What determines the process by which unimplemented methods are resolved? - objective-c

As I understand it, an unimplemented method gets resolved in the following way:
resolveInstanceMethod: / resolveClassMethod: gets a chance to implement the method
forwardingTargetForSelector: gets a chance to forward to a delegate
forwardInvocation: gets a chance to handle the method as it sees fit.
Where is this three-step process defined? I'd like to handle it myself as NSInvocation might be too heavyweight for my needs. I've had a poke around the runtime source and can't really see anything.
It looks like the old runtime would call forward:args: on the receiver, to do this but that seems to have gone from the new one. I'm guessing that the process must be defined by the framework rather than the runtime, since it'd be strange if the runtime depended on Cocoa to the extent of requiring NSInvocation to handle messages. Is it maybe an undocumented method that gets called on NSObject / NSProxy?
It looks like the runtime declares, but never defines, a C function which is called when objc_msgSend can't find an implementation:
id objc_msgForward(id object,SEL message,...);
I don't work for Apple, so I don't know how Foundation implements this, but at least in the case of Cocotron, they use:
id objc_msgForward(id object,SEL message,...)
Class class=object->isa;
struct objc_method *method;
void *arguments=&object;
return method->method_imp(object,#selector(forwardSelector:arguments:),message,arguments);
OBJCRaiseException("OBJCDoesNotRecognizeSelector","%c[%s %s(%d)]", class_isMetaClass(class) ? '+' : '-', class->name,sel_getName(message),message);
return nil;
adding a forwardSelector:arguments: method doesn't seem to work, so I'm guessing this is specific to Cocotron. Anyone know what objc_msgForward does in Foundation?

I'm writing something a bit like a
scripting language that uses message
forwarding to interface with
objective-c. For now, I'm using
NSInvocation, but it could end up
doing this thousands of times per
second, so the overhead would be
noticeable. But I guess I'm also just
As far as message forwarding is concerned, the behavior is [often subtly] different across different platforms and versions of the runtime.
In any case, don't re-invent the wheel. There are two language bridges available today that do pretty close to full-fidelity bridging from which you can learn a ton. Both have liberal licenses specifically to allow for such re-use.
Specifically, the MacRuby project offers a Ruby implementation that sits on top of CoreFoundation and the Objective-C Garbage Collector. It is the "most native" bridge available (and not terribly portable as a result -- not a goal of the project).
The PyObjC bridge is the best example available of a high fidelity bridge between the Objective-C runtime and another dynamic OO language's runtime; Python. It is a bit more portable, though the non-Mac OS X bits have likely rotted somewhat.
(I would be remiss in not mentioning F-Script; a new language built on Objective-C for which, I believe, the source is/was available?)
All of the bridges deal with both method forwarding, subclassing and cross-runtime proxying, all of which sound like they are applicable to your particular needs.


