I am using paypal IPN to make a subscription transaction. I created a subscription button from my sandbox paypal account, and tested the whole process. The first time i tried, it seemed to work okay, but the second, third and fourth time paypal IPN returned different variables from the first time.
First time important variables were: payment_gross,txn_id
Then it started to give me: amount3,mc_amount3
So payment_gross became amount3 or mc_amount3 and txn_id is not returned anymore. I did not change anything in the generated form. Any suggestions?
Sorry for my English
Thank you
When your ipn callback is called you must always first verify the message with paypal.
Are you doing this? Only then can you be sure it is a legitimate message.
I don't recall ever getting a message without txn_id, and I've used the sandbox a lot for testing.
I can't imagine paypal sending a message without txn_id via IPN as it would not relate to any transaction. The documentation does not mention this as a possibility either.
Anyway here is where I look up all the IPN/PDT variables for my site.
I am trying to implement StoreKit's ability to have automatically renewable subscriptions in my macOS application.
After reading dozens of pages and checking examples, I understand how everything fits together but fail to get it to work correctly.
What I am trying to do:
As soon as the app starts, check if an active subscription is available by evaluating the local receipt. I'm specifically checking the unavailability of a cancellation date in any of the In-App Purchase field entries of the receipt and whether the subscription expiration date is in the future.
In case no (active) subscription is available, I'm purchasing the subscription using StoreKit's APIs.
Both scenarios are working fine as this flow works perfectly when the subscription is purchased for the first time. However, the receipt does not get updated automatically after the subscription expiration date ends. I'm expecting this receipt to be updated periodically as also shown on Auto-renewing subscription and app receipt. As a result the first step described above fails because the expiration date at some point is in the history and hence, is considered expired.
Two things I find strange:
My SKPaymentTransactionObserver instance only gets called after purchasing the subscription (after a user explicitly buying it). It never gets called when the subscription expires and should automatically renew (as shown in the above blog post);
Explicitly asking my receipt (containing the IAP's expiration date) to be updated using the SKReceiptRefreshRequest API fails by calling it's request:didFailWithError: delegate method. The error object is nil so I cannot see why it fails updating.
I can share code but I have a feeling this is not related to code but instead is some kind of project/environment setting and/or behaviour I do not fully get.
Do you have any suggestions what to try?
After a few days of experimenting I changed the mechanism to use the server-side validation documented on https://developer.apple.com/library/content/releasenotes/General/ValidateAppStoreReceipt/Chapters/ValidateRemotely.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010573-CH104-SW1. Obviously this requires a web service running somewhere and makes your environment more complicated but at least things work in a more stable (and secure) way.
Please help. I have recently updated the paypal express checkout system on my website (where it leaves the website to go to paypal for payment, then returns).
It was all working fine in sandbox. I went to put it live, and I have found the correct API credentials, but it won't work.
It takes me to the paypal page fine. It takes payment and returns me to the payment return url. All fine. But no payment actually moves anywhere.
What am I doing wrong?!
It takes me to the paypal page fine. It takes payment and returns me to the payment return url. All fine. But no payment actually moves anywhere.
From you declaring that, it seems that you are either not performing the DoExpressCheckout API call, which is the call that moves the money, OR you are getting an error with your DoExpressCheckout call. The flow and error codes for Express Checkout can be found here.
On PayPal pay attention to the button text -
If it reads "Agree and Pay" - then you have configured PayPal to take payment
If it reads "Agree and Continue" then you have only set up the transaction but PayPal is waiting for you to send a confirmation to take payment (there is no DoExpressCheckoutCall)
I am new to PayPal API, so I have a nooby question.
When I send user from my shopping site to PayPal payment page e.g. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=xxxxxx&custom=xxxx and I use custom variable with unique ID about product inside my database and when user get returned back to my website thank you page, do I use simple $_GET["custom"] inside my php script to grab that value or I need some PayPal API code implemented inside my website?
Thanks for help.
In order to retrieve this value, you would not be able to get it as you described, however, you can do one of a couple of things:
post the custom value to a cookie or session variable before sending the user to paypal, then retrieving the cookie or session variable value when they are returned from paypal.
(preferred method) implement an IPN listener that will be able to parse the posted transaction details, one of which is the custom value. This method would allow you to confirm a completed transaction as well as do pretty much anything else with the data that you need to do.
Paypal has PHP code samples for an IPN listener on their DEV site. It's pretty easy to implement and follow along.
I hope this helps.
Old thread I know but if I understand the user correctly and he is using the IPN url to collect the returned data he can use $myphpvar = $_POST[custom];
More info # http://www.brianmoreau.com/articles/paypal_buy_now_button_sending_custom_variables.php
I read lots of post from various sites including paypal documentations. But I have some quesitons wihch I couldnt solve those. One of them is that how to design the codes after receiving the ipn message. Ofcourse I make my code I am able to optain and process the variables of message. like payment status and I am able to save them into database. But the point is that how should I desing the code to control the payment to overcome my requirements. I know the post become long but I feel the need of this explanation. So I have a site which works with membership with payment. Site is check after login the membership trial is expired or not if it is expired it shows a div in fornt of the site wihch includes the paypal buttons and redirect to paypal payment screen when button is clicked. User shodul have ability to choos membership period like 6 or 12 mounths (by dropdown paypal button). When the user finalize his payment ipn is trrigerd and I get the datas but all my members dont have to have a paypal account so they can use therid credit card directli and if I understand correctly the transfer of money can take some time to be recevied by me. Which time interval I should set the members approved flag is true ? I am confused about this. If I approve him after ipn is sent is there a possibility an error can occure while transferring me. How the process works.
other problem is the dropdown button. when I set option/price button when I click the button an error page is shown after redirecting to my selling page. It does not redirect to the payment page.
Realy sorry for my long post but I dont know how can I descirebethe situtation in a short way
If you need to wait until funds are available, you should test the value of "payment_status" in the verified IPN message for "Completed".
An eCheck can take from 3-5 days for collection (sometimes longer; you can see the estimated hold time in your account) and has payment_status="Pending". Once collected, you will get another IPN message with "Completed".
Note that the user never sees the IPN process. Normally you set up the conditions (in a table or something that is persistent enough), then send the user to PayPal. When the user comes back from PayPal, your code (at the "return_url") checks the table to see if Payment had completed successfully (perhaps a flag, which was set by your IPN handler code that is called by/communicated with PayPal when the user leaves PayPal gracefully).
I am attempting to integrate Authorize.net into my site. I have set up and activated a test account in their test.authorize.net domain and have obtained and inserted their API key/login for my account into my configurations. I run my script through their API and I get the proper success message that they've received the information. However, every time I log into the test.authorize.net domain and search for the transactions via their Search tab, it always returns with nothing regardless of what parameters I search with. What can cause this?
Look in the unsettled transactions. That's where they'll be.
FYI, Authorize.Net developer accounts do not actually process transactions. They only validate that the data you sent over via their API was valid and complete. If it is you will receive an approved response with a fake transaction number, approval, and AVS response code (which is always a match). If your made an invalid API call an error message will be returned alerting you to your error so you can correct it.
If you don't want o call Authorize.Net for support or they give you the run around, you can also get help in their developer forums.
Authorize.net does not actually log transactions in test mode.
You should call their support; they are fantastic. However, from my experience you typically get a shared account where lots of tests are running and it can be hard to search for your transaction.