What term do you use for manual database changes? [closed] - sql

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Closed 10 years ago.
The company I am working for calls manual database changes (ie., writing a SQL update/insert/delete) a "data hammer". While the term makes sense, I have yet to find any other organization or group that calls it by this name. A search here on SO yields no results.
How do you refer to manual database changes? Is there a standard term?

I usually hear it referred to as 'writing a query' or 'updating a query'.

I don't think that there is a professional term for this. We just call it "manual database change".

Personally, if I delete all the rows I call it "blatting" the database. If I manually force data into it then (just in my head) I call it "shoe-horning" the data into the database.
I think I need a cool term for updating it though. I used to say I was munging it, but that's been stolen by the deployment applications meaning token replacement, so I need a new term, otherwise I'm in danger of being understood outside my organisation.

How about calling it "hacking" the database? :)

Back-end changes. This is of course different from backside changes, which are what happen when you spend 8-10hrs a day in an Aeron.

"Ad-hoc query" is sometimes used. As opposed to a stored procedure.


Relational IndexedDB Wrapper [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am planning to use IndexedDB to support offline database but having trouble in performing queries and understanding the underlying mechanics of it. Is there a indexeddb wrapper that can enable me to query against indexeddb using SQL queries? Thanks!
Check out my wrapper library https://bitbucket.org/ytkyaw/ydn-db It will support limited SQL like appengine GQL.
IndexedDB API do not have relational concept nor SQL processor, but relationship is basically relating two object stores by a pair of respective fields. Handling relationship directly is often more efficient than declarative SQL in javascript usage. With declarative SQL language, you tell everything about what you want and wait for the result. OK for backend, not ideal for frontend.
With IndexedDB you don't wait, just open stream of records (cursor) and decide what to do next in each iteration. It is more flexible and much faster. Check out ydn.db.ICursor for these concept.
Currently, the library is very active stage and not ready thought.
As far as I know, there isn't. But I have a wrapper that is using a LINQ interface to query on the indexeddb: linq2indexeddb.

Some questions about GWT Basics [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm new with Google Web Toolkit and i have some questions about the tool.
First of all, what i have to know to correctly program for GWT? It's ok if i use the GWT Designer to make the GUI?
Second, how i persists all the data i want to store? Use JPA/Hibernate + SQL Database? Or it's better to use AppEngine?
I'm with a great doubt how i get the data from Database to populate fields and tables on client-side.
and Last, i know a bit of Swing, so, GWT is the same? (Except Client - Server concept) ?
That's my questions. Well, thanks in advance.
First of all, what i have to know to correctly program for GWT? It's ok if i use the GWT Designer to make the GUI?
Second, how i persists all the data i want to store? Use JPA/Hibernate + SQL Database? Or it's better to use AppEngine?
It's your choice. AppEngine has it's limitations. For example, it scales but may not be the best choice for multi-player games if you need data updated very often and quickly. It really depends on your need/design.
If you do go with AppEngine, my experience with JPA was a headache. Objectify is much easier and the way I would go.
Last, i know a bit of Swing, so, GWT is the same? (Except Client - Server concept) ?
I guess they share the concept of using listeners/handlers for events. They are not the same though.

How To Pick a Database? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
In this day and age, with a new NoSQL databases popping up every weekend..
Are there any good and up-to-date resources on how to pick a database(s) that will suit your web application needs?
If you're interested in trade-offs and feature comparisons Wikipedia tends to be updated more than others.
Relational Database Comparison: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_relational_database_management_systems
NoSQL Feature Comparison: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_structured_storage_software
If you want a more direct answer you can always post the requirements you have and you'll get a lot of helpful answers. It's a pretty broad subject and, other than feature comparison matrices like the ones above, you'll mainly get subjective answers unless you have an objective question (ie specific requirements).
Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Membase vs Neo4j comparison
NoRAM DB => “If It Does Not Fit in RAM, I Will Quietly Die For You”
Although I would also advise considering a SQL data back end ( e.g. PostgreSQL, Drizzle ) with a cache layer, e.g. Redis on top of it. Unless you have an actual reason to use NoSQL. The reason can by the way be NoSQL is cool and I'd like to learn it, but if that is all, usually it may hurt at the end.
Does the problem have to do with money transactions? Are you going to have a distributed system?

SQL abstractions [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Why do some frameworks (like CakePHP, Kohana, Zend, Django, less - Rails) create some kind of SQL abstractions instead of a raw SQL database access? E.g. why do we need to make some perversions instead of a usual queries?
UPD: are there any SQL-injection reasons of this purpose?
Basically a good abstraction layer makes it easier for the developer to use a database, and not care what what and which kind of database he is connecting to, thus speeding up the development process.
Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_abstraction_layer, the most common pros and cons are listed here.
Thats called abstraction. Usually its done to be db specific indipendent.
Sql will be built based on the db type of the connection..
There are two main reasons.
Database Indepence
The code can be applied to different databases. MySQL, MS SQL-SERVER, ORACLE. And with a little wrangling to other DBs using OBDC like MSAccess, or CSV files.
Separation of Database Code with Business Logic
Most frameworks follow this model: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller
It's primarily an attempt to reduce what's known as the impedance mismatch between the relational storage of the database and the domain model within your application. Without the ORM you often find yourself writing "left hand right hand" code modelobject.property = reader["field] where you're mapping values from the storage format you've received from the database into your model.
In summary, hopefully the ORM allows you to concentrate on solving the business problems without having to worry about all of the plumbing. We're not there yet but we're getting close.

Where do you keep your common sql task scripts? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
In your workplace, where do you store your common, non-database specific scripts that you use in SQL Server? Do you keep them in .SQL scripts on the file server, do you store them in the Master database, or do you keep them in a database you defined specifically for these kinds of things?
We store them as regular source code, so in version-control.
You have then available previous versions of script, and you avoid "someone deleted the XY script" risk.
We store them in a wiki where everyone can access them.
We store them in a separate database and have a custom program for easy execution and maintenance.
I horde them all in template format on my hard drive. CTRL+SHIFT+M will fill the placehoders. It's great.