Selectors or Blocks for callbacks in an Objective-C library

We're developing a custom EventEmitter inspired message system in Objective-C. For listeners to provide callbacks, should we require blocks or selectors and why?
Which would you rather use, as a developer consuming a third party library? Which seems most in line with Apple's trajectory, guidelines and practices?
We're developing a brand new iOS SDK in Objective-C which other third parties will use to embed functionality into their app. A big part of our SDK will require the communication of events to listeners.
There are five patterns I know of for doing callbacks in Objective-C, three of which don't fit:
NSNotificationCenter - can't use because it doesn't guarantee the order observers will be notified and because there's no way for observers to prevent other observers from receiving the event (like stopPropagation() would in JavaScript).
Key-Value Observing - doesn't seem like a good architectural fit since what we really have is message passing, not always "state" bound.
Delegates and Data Sources - in our case, there usually will be many listeners, not a single one which could rightly be called the delegate.
And two of which that are contenders:
Selectors - under this model, callers provide a selector and a target which are collectively invoked to handle an event.
Blocks - introduced in iOS 4, blocks allow functionality to be passed around without being bound to an object like the observer/selector pattern.
This may seem like an esoteric opinion question, but I feel there is an objective "right" answer that I am simply too inexperienced in Objective-C to determine. If there's a better StackExchange site for this question, please help me by moving it there.
UPDATE #1 — April 2013
We chose blocks as the means of specifying callbacks for our event handlers. We're largely happy with this choice and don't plan to remove block-based listener support. It did have two notable drawbacks: memory management and design impedance.
Memory Management
Blocks are most easily used on the stack. Creating long-lived blocks by copying them onto the heap introduces interesting memory management issues.
Blocks which make calls to methods on the containing object implicitly boost self's reference count. Suppose you have a setter for the name property of your class, if you call name = #"foo" inside a block, the compiler treats this as [self setName:#"foo"] and retains self so that it won't be deallocated while the block is still around.
Implementing an EventEmitter means having long-lived blocks. To prevent the implicit retain, the user of the emitter needs to create a __block reference to self outside of the block, ex:
__block *YourClass this = self;
[emitter on:#"eventName" callBlock:...
[this setName:#"foo"];...
The only problem with this approach is that this may be deallocated before the handler is invoked. So users must unregister their listeners when being deallocated.
Design Impedance
Experienced Objective-C developers expect to interact with libraries using familiar patterns. Delegates are a tremendously familiar pattern, and so canonical developers expect to use it.
Fortunately, the delegate pattern and block-based listeners are not mutually exclusive. Although our emitter must be able to be handle listeners from many places (having a single delegate won't work) we could still expose an interface which would allow developers to interact with the emitter as though their class was the delegate.
We haven't implemented this yet, but we probably will based on requests from users.
UPDATE #2 — October 2013
I'm no longer working on the project that spawned this question, having quite happily returned to my native land of JavaScript.
The smart developers who took over this project decided correctly to retire our custom block-based EventEmitter entirely.
The upcoming release has switched to ReactiveCocoa.
This gives them a higher level signaling pattern than our EventEmitter library previously afforded, and allows them to encapsulate state inside of signal handlers better than our block-based event handlers or class-level methods did.
Personally, I hate using delegates. Because of how objective-C is structured, It really clutters code up If I have to create a separate object / add a protocol just to be notified of one of your events, and I have to implement 5/6. For this reason, I prefer blocks.
While they (blocks) do have their disadvantages (e.x. memory management can be tricky). They are easily extendable, simple to implement, and just make sense in most situations.
While apple's design structures may use the sender-delegate method, this is only for backwards compatibility. More recent Apple APIs have been using blocks (e.x. CoreData), because they are the future of objective-c. While they can clutter code when used overboard, it also allows for simpler 'anonymous delegates', which is not possible in objective C.
In the end though, it really boils down to this:
Are you willing to abandon some older, more dated platforms in exchange for using blocks vs. a delegate? One major advantage of a delegate is that it is guaranteed to work in any version of the objc-runtime, whereas blocks are a more recent addition to the language.
As far as NSNotificationCenter/KVO is concerned, they are both useful, and have their purposes, but as a delegate, they are not intended to be used. Neither can send a result back to the sender, and for some situations, that is vital (-webView:shouldLoadRequest: for example).
I think the right thing to do is to implement both, use it as a client, and see what feels most natural. There are advantages to both approaches, and it really depends on the context and how you expect the SDK to be used.
The primary advantage of selectors is simple memory management--as long as the client registers and unregisters correctly, it doesn't need to worry about memory leaks. With blocks, memory management can get complex, depending on what the client does inside the block. It's also easier to unit test the callback method. Blocks can certainly be written to be testable, but it's not common practice from what I've seen.
The primary advantage of blocks is flexibility--the client can easily reference local variables without making them ivars.
So I think it just depends on the use case--there is no "objective right answer" to such a general design question.
Great writeup!
Coming from writing lots of JavaScript, event-driven programming feels way cleaner than having delegates back and forth, in my personal opinion.
Regarding the memory-managing aspect of listeners, my attempt at solving this (drawing heavily from Mike Ash's MAKVONotificationCenter), swizzles both the caller and emitter's dealloc implementation (as seen here) in order to safely remove listeners in both ways.
I'm not entirely sure how safe this approach is, but the idea is to try it 'til it breaks.
A thing about a library is, that you can only to some extend anticipate, how it will be used. so you need to provide a solution, that is as simple and open as possible — and familiar to the users.
For me all this fits best to delegation. Although you are right, that it can only have on listener (delegate), this means no limitation, as the user can write a class as delegate, that knows about all desired listeners and informs them. Of course you can provide a registering class. that will call the delegate methods on all registered objects.
Blocks are as good.
what you name selectors is called target/action and simple yet powerful.
KVO seems to be a not optimal solution for me as-well, as it would possibly weaken encapsulation, or lead to a wrog mental model of how using your library's classes.
NSNotifications are nice to inform about certain events, but the users should not be forced to use them, as they are quite informal. and your classes wont be able to know, if there is someone tuned-in.
some useful thoughts on API-Design: http://mattgemmell.com/2012/05/24/api-design/

If Protocol method is marked #required, when not implemented, why does compiler issue a warning and not an error?

