Is there a way to pass the entire argument list to another method in Objective C? - objective-c

I'd like to be able to pass all the arguments received in my method to a different method, as generically as possible.
Ideally, this would be done by passing a dictionary or some system variable (similar to _cmd).
In other words, I'm looking for something like the arguments array in javascript, or anything giving me access to the currently called method's list of arguments.

I think what you are looking for is NSObject's forwardInvocation: It gets passed an NSInvocation object that contains the information you want. NSInvocation also has a nice method called invokeWithTarget: that pretty much forwards the method call just like if you've called it directly.
The runtime will call fowardInvocation: if you're object is sent a message that it doesn't have a method for, provided you also override methodSignatureForSelector: so the runtime can create the NSInvocation object.
If all your arguments are objects the method forwardInvocation method will look something like this:
#implementation Forwarder
#synthesize friendObject;
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
return [self.friendObject methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation {
NSLog("Forwarding method: %#", [anInvocation selector]);
NSMethodSignature *sig = [anInvocation methodSignature];
// Get the juicy argument list info from [anInvocation methodSignature]
// NOTE: Arguments 0 and 1 are for self and _cmd So we'll skip those.
int numberOfArgs = [[anInvocation methodSignature] numberOfArguments];
// Assuming all arguments are objects.
id objPointer;
NSMutableArray *argArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 2; i < numberOfArgs; i++) {
[anInvocation getArgument:&objPointer atIndex:i];
[argArray addObject:objPointer];
// Now argArray contains the array of all the arguments.
The hard part is that you need to make buffers to hold the argument values. If all the arguments are objects or the same type you can use the above code but It's much more complicated to make a generic function if you use C types. You can use NSMethodSignature's getArgumentTypeAtIndex: but it returns a string encoding of the type and sizeof wont help you there. You would need to make a map of type names to size_ts for malloc/calloc.
Edit: I added a concrete example of what I glossed over as // Get the juicy info in methodSignature As you can see what you want to do is possible but it's pretty tough.
(Check out Apple's documentation on Type Encodings and NSMethodSignature's signatureWithObjCTypes:.)
Edit2: This might be better as a separate answer but Here's a complete (and tested) listing of how you can make use of the listing above to make a method that gets called with an arguments array like in JavaScript.
First make a delegate protocol that the Forwarder object will call when a method is called.
#protocol ForwarderDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)selectorCalled:(SEL)selector withArguments:(NSArray *)args;
Then make the actual Forwarder:
#interface Forwarder : NSObject {
NSObject *interfaceObject;
id<ForwarderDelegate> delegate;
// Some object whose methods we want to respond to.
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSObject *interfaceObject;
#property (nonatomic, retain) id<ForwarderDelegate> delegate;
#implementation Forwarder
#synthesize interfaceObject;
#synthesize delegate;
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)selector {
return [interfaceObject methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation {
int numberOfArgs = [[anInvocation methodSignature] numberOfArguments];
NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray array];
id ref;
for (int i = 2; i < numberOfArgs; i++) {
[anInvocation getArgument:&ref atIndex:i];
[args addObject:ref];
// Call the method on the interface (original) object.
if ([self.interfaceObject respondsToSelector:[anInvocation selector]]) {
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget:self.interfaceObject];
[self.delegate selectorCalled:[anInvocation selector] withArguments:args];
Now you can instantiate the forwarder that takes some object and forwards any calls to the delegate. If both the target and the delegate are the same object it would work like this:
#interface testreflectAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate, ForwarderDelegate> {
UIWindow *window;
#implementation testreflectAppDelegate
#synthesize window;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
Forwarder *forwarder = [[[Forwarder alloc] init] autorelease];
forwarder.delegate = self;
forwarder.interfaceObject = self;
[((id)forwarder) doFoo:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]
withBar:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2]];
return YES;
- (void)doFoo:(NSNumber *)foo withBar:(NSNumber *)bar {
NSLog(#"doFoo:withBar: called. Args: %d %d", [foo intValue], [bar intValue]);
- (void)doFoo:(NSNumber *)foo {
NSLog(#"doFoo called. Args: %d", [foo intValue]);
- (void)selectorCalled:(SEL)selector withArguments:(NSArray *)args {
NSLog(#"selectorCalled: %s with %d arguments", selector, [args count]);
[self doFoo:[args objectAtIndex:0]];
Running this should output something like:
testreflect[3098:207] doFoo:withBar: called. Args: 1 2
testreflect[3098:207] selectorCalled: doFoo:withBar: with 2 arguments
testreflect[3098:207] doFoo called. Args: 1
Again this version will only work with id typed arguments. But can work with other types if you use the above mentioned TypeEncodings.

