How do I parse string which contains # character? - rebol

parse copy text [ to "<##" to "#>"]
This causes my Rebol script to generate a syntax error.

Do this:
parse copy text [ to {<##} to {#>}]
I didn't test the code, but I think it works.


Error parse JSON missing comma pos <number>

I have a column with a varchar and want to convert it to a JSON by parse_Json.
({u'meta': {u'removedAt': None, u'validation': {u'createdTime': 157....)
When I use :
select get_path(PARSE_JSON(OFFER), 'field') from
this error occours: SQL-Fehler [100069] [22P02]: Error parsing JSON: missing colon, pos 3.
So I try to add a Colon at position 3
select get_path(PARSE_JSON(REPLACE (offer,'u','u:')), 'field') from
So this error occurred SQL-Fehler [100069] [22P02]: Error parsing JSON: misplaced colon, pos 10
By now I don't know how do handle this and the information by snowflake doesnt really help.
Thanks for your help
Your 'JSON input' is actually a Python representation string of its dictionary data structure, and is not a valid JSON format. While dictionaries in Python may appear similar to JSON when printed in an interactive shell, they are not the same.
To produce valid JSON from your Python objects, use the json module's dump or dumps functions, and then use the proper string serialized JSON form in your parse_json function.

Visual Studio Code Snippet Variable Transform not working

I'm trying to make a snippet that inserts the last two directorys of the current filepath.
My code:
So when Filepath is
the output should be
But instead I get this result:
What am I doing wrong?
The issue is the code converts \\ to \. For example if you want to write \w, then you have to write \\win snippet.
The same way.. You have to write \\\\ in snippet json, so that it shall convert into //.
or, I think you should use \w instead of [a-zA-Z] because the directory name can contain some characters like - or _ etc.

Unexpected token \n in JSON when parsing with Elm.Json

Actually I'm working with Elm but I have few issues with the json parsing in this language, the error that give me the compiler is:
Err "Given an invalid JSON: Unexpected token \n in JSON at position 388"
What I need to do is this:
At the char_meta I want its something like this:
[("Biographical Information", [("Japanese Name", "緑谷出久"), ...]), ...]
Here the code:
Ellie link
PD: The only constant keys are character_name, lang, summary and char_meta, they keys inside of char_meta are dynamic (thats why I use keyvaluepair) and the length its always different of this array (sometimes its empty)
Thanks, hope can help me.
The Ellie link now redirect to the fixed code
The issue is that elm (or JS once transcoded) interprets the \n and \" sequences when parsing the string literal, and they are replaced with an actual new line and double quotes respectively, which results in invalid JSON.
If you want to have the JSON inline in the code, you need to escape the 5 \s by doubling them (\\n and \\").
This only applies for literals, you won't have the issue if you load JSON from the network for instance.

extract only certain tags in xml file using pig latin

I want to extract only the states from the below xml file.
Expected output :
But with the below pig statements I get
() as output
A = LOAD 'hdfs:/user.xml' USING'Table')
AS (x:chararray);
as (state:chararray);
Please help me understand where I have gone wrong or how do I eliminate a certain tag line?
That looks like a buggy regex, after the closing </State> you are using \\n\\s*\\n\\s*</Table> which seems to ignore the the <id>...</id> elements. Have you looked at using some XML parsing library in a UDF? It might be easier than trying to build a bunch of regexes by hand.
EDIT: One other suggestion. Are you sure that the line separators in your file are just \n, you may have \r\n as the separator, in which case [\r\n]+ should help see this post for more details.

How to use { } Curly braces in java-script function to be generated by RPG-CGI pgm

How to write a RPG-CGI program to generate a HTML page which contains a java-script program having function xxx() { aaaaaaaaaaaa; ssssssssss; }. When written in using Hex code constant it is being changed to some other symbol in the actual html code in the browser.
Does EBCDIC character set contains { , }, [ , ] , ! symbols.......if no,then how to use it in AS/400 RPG-CGI program ?
You are most likely running into a codepage conversion issue, which in brief means that the AS/400 does not produce the characters as expected by the recipient. Try to run in code page 819 which is ISO-Latin-1
Another option may be to look into using CGIDEV2 though I would try Thorbjørn's option first.