Assume that:
New Protocol is declared
Method in this protocol is marked #required
Class conforms to Protocol
Class does not implement the method mentioned in Protocol
At compile time, information about this method is known: i.e. that it is required and that this class and any other classes this class may may extend do not implement it.
Why in this case the compiler issues a warning and not an error?
Errors are only issued when the compiler cannot continue because something went terribly wrong.
When calling a method in Objective-C, the method lookup is done during runtime and not during compilation, which C++ does. In Objective-C a "message" is simply sent to the object, something like obj.executeCommand("Hey, can you execute function <name> for me?"). In C++ the object will be called directly, in a way like obj.<name>(). In the case of Objective-C the executeCommand() method is called, which exists. In C++'s case the function is called but it does not exist. These are methods that are linked on the compiler level, which means they both become memory addresses rather than names. executeCommand becomes 0x12345678 but it still uses the same message ("execute function <name>").
This is probably very confusing, but it's related to the way methods are implemented in different languages.
If you feel strongly about it, why not turn on -Werror?
I don't know the real answer but here is a use case that would go against it.
What if you implemented all of the protocol methods in a category???
Main interface declaration adopts the protocol however the protocol method implementation is in a category.
This is valid code but will show compile error if compiler was that strict !!
Objective-C is a dynamic language. The idea of what an implementation is, is different to a static language.
For the most part, it's in code that most of us implement inside the #implementation ... #end block.
But what if a method is not found? Then an object has a chance deal with it dynamically.
Imagine you have an interface for a sound effect player:
#protocol FX
- (void)playBeep;
- (void)playSiren;
- (void)playHonk;
An implementation could have the files Beep.mp3, Siren.mp3, Honk.mp3 to play, but instead of implementing each of the methods, it could override -forwardInvocation: and parse the selector string, something like this pseudocode:
NSString *selName = NSStringFromSelector([invocation selector]);
if ([selName startsWith:#"play"]) {
NSString filename = fileNameFromSelector(selName);
[self playSoundFileNamed:filename];
This may seem contrived, but once you start using the dynamic features of the language, you will start finding more and more places where it makes sense. And by sense I mean, does this effort help in the long run?
In the above case, just add a -sound* method name to the interface, and drop in a appropriately named sound file. It just works.
Another example from personal experiments: how to deal with Core Data entities in a more natural way. I want to do this:
NSArray *people = [Person findAllWithNameLike:#"B%"];
instead of mucking about with predicates, fetch requests etc.
But I don't want to define every permutation of method in code.
How about if I wanted to build an XML builder? I would look at a dynamic approach. It has served Groovy Builders well (look at Groovy/Grails for examples).
One last example: I have a traits system where I can define behaviours in the form of groups of methods and have my objects assimilate this behaviour. So, while the compiler doesn't see an implementation for the interface my object conforms to, the implementation is injected into it from a trait class, using the Objective-C runtime. Why would I do this? I find many delegate methods are boiler plate, but at the same time, a single base class for each situation is not flexible enough. Instead of cut and paste from code samples, my 'samples' compile and run :) and any changes are reflected across all projects using the trait.
To really understand why all this is available to you, it is worth playing around with a Smalltalk environment (search Pharo or Squeak). This is where Objective-C has its roots.
And finally, to stop these warnings:
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wprotocol"
#implementation ... #end
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
Because there are times when there are bogus "required" methods in a poorly designed protocol.
They should have been optional but someone insisted they are "required".
Thusly making this a run time issue rather than a compile bug is very very wise.

