Search for string in all tables - sql

Is there some tool that can do that ?
Searching for given string in whole database ?

HeidiSQL can search an entire mysql host via a slick GUI.
Just press control+shift+f
It'll show a search window where you can select which databases, tables, views and field-types to search. Results are presented in a neat list.
You can get the results as SQL that selects the rows where your text was found.
Of course you can also do it the old-fashioned way:
Use mysqldump.exe to export to a file, and then use grep to find your searchtext.

You could query the metadata to find all of the tables and columns within the tables and then search each of them for the string.
Here's some links on how to pull the metadata out of mysql:


How to query string inside a record in Google BigQuery? Docs not working

I want to query a subset of a record in the bitcoin blockchain using the google bigquery database. I go here and click view dataset Then, on the left sidebar, it seems you have to click the dropdown at 'bigquery-public-data', then click 'bitcoin_blockchain' then 'transactions'. Then on the right you have to click the button 'Query Table'. This is the only way I have found to select the table -- just copying and pasting the command below won't recreate the error.
Based on the table that appears following the above instructions, I noticed that outputs are arecord type. I would like to view only one string from inside the record. The string is called output_pubkey_base58.
So I read the docs, and the docs imply the command would be:
SELECT outputs.output_pubkey_base58 FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.transactions` LIMIT 1000;
I get an error: Cannot access value on Array<Struct<output_satoshis ... .. I tried outputs[0].output_pubkey_base58, didn't work
The annoying thing is that this problem is in the same format as the first example, where they query the parameter from inside the citiesLived record in the same kind of command. :
You need to unnest the array into a new variable.
SELECT o.output_pubkey_base58
UNNEST (outputs) as o
Feel the confusion here is about legacy SQL and standard SQL. UNNEST must be used in standard SQL as described in document:
Selecting nested repeated leaf fields
Using legacy SQL, you can "dot" into a nested repeated field without needing to consider where the repetition occurs. In standard SQL, attempting to "dot" into a nested repeated field results in an error.

Efficiently access long text from a column in a SQL Server database

Newbie question: I'm using SQL Server on a remote server where I cannot use UDFs of any type. I am using a database where one column is a text column containing several paragraphs of text per entry. As I test my code, I would like to have a way to efficiently access these columns a few at a time.
Currently, the only way I can find to do this is using eg:
SELECT TOP 25 ReportText
FROM MyDb.Table1
...which, of course, gives the output in the Results window, as a single string of characters that I have to keep dragging the column width wider and wider and wider in order to try to see.
What am I missing? I don't need it to look pretty, I just need to be able to see it efficiently....
As #JohnSpecko pointed out in a comment, results to text is exactly what I needed. It is turned on by hitting (ctrl+t) before running your query. Thanks!

SELECT query using LIKE property in Microsoft Access returns no results when it should

I'm sure I'm making some kind of rookie error here, but I have no idea what the problem is. I am trying to run a simple query on one table in a microsoft access database using the LIKE property to find records that have a certain text string in a particular field. More specifically, the table, called Catreqs, has a few fields, bib_num, MARC_336, MARC_337, and MARC_338. The MARC_336 field has a text string in it and I want a query that selects all the records for which that text string includes the characters "txt".
Here's my query:
SELECT [Catreqs].record_num, [Catreqs].MARC_336
FROM [Catreqs]
WHERE [Catreqs].MARC_336 Like '%txt%';
I should note that I created this query in MS Access design view and this is the query that was generated when I switched to SQL view. I am a little familiar with SQL and even less familiar with Access so this is actually my preferred way of dealing with it.
I've also tried using Like '*txt*' but that didn't return any results either. For reference, here is the entire text string these characters are in:
text txt rdacontent
Any suggestions thoughts on why this fails and how I can fix it?
In Access, for a string you must use the * character.
Check if [Catreqs] has rows where MARC_336 contains "txt".
This is the official documentation of Access:

How to query a specific collection from a RavenDB?

In one database, I am storing two separate documents - CumulativeSprintData and Features. I'm trying to query from javascript. Right now I'm just using the default:
The problem is that this default query pulls in documents of both types. How do I specify which document type I want to pull down?
You can use:

Is there a way to parser a SQL query to pull out the column names and table names?

I have 150+ SQL queries in separate text files that I need to analyze (just the actual SQL code, not the data results) in order to identify all column names and table names used. Preferably with the number of times each column and table makes an appearance. Writing a brand new SQL parsing program is trickier than is seems, with nested SELECT statements and the like.
There has to be a program, or code out there that does this (or something close to this), but I have not found it.
I actually ended up using a tool called
SQL Pretty Printer. You can purchase a desktop version, but I just used the free online application. Just copy the query into the text box, set the Output to "List DB Object" and click the Format SQL button.
It work great using around 150 different (and complex) SQL queries.
How about using the Execution Plan report in MS SQLServer? You can save this to an xml file which can then be parsed.
You may want to looking to something like this:
which uses JavaCC to parse and return the query string as an object graph. I've never used it, so I can't vouch for its quality.
If you're application needs to do it, and has access to a database that has the tables etc, you could run something like:
Using ADO.NET. This would give you a DataTable instance for which you could query the columns and their attributes.
Please go with antlr... Write a grammar n follow the steps..which is given in antlr site..eventually you will get AST(abstract syntax tree). For the given query... we can traverse through this and bring all table ,column which is present in the query..
In DB2 you can append your query with something such as the following, but 1 is the minimum you can specify; it will throw an error if you try to specify 0: