Doctrine2 ArrayCollection - lazy-loading

Ok, I have a User entity as follows
class User
* #var integer
* #Id
* #Column(type="integer")
* #GeneratedValue
protected $id;
* #var \Application\Entity\Url[]
* #OneToMany(targetEntity="Url", mappedBy="user", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
protected $urls;
public function __construct()
$this->urls = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
public function addUrl($url)
// This is where I have a problem
Now, what I want to do is check if the User has already the $url in the $urls ArrayCollection before persisting the $url.
Now some of the examples I found says we should do something like
if (!$this->getUrls()->contains($url)) {
// add url
but this doesn't work as this compares the element values. As the $url doesn't have id value yet, this will always fail and $url will be dublicated.
So I'd really appreciate if someone could explain how I can add an element to the ArrayCollection without persisting it and avoiding the duplication?
I have managed to achive this via
$p = function ($key, $element) use ($url)
if ($element->getUrlHash() == $url->getUrlHash()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
But doesn't this still load all urls and then performs the check? I don't think this is efficient as there might be thousands of urls per user.

This is not yet possible in a "domain driven" way, ie. just using objects. You should execute a query to check for the existance:
SELECT count( FROM User u WHERE ?1 IN u.urls AND = ?2
With Doctrine 2.1 this will be possible using a combination of two new features:
Extra Lazy Collections
#IndexBy for collections, so you would define #OneToMany(targetEntity="Url", indexBy="location")
ExtraLazy Collection Support for index by using ->contains().
Points 1 and 2 are already implemented in Doctrine 2 master, but 3 is still missing.

You should try using the exists method on the collection and manually compare values.


Modelling aggregate root or domain service?

I want to model a wishlisting feature for my domain.
My invariants are:
You can't add product that is already in your wishlist
You can't add product that you own.
The second invariant made me wonder - should I model this feature as reconstituted Aggregate (outside of ORM because of $ownedProductIds that be fetched from UserProductRepository):
final class User extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot
// ...
* #param UserId $userId
* #param ObjectCollection $ownedProductIds
* #param ObjectCollection $wishlistedProductIds
* #return $this
public static function reconstituteFrom(
UserId $userId,
ObjectCollection $ownedProductIds,
ObjectCollection $wishlistedProductIds
$user = new User();
$user->userId = $userId;
$user->ownedProductIds = $ownedProductIds;
$user->wishlistedProductIds = $wishlistedProductIds;
return $user;
* #param Product $product
* #throws ProductAlreadyPurchased Thrown when trying to add already bought product
* #throws ProductAlreadyWishlisted Thrown when trying to add already wishlisted product
public function addProductToWishlist(Product $product)
$productId = $product->getId();
if ($this->ownedProductIds->contains($productId)) {
throw new ProductAlreadyPurchased($this->userId, $productId);
if ($this->wishlistedProductIds->contains($productId)) {
throw new ProductAlreadyWishlisted($this->userId, $productId);
$this->apply(new ProductWishlisted($this->userId, $product));
// ...
or rather create a stateless domain service:
final class Wishlist
public function addProductToWishlist(Product $product, UserId $userId)
$ownedProductids = $this->userProductRepository->findProductsOfUser($userId);
$wishlistedProductsIds = $this->userWishlistProductIdRepository->findProductsOfUser($userId);
// business rules as in User class
As User has all the information needed to enforce the invariants, I would leave it there. I typically only create Domain Services when some operation doesn't seem to belong in one entity (TransferMoney() method not fitting in Account class is the poster child for this).
Note though that your model is currently really simplistic. As it is, it may make sense to name the aggregate User, but in a real situation chances are you will make breakthroughs that completely change it.

Tx_Extbase_Domain_Repository_FrontendUserRepository->findAll() not working in typo3 4.5.30?

