How to implement the NSFastEnumeration protocol? - objective-c

I have a class and I want my class to confirm to the NSFastEnumeration Protocol. I've read the documentation but it's not really clear. Can someone please tell me what the protocol method should return and how it works?

Apple's FastEnumerationSample shows you what to do, but here's a breakdown.
The sole NSFastEnumeration method, countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:, returns chunks of the collection. It's executed whenever more items are needed, until it indicates that there are no more items by returning 0. A chunk is passed as a C array of ids.
Within the method, the state parameter holds most (if not all) of the data you'll be using. You'll need to set state->itemsPtr and update state->state with each separate invocation of countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:. Here's a brief description of each field of NSFastEnumerationState:
state: represents the position in the sequence being iterated over. For indexed collections, this would be the index. For linked lists, this could be a node pointer. For other types, this could be a more complex type (e.g. for a tree, state->state could be an NSMutableArray used as a stack to store nodes). When countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: is first called, state->state is 0; check for this condition to initialize the state struct.
itemsPtr: the items in the chunk; points to a C array of ids. Cocoa will loop over this array, binding each item in turn to the variable named in the for-in loop.
mutationsPtr: for mutable collections, used to indicate that the collection has changed since the last call to countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:. Typically, you'd set this once when initializing the state. Collection mutators increment the value that this points to. Cocoa will compare the value returned by countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: to the value from the previous invocation; if they're different, Cocoa will throw an exception.
extra: you can use this to store extra data.
You can set state->state and any element of state->extra to whatever you wish; they're provided solely for your convenience, and do not affect Cocoa. state->itemsPtr, *state->mutationsPtr and the value returned by the method, however, do affect Cocoa.
As for the two other method parameters, stackbuf is an array that Cocoa provides to hold items. Its use is optional, but if you don't use it, you'll have to allocate storage space for state->itemPtr. If you use it, set state->itemsPtr to stackbuf with each invocation. len is the length of stackbuf, the maximum number of items that you'll be able to store in it.
Further reading:
Friday Q&A 2010-04-16: Implementing Fast Enumeration (
Implementing countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: (Cocoa with Love)
NSFastEnumeration Protocol Reference
Implementing NSFastEnumerator on Custom Class (SO)

Just reviving this thread after finding an excellent explanation. The Apple link seems to be broken. You can try here:
The best example for implementing fast enumeration that I've found is at: It looks much worse than it is.


Does copy also transfer the retain count?

Suppose I have an object, for example an NSString, with retain count 5. When I call copy on it, I get a new copy of the object; does this new object have the retain count of its original object ?
It depends. copy is a convenience method for copyWithZone:,
and the "NSCopying Protocol Reference" states:
Your options for implementing this protocol are as follows:
Implement NSCopying using alloc and init... in classes that don’t
inherit copyWithZone:.
Implement NSCopying by invoking the
superclass’s copyWithZone: when NSCopying behavior is inherited. If
the superclass implementation might use the NSCopyObject function,
make explicit assignments to pointer instance variables for retained
Implement NSCopying by retaining the original instead of
creating a new copy when the class and its contents are immutable.
(I have modified the following two statements after all that feedback.)
For example, NSString is an immutable object, and copy just retains the object
and returns a pointer to the same object. Retaining the object might increase the
retain count, but not necessarily (as in the case of string literals.)
Copying an NSMutableString would probably create a new object and return that.
The new object would have its own retain count independent of the original object.
But you should not care about the difference. With manual reference counting,
copy returns an object that you own and have to release eventually.
With ARC, the compiler with automatically handle that.
copy returns an object that is a semantic [shallow] copy(1) of the object. What the copy method returns is an implementation detail; it may return the same object, it may return a different instance of the same class, or it might even return an instance of a different class.
Doesn't matter.
What matters is that the returned object, under manual retain/release, has a retain count of +1. Not 1, but +1. It might actually be 1, 42, 981, or -1. Doesn't matter.
All that matters is that you must balance that retain with a release or autorelease somewhere if you want to relinquish the object back to the system. Which may not actually cause it to be deallocated; that is an implementation detail of no concern (until optimization time, anyway).
(1) semantic [shallow] copy means that the object returned is an effective shallow copy. The state contained within the copied object (but not within objects contained within the object -- that is the shallow part) will not change when the original object changes state. For a mutable object, copy must actually create a new instance of some object -- most likely an immutable variant class -- that can contain the original state.
For an immutable object, the copy method might be simply implemented as return [self retain];. Or, in the case of static NSStrings (NSCFStrings), it might simply be return self; as retain/release/autorelease are no-ops on such strings.
No, a copied object will have a retain count of 1, just like a newly initialized object.
I highly recommend you read the Memory Management Guide if you wish to learn more.
If you're new to iOS development, the iOS App Programming Guide should be read first, and is a great use of your time.
I just noticed you didn't tag this as iOS specific, if you're coding for Mac, the Programming with Objective-C guide might be more appropriate for you.
To really get your head around this issue, don't think in terms of retain count, think in terms of pointer ownership (like ARC does).
If an object has a "retain count" of 5, that means five pieces of code somewhere are each holding a (strong) pointer to its memory address. If you copy that object, you get a pointer to the address of the new, copied object. The other five pieces of code are still pointing to the original object. There's only one piece of code pointing to the new object, so its "retain count" is one.
As noted in other answers, the Memory Management Guide definitely helps make this all clear.
Why did I put "retain count" in quotes? Because it's only useful as a general concept -- you shouldn't be using retainCount directly, or you'll hear from #bbum.
Objective-C plays some clever tricks when you ask it to copy objects, and as a result retain counts might not be what you think they should be.
Let's say you have an object pointer x with a retain count of n, and call the copy method which returns an object pointer y.
NSObject* x = ...;
NSObject* y = [x copy];
Then the rule is that if you release x n times, and release y once, all objects will be gone. Usually this is achieved by leaving x unchanged, and giving y a retain count of 1.
However, if x points to an immutable object, then Objective-C may decide that no copy needs to be done. The result is that y = x. Still, the rule above still applies: Releasing x n times and y once (even though they are the same object) will free all the objects involved. That's achieved by the copy method returning x with a +1 retain count.
Copy on mutable object like NSMutableArray will create a new copy and retain count will be 1 while copy immutable object like NSArray will point to same reference and increase the retain count by 1.