Using a custom allocator in an iOS library

I'm creating a library that will be used by multiple types of iOS apps. Part of my API allows a user to specify routines that will be used for the library's allocations. My library is implemented mostly in C++, so this has been straightforward so far.
However, I've recently been adding some user interface functionality to the library: displaying a UIWebView using a custom view controller. I'm not sure how to ensure that my allocators are used for these objects.
How can I ensure that all of the Cocoa UI objects created by my library are allocated with my own functions?
I've tried a few things including overriding -initWithZone and calling CFAllocatorSetDefault before my -init. None of them have worked yet; and honestly I'm still a beginner with Objective C and Cocoa, so I'd like to know what the "correct" way to do this is.
I'm unable to find evidence of it now, but it certainly was the case that CFAllocator, malloc_zone_t and NSZone were all toll-free bridged. So you could just cast your allocator to an NSZone and pass it along.
I think the problem you're going to face is that NSZone was added at NextStep so as to allow a program to maintain multiple heaps, with the feeling being that it would allow programmers to keep related objects close to one another in memory — which is good for caching — and in some cases to throw away entire object graphs without walking the graph, which is obviously fast. However the former was of little benefit in practice and the latter is more likely to create problems than to be of actual benefit. So Apple has back-peddled from NSZones, gradually turning the related runtime calls into no-ops and removing detailed documentation. Apple's feeling is that, at the Objective-C level, you should not only maintain only a single heap (which is a side issue from your point of view) but that they'll always know best how to maintain it.
EDIT: an alternative idea is to replace NSObject's alloc, that being the thing that creates memory. The Objective-C runtime is well-defined enough that we know exactly what behaviour alloc exhibits, so that a vanilla version might be:
+ (id)alloc
Class *newInstance;
// we'll use calloc to ensure we get correct initial behaviour of
// everything equal to 0, and use the runtime's class_getInstanceSize
// so that we're allocating the correct amount of memory irrespective
// of whether this call has fallen through from a subclass
newInstance = (Class *)calloc(1, class_getInstanceSize(self));
// the thing that defines a class is that the first thing stored in
// it is the isa pointer, which points to the metaclass. So we'll
// set the isa pointer appropriately
*newInstance = self;
return (id)newInstance;
To replace NSObject's normal init, you'd probably want to define your alternative as a category method on NSObject named, say, customInit, then use class_getClassMethod, class_getMethodImplementation and method_setImplementation directly on [NSObject class] to switch it into place. See the Object-C Runtime Reference for documentation on those.

Objective-C: my class with static methods "does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead"

I have a utility class which has only static methods, so it is not inheriting from NSObject (No need right?)
There are no warnings at all when compiling.
The problem comes when running on the iPhone simulator. It crashes with warning "does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead"
Well, I like that "trouble ahead" thing, I never heard a debugger telling me that there's "trouble ahead".
But what I don't like is the error itself... Why is it expecting me to implement methodSignatureForSelector in a class when I clearly call a static method? (+)
This is not an idiomatic pattern in Cocoa. I would strongly recommend you rethink your design. This is not Java or C++. For one thing, there isn't even such a thing as a "static method" — they're class methods, with the class being an object itself.
It's also very weird to have a class that's not a subclass of NSObject ("no need" is not a very rational reason for deviating from the default behavior), and even weirder to have a class with only class methods. The class should probably either be a singleton or else eliminated and its methods turned into functions, depending on whether it needs to keep state.
As for the exact reason you're crashing, it's hard to say without seeing your code. That warning by itself should not crash your program. You do need to have some implementation of +initialize, even if it does nothing, because the runtime sends that message to every class that receives a message. That's probably where the error is coming up — you send a message, the runtime tries to send initialize, your class doesn't respond, the runtime tries to invoke the forwarding machinery and can't.
Thanks for the answer!
About the 'static' vs. 'class methods', AFAIK this is just naming, no real difference. Like 'functions/methods' and 'messages'.
However, this is not necessarily 'incorrect' design.
First you have to remember that ObjC has no namespacing, so the only way to put some order into things, is a class. Because if two functions' names collide, the compiler will shout loudly.
There ARE sometimes some functions that are 'Utility' functions and work on other objects, or do certain calculations, that can't be directly related to a certain object to manage them, and also they shouldn't, because that will just generate unnecessary overhead.
As a very experienced C/C++/Asm/Others prorgammer, when programming in ObjC, I tend to always release memory myself, for performance reasons.
For the same reasons, I wouldn't want to generate any overhead where its not needed. And ObjC has a lot of overhead.
The docs also do not say that I MUST inherit from NSObject, it says that I SHOULD when I want it to be correctly managed by the framework.
But as I understand it there's no need for any managing, these functions should be just functions wrapped inside a classname's namespace.
About +initiallize - that can only be overridden if the class inherits from NSObject. So the original question is still there - why should I inherit from NSObject if I do not want any of its services? I do not need to allocate the class or init it, as I have nothing to do with an instance of it!
Also a weird thing in ObjC is that you can override a class method?!

