a "developer account" for testers to use in the App Store review process.
I would like to know if there is anything that I can do about this, or if there is any type of help I can get from the team.
"We cannot send a text message to this phone number because its operator is not supported".
Seems pretty cut and dry there. A lot of services don't allow the use of a Google Voice number because it is a VOIP number. It is relatively easy to get a GV number, so some services block/don't whitelist their (and other VOIP's) numbers to prevent bots or mass accounts from abusing their services.
Whatever their reason is, it still doesn't work. As for actually getting it to work, I would contact the team and see if they can do anything, but it doesn't look like there is something you can do.

iOS - Record the Voice while phone call in Objective c

Is it possible for an app which records the voice of the user while a phone call?
I searched for it and the AVFoundation Framework seems to stop recording when a phone call is incoming. I don't want to record the whole call, I am just interested in record what the user of the iPhone is saying.
I know that this possibility might be a safety risk, but it would be nice for e.g an interview.
In case of no possibility to do it like i want, i have to create my own VoIP connection and then i can record it, am i right?
There is no direct way or API from Apple to achieve your need of recording voice while phone call. AVAudioRecorder wont support it as well. Because it will be stopped once the call begin.
But there are work around like hook AudioUnitProcess in order to access phone call's audio streams and save it as m4a. This will work without jailbreak but not sure this will be accepted by Apple app store review team.
For more info on the work around check this SO accepted answer.
Also creating your own VoIP connection method work for recording during phone call.
There are Cydia tweaks which are able to do that. For example CallRecorder.

how can I make an app the displays all permanent google+ hangouts and the people in them?

I'm completely new to using the Google+ apis and the quickstart guides are a bit confusing (i tried the ruby version since i'm probably most familiar there. looks like this:
and I've also looked at the google hangout apis - but those seem to be more for augmenting hangouts (i.e. once you're in a hangout, you'd see the extension, etc. you built).
what I'd like to do is create a place for everyone at my company to log in and see a list of all the permanent hangouts I've created and see who's currently joined that hangout (and which hangouts are available for a meeting).
I'm really sorry for the question but any help getting started is appreciated.
There is currently no API that is officially provided that can tell you what hangouts are currently available. If you are interested in seeing one, you may wish to see if the feature has been requested at and, if not, request it.
Your question, however, seems to have an assumption that I'm not entirely sure is valid. What do you mean by a "permanent hangout"? In general, hangouts are created and destroyed on an ad-hoc basis (although there are some exceptions).
One of those exceptions are for hangouts that are tied to calendar events (as you note). In these cases, you can use the Calendar API to get the Event resource and get the hangout URL from that (see and related pages for the API), but it still won't report who is in a hangout at any given time.
One way you can approach what you're doing is to have your website have virtual meeting topics and when someone joins one of these topics, they run an app that reports back to your website the URL of the hangout they're in. Your website can then include this "room information" as associated with the topic on the website for others to see. This solution is outlined in the video at

"Remote" login on a 3rd party website

I'm having a rather general question, in the sense that I'm not even sure that it's possible. I'm trying to gather some opinions about it, coming from more experienced people.
Imagine, that I'm a member of three (just to say a number) online book stores. Over the years I have bought quite some books on all three accounts. Now, let's say I want to create an application that can login to these three accounts and do server requests to sort all my books in a single list. So that I can access my books from a single location, similar to what Pidgin or Trillian does with multiple instant messenger services.
Is that even a realistic option? Of course I dont know which server requests I would have to do and/or in which data format the data will be sent back. Assuming that this doesn't infringe every EULA out there, how would you approach this?
It's all a bit vague, but that's all I have at the moment :)
thanks a lot in advance.
I'm afraid you'll have to talk to each server via its own API (assuming it has one). You can then get the relevant info from each server and process it in your app (e.g. get the common info, aggregate it in a single list, sort...).
This is more or less what pidgin/trillian do.
IMHO the more interesting problem occurs when you want to buy a new book via your app :)