Managing memory with NSString objects - objective-c

Here is what i have in my main method:
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSString *string=[[NSString alloc]init];
NSLog(#"%# The retain count is:%d", string, [string retainCount]);
NSLog(#"Hello, World!");
return 0;
The output on executing this piece of code is "The retain count is :-1".
I was expecting it to give me 1 as the retain count, since i created the object using alloc.
I have similar problems when i try to retain or release the NSString objects.
When i try with NSArray, i get the retain count immediately after creation of object as 2. I do not understand the mechanism of how the objects are being treated.
Please explain!
Thanks in advance..

You shouldn't focus on the raw retain count value, as this can be a different value depending on various things. For example, in your first line you are allocating what is the equivalent of #"", that is an empty string. This is optimized by an object that cannot be deallocated and is shared wherever you're "allocating" it. The same is true for all static strings, e.g. look the value returned by [#"Hello" retainCount].
Instead you should focus on relative retain count. That is, is the retain count increased (+1), does it stay the same (+0) or is it decreased (-1). You always need to make sure that these relative value sum up to 0.
An example:
Foo *foo = [[Foo alloc] init];
[foo retain];
[foo release];
[foo autorelease];
The alloc method returns an object with +1, and retain also increses the count by 1. So by the end of line 2, we're at +2. Both release and autorelease have the effect of -1, so at the end of line 4 you're at +0 and everything is fine.
There are a few simple rules: if the method name is alloc, starts with the words copy or create then you will get an object with retain count +1. All other methods (especially those start with get) should return objects with retain count +0. If your method needs to create an object but its name implies that a +0 object should be returned, you can do this:
- (Foo *) bar {
Foo *result = [[Foo alloc] init]; // +1
return [result autorelease]; // -1
// Object lives until the autorelease pool is drained,
// but relative retain count is +0.

-1 is what you get if you cast UINT_MAX to a signed value. UINT_MAX is the documented retain count of objects which are never released, which includes string literal objects.
Speaking of the documentation, I suggest reading the big box about how retainCount is generally not useful.


Why does the reference count when retrieving object from container not increase?

I have created a little test project to try to resolve a problem I am having in my main project. I've noticed that when retrieving an object from a container the reference count dosen't increment.
I am confused why this is not the case?
For example this code will not increase the reference count of the hereDoggy object:
//Retrieve the dog, why does this not increment the reference count?
Dog* hereDoggy = [cont1 objectAtIndex:0];
Below is the full example:
NSMutableArray* cont1 = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray* cont2 = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray* cont3 = nil;
//Create the dog pointer
Dog* doggy = [[Dog alloc] initWithName:#"Bernard"];
//Add to container1
[cont1 addObject:doggy];
//Release the dog pointer
[doggy release];
while ([cont1 count] > 0)
//Retrieve the dog, why does this not increment the reference count?
Dog* hereDoggy = [cont1 objectAtIndex:0];
//Add it to cont2
[cont2 addObject:hereDoggy];
//Remove it from cont1.
[cont1 removeObjectAtIndex:0];
//No need to release as we haven't increased the reference count.
//[hereDoggy release];
//I should be able to retrieve the dog here from cont2.
Dog* bernard = [cont2 objectAtIndex:0];
//No need to release as we haven't increased the reference count.
//[bernard release];
In this case, if you want to increase the retain count for your object you need to send a retain (or a copy) message.
As a rule of thumb
You need always to balance your retains (or copyies) with your releases. If you don't do it you can have memory leaks. Otherwise switch to the ARC feature to avoid the code amount to write and simplify your life.
Here a useful link to understand how Memory Management works.
I commented your code to understand what is going on:
// the object referenced by doggy has a retain count of 1
Dog* doggy = [[Dog alloc] initWithName:#"Bernard"];
// now the retain count is 2 since you added to a container class like NSArray
[cont1 addObject:doggy];
// now the retain count is 1
[doggy release];
Then, within the while statement:
// the retain count still remains 1
Dog* hereDoggy = [cont1 objectAtIndex:0];
// the retain count increases to 2
[cont2 addObject:hereDoggy];
// the retain count goes to 1
[cont1 removeObjectAtIndex:0];
Since, the object is maintained alive by cont2 you are able to access it.
If you do [cont2 removeObjectAtIndex:0]; the retain count reaches 0 and the object is deallocated automatically.
It's your responsibility as the user of the object to manage it's retain count. This is because only you, the consumer, know when you are done with it. That's why just calling [cont1 objectAtIndex:0] doesn't increment it. NSArray has no clue what you have planned with the object it returns.
Think of retain count to indicate the number of things owning something. When it's 0, no one owns it, so let it be garbage collected. If it's 1, then only 1 thing needs it/owns it (and on up).
When you call [cont1 addObject:doggy] NSMutableArray will absolutely increment the retain count on it (behind the scenes), just like when you call [cont1 removeObjectAtIndex:0] NSMutableArray will decrement the retain count on it.
Now, if you need hereDoggy for any period of time, just call retain on it yourself, and then release where appropriate.