I am trying to run a simple query off of the Tx_Extbase_Domain_Repository_FrontendUserRepository. I cannot get anything to work except findByUid(), not even findAll().
In my controller I have this code which seems to work:
* #var Tx_Extbase_Domain_Repository_FrontendUserRepository
protected $userRepository;
* Inject the user repository
* #param Tx_Extbase_Domain_Repository_FrontendUserRepository $userRepository
* #return void */
public function injectFrontendUserRepository(Tx_Extbase_Domain_Repository_FrontendUserRepository $userRepository) {
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
* action create
* #param Tx_BpsCoupons_Domain_Model_Coupon $newCoupon
* #return void
public function createAction(Tx_BpsCoupons_Domain_Model_Coupon $newCoupon) {
...... some code .....
$user = $this->userRepository->findByUid(($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user[uid]));
...... some code .....
but in another function I want to look up a user not by uid but by a fe_users column called vipnumber (an int column) so I tried
* check to see if there is already a user with this vip number in the database
* #param string $vip
* #return bool
public function isVipValid($vip) {
echo "<br/>" . __FUNCTION__ . __LINE__ . "<br/>";
echo "<br/>".$vip."<br/>";
//$ret = $this->userRepository->findByUid(15); //this works!! but
$query = $this->userRepository->createQuery();
$query->matching($query->equals('vip',$vip) );
$ret = $query->execute(); //no luck
and neither does this
$ret = $this->userRepository->findAll();
How can one work but not the others? In my setup I already put
config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes.Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser.mapping.recordType >
which seems to be necessary for the fiondByUid to work, is i t preventing the other from working?
I am using typo3 v 4.5.30 with extbase 1.3
If $this->userRepository->findByUid(15); works, there is no reason why $this->userRepository->findAll(); should not. However $this->userRepository->findAll(); returns not a single Object but a collection of all objects, so you have to iterate over them.
If you add a column to the fe_users, you have to add it to TCA and to your extbase model (you need a getter and a setter), too! After that you can call findByProperty($property) in your repository. In your case that would be
$user = $this->userRepository->findByVipnumber($vip);
This will return all UserObjects that have $vip set as their Vipnumber. If you just want to check if that $vip is already in use, you can call
$user = $this->userRepository->countByVipnumber($vip);
instead. Which obviously returns the number of Users that have this $vip;
You never use $query = $this->createQuery(); outside your Repository.
To add the property to the fronenduser Model you create your own model Classes/Domain/Model/FronendUser.php:
class Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_FrontendUser extends Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser {
* #var string/integer
protected $vipnumber;
Add a getter and a setter. Now you create your own FrontendUserRepository and extend the extbase one like you did with the model. You use this repository in your Controller. Now you're almost there: Tell Extbase via typoscript, that your model is using the fe_users table and everything should work:
config.tx_extbase {
mapping {
tableName = fe_users
To disable storagePids in your repository in general, you can use this code inside your repository:
* sets query settings repository-wide
* #return void
public function initializeObject() {
$querySettings = $this->objectManager->create('Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Typo3QuerySettings');
After this, your Querys will work for all PIDs.
I didn't have the opportunity to work with frontend users yet, so I don't know if the following applies in this case:
In a custom table I stumbled uppon the fact, that extbase repositories automatically have a look at the pids stored in each entry and check it against a set storage pid (possibly also the current pid if not set). Searching for a uid usually means you have a specific dataset in mind so automatic checks for other values could logically be ignored which would support your experiences. I'd try to set the storage pid for your extension to the place the frontend users are stored in ts-setup:
plugin.[replace_with_extkey].persistence.storagePid = [replace_with_pid]

The class 'Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection' was not found in the chain configured namespaces

I am using in project Zend Framework 2 with Doctrine 2 ORM.
I am trying to persist a many to many relation. I followed th documentation described here (manytomany).
While trying to persist data: $em->persist($form->getData()); I got the error:
"The class 'Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection' was not found in the chain configured namespaces".
Any suggestions ?
To be more clear I added below some code:
First I annotated entities like documentation said, for many to many relation:
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="\User\Entity\Client", mappedBy="reportSettings")
private $client;
public function __construct() {
$this->client = new ArrayCollection();
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="\Statistics\Entity\ReportSettings", inversedBy="client")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="report_client_settings",
* joinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="client_id", referencedColumnName="id")},
* inverseJoinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="report_setting_id", referencedColumnName="id")})
private $reportSettings;
public function __construct() {
$this->reportSettings = new ArrayCollection();
And in the controller
$form = new UpdateReportSettingsForm();
$request = new Request();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
$data = $form->getData();
$em->persist($data); // here I got the error - The class 'Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection' was not found in the chain configured namespaces
I also use in the form DoctrineModule\Form\Element\ObjectMultiCheckbox.
An simple var_dump($data) - return a persistent collection.
The error appear because the form was not defined correctly. The right way how to do a many to many relation i founded here -
Have you added this piece of code in the beginning of your entity where you are mapping
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;

