Integration - api

I am attempting to integrate into my site. I have set up and activated a test account in their domain and have obtained and inserted their API key/login for my account into my configurations. I run my script through their API and I get the proper success message that they've received the information. However, every time I log into the domain and search for the transactions via their Search tab, it always returns with nothing regardless of what parameters I search with. What can cause this?

Look in the unsettled transactions. That's where they'll be.
FYI, Authorize.Net developer accounts do not actually process transactions. They only validate that the data you sent over via their API was valid and complete. If it is you will receive an approved response with a fake transaction number, approval, and AVS response code (which is always a match). If your made an invalid API call an error message will be returned alerting you to your error so you can correct it.
If you don't want o call Authorize.Net for support or they give you the run around, you can also get help in their developer forums. does not actually log transactions in test mode.

You should call their support; they are fantastic. However, from my experience you typically get a shared account where lots of tests are running and it can be hard to search for your transaction.


Check paypal donation thought API access

Reading almost the whole API reference of paypal, i am almost sure that they do not provide any kind of API method regarding donations. However i would like to check whether someone donates something to my paypal account and get some details of this transaction.
I thought of using the Activities Search REST API, however it was responding with -> "No permission for the requested operation" while i was testing it with my sandbox business account.
Anyone got any idea of how to claim this details? Do i missing something?
My last thought, was to use gmail API's to read the incoming emails that i am receiving (from paypal) when i got a donation, however i believe it's not a good solution, so its my last choice.

PayPal API call daily limit

Does anyone know how many API calls PayPal allow each day? I'm using GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails to check if payment has been successfully made and I might be doing the API call a lot of times each day. They have the error code on their docs but didn't specify the rate limit.
I've never run into any daily limit issues with API calls. That said, I try to avoid hitting the API that many times.
I would recommend you take a look at Instant Payment Notification (IPN). It will automatically POST details about transactions to a URL listener you have on your server. That script that receive the data and update your system accordingly. This happens in real-time so everything would update automatically and immediately. This way you don't have to hit the API to pull details because IPN will feed those details as they happen.

iOS IAP receipt validation error handling

I have a bunch of IAPs in my iOS application, and I have implemented receipt validation for the IAPs.
I'm wondering what error handling I should be doing if the receipt validation request fails.
So, say you have a user who legitimately purchases one of the IAPs, the transaction was successful but the request to verify the receipt fails for whatever reason (e.g. no connection, Apple's server is down). I assume that the user will have been charged because the transaction was successful, but as the validation failed the user will not have been given the content.
What should I do in this situation? I know it might be a rare case but I want to account for it anyway.
I was thinking I could save the receipt to persistent storage and retry the receipt validation in the background until it succeeds. Is this a viable option? Do the receipts remain valid forever or do they expire after a certain amount of time?
I couldn't find much information on this from Apple's documentation so I'm asking you guys.
Thanks in advance

Payment confirmation using in VB.NET

I have a single account, and I have 5 different e-commerce applications tied to that account. Some are posting from a public site and some are posting from managed access sites. I am using SIM and I have read about the Relay Response, but as far as I can tell I can only have one URL listed. That will not work for me as I need a different URL for each different point of entry into the e-commerce system.
My problem at the moment is that I need to update a datafield via a guid upon successful payment completion to confirm purchase of a digital item, but if I put in a relay response page it is getting sent to all my access points and throwing errors. Other parts of the e-commerce system need to send different emails upon completion etc, plus all the urls are different at the top level.
Is there some other way of accomplishing this task that I am overlooking?
Use Silent Post*. It's Authorize.Net's equivalent of Paypal's IPN. It will only post to one URL per account but it happens behind the scenes. This means you can send a custom flag along with each transaction identifying which site the purchase is for and then have it respond accordingly (e.g. send emails, update database, etc).
*I am the author of this content

Paypal IPN return variables

I am using paypal IPN to make a subscription transaction. I created a subscription button from my sandbox paypal account, and tested the whole process. The first time i tried, it seemed to work okay, but the second, third and fourth time paypal IPN returned different variables from the first time.
First time important variables were: payment_gross,txn_id
Then it started to give me: amount3,mc_amount3
So payment_gross became amount3 or mc_amount3 and txn_id is not returned anymore. I did not change anything in the generated form. Any suggestions?
Sorry for my English
Thank you
When your ipn callback is called you must always first verify the message with paypal.
Are you doing this? Only then can you be sure it is a legitimate message.
I don't recall ever getting a message without txn_id, and I've used the sandbox a lot for testing.
I can't imagine paypal sending a message without txn_id via IPN as it would not relate to any transaction. The documentation does not mention this as a possibility either.
Anyway here is where I look up all the IPN/PDT variables for my site.