You may want to take a look at the NSMethodSignature class documentation. This class is used to record information on arguments and return values from methods.


Add more than one Object in method

Is there a way to add multiple objects into a NSMutableArray through a custom method? Here my code.
#property NSMutableArray *MusicCollectionArray;
-(void) addPlaylist: (Playlist *) thePlaylist;
-(void) addPlaylist: (Playlist *) thePlaylist {
[MusicCollectionArray addObject:thePlaylist];
Now lets say I call the method but instead of one object to add, is there a way to add multiple into one instead of calling each method separately. (the number of objects is unknown)
eg. [mycollection addPlaylist: first, second, third];
you can add another array like this:
NSMutableArray *sourceArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:#"FirstObject"];
NSString *secondObject = #"SecondObject";
NSString *thirdObject = #"ThirdObject";
NSArray *objectsToAdd = #[secondObject, thirdObject];
[sourceArray addObjectsFromArray:objectsToAdd];
It is possible, please take a look at Apple docs and this thread:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface NSMutableArray (variadicMethodExample)
- (void) appendObjects:(id) firstObject, ...; // This method takes a nil-terminated list of objects.
#implementation NSMutableArray (variadicMethodExample)
- (void) appendObjects:(id) firstObject, ...
id eachObject;
va_list argumentList;
if (firstObject) // The first argument isn't part of the varargs list,
{ // so we'll handle it separately.
[self addObject: firstObject];
va_start(argumentList, firstObject); // Start scanning for arguments after firstObject.
while (eachObject = va_arg(argumentList, id)) // As many times as we can get an argument of type "id"
[self addObject: eachObject]; // that isn't nil, add it to self's contents.
I guess you will catch an idea.
This would best be done using a for loop:
- (void) addPlaylistFromPlayLists:(NSArray <Playlist*>*)playlists {
for (Playlist *playlist in playlists) {
[musicCollectionArray addObject:playlist];
That way, you are ensuring that only the playlists that are inside the array are added. A for loop will only add what's given to it, you don't have to tell it how much if it's a for/in.

Is subclassing NSNotification the right route if I want to add typed properties?

I am trying to subclass NSNotification.
Apple's docs for NSNotificationstate the following:
NSNotification is a class cluster with no instance variables. As such,
you must subclass NSNotification and override the primitive methods
name, object, and userInfo. You can choose any designated initializer
you like, but be sure that your initializer does not call
NSNotification’s implementation of init (via [super init]).
NSNotification is not meant to be instantiated directly, and its init
method raises an exception.
But this isn't clear to me. Should I create an initializer like this?
return self;
Subclassing NSNotification is an atypical operation. I think I've only seen it done once or twice in the past few years.
If you're looking to pass things along with the notification, that's what the userInfo property is for. If you don't like accessing things through the userInfo directly, you could use a category to simplify access:
#interface NSNotification (EasyAccess)
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *foo;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSNumber *bar;
#implementation NSNotification (EasyAccess)
- (NSString *)foo {
return [[self userInfo] objectForKey:#"foo"];
- (NSNumber *)bar {
return [[self userInfo] objectForKey:#"bar"];
You can also use this approach to simplify NSNotification creation. For example, your category could also include:
+ (id)myNotificationWithFoo:(NSString *)foo bar:(NSString *)bar object:(id)object {
NSDictionary *d = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsForKeys:foo, #"foo", bar, #"bar", nil];
return [self notificationWithName:#"MyNotification" object:object userInfo:d];
If, for some strange reason, you'd need the properties to be mutable, then you'd need to use associative references to accomplish that:
#import <objc/runtime.h>
static const char FooKey;
static const char BarKey;
- (NSString *)foo {
return (NSString *)objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &FooKey);
- (void)setFoo:(NSString *)foo {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &FooKey, foo, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
- (NSNumber *)bar {
return (NSNumber *)objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &BarKey);
- (void)setBar:(NSNumber *)bar {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &BarKey, bar, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
It seems this does work. For example:
#import "TestNotification.h"
NSString *const TEST_NOTIFICATION_NAME = #"TestNotification";
#implementation TestNotification
object_ = object;
return self;
-(NSString *)name
return object_;
- (NSDictionary *)userInfo
return nil;
also beware a massive Gotcha related to NSNotifications. The type of NSNotifications greated using NSNotification notificationWithName:object: is NSConcreteNotification, not NSNotification. And to make it a little more awkward, if you are checking for class, NSConcreteNotification is private so you have nothing to compare to.
You don’t set it, exactly—you just override the implementation of the name method so it returns what you want. In other words:
- (NSString *)name
return #"Something";
Your initializer looks fine—I haven’t seen an example of an init that doesn’t call its superclass’s implementation before, but if that’s what the doc’s saying you should do, it’s probably worth a try.
You can pass a userInfo argument when delivering a notification. Why not create a payload and send that.
// New file:
#interface NotificationPayload : NSObject
#property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *thing;
#implementation NotificationPayload
// Somewhere posting:
NotificationPayload *obj = [NotificationPayload new];
obj.thing = #"LOL";
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"Hi" object:whatever userInfo:#{ #"payload": obj }];
// In some observer:
- (void)somethingHappened:(NSNotification *)notification
NotificationPayload *obj = notification.userInfo[#"payload"];
NSLog(#"%#", obj.thing);
As a side note: I've found over the years that making a conscious effort to avoid subclassing has made my code more clean, maintainable, changeable, testable and extensible. If you can solve the problem using protocols or categories then you wont lock yourself into the first shoddy design you come up with. With Swift 2.0 protocol extensions in the mix we're really laughing too.

