Message when a WebView's window is closed? - objective-c

In my program I have an NSPanel containing a web view appear to a user to have them authenticate on a web page. I want to monitor if the user is closing the WebView before the authentication is complete.
I looked for messages in the WebFrameLoadDelegate protocol but I couldn't seem to find any message that would fire when the user clicks the close button for the NSPanel and only when the user clicks the close button.
I looked at subclassing NSWindowController and overriding the close method. Perhaps I did it wrong, because even when I removed the [super close] call, the panel still closed.
So, what is the correct procedure for executing extra code when the NSPanel containing the WebView closes?

If you want to stop the user from closing a window, you need to set the window's style mask to one that doesn't include NSCloseableWindowMask. This will disable the window's close button, so that it can only be closed programmatically. In the simplest case, you can just do [panel setStyleMask:[panel styleMask] ^ NSCloseableWindowMask].
Also, if you want to override a window's closing behavior, you either need to override NSWindow's (not NSWindowController's) close method, or implement windowShouldClose: on the window's delegate. I think the second way is better. At any rate, -[NSWindowController close] is just a convenience method to close the window. It isn't what's normally invoked when a window closes.


Cocoa HUD panel shows again after calling orderOut:

I'm using a NSPanel with HUD style to display some information.
There's a button inside the HUD panel, when the user clicks the button, I'll open a new window by calling:
[anotherWindowController showWindow:self];
[anotherWindowController.window makeKeyAndOrderFront];
And I want the panel disappear when the window shows, so I set the delegate of the main window, and in the windowDidResignMain callback, I called [hudPanel orderOut:nil].
The HUD panel did disappear (I can see it), but right after it closed, it reopens.
I've checked all possible orderFront: code, and none of them get called. So my hands are really tied. Is this a system level behaviour? Can anyone guide me through this?
I forgot to mention that, the button resides in a NSPopover. So, basically, there's a NSButton in the HUD panel. When user clicks the button, a NSPopover will show up, inside which, there's the button to bring up the new window.
Big thanks!
I had the problem. The following solved it:
[NSApp endSheet:yourPanel];
[yourPanel orderOut:self];
[hudPanel performClose:nil]
(in Swift I have to use self instead of nil). I had a problem using orderOut with a popover and it was solved by using the above method.
Please add [hudPanel close] after [hudPanel orderOut:nil]
swift: hudPanel.close()
from the apple docs:
If the window is the key or main window, the window object immediately behind it is made key or main in its place. Calling orderOut(_:) causes the window to be removed from the screen, but does not cause it to be released. See the close() method for information on when a window is released.
Sometimes the window reappears during window controller inner logic, I think. I have an issue when long pressing keyboard button kills window, but shot keyDown event only hides it on the split second. After using close all goes smoothly.

How to force an NSWindow to be always active/focused?

I have a transparent NSWindow that follows the user's screen everywhere he goes (the NSWindowstays in front of every app, no matter what, even fullscreen apps).
In that NSWindow i have a mouseDown event that shows a popup. Let's say i'm on safari in fullscreen mode and i have my Window in front of it, i click on safari and i click again on my Window: nothing happens, the mouseDown doesn't occur. I have to click again so the mouseDown event is triggered.
How can i force my NSWindow to be always active so i don't have to click it 2x to trigger the mouseDown when i click on a background app and click in my window again?
Thank you!
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you want (it's not quite a window wide setting), but, from the documentation:
By default, a mouse-down event in a window that isn’t the key window
simply brings the window forward and makes it key; the event isn’t
sent to the NSView object over which the mouse click occurs. The
NSView can claim an initial mouse-down event, however, by overriding
acceptsFirstMouse: to return YES.
The argument of this method is the
mouse-down event that occurred in the non-key window, which the view
object can examine to determine whether it wants to receive the mouse
event and potentially become first responder. You want the default
behavior of this method in, for example, a control that affects the
selected object in a window.
However, in certain cases it’s
appropriate to override this behavior, such as for controls that
should receive mouseDown: messages even when the window is inactive.
Examples of controls that support this click-through behavior are the
title-bar buttons of a window.
Or you could try fiddling with
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
and see if you can handle events in a custom way.
If you add a borderless NSButton instance to your window's view and set your image as the button's image (and as its alternate image, to make it more beautiful), it will work out of the box: Just connect the button's action method to your app delegate (or the object where you want to process the click action). A click on the image (i.e. the button) will then trigger the button's action method, no matter which window is active.
This worked for me, hope that will be helpful, This will keep your window always on Top of all applications
[self.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[self.window setLevel:NSStatusWindowLevel];
I think what you really should do is use an NSPanel (a floating palette -- a special kind of NSWindow) that will do exactly what you want in a way that's consistent with the OS rather than trying to fight intended behavior.
Here's the NSPanel documentation:
And here's some helpful and pithy information:
By default, an NSPanel will disappear when the application is inactive, but you can turn this off.
I apologize for not laying it out more fully ... pressed for time.
Note that you can probably get your window to behave as desired simply:
"The NSView can claim an initial mouse-down event, however, by overriding acceptsFirstMouse: to return YES."
You'll need to do this with any NSView subclass to skip the "activation click".

NSWindow child window close on parent click

I need to implement a custom popover (cannot use NSPopover). Its all working fine, but I also need to implement that the popover closes itself when the user clicks somewhere in the parent window.
What's the best way to implement this, resp. how could this be implemented without subclassing the parent window?
Make the popover key window when showing it, and use NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification (or the delegate method) to close when it resigns that status (which happens when user makes some other window active). Closing whenever the parent window is closed is also a good idea (NSWindowWillCloseNotification).

Growl notification like nswindow level

I am writing a notification system just like growl. The notification is a window and it's level is set to NSModalPanelWindowLevel. The only problem is, I have a button in that window and when the user wants to click that button, he/she has to click it twice. But, for example, in growl, no matter what window you have opened, you just simply click the notification and it registers a click.
So is it a level problem? If so, what should I set it to? Thanks
In your custom controls that make up the view content of the window, you will likely want to override NSView's -acceptsFirstMouse: method to return YES:
The receiver can either
return a value unconditionally or use
the location of theEvent to determine
whether or not it wants the event. The
default implementation ignores
theEvent and returns NO.
Override this method in a subclass to
allow instances to respond to
click-through. This allows the user to
click on a view in an inactive window,
activating the view with one click,
instead of clicking first to make the
window active and then clicking the
view. Most view objects refuse a
click-through attempt, so the event
simply activates the window. Many
control objects, however, such as
instances of NSButton and NSSlider, do
accept them, so the user can
immediately manipulate the control
without having to release the mouse
Not sure if this is what Growl does, but you might be able to listen for mouse over events in the window and use them to activate/deactivate the window prior to the click. I suspect your issue is that the first click is being eaten by the activation of the window.
Just a guess on that though.
To learn how to handle mouse over events, check out this documentation:

close event NSWindow

I have an application, where a second NSWindow is opened by pressing a button. This new window is opened using [NSApp runModalForWindow:<myWindow>]. I want to be able to determine if the user closes the second window, in order to stop the modal.
There are several ways to be notified when a window closes.
You can observe NSWindowWillCloseNotification notifications from the second NSWindow object.
You can implement NSWindowDelegate methods windowShouldClose: or windowWillClose:.
You can subclass NSWindow and override the performClose: method.
You can add a Close button to the window, and connect it to an action.
Without more information, it's hard to advise which of these or other options would work best for you.