Doctrine 2 ArrayCollection filter method

Can I filter out results from an arrayCollection in Doctrine 2 while using lazy loading? For example,
// users = ArrayCollection with User entities containing an "active" property
$customer->users->filter('active' => TRUE)->first()
It's unclear for me how the filter method is actually used.
Doctrine now has Criteria which offers a single API for filtering collections with SQL and in PHP, depending on the context.
This will achieve the result in the accepted answer, without getting everything from the database.
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
* #ORM\Entity
class Member {
// ...
public function getCommentsFiltered($ids) {
$criteria = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->in("id", $ids));
return $this->getComments()->matching($criteria);
The Boris Guéry answer's at this post, may help you:
Doctrine 2, query inside entities
$idsToFilter = array(1,2,3,4);
function($entry) use ($idsToFilter) {
return in_array($entry->getId(), $idsToFilter);
Your use case would be :
$ArrayCollectionOfActiveUsers = $customer->users->filter(function($user) {
return $user->getActive() === TRUE;
if you add ->first() you'll get only the first entry returned, which is not what you want.
# Sjwdavies
You need to put () around the variable you pass to USE. You can also shorten as in_array return's a boolean already:
$member->getComments()->filter( function($entry) use ($idsToFilter) {
return in_array($entry->getId(), $idsToFilter);
The following code will resolve your need:
//$customer = ArrayCollection of customers;
function (User $user) {
return $user->getActive() === true;
The Collection#filter method really does eager load all members.
Filtering at the SQL level will be added in doctrine 2.3.

Doctrine 2.1 Persist entity in preUpdate lifeCycleCallback

I'm struggling with the following, in a entity class I have a preUpdate lifeCycleCallback which has to persist a new entity before it flushes the changes for a auditTrail.
In preRemove and prePersist this works perfectly but in preUpdate nothing happends. If I call flush myself it goes in a recursive loop.
According to the Google groups for doctrine-user putting it in onFlush should be a option but in that event I can't access the old values of the entity to save this old values in a new other entity for the audittrail.
Some small example what i'm trying to archive:
* #Entity
* #HasLifeCycleCallbacks
class someEntity {
... annotations ...
* #PreUpdate
public function addAuditTrail() {
$em = \Zend_Registry::get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();
$entity = new AuditTrail();
$entity->action = 'update';
$entity->someField = $this->someField;
$em->persist($entity); //this just doesn't do anything :-(
It's not real code, just something to illustrate you what I want. I also tried something like this:
$em->getUnitOfWork()->computeChangeSet($em->getClassMetaData(get_class($entity)), $entity);
Which should work according to this topic:
If I call the flush again but that causes Apache to crash because of some infinite loop.
Anyone who got ideas for me? Thanks!
You should never use the entitymanager inside your entities. If you would like to add audit trails, you should map the "SomeEntity" entity to the "AuditTrail" entity and do something like
* #PreUpdate
public function addAuditTrail() {
$entity = new AuditTrail();
$entity->action = 'update';
$entity->someField = $this->someField;
If you set the cascade option on the mapping, it will get persisted when you persist "SomeEntity".
I had the same problem in the preUpdate method of an EventListener. I solved this by storing the new entity in a property and moving the new persist() and flush() calls to the postUpdate method.
class someEntity {
... annotations ...
protected $store;
* #PreUpdate
public function addAuditTrail() {
//$em = \Zend_Registry::get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();
$entity = new AuditTrail();
$entity->action = 'update';
$entity->someField = $this->someField;
// replaces $em->persist($entity);
$this->store = $entity;
* #PostUpdate
public function saveAuditTrail() {
$em = \Zend_Registry::get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();
entitymanager->persist() will not work inside the preUpdate method.
Instead of that, you can save the AuditTrail data to session and after the flush of the 'SomeEntity', take the data from session and perform entitymanager->persist(...) and entitymanager->flush()