NSMutableArray - force the array to hold specific object type only

Is there a way to force NSMutableArray to hold one specific object type only?
I have classes definitions as follow:
#interface Wheel:NSObject
int size;
float diameter;
#interface Car:NSObject
NSString *model;
NSString *make;
NSMutableArray *wheels;
How can I force wheels array to hold Wheel objects only with code? (and absolutely not other objects)
Update in 2015
This answer was first written in early 2011 and began:
What we really want is parametric polymorphism so you could declare, say, NSMutableArray<NSString>; but alas such is not available.
In 2015 Apple apparently changed this with the introduction of "lightweight generics" into Objective-C and now you can declare:
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *onlyStrings = [NSMutableArray new];
But all is not quite what it seems, notice the "lightweight"... Then notice that the initialisation part of the above declaration does not contain any generic notation. While Apple have introduced parametric collections, and adding a non-string directly to the above array, onlyStrings, as in say:
[onlyStrings addObject:#666]; // <- Warning: Incompatible pointer types...
will illicit the warning as indicated, the type security is barely skin deep. Consider the method:
- (void) push:(id)obj onto:(NSMutableArray *)array
[array addObject:obj];
and the code fragment in another method of the same class:
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *oops = [NSMutableArray new];
[self push:#"asda" onto:oops]; // add a string, fine
[self push:#42 onto:oops]; // add a number, no warnings...
What Apple have implemented is essentially a hinting system to assist with automatic inter-operation with Swift, which does have a flavour of type-safe generics. However on the Objective-C side, while the compiler provides some extra hints the system is "lightweight" and type-integrity is still ultimately down to the programmer - as is the Objective-C way.
So which should you use? The new lightweight/pseudo generics, or devise your own patterns for your code? There really is no right answer, figure out what makes sense in your scenario and use it.
For example: If you are targeting interoperation with Swift you should use the lightweight generics! However if the type integrity of a collection is important in your scenario then you could combine the lightweight generics with your own code on the Objective-C side which enforces the type integrity that Swift will on its side.
The Remainder of the 2011 Answer
As another option here is a quick general subclass of NSMutableArray which you init with the kind of object you want in your monomorphic array. This option does not give you static type-checking (in as much as you ever get it in Obj-C), you get runtime exceptions on inserting the wrong type, just as you get runtime exceptions for index out of bounds etc.
This is not thoroughly tested and assumes the documentation on overriding NSMutableArray is correct...
#interface MonomorphicArray : NSMutableArray
Class elementClass;
NSMutableArray *realArray;
- (id) initWithClass:(Class)element andCapacity:(NSUInteger)numItems;
- (id) initWithClass:(Class)element;
And the implementation:
#implementation MonomorphicArray
- (id) initWithClass:(Class)element andCapacity:(NSUInteger)numItems
elementClass = element;
realArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:numItems];
return self;
- (id) initWithClass:(Class)element
elementClass = element;
realArray = [NSMutableArray new];
return self;
// override primitive NSMutableArray methods and enforce monomorphism
- (void) insertObject:(id)anObject atIndex:(NSUInteger)index
if ([anObject isKindOfClass:elementClass]) // allows subclasses, use isMemeberOfClass for exact match
[realArray insertObject:anObject atIndex:index];
NSException* myException = [NSException
reason:#"Added object has wrong type"
#throw myException;
- (void) removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
[realArray removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// override primitive NSArray methods
- (NSUInteger) count
return [realArray count];
- (id) objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
return [realArray objectAtIndex:index];
// block all the other init's (some could be supported)
static id NotSupported()
NSException* myException = [NSException
reason:#"Only initWithClass: and initWithClass:andCapacity: supported"
#throw myException;
- (id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)anArray { return NotSupported(); }
- (id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)array copyItems:(BOOL)flag { return NotSupported(); }
- (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)aPath { return NotSupported(); }
