How to get all results, except one row based on a timestamp? - sql

I have an simple question (?) about SQL. I have come across this problem a few times before and I have always solved it, but I'm looking for a more elegant solution and perhaps a faster solution.
The problem is that I would like to select all rows in a table except the one with the max value in a timestampvalue (in this case this is a summary row but it's not marked as this is any way, and it's not releveant to my result).
I could do something like this:
select * from [table] t
where loggedat < (select max(loggedat) from [table] and somecolumn='somevalue')
and somecolumn='somevalue'
But when working with large tables this seems kind of slow. Any suggestions?

If you don't want to change your DB structure, then your query (or one with a slight variation using <> instead of <) is the way to go.
You could add a column IsSummary bit to the table, and always mark the most recent row as true (and all others false). Then your query would change to:
Select * from [table] where IsSummary = 0 and somecolumn = 'somevalue'
This would sacrifice slower speed on inserts (since an insert would also trigger an update of the IsSummary value) in exchange for faster speed on the select query.

If only you don't mind one tiny (4 byte) extra column, then you might possibly go like this:
FROM [table] t
WHERE somecolumn = 'somevalue'
/* and all the other filters you want */
) s
WHERE rownum > 1
In case you do mind the extra column, you'll just have to list the necessary columns explicitly in the outer SELECT.

It may not be the elegant SQL query you're looking for, but it would be trivial to do it in Java, PHP, etc, after fetching the results. To make it as simple as possible, use ORDER BY timestamp DESC and discard the first row.


Remove case insensitive duplicates in sql (postgres)

I have a postgresql database, and I'm trying to delete (or even just get the ids) of the older of the duplicates I have in my table, but only those who are because of case sensitivity, for example helLo and hello.
The table is quite large and my nested query takes a really long time, I wonder if there is a better, more efficient way to do my query in one go, and not split it up to multiple queries, cause there's a lot of ids in question
SELECT * FROM some_table AS out
WHERE (SELECT count(*) FROM some_table AS in
WHERE out.text != in.text
AND LOWER(in.text) = LOWER(out.text)
AND in.created_at > out.created_at) > 1
Can you try
SELECT LOWER(text), ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION by LOWER(text) ORDER by created_at ) as rn
FROM some_table
You can then use the rn column as a filter
To help this query, create an expression index on LOWER(text). Include created_at in the index to help the date comparisons.
CREATE INDEX text_lower ON some_table(LOWER(text), created_at);
It's hard to test this without your data, though.

SQL Server - Pagination Without Order By Clause

My situation is that a SQL statement which is not predictable, is given to the program and I need to do pagination on top of it. The final SQL statement would be similar to the following one:
SELECT * FROM (*Given SQL Statement*) b
The problem here is that the *Given SQL Statement* is unpredictable. It may or may not contain order by clause. I am not able to change the query result of this SQL Statement and I need to do pagination on it.
I searched for solution on the Internet, but all of them suggested to use an arbitrary column, like primary key, in order by clause. But it will change the original order.
The short answer is that it can't be done, or at least can't be done properly.
The problem is that SQL Server (or any RDBMS) does not and can not guarantee the order of the records returned from a query without an order by clause.
This means that you can't use paging on such queries.
Further more, if you use an order by clause on a column that appears multiple times in your resultset, the order of the result set is still not guaranteed inside groups of values in said column - quick example:
;WITH cte (a, b)
SELECT 1, 'a'
SELECT 1, 'b'
SELECT 2, 'a'
SELECT 2, 'b'
FROM cte
Both result sets are valid, and you can't know in advance what will you get:
a b
1 b
1 a
2 b
2 a
a b
1 a
1 b
2 a
2 b
(and of course, you might get other sorts)
The problem here is that the *Given SQL Statement" is unpredictable. It may or may not contain order by clause.
your inner query(unpredictable sql statement) should not contain order by,even if it contains,order is not guaranteed.
To get guaranteed order,you have to order by some column.for the results to be deterministic,the ordered column/columns should be unique
Please note: what I'm about to suggest is probably horribly inefficient and should really only be used to help you go back to the project leader and tell them that pagination of an unordered query should not be done. Having said that...
From your comments you say you are able to change the SQL statement before it is executed.
You could write the results of the original query to a temporary table, adding row count field to be used for subsequent pagination ordering.
Therefore any original ordering is preserved and you can now paginate.
But of course the reason for needing pagination in the first place is to avoid sending large amounts of data to the client application. Although this does prevent that, you will still be copying data to a temp table which, depending on the row size and count, could be very slow.
You also have the problem that the page size is coming from the client as part of the SQL statement. Parsing the statement to pick that out could be tricky.
As other notified using anyway without using a sorted query will not be safe, But as you know about it and search about it, I can suggest using a query like this (But not recommended as a good way)
;with cte as (
select *,
row_number() over (order by (select 0)) rn
from (
-- Your query
) t
select *
from cte
where rn between (#pageNumber-1)*#pageSize+1 and #pageNumber*#pageSize
[SQL Fiddle Demo]
I finally found a simple way to do it without any order by on a specific column:
declare #start AS INTEGER = 1, #count AS INTEGER = 5;
select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS fakeCounter
FROM (select * from mytable) AS t) AS t2 order by fakeCounter OFFSET #start ROWS
where select * from mytable can be any query