Checking if object exist in object array without looping

I would like to check if my NSMutableArray contains my custom object. But if I understand correct contains functions searches for the same object in array (placed at the same memory point)
if(![objectArray containsObject:objToCheck])
[objectArray addObject:objToCheck];
I know that objectArray has identical object with identical variable values compared to objToCheck, yet such if always returns false. Is there a way to check this without writing custom loop and comparing objects by their parameters?
Override the [NSObject isEqual:] method (actually it's part of the NSObject protocol) of your custom object and check whatever instance variables make sense to you for an object to be considered equal.
Here's an Apple Cocoa Competency article on the subject.
You might try creating a temporary NSSet from your array and testing against that for membership.

Array from set: why does NSSet use allObjects, while NSOrderedSet uses array?

In Foundation, if I want to convert a set to an NSArray, I can use:
-[NSSet allObjects]
-[NSOrderedSet array]
Why are these different?
Speculation, but:
Because when NSSet was created the only other major collection type was NSArray, which was (and still is, largely) the most common collection type. So a method called "allObjects" would obviously return an NSArray.
When NSOrderedSet was added much more recently, it had to deal with the existence of prior collections - primarily, NSArray and NSSet. So an "allObjects" method would be ambiguous. Ergo it has two methods, -array and -set.
And/or, the -array and -set methods return proxies to what are likely the same or similar classes used internally. So in a functional sense they're a little different - those proxies will see mutations made on the original NSOrderedSet. -allObjects on the other hand does not - it genuinely creates an independent array, since its internal storage is likely a hashtable or similar that isn't readily proxied.
While there are other differences†, .allObjects does not imply a definite ordering, and .array does; and that's exactly what you are getting.
† .array returns a live proxy of the underlying NSOrderedSet, and if the underlying ordered set changes, the proxy will change with it.
Also... The NSArray returned by 'allObjects' is a copy of the values in the set.
But the NSArray returned by 'array' is a proxy of the objects in the set.
Thus if you change the value of any object in the set, you will change the value of the object in the array. A copy of the ordered set is not being made. So the two properties have different names because they do different things.

Aaron Hillegass :: [NSArrayController add] = insertObject method

I must be missing something. I'm in the chapter titled "Key-Value Observing" in Cocoa Programming by Aaron Hillegass.
I have inserted the code that enables the application to undo/redo adding and subtracting employees from RaiseMan. The application works however what I'm wondering is why is that when I link the "Add Employee" to the NSArrayController to the ADD method (using the .xib file) it calls
- (void)insertObject:(Person *)p inEmployeesAtIndex:(int)index;
According to the Key-Value Coding, shouldn't the add method call?
- (void)addEmployeesObject:newEmployee;
I'm linking the 'add' method not the 'insert' method.
Your array controller is bound to an ordered collection (an array). That's why it uses insertObject:inEmployeesAtIndex: to add a new object at the end of the the collection.
The addEmployeesObject: method would be used if the collection was unordered (i.e. a set).
This is expected behavior when using KVC collection accessor methods. It's more efficient to insert an object at the desired location (even if that location is at the end) than to wonder if "it's at the end" and call -add... directly. All of this is much more efficient than, say, replacing the entire array with an entirely new (-setEmployees:, for example) array when the range of the modification is already known. NSArrayController ultimately uses this method when inserting an object into the array it's controlling.