- (id)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)aURL { return NotSupported(); }
- (id)initWithObjects:(id)firstObj, ... { return NotSupported(); }
- (id)initWithObjects:(const id *)objects count:(NSUInteger)count { return NotSupported(); }
Use as:
MonomorphicArray *monoString = [[MonomorphicArray alloc] initWithClass:[NSString class] andCapacity:3];
[monoString addObject:#"A string"];
[monoString addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:42]]; // will throw
[monoString addObject:#"Another string"];
Since Xcode 7, generics are available in Objective-C.
You can declare a NSMutableArray as:
NSMutableArray <Wheel*> *wheels = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:#[[Wheel new],[Wheel new]];
The compiler will give you a warning if you try to put non-Wheel objects in the array.
I could be wrong (I'm a noob), but I think, if you create a custom protocol and make sure the objects you are adding to the array follow the same protocol, then when you declare the array you use
NSArray<Protocol Name>
That should prevent objects being added that do not follow the said protocol.
as per i know.. before you added any object in wheels mutableArray, u have to add some check mark. Is the object which i am adding is class "wheel". if it is then add, other wise not.
if([id isClassOf:"Wheel"] == YES)
[array addObject:id)
Something like this. i dont remember the exact syntax.
I hope this will help (and work... :P )
Wheel.h file:
#protocol Wheel
#interface Wheel : NSObject
#property ...
Car.h file:
#import "Wheel.h"
#interface Car:NSObject
NSString *model;
NSString *make;
NSMutableArray<Wheel, Optional> *wheels;
Car.m file:
#import "Car.h"
#implementation Car
if (self=[super init]){
self.wheels = (NSMutableArray<Wheel,Optional>*)[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
return self;
Xcode 7 allows you to define Arrays, Dictionaries, and even your own Classes as having generics. The array syntax is as follows:
NSArray<NSString*>* array = #[#"hello world"];
I don't believe there's any way to do it with NSMutableArray out of the box. You could probably enforce this by subclassing and overriding all the constructors and insertion methods, but it's probably not worth it. What are you hoping to achieve with this?
That's not possible; an NSArray (whether mutable or not) will hold any object type. What you can do is to create your own custom subclasses as already suggested by Jim. Alternatively, if you wanted to filter an array to remove objects that weren't of the type you want, then you could do:
- (void)removeObjectsFromArray:(NSMutableArray *)array otherThanOfType:(Class)type
int c = 0;
while(c < [array length])
NSObject *object = [array objectAtIndex:c];
if([object isKindOfClass:type])
[array removeObjectAtIndex:c];
[self removeObjectsFromArray:array otherThanOfType:[Car class]];
Or make other judgments based on the result of isKindOfClass:, e.g. to divide an array containing a mixture of Cars and Wheels into two arrays, each containing only one kind of object.
You can use the nsexception if you dont have the specific object.
for (int i = 0; i<items.count;i++) {
if([[items objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[Wheel class]])
// do something..!
[NSException raise:#"Invalid value" format:#"Format of %# is invalid", items];
// do whatever to handle or raise your exception.
Here's something I've done to avoid subclassing NSMutableArray: use a category. This way you can have the argument and return types you want. Note the naming convention: replace the word "object" in each of the methods you will use with the name of the element class. "objectAtIndex" becomes "wheelAtIndex" and so on. This way there's no name conflict. Very tidy.
typedef NSMutableArray WheelList;
#interface NSMutableArray (WheelList)
- (wheel *) wheelAtIndex: (NSUInteger) index;
- (void) addWheel: (wheel *) w;
#implementation NSMutableArray (WheelList)
- (wheel *) wheelAtIndex: (NSUInteger) index
return (wheel *) [self objectAtIndex: index];
- (void) addWheel: (wheel *) w
[self addObject: w];
#interface Car : NSObject
#property WheelList *wheels;
#implementation Car
#synthesize wheels;
- (id) init
if (self = [super init]) {
wheels = [[WheelList alloc] initWithCapacity: 4];
return self;
protocol maybe a good idea:
#protocol Person <NSObject>
#interface Person : NSObject <Person>
to use:
NSArray<Person>* personArray;
There is one-header file project which allows this:
Copy ObjectiveCGenerics.h to your project.
When defining a new class use the GENERICSABLE macro.
#import "ObjectiveCGenerics.h"
#interface MyClass : NSObject<MyClass>
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* name;
Now you can use generics with arrays and sets just as you normally do in Java, C#, etc.