Please help me understand why a sub-query affects the main query's use of index

Here is the main query without a sub-query:
mytable AS idx
idx.ID IN (1,2,3)
AND idx.P1 = 'galleries';
The index on this table is id_path (ID,P1)
Everything is fine at this point, the index is used, 3 rows are examined and 2 are returned. Without the index 9 rows would have to be examined.
Now if i replace the list of IDs with a sub-query that returns exactly the same set of IDs,
the main query still returns the correct rows, but it stops using the index and does an examination of 9 rows as if the index never even existed.
mytable AS idx
idx.ID IN (SELECT idxrev.ID FROM mytable AS idxrev WHERE idxrev.ID IN (1,2,3))
AND idx.P1 = 'galleries';
My question is, why does this happen and what could i do to make the main query use the index as before. I tried adding USE INDEX (id_path) but that just made it even worse, doing a whole table scan.
FROM mytable AS idx
SELECT idxrev.ID
FROM mytable AS idxrev
WHERE idxrev.ID IN (1,2,3)
AND idx.P1 = 'galleries'
MySQL's only way to make semi-joins is nested loops.
It needs to take every row of idx and check it against idxrev (using the indexes for that).
Of course a better method in this case would be a HASH SEMI JOIN or just reducing your query to the original one, but MySQL is just not capable of it.
To make the query use the index, just revert to your original query :)
That's one of the great mysteries of MySQL; it doesn't cope well with subqueries. You could try to change the IN to an EXISTS which is sometimes faster. It looks a bit silly in this example because you still use the hardcoded list, but I think thats just for testing, right?
mytable AS idx
(SELECT idxrev.ID
FROM mytable AS idxrev
idxrev.ID = idx.ID AND
idxrev.ID IN (1,2,3))
AND idx.P1 = 'galleries';
If this doesn't help, maybe you could run two queries. First you get all the ids an put them in a comma separated list (using GROUP_CONCAT if you like). Then you build the second query by using that value.

SQLServer SQL query with a row counter

I have a SQL query, that returns a set of rows:
SELECT id, name FROM users where group = 2
I need to also include a column that has an incrementing integer value, so the first row needs to have a 1 in the counter column, the second a 2, the third a 3 etc
The query shown here is just a simplified example, in reality the query could be arbitrarily complex, with several joins and nested queries.
I know this could be achieved using a temporary table with an autonumber field, but is there a way of doing it within the query itself ?
For starters, something along the lines of:
SELECT my_first_column, my_second_column,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY my_order_column) AS Row_Counter
FROM my_table
However, it's important to note that the ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ...) construct only determines the values of Row_Counter, it doesn't guarantee the ordering of the results.
Unless the SELECT itself has an explicit ORDER BY clause, the results could be returned in any order, dependent on how SQL Server decides to optimise the query. (See this article for more info.)
The only way to guarantee that the results will always be returned in Row_Counter order is to apply exactly the same ordering to both the SELECT and the ROW_NUMBER():
SELECT my_first_column, my_second_column,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY my_order_column) AS Row_Counter
FROM my_table
ORDER BY my_order_column -- exact copy of the ordering used for Row_Counter
The above pattern will always return results in the correct order and works well for simple queries, but what about an "arbitrarily complex" query with perhaps dozens of expressions in the ORDER BY clause? In those situations I prefer something like this instead:
SELECT my_first_column, my_second_column,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ...) AS Row_Counter -- complex ordering
FROM my_table
) AS t
ORDER BY t.Row_Counter
Using a nested query means that there's no need to duplicate the complicated ORDER BY clause, which means less clutter and easier maintenance. The outer ORDER BY t.Row_Counter also makes the intent of the query much clearer to your fellow developers.
In SQL Server 2005 and up, you can use the ROW_NUMBER() function, which has options for the sort order and the groups over which the counts are done (and reset).
The simplest way is to use a variable row counter. However it would be two actual SQL commands. One to set the variable, and then the query as follows:
SET #n=0;
SELECT #n:=#n+1, a.* FROM tablename a
Your query can be as complex as you like with joins etc. I usually make this a stored procedure. You can have all kinds of fun with the variable, even use it to calculate against field values. The key is the :=
Heres a different approach.
If you have several tables of data that are not joinable, or you for some reason dont want to count all the rows at the same time but you still want them to be part off the same rowcount, you can create a table that does the job for you.
create table #test (
rowcounter int identity,
invoicenumber varchar(30)
insert into #test(invoicenumber) select [column] from [Table1]
insert into #test(invoicenumber) select [column] from [Table2]
insert into #test(invoicenumber) select [column] from [Table3]
select * from #test
drop table #test

Aggregate functions in WHERE clause in SQLite

Simply put, I have a table with, among other things, a column for timestamps. I want to get the row with the most recent (i.e. greatest value) timestamp. Currently I'm doing this:
But I'd much rather do something like this:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE timestamp=max(timestamp)
However, SQLite rejects this query:
SQL error: misuse of aggregate function max()
The documentation confirms this behavior (bottom of page):
Aggregate functions may only be used in a SELECT statement.
My question is: is it possible to write a query to get the row with the greatest timestamp without ordering the select and limiting the number of returned rows to 1? This seems like it should be possible, but I guess my SQL-fu isn't up to snuff.
SELECT * from foo where timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from foo)
or, if SQLite insists on treating subselects as sets,
SELECT * from foo where timestamp in (select max(timestamp) from foo)
There are many ways to skin a cat.
If you have an Identity Column that has an auto-increment functionality, a faster query would result if you return the last record by ID, due to the indexing of the column, unless of course you wish to put an index on the timestamp column.
I think I've answered this question 5 times in the past week now, but I'm too tired to find a link to one of those right now, so here it is again...
table T1
T2.timestamp > T1.timestamp
T2.timestamp IS NULL
You're basically looking for the row where no other row matches that is later than it.
NOTE: As pointed out in the comments, this method will not perform as well in this kind of situation. It will usually work better (for SQL Server at least) in situations where you want the last row for each customer (as an example).
you can simply do
SELECT *, max(timestamp) FROM table
As aggregate function can't be used like this so it gives error. I guess what SquareCog had suggested was the best thing to do
SELECT * FROM table WHERE timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from table)