Objective C Memory Management Woes

I know this has been discussed ad-nauseum but I just don't get some of the memory management. I understand that retain keeps the object alive and copy gives one a separate copy of an object.
What I don't get is when it comes to ivars & properties, retain as a property means that the setter releases the old value & retains the new:
property = newValue;
// retain
if (property != newValue)
[property release];
property = [newValue retain];
but I've seen examples where they assign static strings to the retain property ivars e.g.
self.stringProperty = #"something";
(some other code)
self.stringProperty = #"somethingElse";
The second call to set string should call release on the static string which is not allowed, why doesn't the program crash?
Also, if an object is declared with the retain property & then is assigned something with init, e.g.
someArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:arbArray];
does that mean someArray now has a retain count of 2 but if it was created with
someArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:arbArray];
the retain count is only 1 because the 2nd is a factory method?
The second call to set string should call release on the static string which is not allowed, why doesn't the program crash?
You can pass release to a constant string, it just won't do anything meaningful, so those lines of code are valid.
does that mean someArray now has a retain count of 2 but if it was created with...the retain count is only 1 because the 2nd is a factory method?
Well, first of all,
someArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:arbArray];
doesn't use the methods created by #property, it just accesses the ivar directly. To use the property methods, you'd have to use self.someArray = ...;.
But yes,
[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:arbArray]
returns an object with an effective retain count of 1, and
[NSArray arrayWithArray:arbArray]
returns an object with an effective retain count of 0, so if you did pass them through the "retain" setter created by #property, the ivar would have an effective retain count of 2 and 1, respectively.
This is more that one question, but anyway...
Static strings are special cases in a number of ways, one of which is that you can retain and release them to your heart's content without it having any effect.
As an aside, NString properties often have copy rather than retain semantics, which would anyway obviate that question if it mattered. But it doesn't.
In your second case, assigning to a retain property directly from an alloc (or copy or other ownership-granting call) is bad practice and will leak unless you actively add a corresponding release afterwards, or autorelease during, eg:
self.someArray = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:arbArray] autorelease];
But there's really no reason not to use the class method in this particular case.
The second call to set string should call release on the static string which is not allowed, why doesn't the program crash?
It's not a static string, it's a constant string. However, that is irrelevant to the question, but actually you are allowed to send -retain to any Objective-C object derived from NSObject except NSAutoreleasePool. If you look at the retainCount (a bit naughty, but since we are discussing implementation, OK) of a constant NSString e.g.
NSLog(#"retain count = %u", [#"foo" retainCount]);
you'll most likely find it's set to a really big number (UINT_MAX in fact). This is a signal to the run time to ignore calls to release and retain.
By the way, forgetting to release objects won't crash the program straight away. In fact, if you have lots of RAM, you might not notice until the OS starts swapping.
does that mean someArray now has a retain count of 2 but if it was created with
No, because you didn't use the property to assign the new array, you went straight to the ivar:
self.someArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:arbArray];
would be a leak.
self.someArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:arbArray];
would be OK.

Returning an NSArray without Leaking?

I have been struggling with the best pattern for returning an array from a static method.
In my static method getList (in the BIUtility Class), I am allocating an NSArray to return. in the return line, I do:
return [array autorelease];
Then in the calling method, I am allocating an array like this:
NSArray * list = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[BIUtility getList]] retain];
Later I release the list using:
[list release];
I think this is causing a memory leak as the retain is increasing the retain count one too many. However, if I do not do the retain, I get a Bad_Exec because it has already freed the class.
I feel like I am overthinking this and there must be a typical pattern. I have been looking all over the place and I cannot find a "best practice".
I appreciate your help.
You should replace:
NSArray * list = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[BIUtility getList]] retain];
NSArray * list = [[BIUtility getList] retain];
This is because getList actually returns a pointer to the NSArray.
If it were a mutable array, however, you should say [[BIUtility getList] copy]; so that you don't accidentally mutate an array that another object has a reference to.
If you are curious, you were getting a memory leak because your original statement increments two counters, while you only release one later.
These parts of the statement increase counts:
[anObject]] retain]
[anClassname alloc]
[anObject copy] will also create an object with a count of 1.

Objective C Array and Object Release

I have a newbie question regarding when to release the elements of a NSArray. See following pseudo code:
NSMutalbeArray *2DArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
for (int j=0;j<5;j++) {
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[array addObject:obj];
[obj release];
[2DArray addObject:array];
[array release];
// use 2DArray to do something
[2DArray release]
My question here is, when I release 2DArray, do I need to explicitly release each of its element (array) first? Also, before I release the "array" object, do I need to release each of its element (MyObject) first?
I am new to Objective C. Please help. thanks.
No, you don't need to tell each object to be released. When you send a release method to an NSArray, it automatically sends a release method to each item inside first.
So in your case, you send [2DArray release]. This automatically sends [array release] to every other array, which sends [obj release] to each object inside each array.
You don't need to release the kept objects. NSArray retains them when you add, and releases them when released. So if you allocate, add to the array, then release, the object in the array will have the retain count of 1. Once the array is freed, the object is released, therefore freed.
When an object is created, it has a retain count of 1. Whenever a object is added to an array, its retain count is increased (in this case to 2). After adding to the array, your code release its hold of the object, dropping its retain count by 1 (to 1 in this case). Then when you release the array, it calls release on everything in it dropping their retain counts by 1 (to 0 in this case). When retain count hits 0 the object is deallocated.
Your code looks correct from a memory management stand point.