Why doesn't Objective-C support private methods?

I've seen a number of strategies for declaring semi-private methods in Objective-C, but there does not seem to be a way to make a truly private method. I accept that. But, why is this so? Every explanation I've essentially says, "you can't do it, but here's a close approximation."
There are a number of keywords applied to ivars (members) that control their scope, e.g. #private, #public, #protected. Why can't this be done for methods as well? It seems like something the runtime should be able to support. Is there an underlying philosophy I'm missing? Is this deliberate?
The answer is... well... simple. Simplicity and consistency, in fact.
Objective-C is purely dynamic at the moment of method dispatch. In particular, every method dispatch goes through the exact same dynamic method resolution point as every other method dispatch. At runtime, every method implementation has the exact same exposure and all of the APIs provided by the Objective-C runtime that work with methods and selectors work equally the same across all methods.
As many have answered (both here and in other questions), compile-time private methods are supported; if a class doesn't declare a method in its publicly available interface, then that method might as well not exist as far as your code is concerned. In other words, you can achieve all of the various combinations of visibility desired at compilation time by organizing your project appropriately.
There is little benefit to duplicating the same functionality into the runtime. It would add a tremendous amount of complexity and overhead. And even with all of that complexity, it still wouldn't prevent all but the most casual developer from executing your supposedly "private" methods.
EDIT: One of the assumptions I've
noticed is that private messages would
have to go through the runtime
resulting in a potentially large
overhead. Is this absolutely true?
Yes, it is. There's no reason to suppose that the implementor of a class would not want to use all of the Objective-C feature set in the implementation, and that means that dynamic dispatch must happen. However, there is no particular reason why private methods couldn't be dispatched by a special variant of objc_msgSend(), since the compiler would know that they were private; i.e. this could be achieved by adding a private-only method table to the Class structure.
There would be no way for a private
method to short-circuit this check or
skip the runtime?
It couldn't skip the runtime, but the runtime wouldn't necessarily have to do any checking for private methods.
That said, there's no reason that a third-party couldn't deliberately call objc_msgSendPrivate() on an object, outside of the implementation of that object, and some things (KVO, for example) would have to do that. In effect, it would just be a convention and little better in practice than prefixing private methods’ selectors or not mentioning them in the interface header.
To do so, though, would undermine the pure dynamic nature of the language. No longer would every method dispatch go through an identical dispatch mechanism. Instead, you would be left in a situation where most methods behave one way and a small handful are just different.
This extends beyond the runtime as there are many mechanisms in Cocoa built on top of the consistent dynamism of Objective-C. For example, both Key Value Coding and Key Value Observation would either have to be very heavily modified to support private methods — most likely by creating an exploitable loophole — or private methods would be incompatible.
The runtime could support it but the cost would be enormous. Every selector that is sent would need to be checked for whether it is private or public for that class, or each class would need to manage two separate dispatch tables. This isn't the same for instance variables because this level of protection is done at compile time.
Also, the runtime would need to verify that the sender of a private message is of the same class as the receiver. You could also bypass private methods; if the class used instanceMethodForSelector:, it could give the returned IMP to any other class for them to invoke the private method directly.
Private methods could not bypass the message dispatch. Consider the following scenario:
A class AllPublic has a public instance method doSomething
Another class HasPrivate has a private instance method also called doSomething
You create an array containing any number of instances of both AllPublic and HasPrivate
You have the following loop:
for (id anObject in myArray)
[anObject doSomething];
If you ran that loop from within AllPublic, the runtime would have to stop you sending doSomething on the HasPrivate instances, however this loop would be usable if it was inside the HasPrivate class.
The answers posted thus far do a good job of answering the question from a philosophical perspective, so I'm going to posit a more pragmatic reason: what would be gained by changing the semantics of the language? It's simple enough to effectively "hide" private methods. By way of example, imagine you have a class declared in a header file, like so:
#interface MyObject : NSObject {}
- (void) doSomething;
If you have a need for "private" methods, you can also put this in the implementation file:
#interface MyObject (Private)
- (void) doSomeHelperThing;
#implementation MyObject
- (void) doSomething