Techniques for implementing -hash on mutable Cocoa objects

The documentation for -hash says it must not change while a mutable object is stored in a collection, and similarly the documentation for -isEqual: says the -hash value must be the same for equal objects.
Given this, does anybody have any suggestions for the best way to implement -hash such that it meets both these conditions and yet is actually calculated intelligently (i.e. doesn't just return 0)? Does anybody know how the mutable versions of framework-provided classes do this?
The simplest thing to do is of course just forget the first condition (about it not changing) and just make sure I never accidentally mutate an object while it's in a collection, but I'm wondering if there's any solution that's more flexible.
EDIT: I'm wondering here whether it's possible to maintain the 2 contracts (where equal objects have equal hashes, and hashes don't change while the object is in a collection) when I'm mutating the internal state of the object. My inclination is to say "no", unless I do something stupid like always return 0 for the hash, but that's why I'm asking this question.
Interesting question, but I think what you want is logically impossible. Say you start with 2 objects, A and B. They're both different, and they start with different hash codes. You add both to some hash table. Now, you want to mutate A, but you can't change the hash code because it's already in the table. However, it's possible to change A in such a way that it .equals() B.
In this case, you have 2 choices, neither of which works:
Change the hashcode of A to equal B.hashcode, which violates the constraint of not changing hash codes while in a hash table.
Don't change the hashcode, in which case A.equals(B) but they don't have the same hashcodes.
It seems to me that there's no possible way to do this without using a constant as a hashcode.
My reading of the documentation is that a mutable object's value for hash can (and probably should) change when it is mutated, but should not change when the object hasn't been mutated. The portion of the documentation to which to refer, therefore, is saying, "Don't mutate objects that are stored in a collection, because that will cause their hash value to change."
To quote directly from the NSObject documentation for hash:
If a mutable object is added to a
collection that uses hash values to
determine the object’s position in the
collection, the value returned by the
hash method of the object must not
change while the object is in the
collection. Therefore, either the hash
method must not rely on any of the
object’s internal state information or
you must make sure the object’s
internal state information does not
change while the object is in the
(Emphasis mine.)
The question here isn't how to meet both of these requirements, but rather which one you should meet. In Apple's documentation, it is clearly stated that:
a mutable dictionary can be put in a hash table but you must not change it while it is in there.
This being said, it seems more important that you meet the equality requirement of hashes. The hash of an object should always be a way to check if an object is equal to another. If this is ever not the case, it is not a true hash function.
Just to finish up my answer, I'll give an example of a good hash implementation. Let's say you are writing the implementation of -hash on a collection that you have created. This collection stores an array of NSObjects as pointers. Since all NSObjects implement the hash function, you can use their hashes in calculating the collection's hash:
- (NSUInteger)hash {
NSUInteger theHash = 0;
for (NSObject * aPtr in self) { // fast enumeration
theHash ^= [aPtr hash];
return theHash;
This way, two collection objects containing the same pointers (in the same order) will have the same hash.
Since you are already overriding -isEqual: to do a value-based comparison, are you sure you really need to bother with -hash?
I can't guess what exactly you need this for of course, but if you want to do value-based comparison without deviating from the expected implementation of -isEqual: to only return YES when hashes are identical, a better approach might be to mimick NSString's -isEqualToString:, so to create your own -isEqualToFoo: method instead of using or overriding -isEqual:.
The answer to this question and the key to avoiding many cocoa-bugs is this:
Read the documentation carefully. Place every word and punctuation on a golden scale and weight it as it was the world's last grain of wheat.
Let's read the documentation again:
If a mutable object is added to a collection that uses hash values to determine the object’s position in the collection, [...]
(emphasis mine).
What the writer of the docs, in his/hers eternal wisdom, mean by this is that when you are implementing a collection, like a dictionary, you shouldn't use the hash for positioning since that can change. In other words it has little to do with implementing -hash on mutable Cocoa objects (which all of us thought it had, assuming the documentation has not changed in the last ~10 years since the question was asked).
That is why dictionaries always copy their keys - so they can guarantee
that the hash value won't change.
You will then ask the question: But, good sir, how does NSMapTable and similar handle this?
The answer to this is according to the documentation:
"Its keys or values may be copied on input or may use pointer identity for equality and hashing."
(emphasis mine again).
Since we were so easily fooled by the documentation last time, let's run a little experiment to see for ourselves how stuff actually work:
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"so lets mutate this"];
NSString *originalString = string.copy;
NSMapTable *mutableStrings = [NSMapTable strongToStrongObjectsMapTable];
[mutableStrings setObject:originalString forKey:string];
[string appendString:#" into a larger string"];
if ([mutableStrings objectForKey:string] == nil)
NSLog(#"not found!");
if ([mutableStrings objectForKey:originalString] == nil)
NSLog(#"Not even the original string is found?");
for (NSString *inCollection in mutableStrings)
NSLog(#"key '%#' : is '%#' (null)", inCollection, [mutableStrings objectForKey:inCollection]);
for (NSString *value in NSAllMapTableValues(mutableStrings))
NSLog(#"value exists: %#", value);
So, instead of using pointer equality, they focus on the words "may" here which in this case mean "may not", and simply copy the hash value when adding stuff to the collection.
(All this is actually good, since it would be quite difficult to implement NSHashMap, or -hash, otherwise).
In Java, most mutable classes simply don’t override Object.hashCode() so that the default implementation returns a value that is based on the address of the object and doesn’t change. It might just be the same with Objective C.