Help with a method that returns a value by running another object's method

I have a Class that runs the following method (a getter):
// the interface
#interface MyClass : NSObject{
NSNumber *myFloatValue;
- (double)myFloatValue;
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput;
// the implementation
- (MyClass *)init{
if (self = [super init]){
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:3.14];
return self;
// I understand that NSNumbers are non-mutable objects and can't be
// used like variables.
// Hence I decided to make make the getter's implementation like this
- (double)myFloatValue{
return [myFloatValue floatValue];
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput{
if ([self myFloatValue] != floatInput){
[myFloatValue release];
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:floatInput;
When I mouse over the myFloatValue object during debugging, it does not contain a value. Instead it says: "out of scope".
I would like to be able to make this work without using #property, using something other than NSNumbers, or other major changes since I just want to understand the concepts first. Most importantly, I would like to know what mistake I've apparently made.
I can see a couple of mistakes:
The line #implementation should read #implementation MyClass
The function setMyFloatValue is missing a closing ] and } —it should read:
- (void)setMyFloatValue:(float)floatInput{
if ([self myFloatValue] != floatInput){
[myFloatValue release];
myFloatValue = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:floatInput];
I've just tested it in Xcode and it works for me with these changes.
Why not just set property in interface and synthesize accessors in implementation?
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
float *myFloat
#property (assign) float myFloat;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myFloat;

Method signature for a Selector

I'm new to the Objective C business (Java developer most of the time) and am woking on my first killer app now. :-)
At the moment I am somehow confused about the usage of selectors as method arguments. They seem to be a little bit different than delegates in C# for example.
Given the following method signature
is there a way to enforce the signature for the selector passed to such a method?
The method is expecting a selector of a method with the following signature
But the SEL (type) is generic, so there is a good chance to pass a wrong selector to the
execute method. OK at least at runtime one would see a funny behavior... but I would like to see a compiler warning/error when this happens.
The quick answer is: no, there is no way to have the compiler enforce the method signature of a method selector that is provided via a SEL argument.
One of the strengths of Objective-C is that it is weakly-typed language, which allows for a lot more dynamic behaviour. Of course, this comes at the cost of compile-time type safety.
In order to do what (I think) you want, the best approach is to use delegates. Cocoa uses delegates to allow another class to implement "callback"-type methods. Here is how it might look:
#protocol FooControllerDelegate
- (void)handleData:(NSData *)data forFoo:(FooController *)foo;
#interface FooController : NSObject
id <FooControllerDelegate> * delegate;
#property (assign) id <FooControllerDelegate> * delegate;
- (void)doStuff;
#interface FooController (delegateCalls)
- (void)handleData:(NSData *)data;
#implementation FooController
#synthesize delegate;
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init]) == nil) { return nil; }
delegate = nil;
return self;
- (void)doStuff
[self handleData:data];
- (void)handleData:(NSData *)data
if (delegate != nil)
[delegate handleData:data forFoo:self];
// or throw an error
// or handle it yourself
Using the #required keyword in your delegate protocol will prevent you from assigning a delegate to a FooController that does not implement the method exactly as described in the protocol. Attempting to provide a delegate that does not match the #required protocol method will result in a compiler error.
Here is how you would create a delegate class to work with the above code:
#interface MyFooHandler <FooControllerDelegate> : NSObject
- (void)handleData:(NSData *)data forFoo:(FooController *)foo;
#implementation MyFooHandler
- (void)handleData:(NSData *)data forFoo:(FooController *)foo
// do something here
And here is how you would use everything:
FooController * foo = [[FooController alloc] init];
MyFooHandler * fooHandler = [[MyFooHandler alloc] init];
[foo setDelegate:fooHandler]; // this would cause a compiler error if fooHandler
// did not implement the protocol properly
[foo doStuff]; // this will call the delegate method on fooHandler
[fooHandler release];
[foo release];
To directly answer your question, no, the SEL type allows any type of selector, not just ones with a specific signature.
You may want to consider passing an object instead of a SEL, and document that the passed object should respond to a particular message. For example:
- (void)execute:(id)object
// Do the execute stuff, then...
if ([object respondsToSelector:#selector(notifyOnExecute:)]) {
[object notifyOnExecute:self];
// You could handle the "else" case here, if desired
If you want to enforce the data handling, use isKindOfClass inside your selector. This works a lot like instanceof which you are familiar with in Java.