// Do some stuff
[self doSomeHelperThing];
// Do some other stuff;
- (void) doSomeHelperThing
// Do some helper stuff
Sure, it's not quite the same as C++/Java private methods, but it's effectively close enough, so why alter the semantics of the language, as well as the compiler, runtime, etc., to add a feature that's already emulated in an acceptable way? As noted in other answers, the message-passing semantics -- and their reliance on runtime reflection -- would make handling "private" messages non-trivial.
The easiest solution is just to declare some static C functions in your Objective-C classes. These only have file scope as per the C rules for the static keyword and because of that they can only be used by methods in that class.
No fuss at all.
Yes, it can be done without affecting the runtime by utilizing a technique already employed by the compiler(s) for handling C++: name-mangling.
It hasn't been done because it hasn't been established that it would solve some considerable difficulty in the coding problem space that other techniques (e.g., prefixing or underscoring) are able to circumvent sufficiently. IOW, you need more pain to overcome ingrained habits.
You could contribute patches to clang or gcc that add private methods to the syntax and generated mangled names that it alone recognized during compilation (and promptly forgot). Then others in the Objective-C community would be able to determine whether it was actually worthwhile or not. It's likely to be faster that way than trying to convince the developers.
Essentially, it has to do with Objective-C's message-passing form of method calls. Any message can be sent to any object, and the object chooses how to respond to the message. Normally it will respond by executing the method named after the message, but it could respond in a number of other ways too. This doesn't make private methods completely impossible — Ruby does it with a similar message-passing system — but it does make them somewhat awkward.
Even Ruby's implementation of private methods is a bit confusing to people because of the strangeness (you can send the object any message you like, except for the ones on this list!). Essentially, Ruby makes it work by forbidding private methods to be called with an explicit receiver. In Objective-C it would require even more work since Objective-C doesn't have that option.
It's an issue with the runtime environment of Objective-C. While C/C++ compiles down into unreadable machine code, Objective-C still maintains some human-readable attributes like method names as strings. This gives Objective-C the ability to perform reflective features.
EDIT: Being a reflective language without strict private methods makes Objective-C more "pythonic" in that you trust other people that use your code rather than restrict what methods they can call. Using naming conventions like double underscores is meant to hide your code from a casual client coder, but won't stop coders needing to do more serious work.
There are two answers depending on the interpretation of the question.
The first is by hiding the method implementation from the interface. This is used, typically with a category with no name (e.g. #interface Foo()). This permits the object to send those messages but not others - though one might still override accidentally (or otherwise).
The second answer, on the assumption that this is about performance and inlining, is made possible but as a local C function instead. If you wanted a ‘private foo(NSString *arg)‘ method, you would do void MyClass_foo(MyClass *self, NSString *arg) and call it as a C function like MyClass_foo(self,arg). The syntax is different, but it acts with the sane kind of performance characteristics of C++'s private methods.
Although this answers the question, I should point out that the no-name category is by far the more common Objective-C way of doing this.
Objective-C doesn't support private methods because it doesn't need them.
In C++, every method must be visible in the declaration of the class. You can't have methods that someone including the header file cannot see. So if you want methods that code outside your implementation shouldn't use, you have no choice, the compiler must give you some tool so you can tell it that the method must not be used, that is the "private" keyword.
In Objective-C, you can have methods that are not in the header file. So you achieve the same purpose very easily by not adding the method to the header file. There's no need for private methods. Objective-C also has the advantage that you don't need to recompile every user of a class because you changed private methods.
For instance variables, that you used to have to declare in the header file (not anymore), #private, #public and #protected are available.
A missing answer here is: because private methods are a bad idea from an evolvability point of view. It might seem a good idea to make a method private when writing it, but it is a form of early binding. The context might change, and a later user might want to use a different implementation. A bit provocative: "Agile developers don't use private methods"
In a way, just like Smalltalk, Objective-C is for grown-up programmers. We value knowing what the original developer assumed the interface should be, and take the responsibility to deal with the consequences if we need to change implementation. So yes, it is philosophy, not implementation.