What increases an object's retain count?

Here is code I am referring to.
// Person.h
#interface Person : NSObject {
NSString *firstName;
NSString *lastName;
// Person.m
#implementation Person
- (id)init {
if (![super init]) return nil;
firstName = #"John";
lastName = #"Doe";
// MyClass.m
#implementation MyClass
- (NSArray *)getPeople {
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Person *p = [[Person alloc] init];
[array addObject:p];
return array;
Now, I know there is no memory-management going on in this sample code. What would be required?
In the getPeople loop, I am alloc'ing a Person (retainCount 1), then adding it to array. The retain count is now 2, right? If it is two, should I be [p release]'ing after adding it to the array, bringing the retainCount back down to 1?
Am I right in that it is the caller's responsibility to release the array returned by the method? (Which would also free the memory of the Person's, and their instance variables, assuming their counts are at 1).
I have read Apple's memory management document, but I guess what I am most unclear about, is what increases an objects retain count? I think I grasp the idea of who's responsibility it is to release, though. This is the fundamental rule, according to Apple:
You take ownership of an object if you create it using a method whose name begins with “alloc” or “new” or contains “copy” (for example, alloc, newObject, or mutableCopy), or if you send it a retain message. You are responsible for relinquishing ownership of objects you own using release or autorelease. Any other time you receive an object, you must not release it.
bobDevil's sentence "only worry about the retain counts you add to the item explicitly" made it click for me. After reading the Ownership policy at Apple, essentially, the object/method that created the new object, is the one responsible for releasing /it's/ interest in it. Is this correct?
Now, let's say I a method, that receives an object, and assigns it to a instance variable. I need to retain the received object correct, as I still have an interest in it?
If any of this is incorrect, let me know.
You are correct that the retain count is 2 after adding it to an array. However, you should only worry about the retain counts you add to the item explicitly.
Retaining an object is a contract that says "I'm not done with you, don't go away." A basic rule of thumb (there are exceptions, but they are usually documented) is that you own the object when you alloc an object, or create a copy. This means you're given the object with a retain count of 1(not autoreleased). In those two cases, you should release it when you are done. Additionally, if you ever explicitly retain an object, you must release it.
So, to be specific to your example, when you create the Person, you have one retain count on it. You add it to an array (which does whatever with it, you don't care) and then you're done with the Person, so you release it:
Person *p = [[Person alloc] init]; //retain 1, for you
[array addObject:p]; //array deals with p however it wants
[p release]; //you're done, so release it
Also, as I said above, you only own the object during alloc or copy generally, so to be consistent with that on the other side of things, you should return the array autoreleased, so that the caller of the getPeople method does not own it.
return [array autorelease];
Correct, if you create it, you must release it. If you invest interest in it (through retain) you must release it.
Retain counts are increased when you call alloc specifically, so you'll need to release that explicitly.
factory methods usually give you an autoreleased object (such as [NSMutableArray array] -- you would have to specifically retain this to keep it around for any length of time.).
As far as NSArray and NSMutableArray addObject:, someone else will have to comment. I believe that you treat a classes as black boxes in terms of how they handle their own memory management as a design pattern, so you would never explicitly release something that you have passed into NSArray. When it gets destroyed, its supposed to handle decrementing the retain count itself.
You can also get a somewhat implicit retain if you declare your ivars as properties like #property (retain) suchAndSuchIvar, and use #synthesize in your implementation. Synthesize basically creates setters and getters for you, and if you call out (retain) specifically, the setter is going to retain the object passed in to it. Its not always immediately obvious, because the setters can be structured like this:
Person fart = [[Person alloc] init];
fart.firstName = #"Josh"; // this is actually a setter, not accessing the ivar
// equivalent to [fart setFirstName: #"Josh"], such that
// retainCount++
And as far as the memory management, as soon as you add the object to the array, you're done with it... so:
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Person *p = [[Person alloc] init];
[array addObject:p];
[p release];
You should generally /not/ be worried about the retain count. That's internally implemented. You should only care about whether you want to "own" an object by retaining it. In the code above, the array should own the object, not you (outside of the loop you don't even have reference to it except through the array). Because you own [[Person alloc] init], you then have to release it.
Person *p = [[Person alloc] init];
[array addObject:p];
[p release];
Also, the caller of "getPeople" should not own the array. This is the convention. You should autorelease it first.
NSMutableArray *array = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
You'll want to read Apple's documentation on memory management: